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2. How to Communicate by Email in English

Example 2.1 Invitation Email

Kazuo Sugihara <sghrkz@uvwxyz.edu>

Robotic Arm Test at 10 am on 6/10/2015 (Wed)

Dr. Jason Lee <jlee@rd.robots.com>

Steve Martin <stevem@uvwxyz.edu>, sghrkz@uvwxyz.edu

Hello, Dr. Jason Lee.

I am contacting you regarding our research project of
autonomous underwater vehicles.

We plan to test a control unit of two robotic arms
at 10 am - 12 pm on 6/10/2015 (Wed).

I wonder if you would be interested in joining us
to observe the test.

You are cordinally invided to the test.

If your colleagues are also interested in the test,
please feel free to invite them
and let us know how many people will attend the test.

Thank you in advance.


Kazuo Sugihara

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