ICS 141 Spring 2025
This is an index of web pages for ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science I, taught in Spring 2025 by Kyle Berney. Generally the course is run within Laulima.
There are three total sections of the class. All lectures are held in HIG 110 and all recitations are held in MSB 100.
TopicsThe following is a tentative schedule for the course. Changes may be made as we progress through the course content.
Problem Sets
The following is a tentative schedule for the problem sets.
Changes may be made as we progress through the course content.
The problems sets will be released at least a week before they are due.
They are due at the start of Tuesday lectures on the corresponding due date.
Late submissions will be accepted until the start of the following Thursday lecture, with a 20% penalty applied.
To allow for problem set solutions to be made available to students before Midterm 1 and Midterm 2, late submissions will not be accepted for Problem Sets that may be due on the weeks of Midterm 1 and Midterm 2.
Exam Dates