Updated: 6/25/2024 |
a e i o oa o oa u
k l m mw n ng p pw r s d t w
ma conj. if. Ma ke pahn laid, ah ke ndahdo pwe i pahn iang. If you are going fishing, let me know so that I join in. mah 1. adj. old, aged; ripe. 2. Biblical. n. elder, the aged. mahki, vt. cf. [meing] likeilap. mahla vi. to become aged; to be ready to be harvested. mai₁ n. stone or coral fish trap. mai₂ adj. skillful. [Jap. umai] mahi n. the generic name for breadfruit; a major food source that is also used for building canoes, carvings, medicine, and glue; the inner-bark was once used to make women's clothing. Artocarpus altilis and Artocarpus mariannensis, the latter also identified as meipa or meikole. mahi mat, also meimat. n. soft, ripe breadfruit, favored by older people who have difficulty chewing. maiai adj. unlucky, unfortunate. maiauda, also maiouda. vi. to be relieved, to be free from encumbrances, to be free from worry. maiouda vi. see maiauda. maikol n. overripe breadfruit; breadfruit that has been ripened for three days and two nights by the dokomei method. Maikoronesia n. Micronesia. [Eng.] maikropwohn n. microphone. [Eng.] maikroskohp n. microscope. [Eng.] mahil n. of the tide, to be low early in the morning. Uhet mahil. The tide is low this morning. maile, also limaile. n. spirit that causes dizziness and vertigo. maingih, also meingih. vt. to speak to another using respect forms of speech. meing₁, vi. maipwon, also meipwon. adj. virgin, pure, undefiled. maoakani n. mahogany. [Eng.] mahu n. fish spp., any bluish parrotfish. mahu pwul n. fish sp., parrotfish, possibly another name for lidoi. mahu toal n. fish sp., tan-faced parrotfish. mahuenmoar n. fish sp., a kind of parrotfish. mauk slang. vi. to cry, to weep, to moan. kamauke, vt. cf. [meing] udamwer, tenihr. Maukuk n. a legendary giant who assisted in building the island of Pohnpei upon Pohnnamweias. maukuhk archaic. adj. given to crying easily. maulik, also mahulik. n. fish sp., steepheaded parrotfish, Scarus gibbus. mahulik n. see maulik. maun n. right, as a location. maus n. computer mouse. [Eng.] maud n. fish sp., bridled grouper, Epinephelus septemfasciatus. maudel vi. to yawn. cf. [meing] moaralap. mahk₁ 1. adj. reserved, shy, containing one's feelings for fear of self-embarrassment or embarrassing others, constrained in one's action by a social situation, formal in one's relations with others; modest. 2. n. deference; pardon, such as a legal pardon. 3. vi. Mahk! Forgive me! mahkpe n3s. his/her mahk₁. mahk₂ n. forgiveness, pardon, compassion, mercy. cf. [meing] namwen kasohr, nemwen kasohr, iorlap. mahk₃ n. mark, insignia, sign. [Eng.] Maka n. the legendary crippled son of a Saudeleur, eaten by his sister who was a Liet. maka n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten raw. makahnik n. mechanic. [Eng.] makasihn n. magazine. [Eng.] mahkada vi. to stop, of rain. mahkensal adj. silent on matters out of politeness. mahkenwol 1. adj. exhibiting an extreme form of mahk₁. 2. n. an extreme form of mahk₁. mahkehng, also mahkohng. vt. to forgive. cf. [meing] kupwurehla. mahkehngie interj. Excuse me!, Forgive me! mahkete, also mahnkinte. conj. otherwise. Ke pwand; mahkete ke iang irail kohla mwemweit. You are late; otherwise you could have gone visiting with them. Omw lehken; mahkete aramas poakoapoakeiuk. It's your selfishness; otherwise people would like you. mahki vt. to reach the age of. mah, adj. makiaki vi. to sob. makinet n. magnet. [Eng.] makirehl n. canned mackerel. [Eng.] mahkoneidi vi. to cease, resulting in a return to normalcy. mahkohng, also mahkehng. vt. to forgive. cf. [meing] kupwurehla. makoroni n. macaroni. [Eng.] makunai adj. stupid, incapable of learning, unskillful. [Jap. umakunai] maknohlia n. magnolia, Michelia champaca. [Eng.] mahkpe n3s. his/her mahk₁. mahl 1. adj. to be blinded by harsh, dazzling light. 2. n. temporary blindness induced by excessive light. cf. [meing] mwoluhpei. mahla vi. to become aged; to be ready to be harvested. malau₂ n. a type of lashing. malaulausang adj. fewer than, less than. Malakai Biblical. n. Malachi, a book in the Kadehde Mering (Old Testament). [Eng.] mahlahl 1. adj. slow, of speech; of waves, separated by long intervals. 2. n. calmness. mahlahlen pwuki meing. n. inconspicuous power, said of the power of a chief. Mahlahlen pwuki sohpeidi. The power of the chief is inconspicuous. cf. manaman en sohpeidi. malamal adj. slow, referring to long intervals that occur during a repetitious activity. Ohlo lokaia malamal. That man speaks slowly. malangalang adj. discomforted, by filth or something unpleasant looking; prissy. malahsis n. molasses, a molasses-like syrup made from the sap of the coconut palm. [Eng.] malahd n. one of the three cultivars of kava, Piper methysticum, grown on Pohnpei, a hybrid of rahmedel and rahmwanger. malawahk vi. to be quiet due to bewilderment. Ohlo malawahngkihla ah pwuriamwei. The man was shocked into silence. malawahn meing. adj. speechless, quiet. Mwohnsapw me malamalawahn. Mwohnsapw is speechless. Mwohnsapw malamalawahn rahn pwukat. Mwohnsapw has been quiet these days. cf. sepeimwekid. malek n. bird sp., chicken, Gallus domesticus. malekelek n. fish sp., slingsaw wrasse, Epibulus insidiator. maleken nansapw n. a domesticated chicken, a chicken raised and allowed free range in a homestead area. maleken tiasang n. a rooster that crows at unexpected times. malekenwel n. a wild chicken. mahlen 1. vi. to draw or paint, as a picture. 2. n. painting, drawing. [Ger. malen] mahlenih, vt. mahlenih vt. [mahlen <Ger.] see mahlen. mahleng meing. vi. to look. mahlenge, vt. cf. kileng-. mahlengda vi. to look upward. mahlenge meing. vt. to see, discern, look at, observe, examine. Mwohnsapw mahlenge mahlen me lang ni dihdo. Mwohnsapw looked at the painting that is hung up on the wall. mahleng, vi. cf. kilang. mahlengda meing. vi. to look upward. cf. kilengda. maleria 1. n. malaria. 2. vi. to have malaria. [Eng.] Malehsia n. Malaysia. [Eng.] maledek adj. roomy; free, at ease in doing something; fluent; effortless. malih meing. vt. to blow forcefully with the mouth, to blow a triton shell. cf. peuk. mahliel n. an eye condition caused by exposure to glare, resulting in sensitivity to light. maliedi meing. vi. to stoop down, to bow₁. cf. itiekidi. malioio n. brain; spinal marrow. mahliok adj. calm and overcast, with no rain, used in describing the weather. mahliokidi vi. to become cloudy and dark. mahling 1. meing. vi. to wash one's face. 2. meing. n. the washing of one's face. mahlinge, mahlingih, vt. cf. epwinek. mahlinge, also mahlingih. meing. vt. to wash someone's face. Mwohnsapwoko mahlenge Likend. Mwohnsapwoko washed Likend's face. mahling, vi. cf. apwin₁, opwin₁, oapwin₁. mahlingih vt. see mahlinge. malipe meing. vt. to call, to summon. malipilip, vi. cf. eker. malipilip 1. meing. vi. to be called, to be summoned. 2. meing. n. call, summons, subpoena. malipe, vt. cf. pehker. Mahlipwur n. a mythical sea creature hunted by Satokawai by order of the Saudeleur. mahlon 1. meing. adj. incestuous. 2. meing. n. incest. 1. Mwohnsapw meno me mahlon. That Mwohnsapw was incestuous. 2. Mwohnsapw mahlonla. Mwohnsapw has become incestuous. cf. kilekilengsuwed. mall n. open grasslands, savannah, natural clearing in the forest, a grassy, unfertile area; an area with little topsoil. Mallen Kohpwahlele, also Kohpwahlelel. archaic. n. a name given by the Saudeleur to what is now called Madolenihmw. Mallen Kohpwahleng, also Kohpwahleng. archaic. n. a name given by the Saudeleur to what is now called Kitti. Mallen Pwahpwahlik, also Pwahpwahlik. archaic. n. a name given by the Saudeleur to what is now called Sokehs. mahma 1. baby talk. vi., vt. to eat. 2. baby talk. n. food. mamahd vt. to maximize the volume of one's voice. Serepeino mamahd ah wer. That girl screamed as loud as she could. mame n. bean (the vegetable). [Jap. mame] mamenoki n. tree sp. with large seed pods. [Jap. mamenoki : bean tree] man vi. to take hold, to stick; to be effective. Ahden manla rehn aramas. That name took hold among the people. manaida n. chopping board. [Jap. manaita] manaman 1. n. magic, mysterious or spiritual power; miracle; authority; jurisdiction. 2. adj. power rooted in spiritual or magical sources, magical, mysterious, spiritual; official; sovereign. 3. vi. to hold legal title to land. manamanla vi. to become official, to take effect, such as a law. manaman en sohpeidi n. inconspicuous power, said of the power of a chief. cf. [meing] mahlahlen pwuki. manamanla vi. to become official, to take effect, such as a law. manamanlap n. sovereignity, supremacy. manih vt. to wink at. men₄, vi. cf. [meing] limasawairokih, limasawairoke. mahnien adj. calm, cool, not easily disturbed; drowsy, of a person. manioaroahr 1. meing. adj. lonesome, lonely. 2. meing. n. homesickness, lonesomeness, loneliness. 1. Mwohnsapw me manioaroahr. Mwohnsapw is lonesome. 2. Sapwellimen Mwohnsapw manioaroahr me lap. Mwohnsapw's homesickness is intense. cf. sangat. manokehla, also mankonehla. vt. to forget. manokonokala, vi. cf. [meing] meliehla. manokonok, also manukunuk. adj. forgetful, careless. manokonokala vi. to be forgotten. manukunuk adj. see manokonok. mahnkinte, also mahkete. conj. otherwise. mankonehla, also manokehla. vt. to forget. manokonokala, vi. cf. [meing] meliehla. manlang, also manlangile. 1. meing. adj. incestuous. 2. meing. n. incest. 1. Sohte me ese ma Mwohnsapw manlang. No one knows if Mwohnsapw commited incest. cf. kilekilengsuwed. manlangile 1. meing. n. incest. 2. meing. adj. incestuous. 1. Sohte me kak koasoaia sapwellim manlangile. No one can talk about his incest. 2. Mwohnsapw me manlangile. Mwohnsapw is incestuous. see manlang. cf. kilekilengsuwed. manna Biblical. n. manna. [Eng.] mannaka n. name of one of the holes in the marble game anaire. [Jap. mannaka] manrahleng n. a yam cultivar. mansiek, also mensiek. n. grasshopper. mansu n. a kind of dumpling stuffed with red bean jam. [Jap. manjū] mand adj. tame; domesticated. Mand n. a section (kousapw) and a valley in Madolenihmw. manda, also soangada. n. next day. mahnda ma, also mahndahte ma, mehnda ma, mehndahte ma. conj. although. mandaken aio n. day before yesterday. mahndahte ma, also mahnda ma, mehnda ma, mehndahte ma. conj. although. mandolihn n. mandolin. [Eng.] mandreik Biblical. n. mandrake, the root of a plant, historically derived from plants of the genus Mandragora found in the Mediterranean region. [Eng.] mant mwahn n. the seating area on the side platform of a feasthouse, between the mwasaro mwahn and the roaulap mwahn, used by men. mant pein n. the seating area on the side platform of a feasthouse, between the mwasaro pein and the roaulap pein, used by women. manterihn, also manterihng. n. mandarin orange Citrus sinensis, tangerine Citrus tangerina. [Eng.] manterihng n. [Eng.] see manterihn. mantikih vt. to taste. Na mantikih mahs suhpwen. Please taste the soup. mangarangar vi. to be sickened by too much greasy food. mangat n. a group of banana cultivars. mangat en alohkapw n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten cooked. mangat en angaur n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten cooked; may be the same as ihpali en palau. mangat en kariki n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten cooked. mangat en pohnpei n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten cooked. mangat en ruk n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten cooked. mangat en seipahn n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten cooked; may be the same as ihpali en seipahn. mangat kingit n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten cooked. mahnge, also mahngedi. n3s. impact. Kin mie mahngen wini nan paliwar. Medicine usually has an impact on one's body. mahngedi, also mahnge. n. (3sg. mahngedie) impact. E lipwan mahngedi en melimelo. The impact of the typhoon was significant. mahngedie pwoasin adj. radioactive. [pwoasin <Eng. poison] mahngedien kensipakudang n. radiation, as from an atomic bomb. mangil n. (3sg. mangile) handle of a tool. mangitikihada vt. to provide detailed information, to illustrate, to specify. manguro n. fish sp., bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus. [Jap. maguro] mangk n. the position of the body assumed when ready for sexual intercourse, especially of women. mangnga 1. n. cartoon, comic strip; character, clown. 2. vi. to be a character, to be a clown; to be foppish. [Jap. manga] map n. map. [Eng.] mapulupul n. plant sp., Adenostemma lanceolatum. mahr₁ 1. n. preserved breadfruit; meiniwe cultivars are preferred for this purpose; the sixth and last feast of the main breadfruit season (rahk₁), also called songmar. 2. vi. to have this feast. mahr₂ n. fish sp., masked rabbitfish, Siganus puellus. marain 1. adj. bright, either with reference to light or intelligence; civilized, enlightened. 2. n. light₁; civilization. Marahu n. a section (kousapw) in Kitti. Maraki n. an island in Kiribati, the homeland of the Sounmaraki clan. maram mat, also mat₂. n. sixteenth night of the month in the traditional calendar, the night of the first full moon in the lunar cycle. Maram mat iei keisek wenou en pwohng nan sounpwong. Maram mat is the sixteenth night of the month. maram pwul n. new moon, tenth night of the lunar cycle. maramer adj. dark pink. marapat n. fish sp. marahra adj. fast₁, swift, of a moving object; light₂, in weight. marahrahda, also marahda. vi. to lighten the weight (of something). marasau n. tree sp., Aglaia mariannensis, used medicinally and for firewood. marasaras adj. empty-headed, ignorant, lacking knowledge, uncultured, having no understanding of Pohnpeian culture (tiahk). marahda, also marahrahda. vt. to lighten the weight (of something). Marahda lohsen, pwe I pahn ale. Get off of the mat (lighten it), because I'm taking it. maradahn n. old preserved breadfruit. mareu meing. vi. to be thirsty. Mwohnsapwoko mareu. Mwohnsapwoko is thirsty. cf. men nimpil. mahrek n. fern spp., Cyclosorus heterocarpus or Cyclosorus maemonensis. mahrek en nahna n. fern sp., Cyclosorus ponapeanus. marekeiso 1. meing. n. coconut oil. 2. meing. vi. to anoint with coconut oil. cf. kei. marekek adj. unkept, scruffy, not well maintained. Mwoalen Mwohnsapw me marekek rahnwet. Mwohnsapw's clothing is unkept today. mahrekenleng n. fern sp., Nephrolepis acutifolia. marekeng adj. dry, of the hair or skin. Marekerek n. a subclan of Dipwinwaii, the ruling subclan of Palikir. marekileng meing. n. a mat for the soupeidi. cf. dehu. mahrenleng, also merenleng. n. preserved breadfruit, prepared by wrapping a ripe fruit near the main trunk of the tree with auleng₁ and banana leaves, and then tying this bundle to a branch, allowing it to become mahr₁ in place after a few weeks. marep vi. to blink. cf. [meing] kekuhrek. marepw, also maropw. n. fish sp., goatfish, normally found on a fringing reef. marer vi. to hiccough. cf. [meing] dakoamwoal. maresed n. preserved breadfruit, prepared by soaking whole peeled fruit in the ocean for two days, after which they are placed whole in a pit. mariked 1. n. a market for selling food, primarily agricultural products; a kava bar. 2. vi. to prepare kava for sale at a kava bar. [Eng.] marongorong adj. old, worn out. marop vi. to be smashed, to be pulverized, to be broken; of plants, to wilt. maropw, also marepw. n. fish sp., goatfish, normally found on a fringing reef. marosong 1. n. a marathon. 2. vi. to run a marathon. [Jap. marason < Eng.] maru 1. n. marijuana. 2. vi. to smoke marijuana. [Eng.] marungurung adj. faded. Marupet n. a patron spirit of net making. Mark₁ Biblical. n. Mark, believed to be the author of Mark, the second Gospel in the New Testament. Mark₂ Biblical. n. Mark, a book in the Kadehde Kapw (New Testament). [Eng.] marpel Biblical. n. marble. [Eng.] mahrdi vi. of leaves, to turn or begin to dry. Mahs n. March. [Eng.] mahs₁ n. in the past, a long time ago. Mahs mehn Pohnpei kin pelipel. In the past, Pohnpeians did tattooing. mahs mahs long ago, once upon a time. mahs₂ n. (3sg. mese) face. cf. [meing] sihlang, sihleng. mahs₃ adv. please. Kihdo mahs. Give it to me, please. mahs₄ n. first, before another action is taken. I pahn kohla Pohnpei mahs. I will go to Pohnpei first. mahs mahs idiom once upon a time. masak vt. to be afraid of, to fear. masal vi. to blossom, to bloom; to fray, as of ropes. masalem n. fifth night of the month in the traditional calendar, the fourth night after a new moon in the lunar cycle. Masalem iei kelimau en pwohng nan ehu sounpwong. Masalem is the fifth night of the month. masalenial, also meselenial. n. intersection, of a road. masaloal, also kehp pwengkin. n. a yam cultivar. masamas adj. popular, attractive. cf. [meing] rekeseidak. masamwahu adj. good-looking, pretty, handsome. mahsanih meing. vt. to say, to see, of the Nahnken or anyone with a high title, except the Nahnmwarki. Isohko mahsanih me kitail me pahn apwalih koanoat. Isohko said that we will take care of the food. Isohko mahsanih en ohlo ah tungoal kehpo. Isohko saw that man's yam. mahsen, vi. cf. nda, koasoaia, kilang. masapang adj. cross-eyed. masarang, also loalmasarang, loalmasarar, masarar, nanmasarang. adj. indecisive when confronted with a number of appealing choices. masarar adj. see masarang. mahsahs adj. cleared, as of vegetation. Masasuhses n. Massachusetts. [Eng.] masadu n. ninth night of the month in the traditional calendar, approximately the night of the first quarter of the moon in the lunar calendar. Masadu iei keduwau en pwohng nan ehu sounpwong. Masadu is the ninth night of the month (in the Pohnpeian lunar calendar). masaht n. small black mangrove crab, Metapograpsus oceanicus. maseiou adj. delicious looking. maseis n. seventh night of the month in the traditional calendar, the sixth night after a new moon in the lunar cycle. Maseis iei keisuh en pwohng nan ehu sounpwong. Maseis is the seventh night of the month. masekleng, also mesekleng. adj. greatly feared, frightening. masehl n. cross-eyed, squinty eyed. mahsen 1. meing. vi. to speak, to talk, to converse, to discuss, to give a speech, of the Nahnken or anyone with a high title, except the Nahnmwarki. 2. meing. n. speech, talk, conversation, discussion; used in combination with the construct suffix and a place name to name the language spoken at that place, constrained in usage to just those places that have royalty. 1. Isohko mahsen oh kapwil rerinpwaiso. Isohko spoke and conveyed Mwohnsapw's intent. 2. Sapwellimen Isohko mahsen en aioh me sansal. Isohko's speech yesterday was quite clear. mahsanih, vt. cf. koasoai, kapahrek, lokaia. mahsen en Aramaik n. Aramaic (the language). vi. to speak Aramaic. mahsen en Iap n. Yapese (the language). vi. to speak Yapese. mahsen en Inglan n. British English (the language of England). vi. to speak English. mahsen en Ipru n. Hebrew (the language). vi. to speak Hebrew. mahsen en Mwahsel n. Marshallese (the language). vi. to speak Marshallese. mahsen en Palau n. Palauan (the language). vi. to speak Palauan. mahsen en Pohnpei n. Pohnpeian (the language). vi. to speak Pohnpeian. mahsen en Sapahn n. Japanese (the language). vi. to speak Japanese. Mahsen Biblical. n. the Word (Logos), the name or title of Jesus Christ. mahsen en Aramaik 1. Biblical. n. Aramaic (the language). 2. Biblical. vi. to speak Aramaic. [Aramaik <Eng.] mahsen en Iap 1. meing. n. Yapese (the language). 2. meing. vi. to speak Yapese. cf. lokaiahn Iap. mahsen en Inglan 1. meing. n. British English (the language of England). 2. meing. vi. to speak English. [Inglan <Eng.] cf. lokaiahn Inglan. mahsen en Ipru 1. Biblical. n. Hebrew (the language). 2. Biblical. vi. to speak Hebrew. [Ipru <Eng.] mahsen en Mwahsel 1. meing. n. Marshallese (the language). 2. meing. vi. to speak Marshallese. cf. lokaiahn Mwahsel. mahsen en Palau 1. meing. n. Palauan (the language). 2. meing. vi. to speak Palauan. cf. lokaiahn Palau. mahsen en Pohnpei 1. meing. n. Pohnpeian (the language). 2. meing. vi. to speak Pohnpeian. cf. lokaiahn Pohnpei. mahsen en Sapahn 1. meing. n. Japanese (the language). 2. meing. vi. to speak Japanese. [Sapahn <Eng.] cf. lokaiahn Sapahn. masepeng n. fourth night of the month in the traditional calendar, the third night after a new moon in the lunar cycle. Masepeng iei kapahieu en pwohng nan ehu sounpwong. Masepeng is the fourth night of the month. masepwehk adj. afraid, frightened, cowardly. masepwehkada vi. to be horrified. Re masepwehkada. They are horrified. Masedonia Biblical. n. Macedonia. [Eng.] Masedu archaic. n. the sixth of the ten months in the traditional Pohnpeian calendar. masewel n. eighth night of the month in the traditional calendar, the seventh night after a new moon in the lunar cycle. Masewel iei kawaluh en pwohng nan ehu sounpwong. Masewel is the eighth night of the month. mahsie adj. long ago. mahsies meing. vi. to apply coconut oil to one's hair. Mwohnsapw sohte ketin mahsies. Mwohnsapw did not apply coconut oil to his hair. cf. wusoar. masikisik, also usolmat₁, wusolmat₂. n. Siam weed, Chromolaena odorata, considered a noxious weed. masile adj. careless, negligent. masinoki n. ironwood; a generic name for any kind of pine tree. [Jap. matsunoki : pine tree] masis n. match₂. [Eng.] masoun n. sixth night of the month in the traditional calendar, the fifth night after a new moon in the lunar cycle. Masoun iei keweneu en pwohng nan ehu sounpwong. Masoun is the sixth night of the month. masokod n. fish sp., big-eye bream, Monotaxis grandoculus. masomwomw n. cataract, opacity of the crystalline lens of the eye. masodo n. illegitimate child. Serihn masodoh men mwo. That is an illegitimate child. masuku archaic. n. mask. [Jap. masuku < Eng.] masukun adj. blind. cf. [meing] ediedperen. masukunla vi. to become blind. mask n. mask. [Eng.] maskala adj. pretentious, proud, boastful. maskadek, also mesen kadek. adj. having a kind face. Liho inenen maskadek. That lady has a very kind face. maskadongodong adj. having a repugnant face. maslemei adj. mean looking. Ohlo maslemei. That man is mean looking. masliki n3s. outer side, outer surface. masloale n3s. inner side, inner surface. masnunnur adj. to suffer from the Pingelapese eye disease, congenital achromatopsia. maspali adj. having only one eye; squint eyed. maspwunan n. conjunctivitis, commonly called pink eye. cf. [meing] moahrokenleng. masriapar n. a doubled rope or line; cloth that is doubled over, as when sewing a hem. massuwed adj. ugly; sad-looking. masduwarawar adj. large-eyed. mad₁ n. fringing reef flat; large coral head. mad₂, also madekeng. vi. to be dry. madada vi. to be dried up, to become withered. mad₃ adj. bald. mada n. forked stick part of a slingshot. [Jap. mata] madau₁ n. ocean, beyond the reef. madau₂ n. thought. madamadau 1. vi. to think. 2. n. thought, the skill of thinking. medewe, vt. cf. [meing] moahliol, mwuserehre. madap adj. uneven, chipped, as of the edge of the blade of a knife. Nei naipo madapala. My knife has a chipped edge. madada vi. to be dried up, to become withered. madeu n. tree sp., Cinnamomum carolinense, the bark of which is used to make a tea, as well as for medicinal purposes. madeu en wai n. camphor tree, Cinnamomum camphora. madekeng adj. very dry. madepei, also soupei. n. an isolated reef. Madiu₁ Biblical. n. Matthew, the tax collector, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Madiu₂ Biblical. n. Matthew, a book in the Kadehde Kapw (New Testament). mahdire n. nun. [Spa. madre : mother] madires n. mattress. [Eng.] mahdoko n. grapefruit. madol n. space between things, time between events, interval, interstice. Madol Pah, also Madol Peidak. n. the area of Nan Madol that served as the center of religious ceremonies and that also housed the residences of priests. Madol Peidak n. see Madol Pah. Madolenihmw n. name of a municipality in Pohnpei. mat₁ adj. of breadfruit, ripe, soft, and sweet when cooked; overripe, rotten, spoiled, decayed. mat₂, also maram mat. n. sixteenth night of the month in the traditional, the night of the full moon in the lunar cycle. Mat iei keisek wenou en pwohng nan ehu sounpwong. Mat is the sixteenth night of the month. matala Biblical. vi. to die. matamat₁ adj. pliable, resilient. matamat₂ n. plant spp., Eleocharis ochrostachys, Rhynchospora rugosa subsp. lavarum, and Schoenus achaetus. matenei adj. ripe, ready to eat, of fruit. matepw, also matopw. n. sea cucumber sp., possibly Holothuria nobilis, teatfish, the most commercially valuable sea cucumber species. materek adj. supple, limber; easily persuaded; lucky. matopw, also matepw. n. sea cucumber sp., possibly Holothuria nobilis, teatfish, the most commercially valuable sea cucumber species. matowato adj. docile, obedient; pliable, easily bent; flexible. matoaloal vi. to begin to ripen. mahwin₁ 1. vi. to be at war. 2. n. war, battle. mahwin₂ vi. to be burned off, of the pin feathers of birds. mahwinih, vt. Mahwin en Nahlap en Lohd n. a war during the reign of Luhken Mwei U between the people of Kitti and Madolenihmw. mahwin en pohn wahr n. sea battle, involving canoes. Mahwin Keiieu en Sampah n. World War I. Mahwin Keriau en Sampah n. World War II. mahwinih vt. to burn off the pin feathers of a bird. mahwin₂, vi. me₁, also met₁. dem. pr. this one, by me (non-emphatic); here; now. me₂ pron. one; also used in relative and finite clauses. Me toantoalo ohla. The black one is broken. Kowe me wiahda. You are the one who did it. Mwahmw me e wahdo aioh mat. The fish that he brought yesterday is spoiled. I manokehla me ke kohsang Ruk. I forgot that you came from Chuuk. me₃ stative marker used to emphasize the factuality of a state named by an adjective. E me kehlail. He is strong (no doubt about it). meh₁ n. thing. meh₂ vi. to bleat, of a goat. me kadip legal. n. the accuser, in a criminal case. me repenpwung legal. n. plaintiff, in a civil case. Me repenpwung tuhweng mehn pahn repenpwung. The plaintiff met the defendant. me repenpwung sapahl legal. n. appellant. me rotorot n. pagan, barbarian, heathen. Mei n. May, the month of the year. [Eng.] mei 1. adj. blue. 2. n. blue. 3. archaic. adj, n light brown. meiais n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meiauleng n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiakohnd n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiapaup n. a breadfruit cultivar. meiarepe n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meiepil n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiolodung n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiomp n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meior 1. n. mayor. 2. vi. to serve as mayor. [Eng.] meioang n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiumpwei n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiupenserek n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiuhpw n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type); although meiuhpw fruits early, it cannot be used for tribute or other customary practices because it is not an aboriginal cultivar. meiuhpw en Samoa n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meiutuhnpei n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meikalak n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type); opens the rahk₁ (breadfruit) season. meikalak en meiarepe n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meikalak en meikuwet n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meikalak en meiniwe n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meikalak en meisei n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meikanu n. ripe breadfruit, before the stage called maikol; the first day of the ripening of breadfruit prepared by the dokomei method. meikapas n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meikarat n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meikatakot n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meikatik n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meikeke, also meiweke, meiwoke. n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiketieu n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meikewelik n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meikiol n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meikihmwer n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meikipal n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meikidi n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meikole, also meikolemwot, meipa, kuru kiniti, meiwid. n. a generic name for a number of seeded breadfruit cultivars (meinsahrek type). meikolemwot, also meikole. n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meikuwet n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). Meilap n. a populated area in Dien, Kitti. meili n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meilingkarahk n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meilong n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiloangon n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiluhr n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meimah n. mature breadfruit, ready to be picked. meimara, also meimarain. n. light blue. meimarain adj. see meimara. meimarahra n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meimat, also mahi mat. n. soft, ripe breadfruit, favored by older people. meimei₁ n. a clothlike material made from the bark of breadfruit. meimei₂ n. gray hair, whiskers. meimoang n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meimuhle n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meimwed n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). mein n. occupant of a canoe. Wahro mein depe? How many occupants does the canoe have? Mein n. Maine. [Eng.] meinanihmwoll n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinanuhsar n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinahdor n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinenimwure n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinenguhp n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinimpei n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinihmwed n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinintoal n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinipwidi n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiniwe n. one of two traditional categories of breadfruit cultivars, characterized as being smooth-skinned, typically somewhat spherical in shape, and early fruiting, preferred for mahr₁; also the name of a specific breadfruit cultivar. see meinsahrek. meinihwor n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinohwa n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinuhsar n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinutuhn n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinkohrari n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinlitokpwuri n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinmall n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinmesehl n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinmweli n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinmwelihtik n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinmwohnei n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinmwoakot n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpahnwi n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpadahk n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpadahk en meiniwe n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpeimwas n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpeipei n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpeisahle n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpek n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpohnoulal n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpohnkeweneie n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpohnkoatoa n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpohnle n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpohnpahnwi n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpohnsakar n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpoakod n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpwahr n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpwuht n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinpwuht en sokehs, also meipwuht en sokehs. n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinsakaresei n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinsanipwur n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinsapwerehk n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinsahrek n. one of two traditional categories of breadfruit cultivars, characterized as being rough-skinned, somewhat elongated in shape, and late fruiting. see meiniwe. meinseniak n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meintihnpoap n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinwet n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meinwol n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meing₁ 1. n. high language, respect forms of speech. 2. vi. to speak using respect forms of speech. maingih, meingih, vt. meing₂ n. left, as a location. meingih vt. see meing₁. meingtoal vi. to be left-handed. meipa, also meikole. n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meipahnie n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meipahte, also meipahten. n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meipahten n. see meipahte. meipikos n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meipohntakai n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meipoang n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meipwet n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meipwetepwet n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meipwiliet n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meipwilipwil n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meipwon, also maipwon. adj. virgin, pure, undefiled. meipwuhleng n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meipwumpwupw n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meipwuht en lihmwahni n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meipwuht en sokehs, also meinpwuht en sokehs. n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meir vi. to sleep. vi. to sleep. cf. [meing] seimwoak, derir₁. meirpene vi. to close₁ one's eyes. Meirpene! Close your eyes! Meir n. an area of land in Nett. Meiros n. a section (kousapw) in Madolenihmw. meiroang 1. n. sacrifice, offering, contribution. 2. vi. to sacrifice, to offer something as a contribution. 1. Se doadoahk sohte pweipwei pwe iei aht meiroang. We worked without pay because it was our sacrifice. 2. Se meiroang nan wihk teio pwe se sohte pweipwei. We made our contribution last week because we worked for free. meiroang isihs n. burnt offering. meirkelik adj. deep in sleep. meirpene vi. to close₁ one's eyes. Meirpene! Close your eyes! cf. [meing] kekuhrekpene. meisaip n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meisapwahpw n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meise n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meisei n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meiserihseng n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type); literally 'crying child breadfruit', so named because it can be cooked quickly to quiet a hungry child. meisuwan n. when two breadfruit grow on one branch (liteh₁),the name of the one left hanging after one has been picked. meid adv. truly. Ke meid roson! You are truly heathy! meid paii Biblical. adj. blessed, happy. meideipw n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meitakai n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meitamwoarok n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meitehid n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meitehid en meinsahrek n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). meitek n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meitempap n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiti n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). Meitik n. a section (kousapw) in Nett. meitikapau n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meitoal n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meitoal en oarou n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meitoal en lapar n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meitoantoal n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiweke, also meikeke, meiwoke. n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiwehwe n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiwid, also meikole. n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). meiwoke, also meiweke, meikeke. n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). mek 1. adj. dented. 2. n. dent. mehkan, also metakan. dem. pr. these, by me (non-emphatic). mehkei pron. something, anything (plural). mehkihla vt. to be dying to, to die for, to die because of. I mehkihla ahi men kohla Awai. I am dying to go to Hawai'i. Ohlo mehkila liho. The man died because of that woman. Mekisko, also Meksiko. n. Mexico. [Eng.] mehkot, also ekot, okoteme. pron. thing, something, anything. Mehkotet pahn kohieng nan uhmw. This thing will be put in an earth oven. mehkoaros pron. everything. Meksiko, also Mekisko. n. Mexico. [Eng.] mehl₁, also sile mehl. n. a small adze with a straight edge. mehl₂ n. (3sg. mehle) handle. I wiahda mehlen nei sileho. I made a handle for my ax. mehla 1. vi. to die; to stop, of a mechanical object. 2. n. death, wake, funeral; remains, as of a dead body. cf. [meing] pwoula, rirlengla, kepelsalehdala, sipalla. melahn, also mehlan. adv. intently, do with intensity; also used, especially by younger speakers, as an alternative to durative reduplication. mehlan adv. see melahn. mehlahn kepiripir n. literally, a 'spinning death', a consequence of a poorly lived life; those who died this death went to Pohnpeian hell. mehlahn Mesenieng n. literally, 'death of Mesenieng,' a good death that results in resurrection and a new life for Pohnpeian souls. meleilei 1. adj. peaceful, easygoing, unenthusiastic, slow moving, passive, lethargic. 2. n. peace. meleileidi vi. to be calmed down, to be or to become quiet, to be still. mehlel 1. adj. true, honest, real. 2. sent. adv. truly, honestly, really, indeed. 3. n. truth. melengileng adj. shiny, glistening, polished. meliek vi. to move rapidly. meliehla meing. vt. to forget. Mwohnsapw meliehla me sapwellim ihrlap rahnwet. Mwonsapw forgot that today is his birthday. cf. manokehla, mankonehla. melikahka 1. meing. vi. to sing. 2. meing. n. song. 1. Mwohnsapw me eling nei en melikahka. Mwohnsapw has a good singing voice. 2. Sapwellim melikahkahn kaudok kan pato nan pwuken koul sarawi. His religious songs are in the hymnal. cf. koul. melimel 1. n. windstorm, typhoon. 2. vi. to be struck by a windstorm or typhoon. Melkahka kan Biblical. n. Psalms, a book in the Kadehde Mering (Old Testament). Melkahkahn Melkahka kan Biblical. n. Song of Songs, a book in the Kadehde Mering (Old Testament). mem adj. sweet. cf. [meing] nihn₂. mehme₁ n. wart. mehme₂ 1. vi. to eat, said only of infants. 2. n. premasticated food for infants. mehmen pron. whoever. memiap n. papaya, Carica papaya. [Eng. mummy apple] memlangih, also memtikih. meing. vt. to taste. Mwohnsapw memlangih koanoat suhpwo. Mwohnsapw tasted his soup. cf. song, neme. memtikih, also memlangih. meing. vt. to taste. Mwohnsapw memtikih pirainen kehpo. Mwohnsapw tasted the fried yam. cf. song, neme. men₁ vt. to want. I men kilang kasdo. I want to see a movie. men₂ 1. dem. pr. that one, by you, there, by you (non-emphatic); here; now. 2. interj. That's it!, from Ih men. men₃ num. cl. used in counting animate beings. pwihk limmen five pigs. men₄ vi. to wink, to twinkle. manih, vt. cf. [meing] limasawairok. mehn₂ 1. vi. to rub noses, the traditional form of a kiss, used in association with children. 2. n. the act of rubbing noses. mehn₃ vi. to be sickened by. I mehn kumwo. I am sickened by a lack of fish. mehn akinen, also mehn sosohng. n. target. mehn adahd n. file₂, sharpening stone, razor strop. mehn epiep n. fishing rod. mehn eringi n. toothpick. cf. [meing] likekringring, loangmeiso, loangenmeiso. mehn ersaleng n. a pick used for the ear, as a Q-tip. mehn ilihl n. steering wheel. mehn iseni n. crematory. mehn ohpen n. bottle opener. [ohpen <Eng. open] mehn owannange n. shot, the metal ball used in the game of shot put. [owannange <Jap. hōgannage] mehn usuhs 1. n. ballot; an action to determine a winner, such rolling dice, drawing straws, etc. 2. Biblical. n. lots, as in 'to cast lots'. mehn uspwetepwet n. an implement for plucking hair from a beard, tweezers. cf. [meing] kemeiso. mehn kalohk n. announcement, declaration, proclamation, executive order, all in written form. mehn kamoatoar n. lubricant. mehn kammad n. blotter. mehn kapas n. glue. mehn kapehse n. communication. mehn kapir pihl n. water valve. mehn kapisetik n. grinder. mehn kapus n. trigger, as of a gun. mehn kasansal n. example; exhibit. mehn kadahr n. wheel made of wood. mehn kadahr en kuruma wooden wheel of a cart. mehn kadehde n. certificate; evidence. mehn kataman, also mehn ketemen. n. souvenir, reminder. mehn kateng doaropwe n. paper clip. mehn kawa n. people of olden times. mehn kepir n. wrench, crank, faucet. mehn kepit n. joke, laughingstock. mehn ketemen, also mehn kataman. n. souvenir, reminder. I pwainda mehn ketemen kei. I bought some souvenirs. mehn kisetik 1. n. a mild form of measles. 2. vi. to have a mild form of the measles, possibly German measles. mehn kouruhr n. laughing stock. mehn kodu n. dye. mehn koadi n. funnel. mehn liki 1. n. foreigner, a non-native person. 2. Biblical. n. Gentile. mehn limalim, also lihm. n. bailer. mehn loipehs n. ash tray. mehn malahio n. Indonesian, sometimes also used to mean Filipino. [malahio <Spa. Malayo] mehn madau 1. vi. to be seasick. 2. n. seasickness. mehn meir 1. adj. sick from lack of sleep. 2. n. this sickness. mehn mmwus n. nausea, an emetic. mehn mpe n3s. neighbor. I kesempwaliki mehn mpei kan. I value my neighbors. mehn mwadong n. toy. mehn mwomwohd n. something upon which one sits, saddle. mehn mwomwohd en kamel camel's saddle. mehn mwowe n. the former, the first, the preceding. mehn mwuhr n. the latter, the last, the following. mehn namwanamw n. low islander; any islander, Micronesian or Polynesian, of non-Pohnpeian origin. mehn nanleng n. one who dwells in heaven. men nimpil adj. thirsty. cf. [meing] mareu. mehn nimpil n. anything used for drinking. mehn paun n. scale₂, for measuring weight. [Eng. paun : pound] mehn pahn kadip legal. n. defendant, in a criminal case, the accused. mehn pahn repenpwung legal. n. defendant, in a civil case, the accused. mehn pahn repenpwung sapahl legal. n. appellee. mehn peidaid n. vehicle, of any kind. mehn peido n. visitor. mehn peleng n. drying rack. mehn pipihs n. urinal. mehn pirapir n. girdle; string, rope or similar objects for fastening. mehn pirerrer n. crank, any tool used for turning something. mehn poahr n. toilet paper. mehn pwurepwur 1. meing. n. diarrhea. 2. vi. to have diarrhea. 1. I patohwando winien mehn pwurepwur. I brought medicine for your diarrhea. 2. Re mehn pwurepwur? Are you having diarrhea? cf. mehntang. mehn pwuropwur n. drill, brace. mehn rar n. a flat piece of wood used to pry the charred skin off of roasted breadfruit. mehn roh n. stretcher. mehn rokumw 1. n. nosebleed, occurring spontaneously. 2. vi. to have a spontaneous nosebleed. mehn rongorong n. stethoscope. mehn sahk 1. n. migraine headache, sinus headache. 2. vi. to have a migraine or sinus headache. mehn sampah n. earthly or temporal thing. mehn sahmwa interj. thank you, used only with younger people. mehn sansar Biblical. n. shield. mehn seipinsel n. pencil sharpener. [pinsel <Eng.] mehn seiren n. reluctance, hesitation. Omw mehnseiren sansalada ni mesemwen. Your reluctance is made clear by your facial expression. mehn sohng n. ruler, tape measure. mehn sohng karakar, also mehn songkarakar. n. thermometer. mehn songkarakar n. see mehn sohng karakar. mehn sordam n. Vicks VapoRub. [Jap. mensoretamu < Eng. mentholatum] mehn sosohng, also mehn akinen. Biblical. n. target. mehn suhs n. Jew. [suhs <Eng. Jews] mehn deipwel n. plow, excavator. mehn dokomei, also nahi en dokomei. n. a small stick used to poke a breadfruit to hasten its ripening. mehn dollitopw n. turpentine; anything used to thin paint. mehn doalmwenge, also dipwisoun doalmwenge. n. spice. mehn doadoahk n. tool; gift or contribution to a party. mehn tenek n. scale₂, for measuring weight. mehn tiati n. pedal. I sohte kilangada mehn tiati en pwaisikel nan sidohwaho. I did not see any bicycle pedals in that store. mehn waii n. foreigner; initially a general label for all those from large distant lands, now commonly used as a label for Caucasians, sometimes pejorative. mehn warmwowi 1. n. menorrhagia, a condition of excessive or abnormally heavy menstruation. 2. vi. to have this condition. mehn windeng n. steering wheel. [windeng <Jap. unten] mehn wisik n. yoke. mehn wok n. club, for hitting. mehnahia n. level, a carpenter's tool. menakan dem. pr. those, by you (non-emphatic). menarewel n. wild animal. mene n3s. power, influence; mandate. meneh n. interjection. meneken pron. that one, by you; there, by you. menemen en pahsu n. pearl. mehnen pron. this one, by me; here. mehnia interr. which. Mehnia likou me ke mwahuki? Which material do you like? menierier vi. to monitor discreetly. menierierih, vi. menierierih vt. to monitor someone or something discreetly. menierier, vi. menioak, also dapiohka, kehp tuhke. n. manioc, cassava, tapioca; Manihot esculanta, primarily used as food and to make starch. [Eng.] meniu n. menu. [Eng.] menihke n. any non-swimming marine organism, i.e. shells, starfish, sea cucumbers, etc.; sex organs of a female. menikir n. leak. menimen 1. adj. overrun with animate beings, including people, flies, mosquitoes, dogs, cats, etc. 2. n. small insects. 1. Wasaht me menimen. This place is full of animals. menin ilek n. messenger, herald. menin kair n. a bird or animal that informs people of coming events, such as a gecko or rooster. menin kairoir n. one with a clear view of all the activities in a feasthouse as well as of the state affairs of a chiefdom. menin kau n. a commoner, trouble maker, literally a destructive animal; insect pest. menin kaun n. authority. menin kahllipw n. see menin kahnlipw. menin kahnlipw n. dragonfly. menin kasohr n. a conciliator; a reconciler; a judge (in conflict resolution). Menin kasohr Sohpeidi. The Sohpeidi are reconcilers. menin keidsihr archaic. n. one who presides over an activity that involves conflict, such as a Nahnmwarki, judge, referee, etc.; originally, the referee for the game peisihr. menin keus n. sergeant at arms. menin keder n. messenger; ambassador, envoy; formerly the title for the High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. menin leuleu, also menin loulou. archaic. n. a peacemaker; one who offers prayers to the Enihlap. menin loulou n. see menin leuleu. menin lohsapw n. sand flea. menin douioas n. insect sp., walking stick. menin tiensapw archaic. n. council to advise the Nahnmwarki on the use of community resources; a committee; a member of an assembly or committee. menin wairihr n. a bird (sioahk) that flies in through house openings, considered to be an omen that something unexpected is going to happen. meninkau n. predator, destroyer, corrupter. meninrahn n. centipede. menindei see menindeiuh. menindeiuh, also menindei. 1. meing. n. director of a feast; master of the knowledge of ceremonies, who orders the events at a kamadipw; master of ceremonies at a public event, chosen from the Serihso. 2. meing. vi. to serve in this capacity. cf. soundeisakau. menindeiras n. a transmitter of orders that apply to those on the ground level of a feasthouse. menipinip adj. thin, of flat objects such as paper. menipinipi n3s. sideburn. menome n. tiny insect that bites and causes an infection; possibly another name for menin lohsapw. menongen adj. scarce; deficient. mehnuwa n. man-of-war, an armed naval vessel; warship, battleship. [Eng.] menkenen dem. pr. that one, by you (emphatic). menkenenkan dem. pr. those, by you (emphatic). menkerep n. any four-legged animal. mehnkumwo vi. to be hungry for fish. menlau interj. thanks, informal. menloak n. the second side post from the entrance to a feasthouse, located on the left, opposite the rirkenloak. menmenperiki n. fight, brawl, dispute. menmenperihri vi. to be engaged in back talk. menmour n. creature. menmmwus adj. nauseous. menmwenge vi. to be hungry. cf. [meing] pwongitik. mennei n. the favorite male child of a Nahnmwarki or Nahnken. mennim vi. to be thirsty. mehnpein n. disease, causing a frequent need to urinate, usually with reference to women. menpihr n. bird. menpihr en pahnlahng Biblical. n. bird sp., crow. menpwokodo archaic. n. beginning of the breadfruit season. menpwukoaloak archaic. n. end of the breadfruit season. menrihri n. commoner. menseiren 1. adj. reluctant. 2. vi. to comply, to do something against one's will. menseker interj. used to excuse oneself prior to farting. menseng, also nimenseng. n. morning, early morning hours. cf. [meing] kapwarsou. mensiek, also mansiek. n. grasshopper. mehnda 1. interr. why, to what purpose. 2. interj. Never mind! 1. Mehnda ke sohte iang? Why didn't you go along? mehnda ma, also mahnda ma, mahndahte ma, mehndahte ma. conj. although. mehndahki vt. to pay no attention to, to be unconcerned. mehndahte ma conj. although. see mehnda ma. mehntang 1. n. diarrhea. 2. vi. to have diarrhea. cf. [meing] mehn pwurepwur, mwoahr. mehnte adv. preferably. mentikitik, also sohrahn. n. dawn, early morning, the time interval beween pwahpwa rahn and nimenseng. meng adj. withered, dry, dead, of vegetation. mengei adj. easy. menger n. fish sp., flying fish. mengiloal 1. vi. to talk to oneself; to carry on an internal dialogue, as when formulating an important goal. 2. n. internal dialogue. menginpeh n3s. result of one's work, handiwork; writing, handwriting, signature. mengidi n. the final stage in the life of a yam, when the vine dies and the tuber becomes dormant for approximately two months, September through February. mengihtik n. detail, specifications; information. mengk vi. to be squinting either from bright light or as result of intoxication from drinking kava. kamangk, vt. mengkoal vi. to be wilted. mepel, also lepel. n. level, a carpenter's tool. [Eng.] mehpene vi. to lie dead together. mepwukat pron. these. merei n. place for wrestling, singing, dancing, and playing peisihr, by humans during the day and by spirits (eni aramas) at night. [Pol. marai] merein paker n. boxing ring. merek₁ vi. to spread apart evenly. merenleng, also mahrenleng. n. preserved breadfruit, prepared by wrapping a ripe fruit near the main trunk of the tree with auleng₁ and banana leaves, and then tying this bundle to a branch, allowing it to become mahr₁ in place after a few weeks. merepwinsed n. mangrove sp., Heritiera littoralis. merer n. fish sp., humphead wrasse, Cheilinus undulates. Merewi n. a section (kousapw) in Madolenihmw. Meri Biblical. n. Mary, the mother of Jesus, spelled Mery in the Bible. merianda 1. n. snack. 2. vi. to eat a snack. [Spa. merianda] Merilan n. Maryland. [Eng.] merimer adj. almost ripe, as of bananas and mangoes; light₁, of a color. mering adj. old, of inanimate objects. merir₁ vi. to change color, said of foliage. Tepwin kehpo merir. The foliage of the yam is changing color. merir₂ meing. vi. to hide₁; to take shelter. Mwohsapw merirsang tohntehnpas. Mwohnsapw hid from the members of his household. merire, vt. cf. rok-, ruk-. merire meing. vt. to peep; to observe from a hidden position, to stalk. merir₂, vi. cf. rokih, rukih. merirehdi vt. to ambush; to catch in the act. merirrir adj. discreet. Mesaia n. Messiah. [Eng.] mesarar n. fish sp., ornate snapper, also called blueline gindai, Pristipomoides argyrogrammicus. mesarawi 1. n. evil magic; something sacred and obscure. 2. polite. n. genitals. mese n3s. face; facade; upper part of yam, taro, pineapple, etc.; edge of a reef. see mahs₂. cf. [meing] sihlang, wasaile. mesekleng, also masekleng. adj. greatly feared, frightening. mesehl 1. n. a kind of magic, employed to romantically attract another; a love potion or charm. 2. vi. to employ magic to romantically attract another. mesehlih, vt. meselenial, also masalenial. n. intersection, of a road. mesehlih vt. see mesehl. mesen uhpw n. the top of a drinking coconut. cf. [meing] sipwuhrek, sipwuhrek. mesen kadek, also maskadek. adj. having a kind face. mesen keinek, also inen keinek, limesekedil. n. the female head of a clan or subclan. mesen lahng, also mesenleng. n. eastern sky. mesen mwenge adj. gluttonous, given to eating too much. mesen nting n. letter, alphabet. Mesen nting en Pohnpei imwihkihla 'w'. The Pohnpeian alphabet ends with 'w'. E tepkihda mesen nting 'a'. It begins with the letter 'a'. mesen nting laud n. capital letter, uppercase letter. mesen nting tikitik n. lowercase letter. mesen rah n. the term used for the four kava stems that are pried from the enihlap, the largest kava plant in a kava ceremony. cf. [meing] limes. mesen dihdi n. nipple, of the breast. Mesen Tuwi n. a term for both a Nahnmwarki and a Soumas en Kousapw. mesenadi, also mesenedi. n3s. solar plexus. mesenedi n3s. see mesenadi. mesenih n. first-born child. mesenih en keinek n. the elders of a kinship group. Mesenieng n. an earlier name of the Kolonia town area; of religious significance to Pohnpeians who consider it a sacred place; claimed as a section (kousapw) by Nett, although Kolonia town is a separate political entity. mesenuh n. high tide. mesenlam n. boundary between the shallow and deep part of a lagoon. mesenleng, also mesen lahng. n. eastern sky. mesenpekpene vi. the gathering of yams for the purpose of redistributing them among the people for planting. mesenpwotehdi 1. vi. to sit on one's heels. 2. n. a sitting position in which one sits on one's heels. mesenpwuki 1. vi. to sit with both knees pointing upward. 2. n. a sitting position in which both knees are pointing upward. mesenrek n. beginning of the breadfruit season. mesendid n. a large upright in the framing of the walls of a building. mesiha archaic. n. fire. Mesiha n. the individual who brought fire to Pohnpei on the fifth settlement voyage. mesiek vi. to move swiftly up and down. Mesihsou n. a section (kousapw) in Madolenihmw. Mesopodamia Biblical. n. Mesopotamia. [Eng.] med vi. to be full, after eating. cf. [meing] lik₂, id₄, tip. medakahn 1. adj. talkative, outgoing. 2. vi. to talk, to converse. medahlia n. medal, usually a Catholic religious medal. [Spa. medalla] mede n. ripe breadfruit. medeu, also sile medeu. n. an adze with a rounded edge, used for hollowing out the trunk of a tree in the building of a canoe. medek vi. to hurt, to be painful, to ache. medekpeseng vt. to be dislocated or disjointed. mehdek vi. to laugh loudly; to moan. Liho mehdek pwe e peren. The woman laughed loudly for she was happy. medekpeseng vt. to be dislocated or disjointed. medel₁ adv. exactly. Re lelodo kuloak eisek riau medel. They arrived here at exactly twelve o'clock. kuloak siluh medel exactly three o'clock. medel₂ n. tenth night of the month in the traditional calendar, the first night after the first quarter in the lunar cycle. Medel iei keisek en pwohng nan ehu sounpwong. Medel is the tenth night of the month. Meden Lapwed n. a legendary reef where there were many salt water eels (lapwed). meden ngetik n. a firm decision. medendel adj. smooth and flat. medehdak, also medehde. meing. n. at a feast, the leaves upon which food to be distributed to high ranking individuals is placed; coconut fronds are used for the presentation of pork and fish, banana leaves are used for other kinds of cooked food. Medehdak kin kemerekla, ah koanoat ahpw keirekla loale. The medehdak is usually spread out, and then followed by the arranging of the prepared food on it. cf. inap. medehde n. see medehdak. medehdehpwel n. medehde placed directly on the ground. medehdehdi vt. to prepare a place where food is to be placed, as at a feast or a funeral. medewe vt. to think about. madamadau, vi. cf. [meing] moahliole, moahliolih, mwuserehreh, mwuserehrehih. medewehda vt. to decide. medi n. fish sp., emperor fish, possibly Lethrinus lentjan. Media Biblical. n. Media, an ancient country located in what is now northwestern Iran. medu vi. to be soaked, to be dripping wet. Ah likou ko medu pwe e dilin keteu. His clothes are soaked because he walked in the rain. cf. [meing] mwoluhdingiding. met₁, also me₁. dem. pr. this one, by me (non-emphatic); here; now. met₂ vi. to smack the lips, to suck food into the mouth with a smacking sound. metik, mitik, vt. metakan, also mehkan. dem. pr. these, by me (non-emphatic). mete n. metal, nail, badge, spear for a speargun. [Eng. metal] metei n. (3sg. mataih) slime. mehtei n. other. Aramas liakotohrohr men sohte kin men patehng mehtei kan. An unsociable person normally does not associate with others. meteitei adj. slimy, viscous, especially of kava. meteken pron. this one, by me; here. metel n. medal, non-religious. [Eng.] Meteriap n. the name of a legendary man who arrived on Pohnpei on the fourth settlement voyage, said to have been the first to propagate the ivory nut palm (oahs₁). meteht pron. this one, by me; here. metik, also mitik. vt. to suck (food) into the mouth with a smacking sound; to kiss. met₁, vi. Metipw n. a section (kousapw) in Madolenihmw and U. metkenen dem. pr. this one, by me (emphatic). metkenenkan dem. pr. these, by me (emphatic). mehwo adj. voracious. mi vi. to exist, to be present (an existential verb). Pwuhko mi pohn tehpelo. That book is on the table. mie, vt. cf. [meing] ket. mih n. name of the letter m, the tenth letter of the Pohnpeian alphabet, used to represent the phoneme /m/, a bilabial nasal. mie vi. to exist, an existential verb. Mie aramas nan ihmwo. There is someone in that house. mi, vi. miohsi n. last name, surname. [Jap. myōji] mihla vt. to be stationed at, to be residing at; to be subject to. miliohn num. million. [Eng.] milik n. milk. [Eng.] milikkang n. milk can₂. [Jap. mirukukan < Eng.] milikpil n. evaporated milk. [milik <Eng. milk] milikten n. condensed milk. [milik <Eng. milk] mimitik vi. to smile. mihn adj. mean, miserly. [Eng.] Minesohda n. Minnesota. [Eng.] minimin 1. adj. cooperative. 2. n. union, association, any cooperative venture; cooperation. minit n. minute₂; minutes, as of a meeting. [Eng.] mint Biblical. n. mint. [Eng.] mir Biblical. n. myrrh. [Eng.] mirtel Biblical. n. myrtle. [Eng.] mis vt. to miss, someone or something. [Eng.] mihsa n. mass₂. [Spa. misa] mision, also misiohn. n. Catholic mission. [Spa. misión] misiohn n. see mision. misik archaic. n. fear. Misikan n. Michigan. [Eng.] misikeni 1. adj. afraid of spirits. 2. n. a sugar cane cultivar. misikpokon vi. to be timid, shy, or nervous when in a crowd. misin n. Protestant mission. [Eng.] misihn n. machine, engine, outboard motor. [Eng.] misihn en kamwakele nta, also misihn en kamwakelnta. n. dialysis machine. [misihn <Eng.] misihn en kamwakelnta n. see misihn en kamwakele nta. misihn en kapat n. calculator. [misihn <Eng.] misihn en lioal n. generator. [misihn <Eng.] misihn en lopwolopw n. washing machine. [misihn <Eng.] misihn en rasaras n. chainsaw. [misihn <Eng.] misihn en deidei n. sewing machine. [misihn <Eng.] misihn en wini en esingek n. Nebulizer. misihn tiati n. treadle operated sewing machine. [misihn <Eng.] misineri n. missionary. [Eng.] Misisipi n. Mississippi. [Eng.] miso n. bean paste. [Jap. miso] Misuhri n. Missouri. [Eng.] mihding, also mihting. 1. n. meeting. 2. vi. to meet. [Eng.] middo n. catcher's mitt. [Jap. mitto < Eng.] mitik, also metik. vt. to suck (food) into the mouth with a smacking sound, to kiss. mihting, also mihding. 1. n. meeting. 2. vi. to meet. [Eng.] moul Biblical. n. mole. [Eng.] mour 1. n. (3sg. mouri) life; source of vitality; meaning; one's senses; culture; nature. 2. adj. raw; green, not yet dried, of wood; fresh. 3. vi. to live. mourla vi. of pregnant woman, to have a successful labor; to live forever. mourda vi. to come back to life (as when regaining consciousness), to be resuscitated. mourin adj. essential to one's life, highly valued. mourin sahpw n. environment. mourki Biblical. vt. to live by; to earn a living by; to subsist on. Mehmen me momourki mahsen en Koht pahn alehdi mour soutuk. Whoever lives by the word of God will attain everlasting life. mourla vi. of pregnant woman, to have a successful labor; to live forever. mourmwahu adj. healthy; prosperous. cf. [meing] dedeila. mourda vi. to come back to life (as when regaining consciousness), to be resuscitated. cf. [meing] iaslapada. Mokil, also Mwoakilloa. n. an atoll located east of Pohnpei, within Pohnpei State, reflecting an earlier spelling of the name of this atoll. molomol adj. of plants, to be a deep healthy green; of the skin, sleek. momour vi. to be alive. Ahi pahpaho momourte. My father is still alive. cf. [meing] ieiias. mohn ihmw n. foundation, of a building. mohn ohla n. scar. mohn pakudang n. bomb crater. mohn patehn neh, also lipwen neh. n3s. footprint. mohnlipw n. an old preserved breadfruit pit. I kilangada mohnlipw tohto nan sapwemwo. I saw many old breadfruit pits on your property. Mondahna n. Montana. [Eng.] mohndok adj. exhausted, of land as a result of overcultivation, especially of kava; barren, of farm land. mohngiong n. (3sg. mohngiongi) heart. mohngiong mwakelekel adj. free from sin; charitable. mor vi. to have flesh, of any tuber, as of a yam, taro, or tapioca. Mwahngo mor oangoahng. The taro has yellow flesh. mohr₁ n. (3sg. more) flesh of any tuber, as of a yam, taro, or tapioca; core, kernel; gist of something. mohr₂ n. small kava plant, one remaining after the larger plants have been removed. moromor n. war, battle, dispute. moron adj. large, in quantity. Morohn n. an assistant to Soumwenleng who travelled around Pohnpei, blowing a triton horn and inviting people to meetings. Mormon, also Mwormwon. n. Mormon (commonly pronounced Mwormwon). [Eng.] mohs n. field, open area. Moses Biblical. n. Moses. [Eng.] mosul adj. thick, heavy, of rain or darkness. modem n. computer modem. [Eng.] mohdi vi. to heal. moahk n. fish sp. moaken kehlail archaic. n. infatuation. moakoamoak adj. beautiful, attractive, charming. moakoamoak en iepw adj. beautiful, attractive, charming, of a young woman. Liho moakoamoak en iepw. That young woman is beautiful. moakoan n. curdled coconut milk. moahl₁ n. a handheld stone used for pounding kava. cf. [meing] ketia₃. moahl₂ 1. vi. to pass by; to be caught sight of; to visit. 2. n. (3sg. moahle) appearance, at a place. moahlasang katau n. the name of one of the four handheld stones used for pounding kava on the stone (soumoahl) dedicated to the Nahnmwarki. moale vt. to catch something with a slip noose. moall, vi. moahleileng n. the name of one of the four handheld stones used for pounding kava on the stone (soumoahl) dedicated to the Nahnmwarki. moahleina n. the name of one of the four handheld stones used for pounding kava on the stone (soumoahl) dedicated to the Nahnmwarki. moahleini n. the name of one of the four handheld stones used for pounding kava on the stone (soumoahl) dedicated to the Nahnmwarki. moahleiso n. the name of one of the four handheld stones used for pounding kava on the stone (pelenwahu) dedicated to the Nahnken. moahliol 1. meing. vi. to think. 2. meing. n. thought, the skill of thinking. 1. Mwohnsapwoko sapweillimaniki ansou mwahu en moahliol. Mwohnsapwoko had a good opportunity to think. moahliole, moahliolih, vt. cf. madamadau. moahliole , also moahliolih. meing. vt. to think about. Mwohnsapw moahliole sapwellimwar aramas akan. Mwohnsapw thinks about his subjects. Mwohnsapw kin moahliole me tungoaleniki kahpwal. Mwohnsapw often thinks about the people who are having problems. cf. medewe. moahliolih vt. see moahliole. moahloahl adj. always on the go, always bumming around. moall 1. vi. to catch with a slip noose. 2. n. slip noose. moale, vt. moamoar 1. vi. to snore. 2. n. the act of snoring. cf. [meing] ipihpensowi. moahn n. empty coconut. moanikram n. moneygram. [Eng.] moahng₁ n. (3sg. moange) head. cf. [meing] kadokenmei, tahpw₂, pai₂, peipei₃. moahng₂ adj. ill-intentioned. moangamad adj. bald. moange vt. to lead₁, to serve as the head of. moangen kateng n. belt buckle. moangepwet adj. gray headed; flowering, of mango trees. moangetih archaic. n. a type of feasthouse. moangkelpene vi. to be matted, as of feathers or hair; to be clingy, as of wet clothing. moangkoikoi vi. to shave one's head. moangmedek 1. vi. to have a headache. 2. n. headache. moangtakai n. fish sp., a growth stage of ah₁. Mohap Biblical. n. Moab, an ancient kingdom east of the Dead Sea. [Eng.] moar 1. adj. extremely low, of the tide, when the reef is exposed. 2. archaic. n. dry land. moaralap meing. vi. to yawn. Mwohnsapw moarmoaralapki ar ngirekihla seiloak reirei. Mwohnsapw is yawning from exhaustion due to his long journey. cf. maudel. moaradak, also moaroamoar₁. n. submerged reef. moaresed, also ngkahu, koionleng wah pwetepwet. n. plant spp., Bidens alba and Melanthera biflora. moahrokenleng 1. meing. n. rheum, sleep, the crust around the eyes formed during sleep; conjunctivitis, commonly called pink eye. 2. meing. vi. to have sleep in one's eyes. 1. Iet sapwellimahr kisinlimwen limwahdake moahrokenleng. Here is your sponge for wiping off the sleep. 2. Edin peren moahrokenleng. His eyes have sleep in them. cf. pwinan, pwunan. moaroamoar₁, also moaradak. n. submerged reef. moaroamoar₂ n. evidence of improvement. moaroap, also moaroapiso. 1. meing. vi. to be covered by something so as to be shielded from the weather; to be covered by a sheet, etc. when in bed. 2. meing. n. (3sg. moaroapahr) cover, a leaf used as protection against the rain; a sheet or blanket, as for bedding;. moaroape, vt. cf. upuhp. moaroape meing. vt. to cover oneself with a sheet, etc. when in bed, to cover or shield oneself from the weather,. Mwohnsapw moaroape tehi pwetepwet. Mwohnsapw is covered with a white sheet. moaroap, vi. cf. up. moaroapiso n. see moaroap. moarungurung adj. dull or old-looking, of inanimate objects. moahd n. (3sg. moahde) echo; barely discernable sound from a distant source. moatoar₂ meing. n. mat, used to sleep or sit on. I pahn patowando ehu moatoaren. I will bring a mat. I kaonopadahr moatoar. I have already prepared your sleeping mat. cf. lirop, lohs. moatoare meing. poss. cl. a possessive classifier for things to sleep on; also moatoarahr. I pahn patohwando moatoare. I will bring his mat. cf. kie₁. mmwen n. fish sp. mmwus 1. vi. to vomit, puke. 2. n. vomit. cf. [meing] suhsuhda, keliali, eimwoal, kaluhlu. mpahi adj. submissive, modest, self-effacing. mpahieng vt. to approach someone to tell him or her something. mparang n. the edge of a site prepared for a traditional ground oven (uhmw), marked by two logs and the stones that support them; the edge of the path of a chicken trap, marked by sticks. mpe prep. n. next to or beside (him or her), with animate relationships. mpei adj. buoyant. mpek vi. to be picked, of lice from one's hair; to be groomed. pakid, vt. cf. [meing] litepwitepw. mpel en kehpin namwu n. a yam cultivar. mpehn n. a pair of logs used as the main supports for the firewood structure of an uhmw. cf. [meing] nahnkeileng, soumasapwair. mpen mour n. the offer of a life as a payment or recompense for something. mpen mourki vt. to offer a life as a payment or recompense for something. E mpen mourkihla pein ih pwehn pwainla arail kamaramas. He offered himself in recompense for their murder. mpeng 1. vi. to be awakened. 2. n. awakening; warning; counsel. pangin, vt. mpereng vi. to burn brightly, of a source of light having a flame, as a lamp. mpimpe vt. to blame, to accuse, to impute. E mpimpeirail. He blamed them. mpoake 1. vi. to rub noses, the traditional form of a kiss. 2. n. the act of rubbing noses. cf. [meing] resenleng, sisinleng. mpw- Note: Words beginning with mpw- (pronounced /mwpw/) are listed at the end of the mw section of this dictionary. |