Machine Level and Systems Programming, ICS 312

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Instructor: Edo Biagioni

Office is in POST 303B, telephone 956-3891, e-mail Office hours are Monday and Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm, or by appointment.

Teaching Assistant: Xiaowei Sun

Office is in POST 305B, telephone 956-3487, e-mail Office hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 3pm to 4pm.


In this course, students will:


This course has The exact grade assignment will be determined by the instructor at the end of the course, but performance at the 90% level should be sufficient for an A, and at the 80% level for a B.

Homeworks are generally assigned on Wednesday and due the following Wednesday. Homeworks MUST be done individually unless otherwise indicated. Pop quizzes will be at the beginning of class and if missed cannot be made up.

There are two "textbooks" and one additional reference.

The course meets MWF at 10:30-11:20am in Watanabe 112.

Tentative Schedule

This schedule is subject to change. In general, for Chapters 3-13, we will be learning the SPARC and the Intel architectures in parallel.

Overheads from the lectures are in two equivalent formats: dvi and html. Html should be compatible with any browser you choose to use. Follow this link for help on displaying DVI files.


I appreciate feedback! Please send me mail at with any comments, or if you notice any mistakes, or if you have problems accessing any of these links.