uf ug uk ul um un up ur us ut uv -top-
UFO UFO (unidentified flying object). iuepoh
uf ug uk ul um un up ur us ut uv -top-
ugly ugly. kersuwed
ugly; matted looking, as wet feathers. piokiok
ugly; sad-looking. massuwed
uf ug uk ul um un up ur us ut uv -top-
ukulele ukulele. ukulehle
uf ug uk ul um un up ur us ut uv -top-
ulcer ulcer. soumwahu en nan mpwei
ulcerate to be infected with yaws; to ulcerate. kens
to be infected with yaws; to ulcerate. nihke
ultimately and ultimately, pronounced with exaggerated vowel length. oh₇
ultimatum an ultimatum issued by a Nahnmwarki. keweriwer
uf ug uk ul um un up ur us ut uv -top-
umbilical cord umbilical cord. selin pwuhs
umbrella umbrella, cover. amper
umbrella, cover. kadauk
umbrella, cover. koamoarop
umpire umpire, referee. ampaia
umpire, referee. simpang
uf ug uk ul um un up ur us ut uv -top-
un- a negative prefix meaning not, in-, or un-. sa-
unacceptable unacceptable, not well liked, only with reference to people. dohranai
unaccustomed to be unaccustomed to, to be unfamiliar with. sahn
unanimous entire, whole, unanimous, complete; normal. unsek
unappreciative wasteful, unappreciative. kasohlap
unaquainted to be mutually unaquainted. pasahnpene
unarmed to be unburdened or empty-handed; to travel without provisions; to be unarmed, to have no weapon. kahiep
unassuming humble, unassuming, meek. aktikitik
humble, unassuming, meek, down to earth. nan kapehd ohpampap
humble, unassuming, meek, down to earth. ohpampap
unattractive disgusting, unattractive. likesileng
unpopular; unattractive. rekeseipwel
unpopular; unattractive. sapakaris
unaware to be unaware of; to be uninformed about. sasairiki
unbelieving skeptical, unbelieving. seupwoson
unbiased impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced. soupoupoar
unburdened to be unburdened or empty-handed; to travel without provisions; to be unarmed, to have no weapon. kahiep
unhindered or unburdened by children or things. dapwan
unhindered or unburdened by children or things. depwen
unceasing unceasing, everlasting; infinite. sekehtok
uncertain to find something confusing, difficult to understand, or mysterious, to be uncertain about. pwonopwoniki
uncircumcised stuffed up, clogged; virginal (derogatory); uncircumcised. pon
uncircumcised penis. wilepon
uncircumcised penis. wulopon
uncivilized dark; pagan, uncivilized, uneducated, uncultured, primitive. rotorot
uncle maternal uncle, mother's youngest brother. ullapitik
uncle, of the same clan; any person one's mother would call brother. ullap
unclean messy, unsanitary, filthy, unclean. samin
unclear cloudy, blurred, fogged up, smoky; obscure, unclear. edied
to be difficult to understand, to be unclear or indistinct; to be ignorant. sawehwe
uncomfortable restless; uncomfortable, causing minor discomfort, distressed. lakalok
restless; uncomfortable, causing minor discomfort, distressed. lokalok
uncomfortable, not fitting well; inappropriate; unstable, shaky. soansuwed
unconcerned free, idle; unconcerned, untroubled. mwelehlap
free, idle; unconcerned, untroubled. pisek
thoughtless, insensitive, unconcerned about imposing on others. salamalam
to pay no attention to, to be unconcerned. mehndahki
to pay no attention to, to be unconcerned about. sokorohnki
unconcerned, carefree; folly, foolish. seukautih
unconcerned, carefree; folly, foolish. soukautih
unconcerned, impassive, careless. sohnsenoh
unconcerned, impassive, careless. sounsenoh
unconscious unconscious, unresponsive. sohte kehnwasa
uncooked raw, uncooked. amas
uncooperative uncooperative. saminimin
uncountable a great many, an uncountable number. ngeder
uncover to be found conclusively, to be discovered conclusively , to be concluded, to be uncovered. dierekda
to be removed, as of a lid, to be uncovered. wahleng
to be removed, as of a lid, to be uncovered. wak₁
to remove, as of a lid, to uncover, as of a cover. wahlenge
to remove, as of a lid, to uncover, as of a cover. waka
uncultivated primary forest, jungle, area overgrown with trees; uncultivated land; said to be the dwelling place of spirits (eni). nanwel
uncultured dark; pagan, uncivilized, uneducated, uncultured, primitive. rotorot
empty-headed, ignorant, lacking knowledge, uncultured, having no understanding of Pohnpeian culture (tiahk). marasaras
undefiled virgin, pure, undefiled. maipwon
virgin, pure, undefiled. meipwon
undemanding not choosy, undemanding. seulipilipil
under below, under (him, her, or it), lower; when used in place names, pah is west of powe. pah₁
underarm underarm odor. dawang
underestimate to underestimate, to belittle. katik₃
undergarment underwear, undergarments; liner for a dress. koahloal
underpurlin in a traditional Pohnpeian house, an underpurlin that runs parallel and close to the ridgepole; there are two of these, one on each side of the roof. pwahla
in a traditional Pohnpeian house, an underpurlin that runs the length of the house resting on and attached to the ends of the lohlohtik; there are two of these, one on each side of the roof. ndape pahn mwaramwar
undershirt undershirt. ranning
understand to be understood, to be clear or distinct; to be thoroughly knowledgeable. wehwe₁
to be difficult to understand, to be unclear or indistinct; to be ignorant. sawehwe
to completely understand. eruwahn
to know, to understand. ese
to know, to understand. mwahngih
understanding well-informed; understanding. wenrahn
underwear briefs, men's underwear. pirihp
to go without underwear. neipi
underwear. sarmada
underwear, undergarments; liner for a dress. koahloal
underworld "the place of no return", the underworld that is the location of Kahnikepir, the bridge where the souls of the dead have to sing well before being allowed to cross over to Pahsed, the Pohnpeian heaven beneath the sea. Wasahn Soupwur
the door to the underworld, below the ocean, the entrance to the first Heaven of traditional Pohnpeian religion. Wenihmw en Pahsed
underworld, below the ocean; the name of Heaven in traditional Pohnpeian religion, where beautiful souls sing night and day. Pahsed
undomesticated wild, untamed; undomesticated. arewel
undress to take off clothing, to be undressed. pwuhrsang
to undress, to take off, of clothing. kapwuhrasang
unearth to be unearthed, of a plant such as kava. sar₂
to unearth, of a plant such as kava. sarek₃
uneasy active, lively, uneasy; restless, with reference to a child. lierkik
to be distressed, uneasy, anxious, to be uptight. daid
uneducated dark; pagan, uncivilized, uneducated, uncultured, primitive. rotorot
unenthusiastic peaceful, easygoing, unenthusiastic, slow moving, passive, lethargic. meleilei
unequal unequal, uneven, not flush. sapahrek
uneven unequal, uneven, not flush. sapahrek
uneven, chipped, as of the edge of the blade of a knife. madap
unexpected dangerous, harmful; unexpected. keper
unthinkable, unexpected. somedewe
unfair said of one who unfairly favors his relatives or friends when distributing food. kisepil
to be deceptive, to be unfair; to cuckold, to cheat, to deceive. kapweipwei
unfair, partial, inequitable. sapairair
unfaithful pumpkin; squash; Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita pepo; one who has an unfaithful spouse. pwengkin
unfaithful, irresolute, negligent, disloyal. soaloaloapwoat
unfaithfulness unfaithfulness, irresolution, negligence, disloyalty. soaloaloapwoat
unfamiliar to be unaccustomed to, to be unfamiliar with. sahn
unfavorable having a bad reputation, having a negative or unfavorable image, disgraceful. adsuwed
having a bad reputation, having a negative or unfavorable image, disgraceful. soarsuwed
unfit appearing physically out of shape or unfit; flexible, springy, disjointed, limping, used to describe a manner of walking. kiahweliwel
unfold to be unfolded. welpeseng
to unfold. welikpeseng
unforgiving unloving, heartless, unfriendly, unforgiving. sempoak
unfortunate unfortunate, unlucky, poor. sapai
unlucky, unfortunate. maiai
unfriendly sickly or unhealty looking, having an unhealthy complexion, having an unfriendly appearance. poh suwed
unloving, heartless, unfriendly, unforgiving. sempoak
ungrateful ungrateful, insensitive, insincere. kenehnlo
unhappy to be unhappy or reluctant about something. toutouki
unhealty sickly or unhealty looking, having an unhealthy complexion, having an unfriendly appearance. poh suwed
unhindered unhindered or unburdened by children or things. dapwan
unhindered or unburdened by children or things. depwen
unhurried unhurried, slow at an activity. sepitipit
unicornfish fish sp., a type of unicornfish. wihwi
fish sp., bignose unicornfish, Naso vlamingii. kitik₂
fish sp., bluespine unicornfish, Naso unicornis. pwulak
uniform military uniform. likoun sounpei
unify to be combined, to be unified . kekeurahpene
to combine, to unify. keurahpene
uninformed to be unaware of; to be uninformed about. sasairiki
to be uninformed about. saireiranki
uninformed. keinimek
uninhibited forward, uninhibited, outgoing. limedramin
uninhibited, bold, daring; shameless. eimah
uninhibited, bold, not shy, not mahk. soukelengsapw
union union, association, any cooperative venture; cooperation. minimin
unison equal, even, flush, parallel, in unison. pahrek
unit a Japanese unit of measurement of area, approximately 36 square feet. supwo
an autonomous paramount chiefdom; a political unit, as a municipality, district, state, country, or kingdom. wehi₂
section, unit, article, border, limit. ire₃
unite to unite, to combine. kaurapene
United Nations United Nations. Iunaided Neisin
United Nations Day United Nations Day, October 24th, an official holiday on Pohnpei. Rahnen Iunaided Neisin
United States America, United States of America. Amerika
unity unity or solidarity among clansmen. deidein pwulak sou
university university. iunipersidi
unkept unkept, scruffy, not well maintained. marekek
unkneaded unkneaded, as of bread. soumwut
unleavened bread unleavened bread. pilawa me sohte doal ihs
unlikeable unlikeable, abhorrent, repugnant. dongodong
unlimited unlimited, infinite. soire
unload to unload, as cargo; to throw down fruit from a tree. akeredi
unloving unloving, heartless, unfriendly, unforgiving. sempoak
unlucky unfortunate, unlucky, poor. sapai
unlucky. paiisuwed
unlucky, unfortunate. maiai
unmarried to be single, to be unmarried. kiripw
unnatural unnatural or unclear, of sounds coming from a sound producing system. pwurarrar
unpleasant grating or unpleasant, of the voice; employing an offensive tone of voice. ngilawas
unpleasant, always in a bad mood; harsh acting. lipwusingar
unplug to pull from, to unplug. usasang
unpopular unpopular; unattractive. rekeseipwel
unpopular; unattractive. sapakaris
unpredictable discreet, unpredictable. lamrir
discreet, unpredictable, said of the Sohpeidi. kepinnamw loal
unprejudiced impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced. soupoupoar
unravel to be untied; to be untangled, to be unravelled. sapwedek
to untie, to untangle, to unravel. sapwad
unreliable unreliable, inept, incompetent. salelepek
untrustworthy; unreliable. seulikilik
untrustworthy; unreliable. soulikilik
unreliablility untrustworthiness; unreliablility. seulikilik
untrustworthiness; unreliablility. soulikilik
unresponsive unconscious, unresponsive. sohte kehnwasa
unrestrained free, carefree, relieved, unrestrained, licentious. saledek
unroll to unroll, to lay out or spread out, as a sleeping mat. perek₁
unsanitary messy, unsanitary, filthy, unclean. samin
to become messy, unsanitary, filthy. saminla
to pollute, to make something dirty or unsanitary, to soil; to defile, to dishonor, to disgrace. kasamin
unsheathe to pull out, as a knife from a sheath, to unsheathe. usehi
to submerge; to strip off clothing; to unsheathe a knife or hidden weapon; to slide, as on a cable; to tight-line fish. kakihr
unskillful stupid, incapable of learning, unskillful. makunai
unsmiling stern-faced, unsmiling. likokounsop
to be frowning, unsmiling. kounsop
unsociable unsociable, acting alone, selfish; discriminatory. liakotohrohr
unsound aerodynamically unsound, not suitable for throwing. par₃
unstable uncomfortable, not fitting well; inappropriate; unstable, shaky. soansuwed
unstable, as of a canoe. sepehl
unsteady, unstable; active, as in a hyperactive person. mwekidikid
unsteady unsteady, unstable; active, as in a hyperactive person. mwekidikid
unsuitable of a place, unsuitable for planting because of being shaded by larger plants. roi
unsurpassed far, far along, unsurpassed. dei
unsympathetic disfavored; forsaken; unsympathetic; ignorant. sarahra
untamed wild, untamed; undomesticated. arewel
untangle to be untied; to be untangled, to be unravelled. sapwedek
to untie, to untangle, to unravel. sapwad
unthinkable unthinkable, unexpected. somedewe
untidy to litter, to make untidy. kid-
untidy, slovenly. saipwerek
untie to be opened or untied, as a bag; to be loosened. lapw
to be opened or untied, as a bag; to be loosened. lapwedek
to be opened or untied, as of a bag; to be loosened. lawadek
to be untied; to be untangled, to be unravelled. sapwedek
to open or untie, as a bag; to loosen. lapwad
to open or untie, as a bag; to loosen. lawad
to untie, to untangle, to unravel. sapwad
until during the time, for a period of, while, until, so long as. erein
until. lao₂
untroubled free, idle; unconcerned, untroubled. mwelehlap
free, idle; unconcerned, untroubled. pisek
untrustworthiness untrustworthiness; unreliablility. seulikilik
untrustworthiness; unreliablility. soulikilik
untrustworthy distrustful, untrustworthy. kasoulikilik
untrustworthy. keseulikilik
untrustworthy. kesoulikilik
untrustworthy; unreliable. seulikilik
untrustworthy; unreliable. soulikilik
untruthful extremely untruthful; hypocritical, saying the opposite of what one believes to be true. tikapaur
lying, untruthful. aulikamw
lying, untruthful. oatilikamw
lying, untruthful; talkative. pitiniau
nonsensical, untruthful. tika
untruthful. liap
untruthful. likamw
unwaivering decisive, unwaivering, confident, without hesitation. soupeikasal
unwilling evasive, always unwilling to do something, disagreeable. ketiamau₁
unworthy to consider somone to be an unworthy, incapable opponent, as in a fight. ireiropein
unworthy. sohwar
unworthy. souwar
uf ug uk ul um un up ur us ut uv -top-
up up, upward; used with adjectives with an inchoative meaning; with verbs of cooking, detaching, wearing, and acquisition it signals the action has been carried through to its logical conclusion; with verbs of perception or thinking it indicates the thing being perceived or thought of has suddenly come into one's consciousness; with some verbs naming bodily activities it is used to indicate that an action was performed accidentally. -da
upend to upend, to turn something upside down; to drink all of something; to hit something hanging so that it turns upside down; to have rear entry sex with. kadikauwih
to upend, to turn something upside down; to drink all of something; to hit something hanging so that it turns upside down; to have rear entry sex with. kedikauwe
to upend, to turn something upside down; to drink all of something; to hit something hanging so that it turns upside down; to have rear entry sex. kedikou
uphill steep, uphill. ukada
uphold to protect, to uphold. lirohrohki
upland upland, land to the east; windward, upwind. peidak
upon above, upon, upper, on, over (him, her, or it); when used in place names, powe is east of pah. powe
upper above, upon, upper, on, over (him, her, or it); when used in place names, powe is east of pah. powe
above, upper, upwind, windward side; older sibling relationship. pohnangi
upper jaw upper jaw. tihnau powe
upper jaw, of a pig. dilinau powe
uppercase capital letter, uppercase letter. mesen nting laud
upright a large upright in the framing of the walls of a building. mesendid
reliable, conscientious; just₂, upright. lelepek
reliable, conscientious; just₂, upright. likehke
to make someone stand, to set someone upright. kehlenge
to make someone stand, to set someone upright. kesihnene
to make someone stand, to set someone upright. keuhlenge
uproot to be uprooted. saretep
to be uprooted; to be peeled off; to be wearing off, of a feeling or effect. sansarada
upset easily bothered or upset by trivial matters; demanding, dependent; also used to describe breadfruit cultivars that die easily if shaken. inginsoi
to be easy to upset and easy to be calmed. engieng en koail
to be upset for not having been given a share of food at a kamadipw. mwakaren mwenge
to be upset for not having been given a share of food at a kamadipw. mwekeren mwenge
to be upset for not having been given the title one expected to receive. mwakarenmwar
to be upset for not having been given the title one expected to receive. mwekerenmwar
to cause one to walk out; to cause one to go on a labor strike; to cause disgust, to upset. kamwakara
upsetting nerve-wracking, upsetting, disquieting. kasaloh
upstream source of a river, stream, or spring; upstream. utuwi
uptight to be distressed, uneasy, anxious, to be uptight. daid
upward to move upward; to be displayed. kohda
up, upward; used with adjectives with an inchoative meaning; with verbs of cooking, detaching, wearing, and acquisition it signals the action has been carried through to its logical conclusion; with verbs of perception or thinking it indicates the thing being perceived or thought of has suddenly come into one's consciousness; with some verbs naming bodily activities it is used to indicate that an action was performed accidentally. -da
upwind above, upper, upwind, windward side; older sibling relationship. pohnangi
upland, land to the east; windward, upwind. peidak
uf ug uk ul um un up ur us ut uv -top-
urethra urethra. dahu en kent
urethra. dewen kent
urethral urethral orfice. duwi en kamwosod
urge desire, wish, will₁, motive, urge, longing, lust, passion. ineng₁
to strongly urge, to incite. pain₁
to urge; to lead₁. uhk₂
urgent hurried, rushed; anxious; urgent. karuwaru
hurried, rushed; urgent. kahdahd
uric acid uric acid. iurikahsid
urinal urinal. mehn pipihs
urinal. wasahn pipihs
urinate an area for bathing; an area in which a person may urinate or defecate, bathroom. mwoalen loakipil
an area for bathing; an area in which a person may urinate or defecate, bathroom. mwoalen loakiso
to urinate. kainen pihl
to urinate. kamwosod
to urinate. koamwosod
to urinate. pipihs
to urinate on. pihs
urine urine. kainen pihl
urine. kamwosod
urine. kent
urine. koamwosod
urine. mwasod
urine. mwosod
urine. pipihs
Ursa Major Great Bear, the constellation Ursa Major. Pehr Laud
Ursa Minor Little Bear, the constellation Ursa Minor. Pehr Tikitik
uf ug uk ul um un up ur us ut uv -top-
us us, dual. -kita
us, exclusive. -kit
us, plural. -kitail
use to be consumed or used up. ros
to be expended, consumed or used up; to get to work. doadoahkala
to be used to or accustomed to, to be familiar with (something). ahn₁
to economize on; to use wisely. kirawih
to request; to get, to use one's connections to obtain something that is needed. kamangaida
to use. iuhs
to work with, to use. doadoahngki
useful useful, worthwhile, valuable, advantageous. katapan
usefulness worth, usefulness. katep₂
useless It's useless!, It's in vain!. kapwkapwewasa
common, useless, of no consequence. mwahl
useless. sohkatepe₁
usurp to take by force, of any kind, to usurp. adih
uf ug uk ul um un up ur us ut uv -top-
Utah Utah. Iuhdoah
utensil to scoop out; to eat with a utensil. touk
uterus foundation, purpose; home; uterus; a condition of women, causing stomach pain; the abdomen is hot to the touch and tender, but not swollen, patient is feverish and urinates frequently. poahsoan
utopian pretentious; desirous to get something impossible to attain, utopian. lioasoahs
utter to make a sound, to speak, to utter. lal
to recite; to sound out, to say syllable by syllable, to say word by word, to utter. kapadal
to speak with an accent; to utter words or syllables. sis₁
to utter obscenities, to swear. pweksapw
utterance utterance of speech. sihs₁
uf ug uk ul um un up ur us ut uv -top-
uvula uvula. dinapwtik
uvula. lohtik