ICS 311 Spring 2025 Course Policies

Students in this course are subject to all the policies of ICS Department and the University of Hawaii at Manoa, including but not limited to the following:

Academic dishonesty

Any instance of academic dishonesty (such as cheating, plagiarism, and unauthorized collaboration on an assignment) will result in the grade of F in the course and will be reported to University Office of Student Conduct for further actions.

There is a limited number of problems that can be given on the material that is covered in the course. Therefore, solutions to some of the homework problems might be available on the internet. Using internet resources to find solutions to homeworks is NOT permitted and will be regarded as plagiarism. This means using online search engines, discussion boards, and/or online communities/chats (such as ChatGPT, Discord, Slack, Chegg, StackExchange, Quora, etc.) to find solutions is NOT permitted.

The point of the homework is for the student to spend the time (and possibly struggle) with the problem. In addition to the feeling of satisfaction when the solution is found on your own, it will provide you with the skills and ability to solve problems on the exams. Start the homework early and come to office hours of the instructor and the TAs if you need help.

Abuse of Facilities

Any form of abuse of computing resources of ICS Department or the University of Hawaii will not be tolerated. It results in termination of your account on their servers any time the abuse is detected, will lead to the grade F, and will be reported to ICS Department for further actions.

Please keep in your mind that access to and usage of our computing resources are your privilege, but not your right.

Inappropriate content that may be of an offensive nature to other students should not be displayed on laptops or any computing device during class.


If a student missed an exam due to illness or injury, a makeup exam will be given to a student only when the student has a doctor's note dated that day and contacts the instructor by email within 3 days after the exam date or the date that the doctor's note suggests the student to recover enough to contact the instructor. However, an ordinary doctor's appointment (scheduled by a student in advance) is not an acceptable reason for makeup unless it is inevitable to conflict with an exam beyond control of the student. The makeup exam must be completed before exam solutions are reviewed in class.

For an exceptional case other than illness or injury, a student must submit an official document to the instructor providing sufficiently convincing evidence of the fact that the cause for missing an exam was beyond control of the student (e.g., in case of a traffic accident on a way to a class, a police record of the accident should be furnished).


Homeworks are due on Tuesdays at 1:30pm at the start of lecture. Late submissions will be accepted until the start of the following Thursday lecture, with a 20% penalty applied. To allow for problem set solutions to be made available to students before Midterm 1 and Midterm 2, late submissions will not be accepted for Problem Set #4 and #8.

Extensions to homework submissions will be given only in the following cases:

  • A student has a doctor's note dated on the day of a deadline of the assignment and contacts the instructor by email within 3 days after the deadline or the date that the doctor's note suggests that the student has recovered enough to email.

  • For any other exceptional circumstance other than illness or injury, a student is required to submit to the instructor an official document that is a sufficiently convincing evidence of the fact that the cause for missing a deadline was beyond control of the student.

Special Accommodations

Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability is invited to contact the instructor privately. The instructor will work with you and the KOKUA Program (Office for Students with Disabilities) to ensure reasonable accommodations in the course. KOKUA can be reached at (808) 956-7511 or (808) 956-7612 (voice/text) in room 013 of the Queen Lili'uokalani Center for Student Services.