oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
oak oak, the tree. ohk
oar oar. padil en pwoht
oarlock rowlock, oarlock. rohlak
oath to take an oath or vow. kahula
to take an oath to, toswear by. kahukihla
oatmeal oatmeal. oudmihl
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
Obadiah Obadiah, a book in the Kadehde Mering (Old Testament). Opadaia
obedience great work, work and services rendered to the Nahnmwarki or the chiefdom, sometimes life-long service required by the Nahnmwarki of Pohnpeian males, including labor and expressions of deference, etiquette, and obedience. toulap
obedient docile, obedient; pliable, easily bent; flexible. matowato
obedient, respectful, willing. peik₂
obese fat, stout, overweight, obese. mworourou
to become fat, stout, overweight, obese. mworouroula
obey to follow, as a trail or path; to go after, to pursue; to obey. idawehn
to fulfill; to obey the law; to cause to succeed. kapwaiada
to obey, to honor. katempa
to obey, to submit to; to approve, to confirm. okehng
object a piece; an object. mwodol
a piece; object. mwudul
resource, object or thing that serves some purpose. tehte₂
yam that develops on the vine, not edible; small thing or object. mwehmwe₁
objective an instructional objective. wahn kasukuhl tik
obligated obligated, committed. ngoang
obligation an assigned responsibility, obligation, or duty. kepwukoa
an assigned responsibility, obligation, or duty. koapwukoa
contract, promise, agreement, covenant, obligation. inou₁
duty, obligation. ourior
responsibility, obligation, duty. pwukoah
obliterate to delete, to obliterate, to efface. dilihd
to delete, to obliterate, to efface something. dilihdih
oblivious oblivious. salongala
obnoxious discomforting, obnoxious, silly. was₁
obnoxious, disgusting, irritating; lusty. limwesou
oboe oboe. ohpo
obscure cloudy, blurred, fogged up, smoky; obscure, unclear. edied
to cast a spell to make something obscure, to obscure one's thoughts. karotongala
to obscure one's vision or thinking. karotong
to obscure, to cause to become vague; to mislead. kasalonge
observe to celebrate; to observe a holiday; to dedicate; to bless, to consecrate, to sanctify. kasarawi₁
to observe. poudiahl
to observe, to look for, to look up, as in a book. kilangada
to observe, to watch, to behold. udiahl
to observe, to watch, to view. kairong
to peep; to observe from a hidden position, to stalk. merire
to peep; to observe from a hidden position, to stalk. rokih
to peep; to observe from a hidden position, to stalk. rukih
to see, discern, look at, observe, examine. kilang
to see, discern, look at, observe, examine. mahlenge
to see, discern, look at, observe, examine. sahkih
to see, discern, look at, observe, examine. saneke₂
to see, discern, look at, observe, examine, with a derogatory connotation. ngngar
to sit in on, as a meeting; to observe. mwohdehng
to watch out for, to look out for, to observe, to spy on. mwasahn
to watch, to behold, to observe, to contemplate. peudiahl
to witness, to observe or to hear something with certainty, to testify, to certify. kadehde
obstacle obstacle. karrompw
obstacle. koarrompw
obstacle, hindrance. karompw
obstacle, hindrance. koarompw
obstacle, obstruction, interference. kerempw
obstacle race an obstacle race. songaipwisi
obstinate very stubborn, obstinate. keptakai
obstruct to bother, to interfere with, to meddle with, to obstruct, to delay. kedirepwe
to hinder, to obstruct, to impede. tiesemwe
to interfere with, to meddle with, to obstruct. kalohmwat
to interfere with, to meddle with, to obstruct, to delay. kerempwa
to obstruct. ulungedi
obstruction obstacle, obstruction, interference. kerempw
obvious clear, evident, obvious, noticeable. sansal
clear, evident, obvious; well-known. dehde
difficult to locate or understand; hidden, concealed; vague, not obvious. rir
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
occult to be hidden, concealed, secret, occult. ekiek
occupant a phrase used to refer to the occupants of the first Western ships to reach Pohnpei from Europe and America. enihn pohnmadau
occupant of a canoe. mein
occupation occupation, task, employment, responsibility, deed; party. doahk
occupy to occupy available space; to block someone's way. koaiton
to sit, to attend, to occupy the place of authority in a feasthouse; to sit on a throne; to sit in mourning during the first day of a funeral. mwohdang
to sit, to occupy the place of authority in a feasthouse; to sit on a throne. mwoalehdi
occur to occur, to happen; to have sexual intercourse. wiawi
occurrence a chance occurrence, an accident. depweila
occurrence, time. pak₁
ocean a condition or structure in the ocean such that makes it difficult to traverse, such as that caused by the fringing reef in southern Madolenihmw. lepinsedo
a rough area in the ocean caused by converging currents. poangot
lagoon, ocean, sea. nansed
ocean, beyond the reef. madau₁
ocean, sea. sehd
ocean, sea, as the Pacific Ocean, or the Philippine Sea. lepinsed
open ocean, the ocean beyond the reef. nanmadau
ocean spirit ocean spirit, one of four types of environmentally related spirits. enihn nansed
Ocimum tenuiflorum plant sp., Thai basil, also called holy basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, the leaves of which are used as a spice. kadireng
plant sp., Thai basil, also called holy basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, the leaves of which are used as a spice. kadiring₂
October October. Oakotope
octopus a large octopus-like creature, said to live in the mouth of rivers, possibly mythical. lipwoluwo
octopus, Octopus acellatus. kihs
the name of the octopus that led Sapwikini to the reef upon which he and his crew built Pohnpei. Lidakihka
to fish for octopus. seikihs
Octopus acellatus octopus, Octopus acellatus. kihs
octupus-like an octupus-like creature, said to live in deep holes at the bottom of waterfalls or in rivers, that attacks swimmers by wrapping its tentacles around them and dragging them to the bottom. lipwuluo
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
odd abnormal, deformed, odd. pakalong
odor a familiar name when addressing a little girl; odor bearer. lipwohpwo
any substance with a fragrant odor that is added to coconut oil to give it a pleasant smell. tehte₁
smell, odor, aroma, scent. pwoh
to add a substance with a fragrant odor to coconut oil to give it a pleasant smell. tehteh
to emit an odor. lelle
to emit an odor, to give out a smell. lel₅
underarm odor. dawang
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
of of. en₁
of; This suffix is written together with the preceding word if that word is one syllable long or ends in a vowel; otherwise, it is written as the separate word en. -n₁
off to turn off a switch, such as a light switch. oahpdi
offend to offend. kahngiangih
offense to sin, to commit a serious offense. wiedip
offensive grating or unpleasant, of the voice; employing an offensive tone of voice. ngilawas
offer the offer of a life as a payment or recompense for something. mpen mour
to offer a drinking coconut to someone before tasting it. pwurepwur en eni
to offer a life as a payment or recompense for something. mpen mourki
to offer as a first fruit. mwowe₂
to offer kava to someone. sekewe
to sacrifice, to offer breadfruit as a contribution. kisinmei
to sacrifice, to offer something as a contribution. meiroang
offering burnt offering. meiroang isihs
offering to a spirit. pasung
sacrifice, offering, contribution. kisinmei
sacrifice, offering, contribution. meiroang
to share food with a royal personage; to give a gift, present, prize or offering to. iloake
to share food with; to give a gift, present, prize or offering to. kise
to share food; to give a gift, present, prize or offering. kisakis
office Office of the Governor of the State of Pohnpei. Enginkehlap
office, government. ohpis
officer officer. ohpiser
officer. opsihr
official power rooted in spiritual or magical sources, magical, mysterious, spiritual; official; sovereign. manaman
to be made official, to be authorized, to be given official approval, to be empowered. kamanaman
to become official, to take effect, such as a law. manamanla
to make official, to authorize, to give official approval to, to empower. kamana
offspring the offspring of sisters who live in the same community. delin pahle
descendant, offspring. kasodoke
descendant, offspring, lineage, of humans. kadaudok
descendant, offspring, typically of animals. keperepere
fruit, flower; offspring; result. wah
having many offspring, fertile. nain
having more female than male offspring. neili
offspring. wahnedi
the offspring of a chiefly clan. neineinioas
the offspring of a chiefly clan. seri soupeidi
the offspring of a woman who is pregnant at the time she marries a Nahnmwarki. luskepe
often frequently, often. pwuwak
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
Oh! Oh!; commonly used as an expression of approval. ah₅
Ohio Ohio. Ohaio
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
oil any substance with a fragrant odor that is added to coconut oil to give it a pleasant smell. tehte₁
coconut oil. keisoar
coconut oil. marekeiso
coconut oil for annointing a woman who has become engaged or for 'christening' a new canoe. lehn kepwil
coconut oil for the hair. lehn usoar
coconut oil for the hair. lehn wisoar
coconut oil used for the skin. lehn kei
coconut oil used for the skin of a Nahnmwarki or Nahnken and their spouses. lehnawahu
motor oil. oail
oil, for cooking or as a lotion; perfume. leh₁
oil, perfume; pond; deep pocket of water in the reef. kisin leh
olive oil. lehn olip
to add a substance with a fragrant odor to coconut oil to give it a pleasant smell. tehteh
to apply coconut oil to one's hair. mahsies
to be oiled or lubricated. koamoatoar
to be oiled, to be shiny with oil. keimwoale
to oil or lubricate. kamoatoare
to oil or lubricate. koamoatoare
oily oily, greasy. moatoar₁
shiny; oily. mwoalehle
oink the oinking or grunting sound of a pig. ngopwungopw
to oink, to grunt, of a pig. ngopw
ointment coconut oil, lotion, ointment. keii
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
OK OK, okay. okei
OK. OK., so, well₂, now. na
okay OK, okay. okei
Okinawa Okinawa, a Japanese prefecture. Okinawa
Oklahoma Oklahoma. Oklaohma
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
old moldy or old tasting. sensen
big, old. laud
dull or old-looking, of inanimate objects. moarungurung
old, aged. likeilap
old, aged; ripe. mah
old, of inanimate objects. mering
old, of things; worn out. tok₂
old, worn out. marongorong
old; awkward; peculiar; outgoing, forward, of women. limedek
old; dirty. tokpaur
to become big or old. laudala
war, particularly the second world war; dispute; very old. daidowa
Old Testament Old Testament. Kadehde Mering
olive olive. olip
olive oil olive oil. lehn olip
Olympics Olympics. Olimpik
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
Omega Omega, last letter of the Greek alphabet. Omeka
omelet omelet. omled
omen omen of death. kihlenuwo
omen, warning. dahda
to perform some action or to say something that is interpreted as an omen of death. kihlenuwo
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
on above, upon, upper, on, over (him, her, or it); when used in place names, powe is east of pah. powe
to burn, to ignite; to start, as of an engine; to turn on, as a light. oke₁
to start or to burn, of a fire; to be ignited; to be started, as of an engine; to be on, as a light. ok
to turn on a switch, such as a light switch. oahnda
onaga fish sp., longtail red snapper, onaga, Etelis coruscans. lol maswalek
once once and for all. pahn mehpak
once upon a time. mahs mahs
one one. aka₂
one. akap
one. angap₁
one. apa
one. apak
one. apali
one. apar
one. ara₂
one. edip
one. edun
one. ehl₂
one. ekin
one. ekis
one. emen
one. emwodol
one. emwut
one. epei
one. epid₂
one. epit
one. epwidik
one. epwuloi
one. esel
one. esou
one. esu
one. ete
one. etumw
one. ewel₁
one. oapoar
one. oapwoat
one. odun
one. okot
one. omwut
one. opwong₁
one. opwuloi
one. osop
one. osu
one. otumw
one. oumw
one by one, each and every, individually (animate). emen emen
one by one, each and every, individually (inanimate). wad ehu
one of, thing of. mehn₁
one; also used in relative and finite clauses. me₂
one; half, of objects divided horizontally or by their width. elep
one; name of the final rhythm used when pounding kava in Madolenihmw and U. ehu₁
one; this numeral and others in this series are part of a general counting system used to enumerate things in the sense of counting them off. ehd₁
one; used in counting hands of bananas. ih₃
to be as one, to stick together. ehupene
one billion one billion. lik₁
one hundred one hundred. epwiki
one hundred thousand one hundred thousand. lopw₁
one million one million. rar₂
one thousand one thousand. kid
onespot snapper fish sp., onespot snapper, Lutjanus monostigmus. pwehu₁
onion green onion, Allium fistulosum. nengi
green onion, Allium fistulosum. ningi
onion, Allium cepa. anien
only just₁, only; still (when suffixed to reduplicated verbs). -te
only. ihte
only, exclusively. tohr₁
onycha onycha, one of the components of ancient holy incense. onika
onyx onyx. oniks
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
open to be broken, of anything containing liquid, granular objects, or gas; to open, of a boil or abscess; to break, of waves; to rapidly change for the worse, of the weather or emotions. sawa₂
to be opened or closed, of anything hinged or attached, as a door, window, etc.; to be open or closed, as of a business. rit-
to be open, as of a business. langalang
to be open, of the eyes. pehd₂
to be opened or untied, as a bag; to be loosened. lapw
to be opened or untied, as of a bag; to be loosened. lawadek
to be tied to something overhead; to be opened. langada
to open one's eyes widely. duwarpeseng
to open (someone's or something's) mouth. kasarapeseng
to open a preserved breadfruit pit for the purpose of removing the contents. saramar
to open for the purpose of a search. warang
to open one's eyes. koulangpeseng
to open one's eyes. pehdpeseng
to open one's mouth. dauwaspeseng
to open one's mouth. sara₁
to open one's mouth. sarapeseng
to open or close₁ anything hinged or attached, as a door or window. riting
to open or untie, as a bag; to loosen. lapwad
to open or untie, as a bag; to loosen. lawad
to open the top of a drinking coconut. pwuremas
to tie to something overhead; to open, as in opening an entrance. langahda
opener bottle opener. mehn ohpen
opening opening. wehwe₂
slit, crack, small opening, empty space, outer space, air space. nanwehwe
operate to be slit, to be cut open; to be operated on; to be divided. pwal
to operate a vehicle or a machine. tangahki
to send one on an errand; to operate a machine; to supervise an activity or business. katanga
to slit, to cut open; to operate on; to divide; to shatter, as glass. pwalang₁
operating room operating room, as in a hospital. wasahn pwal
operation incision; medical operation, on the legs or arms. lek
surgery; medical operation, in which the body cavity is entered. pwal
Ophiocara porocephala fish sp., mangrove swamp fish, Ophiocara porocephala. sopwou
Ophioglossum pendulum fern sp., Ophioglossum pendulum. sohte tihnsowe
fern sp., Ophioglossum pendulum. tehnlikinsapw
opinion thought, idea, opinion; common sense; religious belief; will₁. lamalam
Oplismenus hirtellus grass spp., Cyrtococcum accrescens or Oplismenus hirtellus, used to cover breadfruit to hasten its ripening. rehmaikol
opponent member of a matched pair; peer; counterpart, opponent. pelie
oppose to oppose, to disagree with; to go against. uhweng
to oppose, to resist (someone or an idea). kaundenkomw
to oppose, to resist (someone or an idea). kaundenkomwe
opposite a negative prefix meaning not in the sense of 'the opposite of'. seu-
a negative prefix meaning not in the sense of 'the opposite of'. soh-
a negative prefix meaning not in the sense of 'the opposite of'. sou-₂
fifty-fifty, half to each; opposite ends. elep elep
opposition from, in opposition to; sang occurs as a separate word before locative or temporal phrases. -sang
opposition, resistance. kaundenkomw
to be in opposition with a family member. kehndou pwehl
oppression criticism, oppression, condemnation. werewer
oppression. kahnaudek
oppression. kehnaudek
oppressive oppressive. limeidihd
oppressive, given to bending others to one's will. kakos
optimism optimism. kupwuramwahu
optimistic optimistic. kupwuramwahu
option option. kamengei₂
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
or or. de₁
oracle a high priest in Nan Madol who served as a court oracle. Lapona
oral sex said of a male who is careless about what he eats; desiring and performing oral sex. limwengemwenge
said of someone who desires and performs oral sex. likangkang mesuwed
to eat something accidentally; to engage in oral sex with. kangada
orange mandarin orange Citrus sinensis, tangerine Citrus tangerina. manterihn
orange (the fruit) Citrus sinensis and bitter orange, Citrus aurantium. orens
orange calamondin a small citrus, calamondin or orange calamondin, Citrus x microcarpa, a hybrid of two different citrus fruits, mandarin orange and kumquat. karertik
orangespine unicornfish fish sp., orangespine unicornfish, Naso lituratus. pwulangking
orchid orchid (generic). orked
orchid sp. orchid sp. lamwahk en wai
orchid sp. Pseuderia micronesica, used medicinally. kelekel
orchid sp., Galeola ponapensis or Pseudovanilla ponapensis. lamwahk
orchid sp., Taeniophyllum marianense. patehn kewelik
orchid sp., Taeniophyllum marianense. patehn nehn kewelik
order a compulsory order. kouworowor
aligned, arranged, settled, ordered. soan
announcement, declaration, proclamation, executive order, all in written form. mehn kalohk
homeland, the place one considers home; order, disposition; proper place. soane
order, shipment. oaht₂
to be lined up, to be put in order. irekila
to be listed, to be ranked, to be ordered in succession, from first to last, or from top to bottom. irekidi
to be listed, to be ranked, to be ordered in succession, from first to last, or from top to bottom. keirekidi
to command, to order. ruwes
to enjoin, to order. kehkehlingki
to list, to rank, to order in succession, from first to last, or from top to bottom. kairakidi
to list, to rank, to order in succession, from last to first, or from bottom to top. irekida
to order. oaht
to order. oahte
to order. suhmwong
to scramble, to put out of order. kied
Oregon Oregon. Orekon
organ organ, the musical instrument. keseng tiati
organization organization, structure, rule, plan, plot, procedure, agreement; judgment, pronouncement, decision, solution. koasoandi
organize to be organized, to be structured, to be established; to be settled, to be decided, to be agreed upon. koasoandi
to organize, to structure, to establish; to settle, to decide, to agree on. koasoane
organizer the organizer of traditional events and activities related to the kousapw, the counterpart to the Nahnken at the kousapw level. kirou
orgasm orgasm. kekehnihr
orgasm. nehu₂
oriental sweetlips fish spp., goldman's sweetlips, Plectorhynchus goldmani; harlequin sweetlips, Plectorhynchus chaetodontoides; giant sweetlips, Plectorhinchus obscurus; oriental sweetlips, Plectorhinchus orentalis; spotted sweetlips, Plectorhinchus picus. kehng
fish spp., goldman's sweetlips, Plectorhynchus goldmani; harlequin sweetlips, Plectorhynchus chaetodontoides; giant sweetlips, Plectorhinchus obscurus; oriental sweetlips, Plectorhinchus orentalis; spotted sweetlips, Plectorhinchus picus. mweimwei₂
orifice hole, cave, orifice. duwi
hole, cave, orifice. pwoahr
origin source, origin, or parent of a surculose, a plant that produces suckers (root sprouts); ancestor. inosada
original original; main part. kahlap
originate to come from; to originate from, of a person. pwilisang
Orion Orion. Oraion
ornament a traditional ornament or pendant for a man's chest. likpwake
coconut meat with turmeric, a traditional body ornament. kourahpw
decoration, ornament, new outfit of clothing; festive attire; flower (generically); garland, headband. kapwat
ring₁, ornament, fastened to the prepuce or an earlobe. dokentei
to deocorate or ornament. kapwat
to ornament; to groom. kaipwarak
to ornament; to groom. kaipwarakih
ornamented ornamented, outfitted in new clothing. kapwatapwat
ornamented; well groomed, neat, stylish. ipwerek
ornate snapper fish sp., ornate snapper, also called blueline gindai, Pristipomoides argyrogrammicus. mesarar
orphan orphan. sepwoupwou
orphan. sopwoupwou
orphaned orphaned, without parents. sepwoupwou
orphaned, without parents. sopwoupwou
orthography orthography, spelling system. koasoandi en nting
Orthosiphon stamineus bush sp., Orthosiphon stamineus. elisenket
Oryza sativa rice, Oryza sativa. rais
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
Ostracion cubicus fish sp., cube trunkfish, Ostracion cubicus. kohpwa₁
ostrich ostrich. osris
ostrich. ostris
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
other other. mehtei
other; functions like an ordinal numeral. tei₁
thing; etcetera, and others. ape₁
otherwise otherwise. mahkete
otherwise. mahnkinte
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
ouch ouch, an exclamation of pain. ehk₂
ouch, an exclamation of pain. ekke
ouch, an exclamation of pain. esse
our our, dual. ata
our, dual. neita
our, exclusive. nait
our, ours (exclusive). aht₁
our, plural. atail
our, plural. neitail
out outside (him, her, or it). liki
to be out of bounds, in a game; to be disqualified. ommido
to be out of breath, to be unable to catch one's breath; to be shut off from a source of air. mwopw
to be out, in baseball. aud
outboard motor machine, engine, outboard motor. misihn
outcast outcast. aramas sekeniken
outcome having a bad outcome. imwilasuwed
having a good ending or outcome. imwilamwahu
top, summit, end, outcome, extremity. imwi
outdo to surpass, to outdo, to exceed. kalikala
outer outer side, outer surface. masliki
outfit ornamented, outfitted in new clothing. kapwatapwat
outgoing forward, uninhibited, outgoing. limedramin
old; awkward; peculiar; outgoing, forward, of women. limedek
outgoing, friendly, knowing no stranger, usually said of children and pets. liahn
talkative, outgoing. medakahn
outhouse outhouse. imwen kainen
outhouse. imwen pek
outlet outlet, as an electrical outlet. audled
outrigger a piece of wood that is placed on top of the outrigger supports (kehnti), directly over the outrigger. pwekdam
outrigger of a canoe. dahm
outrigger platform. parap
outrigger side of a canoe. palihdam
outrigger support, extending from the side of the hull to the end of the outrigger; a type of lashing used for a canoe. apis
the pair of outrigger supports of a canoe that run from the two ends of the hull to the central supports. dokawar
the side of the canoe opposite the outrigger. palikasa
the tip of the outrigger (either end). lipwarkid
the tip or end of an outrigger. lipwerkid
the two central outrigger supports of a canoe that go from the hull to the outrigger. kehnti
to have something stuck between the hull and the outrigger of a canoe. koapwuroaloat
to sail with the outrigger lifted from the water. neidam
to search for a log suitable for an outrigger for a canoe. dilindam
upright sticks that are inserted into an outrigger to secure it. ketiuk
outside outside (him, her, or it). liki
outwards outwards. -iei
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
oval oval. lipeiahk
oval. peiahk
oven a traditional Pohnpeian oven made of loose stones that are heated and placed on the ground around the food to be baked; to bring an uhmw means to bring a set of contributions to a kamadipw that includes one pig, one yam attached to a pole or one bundle of breadfruit, and one kava. uhmw
of a traditional earth oven (uhmw), to be at the stage where the food has been placed in it and has been covered with leaves. mpwel₂
over above, upon, upper, on, over (him, her, or it); when used in place names, powe is east of pah. powe
overalls bib overalls. rausis preisis
overcast calm and overcast, use in decribing weather. pahmol
calm and overcast, with no rain, used in describing the weather. mahliok
overcome to be conquered, captured, overcome. lohdi
to conquer; to overcome, to overwhelm. kalowehdi
to conquer; to overcome, to overwhelm. powehdi
overcook to burn, to overcook, to toast. karongahla
to burn, to overcook, to toast. karongehla
overcrowded overcrowded, filled; plentiful. dir
overgrown densely vegetated, overgrown with vegetation. pidirin
to become overgrown. sok₂
overhear to overhear people talking. salengehda
overjoyed delighted, overjoyed; proud. pohl
overlook to forgive; to overlook, to excuse. ledeulapih
to forgive; to overlook, to excuse. ledeulepe
overripe of breadfruit, ripe, soft, and sweet when cooked; overripe, rotten, spoiled, decayed. mat₁
of breadfruit, rotten or overripe. semwak
of breadfruit, rotten or overripe. semwek
overripe, of tuberous plants. tot
to become rotten or overripe, said of breadfruit. semwekla
overrun overrun with animate beings, including people, flies, mosquitoes, dogs, cats, etc. menimen
overtake to catch up to, to chase down, to overtake. pwakihdi
to go beyond, to exceed, to surpass, to overtake. sipele
overtime overtime. ohperdaim
overtired overtired, as of a muscle. dau
overture flirtation, sexual overture. poulang
flirtation, sexual overture. pwengipweng
to make a sexual overture to, to flirt with. poulangih
to make a sexual overture, to flirt with. pwangih
overuse to overuse land suitable for yam cultivation. kalangk sahpw
overweight fat, stout, overweight, obese. mworourou
to become fat, stout, overweight, obese. mworouroula
overwhelm to be overwhelmed. kakihruhkala
to conquer; to overcome, to overwhelm. kalowehdi
to conquer; to overcome, to overwhelm. powehdi
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
owl bird sp., short eared owl, Asio flammeus ponapensis. likoht
bird sp., short eared owl, Asio flammeus ponapensis. tehiap
own to own a vehicle. warawar₂
to own land; to homestead; to cultivate land. sapwasapw
to own one or many houses. imwaimw
to own, of buildings, dwellings, houses, shelters. imwaniki
to own, of land. sapweniki
to own, of vehicles. waraniki
to own, to have, used with nouns occurring with the classifier ah. ahneki
to own, to have, used with nouns occurring with the classifier nah. nainiki
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
ox bull, ox. kouwol
oxygen oxygen. oaksisen
oa ob oc od of oh oi ok ol om on op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy -top-
Oyena mojarra fish sp., Oyena mojarra, Gerres oyena. mwomwinleng₂
oyster oyster. lingkiri
oyster. pelekenna
pearl oyster. pwai