ICS 141 Spring 2025 Assessment/Grading

The components and their default weights (percentage of the overall grade) include:

  • Recitation Participation: 10%

  • Homework Problems: 20%

  • Midterm Exams: 40% (two at 20% each)

  • Final Exam: 30%

We reserve the right to adjust the total number of points depending on circumstances.

Points, Percents, and Letter Grades

To determine letter grades, we use the following point spread:

Percentage Range Letter Grade
100-97 A+
96-93 A
92-90 A–
89-87 B+
86-83 B
82-80 B–
79-77 C+
76-73 C
72-70 C–
69-67 D+
66-63 D
62-60 D–
Below 60 F

Your grade point average will be rounded to the nearest whole number percent. To adjust for variability in the exam difficulty between the semesters, the exams will be graded on a curve with a B average. If upon inspection of the distribution of grades we feel that too many students who understand the material are not getting the grades they deserve, we may then make adjustments in favor of students (especially for those who did well on exams).


We each have our own strengths. If a student performs significantly better on one area than others, we may elect to put greater weight on the area that gives the student a better grade. We are more willing to do this with strong exam performance, as exams are not easy and are proctored so we know it's the student's own work.