Updated: 6/25/2024 |
a e i o oa o oa u
k l m mw n ng p pw r s d t w
ka₁, also aka₁, kat, akat. dem. mod. these, by me. ka₂ num. cl. used in counting rows or lines of things. kahngen nih weneka six rows of coconut palms. ka₃ interj. Wow! I'm impressed! ka- verb. pref. causative prefix, also used in forming ordinal numerals. mwenge eat, kamwenge feed; mehla die, kamehla kill; pahieu four, kapahieu fourth; pweipwei stupid, kapweipwei cuckold. kaerala, also kairala. vt. to stop something from continuing, to conclude, to put an end to. erala, vi. kai- vt. to move something a short distance. Kaido dahlen. Move the dish toward me. kei-, vi. kaiahn 1. vi. to train₁, to exercise, to drill. 2. n. training, instruction, exercise, drill. kaiahne, vt. kaiahne vt. to train₁, to exercise, to drill. kaiahn, vi. Kaiapas Biblical. n. Caiaphas, the high priest of the Jews during Jesus' ministry. kaiasada vt. to resuscitate (someone) from unconsciousness or apparent death; to raise from the dead, to resurrect. kahiep vi. to be unburdened or empty-handed; to travel without provisions; to be unarmed, to have no weapon. kaiedi, also kaidi. vt. to lower, to decrease. Kaiedi ngileng kesengen. Lower the volume of the music. kaiokmwur n. tailwind, wind coming from behind a sailing canoe, enabling the canoe to run downwind. kaiot meing. n. chin. cf. kaikai. kaik, also kaikinte, saik₂, saikinte. neg. not yet. E kaik kohdo. He hasn't yet come. kaikai n3s. chin. cf. [meing] pahsore, kaiot. kaikes n. tree sp., red sandalwood, Adenanthera pavovnina. kaikinte, also kaik, saik₂, saikinte. neg. not yet. kaiko 1. n. guard, sentry. 2. vi. to guard. kaile-, also ile-. rel. n. location some distance in relation to (somewhere or something). Ihmwo mi kailedo sang pillapo. The house is located this side of the river. E mi kailalaho. She is over there. kailehda vt. to elevate, to raise. kailikpe, also keilikpe. n. external boundary, surroundings. kailok n. hatred; grudge; prejudice. kailongki vt. to hate or dislike, of people. kaimana, also kundihna. n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten raw. kaimwisak, also keimwisak. vt. to finish, to complete, to conclude, to end; to accomplish something. kaimwisek, keimwisek, vi. kaimwisek, also keimwisek. vi. to be finished, to be completed, to be concluded, to be ended; to be accomplished. kaimwisak, keimwisak, vt. kaimwisengkihla, also keimwisengkihla. vt. to finish with, to conclude with, to end with. I pahn kaimwisengkihla ehu kapakap. I'm going to end with a prayer. kain n. kind, sort, type₁, typically with a negative connotation when used with reference to people. [Eng.] Kain Biblical. n. Cain. kainangih, also keinangih. vt. to motivate, to inspire; to arouse sexual desire. kaineng, adj. kainen vi. neut. to straighten; to inventory; to defecate; to make adjacent; to make parallel. kainene, vt. kainen mwenge 1. polite. vi. to defecate. 2. n. feces. cf. [meing] loakewel. kainen pihl 1. polite. vi. to urinate. 2. n. urine. cf. [meing] koamwosod. kainen pwuhk 1. vi. to do bookkeeping. 2. n. bookkeeping, accounting, reconciliation of an account. [pwuhk <Eng.] kainene vt. to straighten; to inventory; to aim; to make adjacent to; to make parallel. kainen, vi. kaineng adj. motivational, inspirational, sexy. kainangih, keinangih, vt. kainihneng adj. lusty, craving something. kaingihng vt. to lay (something) on its side; to tilt. I pahn kaingihngala serio. I will lay the child on her side. kaingun n. navy. [Jap. kaigun] kaipw₁ meing. n3s. the lower half of the human body. Kaipwahr wisekesekala.pwehki sikarer en ilok. Your lower half got wet from salt water spray. cf. kapihe. kaipw₂ meing. vt. to beseech the Great Spirit (Enihlap) to descend upon the body of the Nahnmwarki. I kaipw Enihlap pohn erekiso. I beseech the Great Spirit to descend upon the body of his highness. keipweni, vi. kaipwaipw 1. vi. to cause a spirit to manifest itself in someone. 2. n. manifestation of a spirit. kaipwarak, also kaipwerek. vi. to ornament; to groom. kaipwarakih, kaipwerekih, vt. kaipwarakih, also kaipwerekih. vt. to ornament; to groom. kaipwarak, kaipwerek, vi. kaipwerek vi. see kaipwarak. kaipwerekih vt. see kaipwarakih. kaipwiong vt. to impregnate. kaipwidi vt. see kaipwihdi. kaipwihdi, also kaipwidi. vt. to give birth. kair n. news; announcement. kairak, also kaireke. vt. to arrange in a straight line, to arrange in order. Ihs me kairak takai ni keilen dihpw ko? Who arranged the stones on the edge of the grass? keirek₂, vi. kairakala vt. to line up in a sequence; to do x times in a row. Kairakala seri kan. Line up the children. kairakidi vt. to list, to rank, to order in succession, from first to last, or from top to bottom. Kairakidi eden koaros nan doaroapwe. List everyone's name on paper. kairala, also kaerala. vt. to stop something from continuing, to conclude, to put an end to. E kairala aht koasoai. He stopped our talk. Kitail kairala atail mihting. Let’s conclude our meeting. erala, vi. kairada vt. to nurture, to raise, of children; to provide guidance for children; to develop or adopt habits or ideas; to make progress. Pwopwoudo kairada neira seri ko Pohnpei. The couple raised their children on Pohnpei. Seri kau kairada Pohnpei. The children were raised on Pohnpei. Kitail dehr kairada liakotohrohr Pohnpei. Let us not develop discrimination on Pohnpei. keirida, vi. kaire vt. to announce publically. kairehki vt. to inform, to notify. kaireke, also kairak. vt. to arrange in a straight line, to arrange in order. keirek₂, vi. kairehki vt. to inform, to notify. kairoir 1. vi. to have a view looking down. 2. n. vision; view, sight. kairong polite. vt. to observe, to watch, to view. Luhk kairong dahme wiewiawi. Luhk observed what was happening. kairu n. toad, frog. [Jap. kaeru] kaisa n. company, corporation, group. [Jap. kaisha] kaisare, also keisere. vt. to heat up (something). kaiser, keiser, vi. Kaiser Biblical. n. Caesar. [Ger. Kaiser] kaiser, also keiser. vi. to be heated up. kaisare, keisere, vt. kaisihsol, also kaisol. vi. to fast₂ or abstain from food, voluntarily or under command from a superior. kaisihsolih, vt. kaisihsolih vt. see kaisihsol. kaisol vi. see kaisihsol. kaid n. kite. [Eng.] kaidaid n. the long strips of wood located on both sides of the hull of a canoe that serve as splash guards. kaidehk neg. see kaidehn. kaidehkin neg. see kaidehn. kaidehn, also kaidehk, kaidehkin. neg. not; used to negate equational sentences. Kaidehn ih mehn Ruk. He is not Chuukese. kaidehn mehn mwamwahl, also kaidehn mwamwahl. interj. That is impressive! It is not insignificant. kaidi, also kaiedi. vt. to lower, to decrease. Kaidi ngilemwen. Lower you voice. kaidih vt. to wait for high tide. kaidisol, also keidisol, ireisol. 1. n. the sixth and last feast of the yam season, in which uncooked clusters of kehp toantoal are used as tribute. 2. vi. to end the yam season; to have this feast. kaididi vt. to delimit. kaidoke, also keidoke. meing. vt. to listen attentively to. kait n. a yam cultivar. kaitar vt. to provide whatever is missing until a need is satisfied; to improve. kaitara, also keitara. vt. to supplement to bring to completion, to fulfill. kaitiek, also keitiek. vt. to cause another to hang his/her head in shame or embarrasment; to degrade someone, to put someone down. kaitin kehpindol n. a yam cultivar. kaitin pohnpei n. a yam cultivar. kaiwek n. fish sp. kaokehda vt. to start a fire with something. I pahn kaokehda pohndal. I'm going to start a fire with coconut husks. kaonop vt. see kaonopada. kaonopada, also kaonop. vt. to prepare, to get ready, to warn. onop, vi. kaondenkomwe vt. to resist, to rebel. Sohte me kak kaondenkomwe poahngok. No one can resist an ultimatum from the Nahnmwarki. kau₁ vt. more commonly kawada; see below. kokou₁, vi. cf. [meing] koureke, kourakih. kawada vt. to construct, to make, to build; to establish, to enact; to create, as a kousapw; to erect; to drink directly from a container. kau₂, also akau. dem. mod. those, away from you and me. kau₃ n. harmful magic, sorcery which left untreated causes death. kahu n. (3sg. kahwe) buttocks; bottom. cf. [meing] pwalek. kauenioas n. plant sp., a medicinal plant. kaukaule adv. continuously, repeatedly, all the time. Ohlo kin sarawi kaukaule. That man goes to church all the time. kaukehong vi. to harden, to lend more force to. kahukihla vt. to take an oath to, toswear by. kahula, vi. kahula likamw n. perjury. kaulim 1. vi. to be dissatisfied, querulous, or always complaining; to be critical,. 2. n. dissatisfaction, criticism. 1. Re kaulim pwe re kin doadoahk sohte koammoal. They are dissatisfied because they worked without rest. 2. Re sohte kasalehda arail kaulim pwe re mahk. They did not reveal their dissatifaction because they were being polite. kaulime, vt. kaulime vt. to complain about, to criticize. kaulim, vi. kaun 1. n. ruler, leader, director, head, boss. 2. vt. to rule, to lead₁, to direct, to head, to boss. Kauna, also Kohna. n. said to be one of the four types of non- or subhuman beings that inhabited Pohnpei in the past . Kaunen Kousapw, also Soumas en Kousapw. n. chief of a section (kousapw). Kaunen Mwomwohdiso n. head of a congregation, used by both Catholics and Protestants. kaunehdi, also kawenehdi. vt. to lay someone or something down; to change the position of something from vertical to horizontal. kaunsakala vt. to finish, to accomplish, to complete. kaundenkomw 1. vi. to oppose, to resist (someone or an idea). 2. n. opposition, resistance. 2. Re kasalehda arail kaundenkomw. They showed their opposition. kaundenkomwe, vt. kaundenkomwe vt. to oppose, to resist (someone or an idea). I pahn kaundenkomwe arail pekipek. I will oppose their request. kaundenkomw, vi. kaup vt. to peel, as a banana. kokoup, vi. kaupe n3s. disadvantage; cause of ruin. kaupeh meing. vt. to wake (someone) up. Nahnsahu pahn kaupeh Isohko. Nahnsahu will wake up Isohko. cf. pangin. kaupuhpdi vt. to cover, as with a sheet. kaupwoi n. cowboy. [Eng.] kaurapene vt. to unite, to combine. Mie a koahiek en kaurapene pali riau? Does he have the ability to unite the two sides? kaurere vt. to sprinkle water, as on clothing prior to ironing. Kauro n. an evil spirit that roams the Dolonier area of Nett; thought to be a cause of starvation. kaururi archaic. n3s. mouth. kaus vt. see kausada. kausada vt. to eject, to banish, to cast out, to throw out. kausekesek n. Polyscias guilfoyle, the branches of which are used to sprinkle starch water over clothing while ironing. kausekeseke vt. to wet, as when pouring water on something. kaud sent. adv. Right?; Isn't it true? Kaud ih me nda? Isn't it true that he said it? kauhdi vt. to stop, to hinder. kaudiahl 1. vi. to cause to have a vision. 2. n. a vision. 1. E kaudiahl ohlo. He caused that man to have a vision. Kaudiahl n. Revelations, a book in the Kadehde Kapw (New Testament). kaudok 1. vi. to worship, to pray. 2. n. worship, religion, prayer. kaudoke, vt. kaudokado vi. to cast a spell. Kaudok en Nahnisohnsapw n. a ritual prayer said to Nahnisohnsapw that was offered on the islet of Idehd in Nan Madol. kaudokado vi. to cast a spell. kaudoke meing. vt. to worship, to adore; to be specifically directed to, as of a message to a high-titled person or to a spirit, to pray to. Kitail pahn kaudoke Enihlap. We will worship Enihlap. Poarono kaudoke Soumas en Kousapw. That message was specifically directed to the head of the village. kaudok, vi. cf. pwongih. kauduhd meing. n. gossip, rumor. Kauduhd me pidada Mwohnsapwoko sohte mehlel. The gossip that pertains to Mwohnsapwoko is not true. cf. rongapar. kautek meing. vi. to be questioned, to be judged, to be interrogated. kauteke, vt. cf. pakadei, pakadeik. kauteke meing. vt. to inquire, to question; to judge, to interrogate. Mwohnsapwoko kauteke pwungen koasoaio. Mwohnsapwoko questioned the truth of the story. cf. [meing] kadeik. kautih 1. adj. concerned. 2. vt. to precribe medicine, said of a sounwini. kautoke, also koautoke. meing. vt. to drink. Mwohnsapwoko kautoke wain. Mwohnsapwoko drinks wine. cf. nim. kautohr meing. vi. to be alone. Mwohnsapwoko ketin kautohr ansou me re ketin souneida. Mwohnsapwoko was alone when he got sick. cf. kelehpw. kauwe vt. to criticize. Soulik kauwe arail doadoahko. Soulik criticized their work. kauwehdi vt. to double-cross one member of a married couple, as a consequence of participation in an extra-marital affair, to cheat on one's spouse. kak 1. vi. to be able to, can₁. 2. n. qualification, ability. 1. Ke kak uhda? Can you stand up? 2. Ntingihdi soangen kak koaros. Write down all of his qualifications. kakete vi. to be possible. Kumwa kakete iang pilipilda. It is possible both of you might be selected. kahk₁ vi. to step. kahk₂ 1. n. riddle. 2. vi. to ask a riddle. kahka 1. adj. desiring peace and quiet while under the influence of kava. 2. vi. to show respect, to honor. kakau n. cacao, Theobroma cacao. [Eng.] kakahnseli, also kakahngseli. vt. to make a round of visits. Ohlo kakahnseli sampei kan. The man was visiting the various islands. kakahngseli vt. see kakahnseli. kahkahre vt. to tempt, to seduce. Liho kahkahre ohlo. The woman tempted that man. kahke n. bird sp., fairy tern, Gygous alba. kakehla, also kakehlaka. vt. to strengthen, to heal, to encourage; to confirm. Ke kin kakehla ahi lamalam. You strengthen my will. kakehlahda vt. to cause a sick person to recover. kakehlail 1. vi. to be strengthened; to get encouragement. 2. n. confirmation (the rite administered in a church). kakehlailih, vt. kakehlailih vt. to strengthen, to encourage; to confirm, as in the confirmation rite in a church. kakehlail, vi. kakehlaka, also kakehla. vt. to strengthen, to heal, to encourage; to confirm. kakehlahda vt. to cause a sick person to recover. kakeptakaila Biblical. vt. to harden (someone's) heart. keptakai, adj. kaker 1. vi. to cause a liquid to flow into a container, as when one directs the flow of water from a spring into a bucket. 2. meing. vi. to consume kava. 2. Komw kaker pwohng? Did you have kava last night? kakere, vt. cf. kengsakau, sakau. kaker pwudou vi. to workout (physical exercise), to engage in a labor intensive activity; to use a sauna. kakere vt. see kaker. kakerepil n. fish sp., an immature sweetlips porgy, Plectorhynchus celebicus. kakerepwel meing. n. nullification. Poahngok en kakerepwel ong mwaren ohlo wiawihier; kahrehda mwaren ohlo kakerepwella. The nullification speech has already been made regarding the man's title; thus, his title has been nullified. cf. kasohr. kakerepwelihala meing. vt. to cause to disappear; to nullify; to dismiss, as a court case; to repeal, as a law; to abolish. Ansou me sapwellim mwekid en kakerepwelihala koasoandi ieu ah wiawiher, e wialahr kakerepwel. Whenever his action to nullify a procedure takes place, it results in a nullification. kakerepwella, vi. cf. kasohrehla. kakerepwella meing. vi. to be caused to disappear; to be nullified; to be dismissed, as a court case; to be repealed, as a law; to be abolished. Mwaren ohlo kakerepwella. The man's title was nullified. kakerepwelihala, vt. cf. kasohrala. kakerehdi vt. to spill, of a liquid; to shed₁, of tears. kakete vi. to be possible. Kumwa kakete iang pilipilda. It is possible both of you might be selected. kahki, also pohkahki. adj. khaki, tan. [Eng.] kakil vt. to stare at. pekekil, vi. cf. [meing] koumoale. kakiles n. sp. of large black ant. kakilit meing. vi. to be itchy. E pwudong aluweluwahr? Is your foot itchy? cf. pwudong. kakipwel n. (3sg. kakipweli) banana flower. kakihr vt. to submerge; to strip off clothing; to unsheathe a knife or hidden weapon; to slide, as on a cable; to tight-line fish. kekihr₁, vi. kahkirek n. tree sp. kakihruhkala Biblical. vi. to be overwhelmed. kakon, also koakon₁. n. small box; joint, fitting; knuckle; a small plot of land, a house lot; inning, in baseball. kakon medek, also koakon medek. n. arthritic joint pain, commonly associated with lower than normal temperatures. kakone vt. to arrange, to assemble, to put together; to start a rumor. kakonepene vt. to reassemble; to fit together. kakos adj. oppressive, given to bending others to one's will. Saudeleur me kakos. Saudeleur was oppressive. kakose, vt. kakose vt. to bend, to bend to one's will; to restrict, to imprison. Liho kakose nah serepeino. That woman restricted her daughter. kakos, vi. kakoammoale, also koammoale. vt. to make one rest. koammoal, vi. cf. [meing] rahnmwoale. kakuh archaic. vt. to apply a kind of magic that prevents another from speaking. kakun vt. to extinguish. kokun, vi. kakuhrekpene vi. to be joined together. Pwihn riawo kakuhrekpene wiahda ehute. Those two groups were joined together to make just one. kakus vt. to spray, to cause to flow; to drain. kokus, vi. kakudai n. marching band₂. [Jap. gakutai : band] kakko adj. putting on airs, showing off. [Jap. kakkō : form, appearance] kala₁ adj. boastful, pompous, pretentious, conceited. cf. [meing] pohnlangile. kala₂ n. collar. [Eng.] kalaimwun 1. adj. large. 2. n. (3sg. kalaimwuni) magnitude. kalaidong n. a cultivar of rahmedel (a kava cultivar), distinguished by the absence of spots on its stems. kalau vt. to cool down, to calm down someone who is angry. kalauala, also kalaudi. vt. to ease the tension of a situation by calming someone who is angry. kalaudi, also kalauala. vt. to ease the tension of a situation by calming someone who is angry. kalaude vt. to increase, to enlarge. kalaudehieng vt. to increase the volume of. kalaudepe n. increment, supplement, addition to something. kalaudi, also kalauala. vt. to ease the tension of a situation by calming someone who is angry. kalak n. tree sp., Palaquium karrak. kalahki vt. to be proud of. kahlahl n. vicinity, proximity. likin kahlahl n. the outer islands of Pohnpei state. nan kahlahl n. Pohnpei, the vicinity of Pohnpei. kalahltoal, also sehu kala. n. a sugar cane cultivar. kalammwih vt. to trigger a fear of spirits or of the dead. kelemmw, adj. kalamwur, also kalamwurih. vt. to water, to cool with water. kelemwur, vi. kalamwurih vt. see kalamwur. kalahngan 1. adj. merciful. 2. n. kindness, generosity, grace (the grace of God). 3. interj. thank you. cf. [meing] resoulap . kalahngan en komwi interj. thank you (to one person), often shortened to kalahngan. kalahngan pahn kupwure meing. interj. thank you, used only when addressing the Nahnmwarki or the . Kalahngan pahn kupwuren Mwohnsapw. Thank you (to the Nahnmwarki). Kalahngan pahn kupwuren Isohko. Thank you (to the Nahnken). kalahnganiki vt. to be thankful for, to be grateful for. I kalahnganiki meh koaros. I am grateful for everything. kalangada 1. vi. to be nominated. 2. n. nomination. kalangahda, vt. kalangahda vt. to nominate. kalangada, vi. kalangilangih meing. vt. to convey a title to. Mwohnsapwoko kalangilangih ohlo. Mwohnsapwoko conveyed a title to that man. cf. kamware. kalangk sahpw vi. to overuse land suitable for yam cultivation. kalanglik 1. meing. adj. generous. 2. meing. n. (3sg. kalangliki) generosity, as in being generous toward neighboring chiefdoms. 1. Soukisehnleng me kalanglik. Soukisehnlang is generous. 2. Kalanglik en Soukisehnleng me kahrehda re ketin iloakloake Isipahu. Soukisehnleng's generosity is the reason he gave a gift to Isipahu. cf. sapan. kalahp n. turtle sp., Pacific greenback turtle, Chelonia mydas. kahlap 1. n. (3sg. kahlepe) original; main part. 2. meing. n. (3sg. kahlapahr) body, of a person. 3. n. Nahnmwarki , Nahnken; a visiting dignitary who, for ceremonial purposes, is treated as having a rank equivalent to that of a Nahnmwarki or Nahnken. 4. adj. grand, as for grandparent. 5. Biblical. n. ancestor. 1. Aramas en ni kahlap en sahpwo tohnsang kisin deke kan. The people of the main island are greater in number than those of the small islands. 2. Kahlap en Nahnpwutak Pikeniap me lap. The body of Nahnpwutak Pikeniap is large. 4. Ahi pahpa kahlap mwo. That is my grandfather. 4. pahpa kahlap grandfather 4. nohno kahlap grandmother. kalapada adj. having thin legs and a large torso. Kahlapoko n. your/his highness, used to refer to the Nahnmwarki. kalapw adv. frequently. E kin kalapw seiloak. He frequently travels. kalapwuk meing. vi. to be alone. Re kalapwuk. He is alone. cf. kelehpw. kalapwur vt. to scrape. kalapwuhs n. jail, prison, calaboose; prisoner. [Eng. calaboose < Spa. calabozo : dungeon] kalahd 1. meing. n. (3sg. kalahdihr, kalahd) filth; disdain. 2. adj. filthy, repulsive, repugnant. 1. Koanoat kan me kalahd ansou wet pwe loange simwisimwi. Your food is repulsive now because flies are swarming on it. kaladahn, also akadahn, lakadahn. n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten raw, prized for its delicious taste, Musa acuminata. [Tag. lakatan] kalahdiki meing. vt. to disdain; to hate; to dislike. cf. sautiki, suwediki. kalawahla vt. to scare away, to frighten. kalahwasa 1. n. show-off. 2. adj. acting like a show-off. kalawahda vt. to scare off, never to return. kale, also kaleke. sent. adv. don't ever. Kale ke tangasangie. Don't ever run away from me. kalei, also kalekei. polite. vt. excuse me, look out. Kalei komwi mahs. Please excuse me (upon passing in front of another). kaleu, also kalo. n. (3sg. kalewe) root₂. kalehk vi. to fast₂ or abstain from food. kalehki, vt. kahlek 1. vi. to dance. 2. n. a dance. kahlek pwoaloapwoal 1. n. a Western style dance. 2. vi. to dance in this manner. kaleke, also kale. sent. adv. don't ever. Kaleke ke de manokeiehla. Don't ever forget me. kalekei, also kalei. polite. vt. excuse me, look out. Kalekeikumwail. Look out (when something or someone is moving by)! Kalekeiuk. Please excuse me (upon passing in front of another). kalehki, also kalehk. vt. to fast₂ or abstain from food. kalel n. concubine. kalelapak 1. polite. vi., vt. to inquire about, to ask about, to check on. 2. polite. n. inquiry, question. cf. [meing] keinamwe, keinemwe, keidek. kalele vt. to inform. Ke kalele ohlo dahme pahn wiawi? Did you inform the man what will take place? kahlemengih, also kahlimangih. vt. to follow in the footsteps of, to set an example for. Seri kin kahlemengih me mah. Children often follow in the footsteps of their elders. kalemwei n. shellfish sp., Turbo petholatus, found in fresh-water. kalendar n. see kalender. kalender, also kalendar. n. calendar. [Eng.] kahlep n. corpse. kalesih vt. to humiliate. Liho kalesih ohlo. The woman humiliated that man. Kalesia Biblical. n. Galatians, a book in the Kadehde Mering (Old Testament). [Eng.] Kalewen Mein Mesihsou n. a subclan of the Lipitahn. kalewiala vt. to finish cooking food not done. kaliahdekih vt. to cause to recoil. kaliat 1. meing. n. the act of scratching one's body. 2. meing. vi. to be scratching. 1. I sohte patohwan sapwellimahr kaliat. I didn't see your scratching. 2. Mwohnsapwoko kaliat. Mwohnsapwoko is scratching. kaliete, vt. cf. kerupwud. kaliete meing. vt. to scratch, as when itching. Mwohnsapwoko kaliete kepehiso. Mwohnsapwoko scratched his thigh. kaliat, vi. cf. karupwude. kalik vt. to restrain, to forbid. E kalikiraildi ren kohdo. He restrained them from coming. kalikala vt. to surpass, to outdo, to exceed. kalikasang vt. to wean; to train₁ someone not to do something. kalikawih, also kelikawih. vt. to dress someone. kalikedi vt. to prohibit, to prevent, to forbid. kalikou n. hymen. Kalili Biblical. n. Galilee. [Eng.] kahlimangih, also kahlemengih. vt. to follow in the footsteps of, to set an example for. kahlimeng n. a model for behavior. Met wia mehn kahlimeng. This will make a model for behavior. kahlimengipe n3s. example, model for behavior. Kahlimengipen ohlo ie kitail. We are the ones who follow his example. kalimwed, also kelimwed. n. bird sp., island swiftlet, Aerodramus vanikorensis; small sp. of bat. kalingana, also kelingana. vt. to beautify, to embellish, to decorate; to glorify. kalipe 1. vt. to exile, to banish, to expel. 2. meing. vt. to tease. 1. Mwohnsapwoko kalipeirail pwe re me sakanakan. Mwohnsapwoko exiled them because they are bad. 1. Mehn Sehmen kalipala mehn Sokehs ko. The Germans exiled the people of Sokehs. 2. Mwohnsapwoko kalipe pwutako. Mwohnsapwoko teased the boy. kalipilip, vi. kalipilip vi. to be exiled, to be banished, to be expelled. kalipe, vt. Kalipohnia n. California. [Eng.] kahlipw n. pit into which breadfruit are placed in the making of preserved breadfruit. kalipwelipwe vt. to wound, to injure; to repeat. kalisahkih, also kelisahkih. vt. to toss with a sidearm motion, to swing someone on a swing. kalidoarih vt. to irritate, to cause anxiety. lidoar, adj. kalidu 1. vi. to be enslaved. 2. n. slavery. kaliduwih, vt. kaliduwih vt. to enslave. Ohlo kaliduwih nah aramas. That man enslaved his people. kalidu, vi. kalitopw adj. causing a feeling of intoxication, of kava, alcohol, or sex. kalo, also kaleu. n. (3sg. kalewe) root₂. kaloiloida vi. to be raised from birth by a human (of an orphaned animal). Nei pwihket kaloiloida. My pig was raised by a human. kaloirada, vt. kaloiloitik vi. to rear₁ a child. kaloirada vt. to raise an orphaned animal from birth. I kaloirada nei pwihko. I raised that orphaned pig from birth. kaloiloida, vi. kaloiridi vt. to be with someone at the time at their death. kalok adj. heart-breaking. kalohk 1. n. announcement, declaration, proclamation (all oral). 2. vi. to announce, to declare, to proclaim (all orally). kaloke vt. to punish; to antagonize. kalokolok, vi. kalokepe n3s. penalty, punishment, fine₂. kalohkih vt. to announce, to declare. Ihs me kalohkih men? Who announced it? kalokolok 1. vi. to be punished. 2. n. punishment. kaloke, vt. kalohkpe n3s. preamble. Kalohkpen Poahsoan en Kosonned en Weipokon en Pohnpei Preamble to the Constitution of the State of Pohnpei. kalohkpen pwung akan n. declaration of right}s. kalohkdahn ansou apwal laud karuwaru n. declaration of emergency. kalohmwat vt. to interfere with, to meddle with, to obstruct. kalohmwetidi vt. to pacify someone who is angry; to inhibit or slow down an activity. kalon n. gallon. [Eng.] kalopo n. plant sp., Calopogonium mucunoides. kalohpwuala, also kalopwuehla. vt. to crucify. cf. [meing] karohlepe. kalopwuehla, also kalohpwuala. vt. to crucify. cf. [meing] karohlepe. kalowehdi, also powehdi. vt. to conquer; to overcome, to overwhelm. kaloaloahla vt. to deepen. kahlu 1. n. a marching dance, procession, parade. 2. vi. to perform a marching dance; to go in a procession, to parade. kaluhlu 1. meing. vi. to vomit. 2. meing. n. vomit. 1. Mwohnsapwoko kaluhlu. Mwohnsapwoko vomited. 2. Kamwakelehsang kaluhluen. Clean up the vomit by you. cf. mmwus. kalupwur vt. to scrape the surface of something. kelupwulupw, vi. kalus vt. to promote someone's status above another's. Mwohnsapw kalus Dauk pohn Wasahi. Mwohnsapw promoted Dauk over Wasahi. kaluhs, also koluhs. adj. wasteful. [luhs <Eng. lose] kaluhsih, vt. kalusala vt. to complete, to conclude. kalusasang vt. to take off, to remove, as a covering. kalusada vt. to surprise, to shock. Mwein kitail kalusada ohlo, pwe e sohte kasik me kitail pahn kemedipwe. Maybe we shocked the man, for he did not expect us to honor him with a feast. kaluhsih vt. to defeat; to waste. [luhs <Eng. lose] kaluhs, vi. kalusiamala, also kalusiamahla. vt. to hang, as at an execution. Ekei wehi kin kalusiamala aramas me dipekihda dipen kamaramas. Some countries hang people who are convicted of murder. kalusiamahla vt. see kalusiamala. kahluwa vt. to lead₁, to guide. kaluwanda vt. to remove some part of something so that it is no longer whole or complete; to cause to be a leftover. kaluwenta 1. n. a kind of magic applied to blood from a wound, believed to cause death. 2. vi. to employ this kind of magic. kalkuleder n. calculator. [Eng.] kahllipw, also kahnlipw. n. a series of pits, usually of preserved breadfruit; a pool₁ from a large abandoned pit for preserving breadfruit. kalpanum Biblical. n. galbanum, one of the components of ancient holy incense. [Eng.] kalsedoni Biblical. n. chalcedony, a form of quartz used as a gemstone. [Eng.] kalsium n. calcium. [Eng.] kama₁ n. Japanese style cooking pot. [Jap. kama 釜] kama₂ n. sickle. [Jap. kama 鎌] kama₃ n. comma, the punctuation mark. [Eng.] Kamai n. the patron spirit of shell ornaments, said to reside in the Metipw section of Madolenihmw. kamaiawe vt. to free; to ease pain; to relieve. kamair vt. to put to sleep. kamauke slang. vt. to cause to cry, to weep, to moan. mauk, vi. kamaurada vt. to start, of an engine. kamakam 1. vi. neut. to spank or beat. 2. Biblical. n. persecution. keme, vt. kamal n. vine sp. kamahl adj. of light, dazzling, capable of causing temporary blindness. kamala vi. to be executed, to be killed, to be put to death; to be dropped, as a case in court. kemehla, vt. kamalailai vt. to calm someone. kamaleilei, vi. cf. [meing] ketempa. kamalailaidi, also kameleileidi. vt. to pacify, to ease tension, to calm someone down. kamalau n. to thin out a crop; to practice birth spacing. kamalaulau 1. vi. to be reduced in number. 2. n. reduction. kamalaulawih, vt. kamalaulawih vt. to reduce in number. kamalaulau, vi. kamahlahl₁ meing. n. entertainment; serenade. Ansoun sapwellimahr kamahlal. It's time for your entertainment. cf. kemweit. kamahlahl₂ n. echo. I rong ngilen kamahlahl. I hear the sound of an echo. kamahlahle meing. vt. to entertain; to baby-sit; to pamper to excess. Mwohnsapw kamahlahleirail. Mwohnsapw entertained them. cf. kamwait. kamalawa₁ vt. to add space, to thin out, to space out in time. kamalawa₂ n. plant sp., a smelly, medicinal plant. kamaleilei vi. to be calmed. kamalailai, vt. kamalehd meing. adj. comforting, pleasing, consoling, pleasant, joyful. Ninlimahret me kamalehd. This place (of yours) is pleasant. cf. kansenamwahu. kamahliel adj. glistening, blinding. kamam, also kamem. vt. to enjoy, of any intoxicating drink. kahmahm 1. adj. given to denial. 2. n. denial, initial refusal out of politeness. kamamauk vt. to make someone cry. kamamsakau, also kamemsakau. adj. given to drinking kava. kamamsikek vi. to harvest the best of one's crops, without regard for the future. kamahn rais n. pot for cooking rice. [Jap. kama 釜] kamana vt. to make official, to authorize, to give official approval to, to empower. kamanaman, vi. kamanaman vi. to be made official, to be authorized, to be given official approval, to be empowered. Koasoandi wet alehier kamanamansang kepina. This law received approval from the governor. kamana, vt. kamanda , also kemenda. vt. to tame. kamantik vt. to persuade cautiously; to move slowly, physically or mentally. kamang vt. to kill a tree, by any method. kamangai, also kamengei₁. vt. to make something easier, to facilitate. kamangaila vt. to simplify, to arrange in a simple manner, to delete some part of task. kamangaida vt. to request; to get, to use one's connections to obtain something that is needed. I pahn kamangaida pwihk, ah kitail koaros pahn pwainpene.I will get a pig, and we will all chip in to pay for it. kamangaido, also kapaledo. vi. to help someone satisfy his/her needs. kamangala vt. to dry a canoe before painting and lashing it together. kemeng, vi. kamangk vt. to squint at something, as a consequence of bright light or as a result of intoxication from drinking kava. mengk, vi. kamangkpene vt. to squint one's eyes. Kahmar n. a section (kousapw) in Nett. kamara vt. to lighten a burden, either physical or mental. kamarain n. enlightenment, education. Kamarain sewese me pwulopul kan en keirda mwadang nan madamadau. Education helps youth to quickly develop thinking skills. kamarainih vt. to enlighten, to educate. kamarak vt. to spread out. kemerek, vi. kamaramas vi. to commit homicide or manslaughter. kamasak vt. to scare, to intimidate, to menace. kamasepwehk adj. frightening, intimidating. kamasepwehkih, vt. kamasepwehkih vt. to frighten; to intimidate. kamasepwehk, adj. kamasikek adj. mean, selfish, said of a person who never uses his/her prime crops for any purpose other than personal consumption. kamasriaparih vt. to double, as roofing or paper; to make a double lining, as when sewing something. kamadakala, also kamadakahla. vt. to cause pain, to hurt; to cause distress. kamedek, vi. kamadakahla vt. see kamadakala. kamadal vt. to make smooth out; to finish, as of concrete; to plaster; to polish, to wax. kamadamad adj. insincere in the refusal of food, as prompted by the dictates of hospitality. kamahdied meing. n. trust, confidence, faith, hope. Re sapwellimaniki kamahdied pohn Nahnken. He has confidence in the Nahnken. cf. koapwoaroapwoar. kamahdiediki meing. vt. to have trust, confidence, faith, hope in. kamadipw 1. vi. to feast. 2. n. traditional ceremonial feast, party. kemedipwe, vt. kamadipw en aluhmwur 1. n. feast given for people who are engaging in the practice of aluhmwur. 2. vi. to have this feast. kamadipw en iloakiloak 1. meing. n. a feast to express appreciation for a gift from another chiefdom. 2. vi. to have this feast. 1. Kamadipw en iloakiloak kin wiawi ni ansou me Nahnmwarki alehdi dipwisou me pekedersang kahlap en ehu wehi tohrohr. A feast of appreciation is made when a Nahnmwarki receives some high value commodities from the royalty of another chiefdom. 2. Kitail pahn kamadipw en iloakiloak? Are we going to have an appreciation feast? kamadipw en kapel, also kapel. 1. meing. n. a welcoming feast for a Nahnmwarki; a feast for royalty returning from a trip. 2. vi. to have this feast. 1. Kitail pahn kamadipw en kapel ong Nahnken nan wihk kohkohdoh. We will have a welcoming feast for the Nahnken next week. 2. Kamadipw en kapel kin wiawi mwurin soupeidi ah sapahl sang seiloak. A welcoming feast is customarily prepared after royalty returns from a trip. kamadipw en kehmwakele 1. meing. n. a feast prepared in association with a bridal request made to a Soupeidi. 2. vi. to have this feast. 1. Kamadipw en kehmwakele kin wiawi ni pekpwopwoud ah kin wiawi ong soupeidi. A feast for a bridal request is made to a Soupeidi. kamadipw en kousapw 1. n. feast to honor the Soumas en Kousapw, normally done once a year. 2. vi. to have this feast. kamadipw en komwurumwur 1. n. farewell feast; Last Supper (Biblical). 2. vi. to have this feast. kamadipw en kopwopwoud 1. n. marriage feast. 2. vi. to prepare this feast. kamadipw en luhk 1. meing. n. a feast in honor of visiting royalty from another wehi₁. 2. vi. to have this feast. kamadipw en maram 1. archaic. n. feast given by young people on the occasion of a full moon. 2. vi. to have this feast. kamadipw en nohpwei, also sekenmei, kamadipw en sekenmei. 1. meing. n. a feast of reciprocation for the first feast of the breadfruit season, given by the soupeidi. 2. meing. vi. to have this feast. kamadipw en peneinei 1. n. family feast. 2. vi. to prepare this feast. kamadipw en sekenmei, also sekenmei, kamadipw en nohpwei. 1. meing. n. a feast of reciprocation for the first feast of the breadfruit season, given by the soupeidi. 2. meing. vi. to have this feast. 1. Ni ansou me kehmei kin wiawi, ah kamadipw en sekenmei pil kin pelian. In the event of an initial feast of the breadfruit season, there will be a reciprocal feast . kamadipw en dapwehiek 1. meing. n. a feast for royalty who come from another chiefdom to mourn the death of a member of the royalty. 2. meing. vi. to have this feast. 1. Kamadipw en dapwehiek kin wiawihieng soupeidi me ketdo sang nan ehu wehi pwehn mwahieiki pwoulahn ehu kahlap. The feast for the royal mourning party is made for the royalty of another chiefdom who are on hand to mourn the death of a member of the royalty. kamadipw en tiepwel 1. n. a feast for the recovery from an illness. 2. vi. to have this feast. 1. Kamadipw en tiepwel kin wiawi ni Nahnmwarki ahr rosondahsang sounei de iaslapada. A feast of recovery is held when a Nahnmwarki recovers from an illness or resuscitated. 2. Kitail pahn kamadipw en tiepwel pwe Mwohnsapw iaseneida. We will have a feast of recovery because Mwohnsapw has recovered. kamadipw en wahu 1. n. the fifth feast of the yam season; this feast was initiated during the German administration to appease the Nahnmwarkis after title to their lands were assigned to the occupants. 2. vi. to have this feast. Kamadipw Sarawi 1. n. Holy Communion, Eucharist. 2. vi. to celebrate Holy Communion, to celebrate the Eucharist. kamadipwe, also kemedipwe. vt. to have a feast in honor of someone of high esteem. kamadipw, vi. cf. [meing] kasaune. kamat vi. neut. to age, of food; to let get ripe. kamata, vt. kamata vt. see kamat. kamatala Biblical. vi. to be killed. kamatahla, vt. kamatahla Biblical. vt. to kill. kamatala, vi. kameiou vi. to sweeten. kameimeiso, also kemeimeiso. 1. meing. vi. neut. to pluck grey hair or whiskers. 2. meing. n. the activity of plucking grey hair or whiskers. 1. Mwohnsapw pahn kameimeiso. Mwohnsapw's whiskers will be plucked. 2. Dene mahs kameimeiso kin kalapw wiawi, ah ansou wet e sohla kin wiawi. It is said that a long time ago the process of whisker plucking was a frequent practice, but now it it is no longer done. kameimeisoe, vt. cf. uspwetepwet. kameimeisoe vt. see kameimeiso. kamel n. camel. [Eng.] kameleilei n. pacification. kameleileidi, also kamalailaidi. vt. to pacify, to ease tension, to calm someone down. kamehlel 1. vi. to be verified, to be believed to be true. 2. n. final proof; final heat of a race. kamehlele, vt. kamehlel en usuhs, also usuhs sapahl. n. runoff election. kamehlele vt. to verify; to believe to be true. kamehlel, vi. kamelengileng vi. to be polished, to be shined, to be waxed. kamelengilengih, vt. kamelengilengih vt. to polish, to shine, to wax. kamelengileng, vi. kahmelimel n. snail sp., used for medicine. kamem, also kamam. vt. to enjoy, of any intoxicating drink. kamemsakau, also kamamsakau. adj. given to drinking kava. kamenipih vt. to trim; to make thin. kamenpil n. one who like watery kava. Lahpo kamenpil. That guy is someone who likes watery kava. kamengei₁, also kamangai. vt. to make something easier, to facilitate. kamengei₂ n. option. Mie kamengei ehu. There is one option. kamera n. camera. [Eng.] kahmed n. plant sp., used medicinally. kamedek adj. painful, physically or mentally. kamadakala, vt. kamine vt. to cause an action to be carried out thoroughly. kaminimin, vi. kaminepeseng vt. to break into pieces. E katehki kepo nan takaiko oh kaminepeseng. He threw the cup on the rocks and broke it into pieces. kaminehsang vt. to cleanse, to purify; to empty completely, of a container. kaminimin vi. to be carried out thoroughly, of an action. kamine, vt. kaminiminpeseng vi. to be broken into pieces. kaminiminsang vi. to be cleansed, to be purified; to be emptied completely, of a container. kamidome n. barrette, clasp for holding a female's hair in place. [Jap. kamidome] Kamoupwungupwung n. the stream into which the last Saudeleur disappeared, thus ending the Saudeleur dynasty. kamohng meing. adj. comforting, pleasing, consoling, pleasant, joyful, relaxing. Luwahreureu me pahn kamohng. Picnicking will be pleasing. kamohnge, vt. cf. kansenamwahu. kamohnge meing. vt. to comfort, to please, to console. Mwohnsapwoko pahn kamohnge Likend. Mwohnsapwoko will comfort Likend. kamohng, adj. cf. kansenamwahuwih. kamoadolan vt. to await an event. kamoatoare, also koamoatoare. vt. to oil or lubricate. kamuk adj. given to applying a severe punishment. kammada, also kemmada. vt. to dry. kammen vi. to provide a pig or dog for a feast. kamp 1. n. camp. 2. vi. to camp. 1. Se kin mi nan kamp. We live in a camp. 2. Se kamp nanwel. We camped in the forest. [Eng.] Kampa archaic. n. a yearly religious ceremony in the Pohnpeian traditional religion, conducted by the people of Onohnleng in Kitti. kampare interj. an exhortation, Do your best! [Jap. ganbare] kampe adj. bitter, as characteristic of menioak, mwekimwek, or kehmpalahi; this term is used in all municipalities except U, where sadik is more common. kampio 1. n. a caretaker for an invalid, especially one in a hospital. 2. vi. to act as such a caretaker. [Jap. kanbyō] kampioih, vt. kampioih vt. see kampio. kampiuder, also kompiuder. n. computer. [Eng.] kampilein 1. vi. to file₁ a complaint in court or at a police station. 2. n. a complaint in the form of a legal accusation against another. [Eng.] kampileinih, vt. kampileinih vt. see kampilein. kampos n. compass. [Eng.] kamdaim n. compensation time. [Eng. comp time] kamwait vt. to entertain; to baby-sit; to pamper to excess. cf. [meing] kamahlahle. kamwahu₁ 1. vi. to do community improvement work. 2. n. welfare, benefit, improvement; community improvement tax; labor provided by a male member of a household for the purpose of public improvement, such as clearing community roads or cleaning community facilities. kamwahwih₁, vt. kamwahu₂ 1. vi. to improve, to settle a quarrel, to make peace. 2. n. appeasement, conciliation. kamwahwih₂, vt. kamwahula vi. to be cured, as of an illness, to be fixed, to be renovated, to be improved, to be repaired; to be pacified, to be resolved. n. cure, improvement, repair, renovation, resolution. kamwahupe n3s. advantage. kamwakara vt. to cause one to walk out; to cause one to go on a labor strike; to cause disgust, to upset. Re kamwakarahda ohlo nan mihtingo aio. They caused the man to walk out of the meeting yesterday. kamwakel vi. to clean. kamwakele, vt. kamwakele vt. see kamwakel. kamwakelekel n. cleansing, purification. kamwakid vt. to move, to shake; to make a motion, as in a legislative proceeding. kemwekid, vi. kamwahl 1. vi. to double-cross; to fornicate, to have a sexual affair, to commit adultery. 2. n. sexual affair, adultery. 3. Biblical. n. perversion. kamwahlih, vt. kamwahlih vt. see kamwahl. kamwamw vt. to exhaust, of a supply. kamwamwahl adj. despicable, contemptible. kamwamwahlih, vt. kamwamwahlih vt. to despise, to hold in contempt, to disdain, to scorn. kamwamwahl, adj. kamwan 1. vi. to joke. 2. n. joke. kamwane, kemwene, vt. cf. kelipilip₂. kamwane, also kemwene. vt. to joke with or about. kamwan, vi. cf. [meing] kelipa₂. kamwarak vt. to sow or broadcast seed. kamware 1. vt. to raise an issue, to get the attention of a group for the purpose of exploring their reaction to a topic. 2. vt. to convey a title to. 1. I kamwareirail pwe I men ese dah arail pepehm. I raised the issue with them because I wanted to get their reaction. 2. Pwoud Lepen Palikir kamware ohlo. Pwoud Lepen Palikir conveyed a title to that man. cf. [meing] kalangilangih. kamwasik adj. scorching; hurting emotionally. kamwasikahla, vt. kamwasikahla vt. to burn, to scorch; to hurt another emotionally. kamwasik, adj. kamwadong n. a competative game. kamwadonge vt. to hold a sporting event for. Re pahn kamwadonge sounmwadong en Pohnpei. They will hold a sporting event for the Pohnpei athletes. kamwataia vi. to wag the tail, as of a dog. kamwatau vt. see kamwataur. kamwataur, also kamwatau, kamwotou. vt. to suspend, to dangle, to hang, as of the legs. E mwohndi ni keilen tahto, ih kamwataur nehko. He sat at the edge of the platform and hung his legs over the side. mwotou, vi. kamwatel, also kamwetel. n. earthworm, intestinal worm; hair roots of kava. kamwahwih₁ vt. to do community improvement work on. kamwahu₁, vi. kamwahwih₂ vt. to improve; to settle a quarrel about, to make peace with; to say good things about someone. kamwahu₂, vi. kamwahwihala vt. to cure, as an illness; to fix, to renovate, to improve, to repair; to pacify, to resolve. Winio kamwahwihala en serio soumwahuo. The medicine cured the child's illness. E kamwahwihala arail pingipingo. He resolved their conflict. kamweimwahu vi. to make peace. kamweid vt. to break off; to divorce. E kamweidpeseng pwopwoudo. He broke off their marriage. kamweng 1. vi. to be fed; to make a small feast; to provide food. 2. n. small feast; feeding; fertilizer. 3. n. welcoming feast for someone returning from a trip. kamwenge, vt. cf. [meing] kapel. kamweng kasapw 1. n. a maternity feast, held for a pregnant woman in anticipation of her death or her child's death. 2. vi. to prepare this feast. 1. Peneineio onohnop ren wia arail kamweng kasapw. The family is preparing to do their maternity feast 2. Re kamweng kasapw rahnwet. They are having a maternity feast today. kamwenge vt. to feed, to have a feast for someone returning from long trip. kamweng, vi. cf. [meing] kapele. kamwengehda vt. to poison food by the use of magic. kamwer 1. n. seed bed; bait arranged on the ocean floor to lure turtles. 2. vi. to make a seed bed, to sew seeds; to sew one's deeds, resulting in good or bad consequences; to arrange bait on the ocean floor to lure turtles. kamwere, also kemwere. vt. to gesture menacingly, to feint a blow. kamweremwerda vi. to be loosened. kamwerehda, vt. kamweremwerdi vi. to be dismantled, to be blown down, to be caused to fall down. kamwerehdi, vt. kamwerehda vt. to loosen. Kamwerehda sukuru kan. Loosen the screws. kamweremwerda, vi. kamwerehdi vt. to dismantle; to blow down, to cause something to fall. Kisiniengo kamwerehdi wahn mahio nanpwel. The wind blew the breadfruit down to the ground. kamweremwerdi, vi. kamweseu adj. sexually excited. kamwesewih, vt. kamwesewih vt. to sexually excite someone. kamweseu, adj. kamwetel, also kamwatel. n. earthworm, intestinal worm; hair roots of kava. kamwis vt. to shake up and down. kamwisimwis, vi. kamwisimwis vi. to be shaking, as during an earthquake. kamwis, vt. kamwomwala vt. to exhaust, of a supply; to exterminate, to annihilate, to destroy, to eradicate; to extirpate. mwomwala, vi. kamwomwada 1. vi. to be proposed. 2. n. proposal. kamwomwehda, vt. kamwomwadahn kosonned n. bill, a draft of a proposed law. kamwomwadahn koasoandi, also kamwomwadahn pekipek. n. proposal for resolution. kamwomwadahn pekipek n. see kamwomwadahn koasoandi. kamwomwadahn wekidekla n. amendment, as to a law. kamwomwehda vt. to propose. kamwomwada, vi. kamwomwsuwedih vt. to bring disgrace to, to defame. cf. [meing] koasoarsuwedih. kamwopwula vt. to suffocate. kamwosod 1. meing. vi. to urinate. 2. meing. n. urine. 1. Mwohnsapw pahn kamwosod dod mwurin ar pahn koanoate Lasix. Mwohnsapw will urinate frequently after taking Lasix. cf. pipihs. kamwohd n. primary spouse or lover. kamwohda vt. to wipe up feces. kamwohdang vt. to force someone to remain awake, to make someone stay up; to subpoena someone. Mwohnsapw kamwohdang tohn sahio lel nimensing. Mwohnsapw made the members of visiting party stay up until morning. kamwohdangdi vt. to honor a visiting title holder by seating him/her among the host dignitaries. Soukisehnleng kamwohdangdi Pwoud Lepen Palikir. Soukisehnleng is honoring Pwoud Lepen Palikir by seating him among the host dignitaries. kamwot vi. to be shortened, to be abbreviated. kamwotial 1. n. a kind of magic, performed to shorten a distance, as when carrying a heavy load. 2. vi. to employ this kind of magic. kamwotou, also kamwatau, kamwataur. vt. to suspend, to dangle, to hang, as of the legs. kamwotomwei 1. n. an action taken by a Nahnmwarki or his subjects that could be viewed by the Great Spirit (Enihlap, Koht) as offensive, believed to bring about an abrupt end to the reign of the ruling Nahnmwarki. 2. vi. to take this action. 1. Kamwotomwei ieu me Mwohnsapw wiaho. What Mwohnsapw did was an action that will end his reign. 2. Mwohnsapw kamwotomwei. Mwohnsapw took an action that will end his reign. kahmwowe, also koahmwowe. vt. to take the lead₁. kamwoamwasang vi. to exhaust a supply of something. kamwoaronge vt. to provoke, to irritate, to exasperate, to aggravate. kamwurala vt. to say farewell to a traveler or a dying person. kampwose vt. to fill by means of a pump; to cause to rise by adding yeast in the making of bread. kampwosehda vt. to cause to swell. kampwul n. torch made of dried palm fronds, lamp. kan, also akan. dem. mod. those, by you. -kan aff. plural marker for non-emphatic pointing demonstratives and demonstrative pronouns. kahn₁ 1. n. row, group, always appears with the construct suffix. 2. adv. serially. 1. Mie kahn nih riau. There are two rows of coconut trees. 2. Re kahn pilepilenpwong. They were having a series of nightly discussions. kahn₂ subj. pron. you wil or would, a blend of ke₁ and pahn₁. kana vi. to win. [Spa. ganar] kanai vt. to cherish; to add small stones to an uhmw. keneinei, adj. kanaiehng vt. to take care of, to watch out for. kanaitik, also keliseian en mei. 1. n. a method of making breadfruit trees bear₁ fruit sooner, done by making four cuts about the length of a hand lengthwise on the stem, approximately 1.5 feet above the ground. 2. vt. to assist a woman at childbirth. kahnaudek, also kehnaudek. n. oppression. kanakan archaic. adj. good. kanamenek adj. shameful. kanamenekih, vt. kanamenekih vt. to embarrass. Pwutako kanamenekihla ah peneinei. That boy embarrassed his family. kanamenek, adj. kanamenekpe n. embarrassment. kanampile, also kanempile. vt. to provide drinking water; to make one drink water. kanahng interj. Hurry up!, Come on! kanahng- vt. to continue on. Kanahngala omw mwengehn! Keep on eating! kanahng interj. Hurry up!, Come on! kanahria, also rimpio. 1. n. gonorrhea. 2. vi. to have gonorrhea. [Eng.] Kanada n. Canada. [Eng.] kanehk vi. to be distributed. Mwenge ko kanehk nanpwungarail. The foods were distributed among them. kaneke vt. to finish, to accomplish, to complete. kanekid vt. to save, to store. kanehkpe n. distribution. Pelik me kin wia kanehkpen koanoat. Pelik usually handles the distribution of prepared food. kanektikih vt. to hold in low esteem. Re kanektikih en ohlo sawas. They held that man's help in low esteem. kanempile, also kanampile. vt. to provide drinking water; to make one drink water. kaneng 1. adj. having contents; well developed, of the tuber of a plant; having a large clitoris. 2. n. (3sg. kanenge) substance; inside of something, contents, accessory, that which is logically a complement of something else. 2. Ale noumw kesingketieu oh kanenge kan. Take your bow and its complements (arrows). kanengamah 1. adj. patient. 2. n. patience, restraint; a way of concealing knowledge and of sharing it at auspicious times. cf. [meing] inamah. kanengamahiong vt. to be patient with. Kanengamahiongirail. Be patient with them. kanengen uhmw 1. n. contribution to a feast. 2. vi. to provide food to be prepared in the uhmw at a kamadipw; to provide a contribution to a feast. kanengen nan timwe n3s. nasal mucus, snot. Kanep n. title of the wife of a Kaniki Ririn. kanialamall n. a kind of bush or shrub. Kahnikepir n. the spinning bridge that one can cross only by being able to sing well, lying between Wasahn Soupwur, the underworld, and Pahsed, the heaven beneath the sea. Kaniki n. a title. Kaniki en Mesenieng n. the first section chief of Mesenieng who fled to Kitti because of the displeasure of Lepen Nett. Kaniki en Metipw n. a title in Mesenieng; one of the brothers who was punished by the Spanish in lieu of the Wasahi of Sokehs and Lepen Nett following the hostilities of July, 1887. Kaniki en Sapawas n. a title; a lesser priest during the reign of the Saudeleur who lived on the islet of Peikapw Sapawas, and who, along with Soulik en Sapawas, was responsible for the news that was to be sent throughout Pohnpei. kaniki en sapwuahtik n. a yam cultivar. Kaniki Ririn n. a title, in the Nahnken line. Kanikihn Sapawas n. a title. kahnihmw n. city, town, village, cluster of houses. Kahnihmweiso n. the name of the legendary underwater city located off the barrier reef at Nan Madol, literally meaning 'honored city'. kahnimpwal Biblical. n. camp of tents. kano archaic. n. (3sg. kanowe) catch, as of fish. kanu, also meikanu. adj. ripe, before the stage called mat₁, of breadfruit only; the first day of the ripening of breadfruit prepared by the dokomei method. kanuh n. maikol that is aged for just two days and one night. kanur vi. to shiver, to quiver; to sneak up on someone. kahnlipw, also kahllipw. n. a series of pits, usually of preserved breadfruit; a pool₁ from a large pit for preserving breadfruit. kahnsapw n. a group of estates or land holdings. Kahnsapwen Kohwahn Likilik en Dekehn Pasipik, also Kahndekehn Kohwahn Likilik en Dekehn Pasipik. n. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Kansas n. Kansas. [Eng.] kansenamwahu adj. comforting, pleasing, consoling, pleasant, joyful. kansenamwahuwih, vt. cf. [meing] kamalehd, kamohng. kansenamwahuwih vt. to comfort, to please, to console. kansenamwahu, adj. cf. kamohnge. kansenoh 1. adj. important, requiring careful attention. 2. Biblical. vi. to confess. 3. n. confession (in the Catholic church). kansensohki vt. to confess. E kansensohki dipe. He confessed his sin. kansensuwed adj. sorrowful; depressing, discouraging, disappointing. kansensuwedih, vt. kansensuwedih vt. to sadden; to discourage, to disappoint. kansensuwed, adj. kanser 1. n. cancer, also cirrhosis of the liver. 2. vi. to have cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. [Eng.] kanser en nan nta 1. n. leukemia. 2. vi. to have leukemia. kansohpa n. copra drying shed₂. [Jap. kansōba] kandalahria, also klordalahria wah tikitik. n. plant sp., smooth rattlepod, Crotalaria pallida. kandand adj. popular. kandandih, vt. kandandih vt. to make popular, to publicize. kandand, adj. kandandsuwedih vt. to cause or create negative publicity. kandandsuwedihla vt. to disgrace someone in a major way. kahndeke n. archipelago; group of islands. Kahndeke Kapatapat kan en Maikoronesia n. The Federated States of Micronesia, consisting of 607 islands politically organized into four states--Kosrae, Pohnpei, Chuuk, and Yap. Dekehn Pohnpei mi nan Kahndeke Kapapat kan en Maikoronesia. The islands of Pohnpei are located within the Federated States of Micronesia. Kahndekehn Kohwahn Likilik en Dekehn Pasipik, also Kahnsapwen Kohwahn Likilik en Dekehn Pasipik. n. The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Mwurinte Mahwin Keriau en Sampah, Pohnpei wia kisehn Kandekehn Kohwahn Likilik en Dekehn Pasipik. Immediately after World War II, Pohnpei was part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. kandehla n. candle. [Spa. candela] kandedeid n. candidate. [Eng.] kandoh adj. disgraceful, shameful. Soangen mwekiden me kandoh. That kind of action is disgraceful. kandoku n. watchman. [Jap. kantoku] kandowe vt. to disgrace, to defame. Ieremen wia mwekid me kakete kandowehla ohlo. Be careful not to take any action that could disgrace that man. kanti n. hard candy. [Jap. kyandī < Eng.] kang vt. to eat. mwenge, vi. cf. [meing] sohk₁, koanoate, sakan₁, tungoale. kangada vt. to eat something accidentally; to engage in oral sex with. kahng₁ vt. to dislike, to refuse. kahng₂ n. series, group, row, line, as a line of titles; mountain range; small stream. kahng₃ vt. to visit door to door, to go from one place to another. kangalangal meing. n. dry clothing one puts on, extra clothing taken on a trip. Mwohnsapw ketki sapwellim kangalangal. Mwohnsapw took along dry clothing. cf. kemmad, kiemmad. kangalangalada meing. vi. to put on dry clothing. Mwohnsapw kangalangalada mwohn ar pahn mwoalehdi doadoahk en rahnwet. Mwohnsapw put on dry clothing before he sat down for the day's activities. kengelengele cf. kemmadada, kiemmadada. kangalangale, also kengelengele. meing. vt. to provide dry clothing to someone who is wet. Irail pahn kangalangale Mwohnsapw. They will provide dry clothing to Mwohnsapw. kangalangalada, vi. cf. kemmade. kahngahng meing. vi. to sigh, to breathe. Soukise ketin kahngahng ni doken ar pahn ketda oh poahngoko. Soukise sighed as he stood up to speak. cf. sengel. kangada vt. to eat something accidentally; to engage in oral sex with. kangederala vt. to multiply in number, to increase. kahngiangih vt. to offend. kangir n. wooden mallet. kangid vt. to pound₁ or press something into a thick, heavy mass; to chew into fine particles. kangidirawi vi. to be falsely accused; to be a scapegoat. kahngohdi adj. stubborn, rebellious. kangkiresek vi. to perform fellatio. kangkong n. plant sp., kangkong, water spinach, Ipomoea aquatica. [Eng.< Tag.] kangkohdang n. tourist party. [Jap. kankōdan] kangkuru n. kangaroo. [Eng.] kangpihpi vi. to perform cunnilingus. kangrawih vt. to be blamed for something. I kangrawih doadoahk sakanakan. I am being blamed for bad performance. kengrou, adj. kap num. cl. used in counting bundles or sheafs. kepen tuwi riakap two sheaves of firewood. kahp₁ n. a cultivated valley, used as an agricultural resource for clansmen. kahp₂ n. curve. [Jap. kābu < Eng. curve] kahp- vi. to move in a curve, to cruise around. Pwohto kahpseli nan puelen dahwo. The boat cruised around the bend in the channel. [Jap. kābu < Eng. curve] kapa, also kahper. n. copper. [Eng.] kapa- vt. to pass an object with one's hand, to stretch out one's hand; to wave one's hand around. Kapahdo mahs saidahn? Could you please pass the soda? cf. [meing] kapahlenge. kapahwei peh vi. to stretch out one's hand. kapahiada vt. to make someone happy or wealthy, to bless someone. kapahieu num. fourth. kapaii Biblical. n. grace, blessing. cf. [meing] kupwuramwahu. kapaiia vt. to wish happiness, success, peace, and good fortune; to bless. cf. [meing] kupwuramwahuwih. kapaik vt. to carry on one's shoulder. kepeik, vi. cf. [meing] apara₂. kapailok 1. vi. to tease. 2. n. tease. kapailoke, vt. kapailoke vt. to tease someone. kapailok, adj. kapairek vt. to hear, to listen. Mie me kapairek ngilen likuwer? Did anyone hear someone calling? kahpaido n. carbide, carbide lamp. [Jap. kābaido : carbide< Eng.] kapaidok meing. vi. to hear, to listen. Sohpeidi pahn ketin kapaidok ansou me aramas sakaradah. Nobles will listen when commoners stand to speak. kapaidoke, vt. cf. rong. kapaidoke meing. vt. to hear, to listen. Sohpeidi ko kapaidoke kedepwidepw en seiloak en olen Kitti ko ong Koasrae. The nobles listened to the song about the journey of the men from Kitti to Koasrae. kapaidok, vi. cf. rong. kapakap₁ 1. vi. to pray, to say a prayer. 2. n. prayer. cf. [meing] kasakas, loulou. kapakap en kapaii n. benediction. kapal vt. to knead, as of dough. kepel, vi. kapahle vt. to entice someone to go someplace. kapahlenge meing. vt. to pass an object with one's hand, to stretch out one's hand; to wave one's hand around. cf. kapa-. kapaledo, also kamangaido. vi. to help someone satisfy his/her needs. kapahnediwo adj. nauseating. kapahnmwatang n. the prerogative of a family to be the sole provider of herbal medicine to a family member injured in a fight. kapahndil 1. n. an intermediary, a go-between between a man and a woman. 2. vi. to serve as an intermediary or go-between. kapahndile, vt. kapahndile vt. to serve as an intermediary or go-between. kapahndil, vi. kapang n. suitcase. [Jap. kaban] kapahpah vi. to be distributed. Deikaud kat pahn kapahpah rehn koaros. These takeouts will be distributed among all of them. kapapeseng vt. to extend or stretch out one's arms; to train₁ a hibiscus tree for the purpose of supporting a yam vine. kapar 1. vi. to march; to go together, to accompany one another. 2. n. march, procession. kapara₁, vt. kapahr vi. to look for wild mountain yams. kapara₁ vt. to walk together with physical contact; to accompany, to associate with. kapar, vi. kapara₂ vt. to breed, to propogate, to reproduce. kaparaparala, vi. kapara inen katau vt. to marry a non-Pohnpeian. kapahrak₁ vt. to align, to equalize, to level. kapahrak₂, also epeng en koanoat. meing. n. in Kitti and Nett, the fourth cup of kava during a kava ritual, served to Nahnalek (spouse of the Nahnmwarki) in Kitti and to the Nahnmwarki or Nahnken in Nett. kaparan vi. to make someone happy, to amuse. kaparanih, vt. kaparanih vt. see kaparan. kaparapar adj. fertile, procreating prolifically. kaparaparala vi. to be bred, to be propagated, to be reproduced. kapara₂, vt. kapahrek 1. vi. to give a speech or sermon, to preach. 2. n. speech, sermon. cf. [meing] mahsen, poahngok. Kapahrek en Pohn Dohl Biblical. n. Sermon on the Mount. kaparok n. the upper limbs of a tree that are cut and allowed to fall among the lower limbs to provide better support for the growth of a yam. kaparoke vt. to cut the upper limbs of a tree and allow them to fall among the lower limbs to provide better support for the growth of a yam. kaparki vt. to warn against, to altert to danger. kaparpwihk vi. to raise, of pigs. kapas 1. n. feast made for a fishing party. 2. vi. to have this feast. kapasa vi. to fasten, to affix; to tag someone in the game wiehni. pas₂ kapasmwar 1. n. feast of public acceptance of a title. 2. vi. to have this feast. kapadal vt. to recite; to sound out, to say syllable by syllable, to say word by word, to utter. kapat 1. vi. to add. 2. n. addition. kapata, vt. kapata vt. see kapat. kapatau, also kopatau. n. phlegm. kapatapat vi. to join. kapatapatpene vi. to be joined together. Pwihn riawo kapatapatpene wiahda ehu. The two groups were joined into one. kapatapata vt. to level, to make even. Re kapatapata wasahn wie ihmw. They are leveling a place for house construction. kapatapatpene vi. to be joined together. Pwihn riawo kapatapatpene wiahda ehu. The two groups were joined into one. kapahtou adj. saddening. kapatpene 1. vi. to consolidate. 2. n. consolidation. kapahwei peh vi. to stretch out one's hand. kape₁ vt. to play with a toy canoe or boat. Pwutako kape were kisin wahro nan pillapo. The boy played with his toy canoe in the river. kape₂ vt. of the wind, to blow something over. Kisiniengo kapehla wahro. The wind blew over the canoe. kapei n. a cure for blindness caused by magic. kapeii vt. to cause to fight,. kapeii malek 1. n. cockfight. 2. vi. to have a cockfight. kapeila vt. to propel a floating object to. kapeilokaia vi. to talk back, to sass. kapeipeseng vt. to cause to float apart. kapeidek, also kapeidekih. vi., vt. to be questioned, to be interrogated; to question, to interrogate. kapeidekih, also kapeidek. vt. to question, to interrogate. kapeudial adj. spectacular. kapel, also kamadipw en kapel. 1. meing. n. a welcoming feast for a Nahnmwarki, a feast for any royalty returning from a trip. 2. vi. to have this feast. 1. Kapel pahn wiawi rahnwet. A welcoming feast will take place today. 2. Re kapel rahnwet. They will have the welcoming feast today. kapele, vt. cf. kamweng. kapele meing. vt. to give a welcoming feast for a Nahnmwarki. Se kapele Mwohnsapw aio. We gave a welcoming feast for Mwohnsapw yesterday. kapel, vi. cf. kamwenge. kapehm n. warning. kapehme vt. to make someone realize his mistake. kapepeseng vt. to cause to melt, to dissolve, to cause something to dissolve in a liquid. kapehr n. Geocardia herbacea, used medicinally. kahper, also kapa. Biblical. n. copper. [Eng.] kaperen adj. amusing, funny, pleasant, joyful. kaperenih, vt. kaperenih vt. to amuse, to please, to bring joy or happiness to. kaperen, adj. Kapernaum Biblical. n. Capernaum. [Eng.] kapes n. head cabbage. [Eng. cabbage] kapehse 1. n. introduction. 2. vi. to make an introduction. kapehseh, kapehsehih, vt. kapehseh, also kapehsehih. vt. to introduce; to make acquainted. kapehse, vi. kapehsehih vt. see kapehseh. kaped vi. to be deflowered, to have sexual intercourse with a virgin. kapede, vt. kapehd n. (3sg. kapehde) abdomen, belly, stomach; seat of the emotions. cf. [meing] kupwur₁, kupwuriso. kapehd medek 1. n. stomach ache or severe abdominal pain (or uterine pain in females), including symptoms of dizziness and closing of the eyes. 2. vi. to experience these symptoms. kapehd mweteu adj. having a hanging belly, beer-belly. kapehd pedeped adj. nauseous. kapehd tikitik adj. high strung, easily angered, emotional. kapede vt. to deflower, to have sexual intercourse with a virgin. kaped, vi. kapehden neh n3s. arch of the foot. kapehdi romantic. n. heart. Ke kemwesikahla kapehdi. You set my heart on fire. kapi n3s. bottom, the lowest part of a yam or tuber, the interior end of a channel. kapih₁ vt. to give precautionary advice; to coach. kapih₂ vt. to drink kava after it has been served to others, to eat leftovers. kep₁, vi. cf. [meing] kepindewehlape. kapih₃ vt. to carve the end of a canoe so as to create the noken wahr. kapihe n3s. the lower half of the human body. cf. [meing] kaipw₁. kapikala vt. to transform from one form to another. kapikada vt. to create, to make up something. kapil vt. to encircle, to go around; to circle. kapin₁, also kepin. n. captain of a ship. [Eng. captain] kapin₂ n. cabin, as on a ship. [Eng.] Kapinet n. an islet in Nan Madol where sails were made. kapindowe vt. to welcome, to receive. kahpinte n. carpenter. [Eng.] kaping₁ n. praise, thanksgiving. Re wia arail kaping. They gave their praise. kaping₂ vt. to cause a disturbance, to create confusion. kapinga vt. to praise. Kapingamarangi, also Kerenis. n. a Polynesian-outlier atoll located within Pohnpei State. kapingaping adj. worthy of praise. kapingpe n3s. praise of (him, her, it). kapir vt. to turn, twist, or spin. kepir, vi. kapirada vt. to wake someone up. kapisel vt. to shoot, to perform the action which discharges a weapon. kapiser vt. to hasten. kapihdi vt. to influence or prejudice another's opinion. kapidohi₁ vi., vt. to release from confinement; to be released, as from the hospital or prison; to withdraw. Ohlo kapidohisang nan imweteng. The man was released from jail. kapidohi₂ n. expense, business expense. Kanaiehng pwe kapidohi dehr laudsang kapidolong. Be careful not to have expenses exceed income. kapidolong₁ vt. to submit; to admit; to introduce a bill in the legislature. kapidolong₂ 1. n. feast for a new dwelling house. 2. vi. to have this feast. kapidolong₃ n. income, revenue. kapit₁, also kepit₃. meing. n. (3sg. kapitiahr/kapitie) voice. Ke iangehr rong kepitien Mwohnsapw. Have you heard Mwohnsapw's voice? cf. ngihl. kapit₂ vt. to pry out; to relax a wire or stick under tension. kepit₁, vi. kapit₃ vt. to rescue, to free an animal or a person, to allow to escape; to salvage. kapitih vt. to tease. kepit₂, adj. cf. [meing] kumwusih. kapitipit vt. to speed up, to make something go faster, to hasten. kepitipit, vi. kapou n. fish sp., double-lined mackerel, Grammatorcynus bilineatus. kapoulaul 1. meing. vi. to be a source of pride; to be amusing, pleasant, or a source of joy. 2. meing. n. a source of pride, amusement, pleasure, or joy. 2. Me kapoulaul I en ese ahi tiahk. It is a source of pride to me that I know my culture. kapoulaulih, vt. kapoulaulih meing. vt. to take pride in, to please; to amuse, to bring joy or happiness to. Mie kasdo me pahn kapoulaulih tohnkousoanet. There are movies that will please residents of this community. kapoulaul, vi. kapokon n. a gathering. kapokone vt. to summon. Ohlo kapokone ah peneinei. The man summoned his family. kapokonepene vt. to assemble, to congregate. Soulik kapokonepene ah peneinei ni Kirisimaso. Soulik assembled all of his family at Christmas time. kapohl adj. prideful. kapohle, vt. kapohle vt. to boost one's pride; to make one happy or proud. Ke pahn kapohleirail ma ke kepinga sapwarailo. You will boost their pride if you praise their homeland. kapohl, adj. kapohlpe n3s. pride. kapohlpen Pohnpei pride of Pohnpei. kapohpo 1. n. alcohol consumed as a chaser after drinking kava. 2. vi. to consume alcohol after drinking kava. 1. Ke pwainda ata kapohpo? Did you buy our drinks for chasers after kava? 2. Kita sohte pahn kapohpo. We will not drink chasers after kava. kapose vt. to detonate; to pop, as a balloon or chewing gum. kaposoke vt. to stack, to pile up. kappa n. raincoat, tarpaulin. [Jap. kappa] Kapriel Biblical. n. Gabriel, an archangel named in the Old Testament. [Eng.] kapden n. captain, police captain, captain in the military. [Eng.] kapwala vi. to visit a place for the first time; to refurbish or make like new again. kahpw n. (3sg. kahpwi) top of the head. E mad kahpwiho. The top of his head is bald. cf. [meing] kadokenmei. kapwaih vt. to criticize or insult another, usually employed by or in reference to women. kapwaiada vt. to fulfill; to obey the law; to cause to succeed. kapwaipe n3s. the source of success. kapwaireleng 1. meing. vi. to go on a trip, to travel. 2. meing. n. trip, journey, travel. 1. Soukise kapwaireleng. Soukise went on a trip. kapwairelenge cf. seiloak. kapwairelenge meing. vt. to go on a trip to, to travel to. Mwohnsapwoko kapwairelenge Kuam. Mwohnsapwoko went on a trip to Guam. kapwaireleng, vi. cf. seiloakih. kahpwal n. undesirable result, problem, difficulty. kapwala vi. to visit a place for the first time; to refurbish or make like new again. kapwang₁ adj. tiresome, boring. kapwanga, vt. kapwang₂ n. the name of the stake that is driven into the kuwi. kapwanga vt. to exhaust, to tire out. E kapwangahla liho. He exhausted the woman. kapwang₁, adj. kapwar vt. to exhibit, to display. kapwarapwarada vi. to be brought up, as a subject in a conversation; to be revealed. kapwarehda, vi. kapwarehda vt. to bring up, as a subject in conversation; to reveal. Liho kapwarehda madamadau mwahu. That woman brought up a good idea. kapwarsou 1. meing. vi. to eat breakfast, to consume kava early in the morning. 2. meing. n. breakfast; morning, early morning hours. 1. Isohko sangkenein kapwarsou. Isohko ate breakfast very early. 2. Kapwarsou onopadahr. Breakfast is ready. cf. mwengehn menseng, deied, menseng. kapwad vt. to insert or retract. kapwadala vt. to reveal, to leak, as a secret. kapwat 1. n. decoration, ornament, new outfit of clothing; festive attire; flower (generically); garland, headband. 2. Biblical. n. furnishings. 3. vi. to deocorate or ornament. kapwata, vt. kapwata vt. see kapwat. kapwatapwat adj. ornamented, outfitted in new clothing. kapweiek vt. to stop some action. kapweipwei vi., vt. to be deceptive, to be unfair; to cuckold, to cheat, to deceive. kapwelipweilihala vt. to soil, to make something dirty. kapwella Biblical. vi. to return to dust, to return to earth. kapwer 1. vi. to be the smallest. 2. n. runt, of a litter; smallest one, as of a bunch of coconuts. kahpwi adj. hesitant. kapwie n. cafe. [?Jap. kafē < Fre. café] kapwil vt. to direct or channel the flow of water; to impart; to transmit, to broadcast. Irail kapwilla pihlo nan sapwarailo. They channeled the stream into their property. E pahn kapwilehng audepe kan rehn nah pwutako. He will impart all that he knows to his son. kapwilihala vt. to combine, to make two things into one. Re kapwilihala doadoahk en ipwidi oh kapel. They combined the birthday and the welcome party. kapwilida 1. meing. vi. to be awakened by having the hair on one's big toe pulled. 2. meing. n3s. hair of the big toe. kapwilihda, vt. cf. winen sendilap. kapwilihda vt. to wake someone by pulling the hair on his/her big toe. kapwilida, vi. kapwo vt. to drag, of a log. kapwoi n. betel leaf, a sp. of pepper plant, Piper betle, the leaves of which are used as a wrapping for betel nut. [Yap.] kapwokohniki vt. to blame someone for something. kapwonopwon adj. mysterious, mystifying. kapwonopwone vt. to put a circle around something, to encircle. E kapwonopwonehla ah ntingo. He put a circle around his writing. kapwowar vi. to drag a canoe, done by wading or swimming fishermen. kapwowihala vt. to postpone or cancel. kapwukoahki vt. to delegate, to assign responsibilty to. kapwulapwul n. lamp. kapwunior, also pawehs. n. a herbaceous ornamental, Gomphrena globosa. kapwunod 1. adj. stressful; tedious, wearisome. 2. n. stress, tedium, weariness. kapwung vt. to correct, as homework; to give correct advice, to judge. kapwungala vt. to correct, to repay, as a debt. kapwungada vt. to come to an agreement. kapwungpene vt. to settle mutually. kapwur, also kopwur. 1. vi. neut. to repound kava. 2. n. the repounding of kava. kapwure, vt. kapwuhr vt. to scare someone by surprising him. kapwur moahl vi. neut. to repound kava with a small stone. kapwur peh vi. neut. to repound kava with the fist. kapwuhrasang vt. to undress, to take off, of clothing. Liho kapwurahsang en serio likouwo. That lady undressed the child. kapwure vt. to return, to reject; to repound kava. kapwur, kapwurupwur, koapwurupwur, vi. kapwurehsang vt. to recall (the political process). kapwuhrehng vt. to dress (someone). kapwurehsang vt. to recall (the political process). kapwurupwursang, koapwurupwursang, vt. kapwuriamwei, also koapwuriamwei. adj. amazing, astonishing. kapwurupwur, also koapwurupwur. vi. to be returned, to be rejected. kapwure, vt. kapwurupwursang, also koapwurupwursang. vi. to be recalled (the political process). kapwus n. any of a number of ceremonies performed to bring luck to a fishing net. kapwusenleng n. a net ceremony given to the Enihlap. kapwusenlimw n. a net ceremony requiring the performance of sexual intercourse prior to use of the net. kapwusenmaraki n. a net ceremony introduced from the east, probably Kiribati. kapwud 1. n. the act of removing a yam tuber by cutting it below the vine so that another tuber will develop. 2. vi. to be removed, of a yam tuber, by cutting it below the vine so that another tuber will develop. kapwude, vt. kapwude vt. to remove a yam by cutting it below the vine so that another tuber will develop. kapwud, vi. kapwudong vi. to be itchy. cf. [meing] kakilit. kapwkapwewasa interj. It's useless!, It's in vain! kar₁ vt. to comb. keriker₂, vi. kar₂ vt. to gather reeds; to cut down vines. kahr, also ker₂. slang. n. (3sg. kari/keri) a derogatory term for face. karainmes n. a kava stem that, after the root is divided, is shortened because it is too long. karaoke, also karioke. 1. vi. to sing karaoke. 2. n. karaoke. [Jap. karaoke] karauke vt. to cut down, to fell, of a tree; to lay (someone) down. Re men karaukehdihsang tuhke mengo. They want to cut down that dead tree. kereuk, korouk, vi. karaun 1. vi. to make an accusation. 2. n. accusation, defamation. karaune, karaunih, vt. karaune, also karaunih. vt. to accuse; to defame. karaun, vi. karaunih vt. see karaune. karaunlikamw, also karaunmwahl. 1. vi. to make a false accusation, to slander. 2. n. false accusation, slander. karaunlikamwih, karaunlikemwe, vt. karaunlikamwih, also karaunlikemwe, karaunmwahlih. vt. to accuse falsely, to slander. karaunlikamw, vi. karaunlikemwe, also karaunmwahle. vt. see karaunlikamwih. karaunmwahl vi. see karaunlikamw. karaunmwahle see karaunlikemwe. karaunmwahlih vt. see karaunlikamwih. karahk vi. to move with a low profile, as in a squatting or bent over position; short legged. karahkidi vi. to crouch down; to come down or descend from the sky, as thunder or an airplane. karakar₁ 1. adj. warm, hot, feverish. 2. n. high fever. cf. [meing] kereniol. karakar₂ n. bird sp., sooty tern, Sterna fuscata oahuensis. karakarahk adj. low, respectful, humble. karakaramwahu 1. meing. vi. to warm oneself by a fire. 2. meing. n. the act of warming oneself by a fire. 1. Mwohnsapwoko pahn karakaramwahu. Mwonsapwoko will warm himself by the fire. 2. Re pahn kupwurki karakaramwahu nindoken langin rahnwet. He will wish he could warm himself during this bad weather. cf. rengireng. karahkidi vi. to crouch down; to come down or descend from the sky, as thunder or an airplane. karakder n. character, as in a novel, play, etc. [Eng.] kahramasih vt. to cause someone to be of consequence; to deflower a virgin. karanih vt. to be near or close₂ to. keren, adj. karang vt. to dry, to warm by heat, as copra or tobacco. Karangada tehn tipaker kan. Dry the tobacco leaves. kereng, vi. karangahp n. fish sp., yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares. karangk, also karengk. vt. to cause the ground or any object to crumble into small pieces and slide or fall. Keteun pwohngo karangkdi pwehl pohn ahlo. The rain last night caused the soil to slide onto the road. karapahu n. carabao, water buffalo, Bulbalus bubalis. [Spa. carabao] karapih vt. to creep up to; to sneak up to. kerep, vi. karara n. tree sp., Myristica fragrans. kararan adj. having a tickling effect, arousing. cf. [meing] widenmell. kararanda vi. to be sexually stimulated by foreplay. karahs n. a small sp. of crab found on the reef. karasa vt. to compare. karasapene vt. to compare together. karasaras 1. vi. to provide an example; to make an analogy, to make a comparison; to point out a paradox. 2. n. example, analogy, comparison, paradox, parable. karasepe n3s. example. karasepe suwed n. scandal. karada₁, also kerada. vi. to board, to step up onto, to climb aboard; of fish, to spawn on the reef. karada₂ vt. to comb and arrange hair. see kar₁. karadak, also keradak. archaic. n. ladder, steps, stairs. karadak en oloiso, also keradak en oloiso. n. an entrance in the front of a feasthouse to the side platform used by women. karadak en serihso, also keradak en serihso. n. an entrance in the front of a feasthouse to the side platform used by men. karadakeiso, also keradakeiso. n. the steps leading up to the main platform of a feasthouse, commonly made of stone. karat n. generic name for a group of banana cultivars that are used as traditional infant food, reported to have the highest provitamin A cartenoid content among all the bananas of the world, eaten both raw and cooked; Musa troglodytarum. karat en iap n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten cooked. karat en pahlil n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten raw. karat kole, also karat pwonopwon. n. a banana cultivar, eaten both raw and cooked. karat poako n. a banana cultivar, eaten both raw and cooked. karat pwehu n. a banana cultivar, eaten both raw and cooked. karat pwonopwon, also karat kole. n. a banana cultivar, eaten both raw and cooked. karawan vt. to chase away; to shoo. kahre vt. to lead₁ or guide; to escort someone to some place. pakahr, vi. karengek adj. to be thirsty as a result of having consumed something too salty or spicy. Ohlo karengekda pwe e kang mwomwsahl. The man became thirsty because he ate salted fish. karengk, also karangk. vt. to cause the ground or any object to crumble into small pieces and slide or fall. kahrepe n3s. cause, reason, purpose. karer 1. adj. sour. 2. n. lime₂, Citrus limon; commonly used generically to refer to citrus of other kinds, including lemon, wild orange, and grapefruit,. cf. [meing] kiarawa. karerala vi. to become sour. karer en lopwolopw n. lime₂ (the fruit) used for the purpose of whitening fibers in the making of a grass skirt. karer laman, also laman. n. key lime₂, Citrus aurantiifolia. [laman <Eng. lemon] karerala vi. to become sour. karere vt. to cause to tremble or shake; to cause to vibrate. rer, vi. karerrer adj. frightening. karertik n. a small citrus, calamondin or orange calamondin, Citrus x microcarpa, a hybrid of two different citrus fruits, mandarin orange and kumquat. kahrehda vt. to cause, to be the reason for or why. Ih me karehda liho sengiseng. That's why the woman is crying. kari n. curry. [Eng.] kariau num. second₁. Karian n. an islet in Nan Madol on which there is a burial vault for high priests. kahriepe, also keriahpe. n. calamity, ruin, destruction, curse, due to supernatural causes. karioke, also karaoke. 1. vi. to sing karaoke. 2. n. karaoke. [Jap. karaoke] karindong n. a kind of sugar-coated cookie. [Jap. karintō] karipin₁ vi. to chip away wood, as when hollowing out a canoe hull. karipin₂ n. carbine. [Eng.] karirala, also karirihla. vt. to hide₁, to conceal. karirihla vt. see karirala. karis 1. vi. to march, to move in a military formation. 2. Biblical. n. troop, legion, army; host (as a host of angels). karihs vt. to snap off, to break, as a bone. kerihri, vi. karis en sounpei n. army. karisihn n. kerosene, coal oil. [Eng.] kariskahn n. moth. Karolaina Palieir, also Saud Karolaina. n. South Carolina. [Eng.] Karolaina Paliepeng, also Nohd Karolaina. n. North Carolina. [Eng.] karohlap 1. meing. vi. to be crucified. 2. n. cross. 1. Mie kahlap kak karohlap ? Can a noble be crucified? 2. Ohlo pahn wiahda karohlap. The man will build a cross for Mwohnsapw. karohlepe, vt. cf. lohpwuala, lohpwuhla. karohlepe meing. vt. to crucify. Nahnmwarki en Rohmw kan kin karohlepe souleng kan mahso. Some Roman emperors used to crucify Christians a long time ago. karohlap, vi. cf. kalohpwuala, kalopwuehla. karompw, also koarompw. n. obstacle, hindrance. karong meing. n. (3sg. karongahr) ear. cf. saleng. karongahla, also karongehla. vt. to burn, to overcook, to toast. karonge, also koaronge. meing. vt. to hear, to listen. Mwohnsapw karonge ohlo. Mwohnsapw heard the man. cf. rong. karongehla, also karongahla. vt. to burn, to overcook, to toast. karongorong 1. vi. to hold a hearing. 2. n. a hearing. karongorongki vt. to hint at. karosala, also karosehla. vt. to exhaust. karosehla vt. see karosala. karoson, also koaroson. vt. to invigorate. karotehla vt. to darken, to dim. karotong vi., vt. to obscure one's vision or thinking. Ah pwerki liho karontongala ah madamadau. His infatuation for that woman obscures his thinking. karotongala vt. to cast a spell to make something obscure, to obscure one's thoughts. karupwude vt. to scratch, as when itching. kerupwud, vi. cf. [meing] kaliete. karuwaru adj. hurried, rushed; anxious; urgent. keruwa, vt. cf. [meing] kahdahd. karmihna n. bush sp., Angelonia gardneri. karnelian Biblical. n. carnelian, an orange-colored variety of chalcedony, a mineral of the quartz family. [Eng.] karnet Biblical. n. garnet. [Eng.] karrompw, also koarrompw. n. obstacle. karwa, also kerwa. vt. to hasten, to rush something. kahs₁ vi. to speak in anger; to boast. kahs₂, also kahsilihn. n. gasoline, propane. [Eng.] kahs₃ n. deck of playing cards. [Eng.] kahs₄ slang. n. pre-marital sex partner. kahs₅ n. saying, proverb. see lepin kahs. kahs sdeisin n. gas station. [Eng.] kasah n3s. side of a canoe opposite the outrigger. kasahi vi. neut. to turn the front of a canoe away from the outrigger side, when paddling. kasaing vt. to meet, to meet by coincidence. kasaingmwahu, also keseingmwahu. n. a happy coincidence. kasaipwe adj. antipathetic. kasau vt. to move, to be transfer, to relocate; to postpone. E kasau ah sehro. He moved his chair. kosou, keseu₂, vi. kasaune meing. vt. to have a feast in honor of someone of high esteem. Nahnpwutak kasaune Isipahu. Nahnpwutak made a feast in honor of Isipahu. cf. kamadipwe. kasaut adj. filthy, repulsive, disgusting. kasaute, vt. kasaute vt. to make something filthy, repulsive, or disgusting. kasaut, adj. kasak n. bowl, used in the preparation of food. kasakas 1. meing. vi. to pray. 2. n. prayer. 1. Luhk ketla kasakas nan tehnpas sarawio. Luhk went to pray in the church. 2. Sapwellim kasakas kak sawas. Your prayer can help. cf. kapakap₁. kasalada, also kasansalada. 1. n. declaration, manifestation. 2. vi. to declare, to be manifested. kasaladakala, also kasaledekala, kasaladekiala. vt. to free, to release. kasaladekiala vt. see kasaladakala. kasalawar vi. to exhibit ones naked body; to remove one's shirt. kasale vt. to show or expose; to exhibit; to introduce or make something known. kasansal, vi. kasalepe n. sample, illustration, evidence. kasalehda nsen 1. vi. to petition. 2. n. petition. kasaledekala, also kasaladakala, kasaladekiala. vt. to free, to release. kasaloh adj. nerve-wracking, upsetting, disquieting. kasalonge vt. to obscure, to cause to become vague; to mislead. kasalongehla vt. to cause to go astray; to cause to disappear from sight. kasalowe vt. to cause another to be nervous. Pwolihso kasaloweirailda. The police made them nervous. kasallada vt. to infuriate,. kasamin vi. to pollute, to make something dirty or unsanitary, to soil; to defile, to dishonor, to disgrace. kasamine, vt. kasamine vt. see kasamin. kasamwoh vt. to welcome, to receive; to lead₁ one's aim when shooting birds. koasoamw, vi. cf. [meing] kepindowe. kasahmwur n. to turn the back of a canoe away from the outrigger side, when paddling. kasansal 1. vi. to be exposed, to be exhibited. 2. n. exhibition. kasale, vt. kasansalada, also kasalada. 1. n. declaration, manifestation. 2. vi. to declare, to be manifested. kasahnwar vi. to exchange information; to consult. kasang₁ n. (3sg. kesenge) fork, as of a tree, road, etc.; the space between the fingers or toes. kasang₂ meing. n. (3sg. kasangahr/kesenge) neck. Eliel en kasang me kamohng. Neck massaging is comforting. cf. woar, tepinwoar. kasang₃ vt. to cause to cry, to weep, to moan. seng, vi. kasangat adj. causing loneliness; failing to provide entertainment, boring. kasangatki, vt. kasangatki vt. to be bored by something or someone. kasangat, vi. kasangenial, also kesengenial. n. fork or intersection of a road. kasap n. bird sp., frigate bird, Fregata minor minor. kasapal n. fish sp., silverfish, Gerres abbreviatus or Gerres kapas, normally found on the fringing reef. kasapahl vi. to return an action in kind, to reciprocate. kasapw n. a dance movement involving lateral hip movement while keeping the shoulders rigid and with the hands on the hips. kasapwala 1. n. ending, termination, completion. 2. vi. to be ended, to be terminated, to be completed. 1. Kasapwalahn doadoahk me wiawi aioh. The completion of the work was done yesterday. 2. Doadoahko pahn kasapwala lakapw. The work will be terminated tomorrow. kasapwahla, vt. kasapwahla vt. to end, to terminate, to complete. Ke kasapwahla ahmw winio? Did you complete your herbal medicine? kasapwala, vi. kasapwalih vt. to assault treacherously. kasapwasapw 1. vi. to be conveyed, as the ownership of land; to be homesteaded. 2. n. the act of conveying the ownership of land; the act of homesteading. kasapwasapwe, vt. kasapwasapwe vt. to convey the ownership of land to; to homestead. kasapwasapw, vi. kasapwil vt. to change the status of someone or something, to transfer; to graduate. kesepwil, vi. kasapwilada vt. to promote. Mwohnsapw kasapwilada ohlo en Soumas en Kousapw. Mwohnsapw promoted that man to section chief. kasapwiledi vt. to demote. kasapwilla vt. to delegate, to transfer. kasapwunge vt. to deny; to disagree, to dissent. kasapwungehla vt. to cause to be in error; to fail to fulfill; to falsify. kasapwurupwur adj. complicated, confusing. kasar 1. n. a type of net fishing, during which fish are chased into a net. 2. vi. to fish in this manner. kasarapeseng 1. vt. to open (someone's or something's) mouth. 2. Biblical. vt. to open a grave. sarapeseng, vi. kasarawi₁ vt. to celebrate; to observe a holiday; to dedicate; to bless, to consecrate, to sanctify. kasarawi₂ vi. to be taboo. kasarawihpe n3s. celebration; dedication; blessing, consecration, sanctification. kasare vt. to send away, to cast out; to drive fish into a net. Ohlo kasarehla nah pwutak ketihwoh. That man cast out his troubled son. pakasar, vi. kasarehsang vt. to expel, to eject from; to cause to fade. kasarepek n. message sent to someone far away. kasarehsang vt. to expel, to eject from; to cause to fade. kasaroh adj. humiliating, embarrasing, shameful. kasarowe, vt. Kasaroh pwunan! interj. You lose!, Too bad!, Tough luck!; often shortened to Kasaroh. kasarowe vt. to humiliate, to embarrass, to shame. kasaroh, adj. kasaroapoak 1. n. a long, difficult journey. 2. vi. to go on a long difficult journey. kasaroapoake, vt. kasaroapoake vt. to assign someone to go on a long, difficult journey. kasaroapoak, vi. kasarsangat vi. to drive away loneliness, to be preoccupied. kahsahs vi. to boast. kasawa vi. to hatch. kasawih vt. to examine, to diagnose, to figure out; to make a choice, to judge, to guess. Toahkte kasawih en pwutako soumwahuwo. The doctor diagnosed the boy's illness. keseu₁, vi. cf. [meing] kadirlapih, kadirlepe, kedeulangih, kedeulenge. kasawihada vt. to determine. kase vt. to strip pandanus leaves into fine strands for weaving. Liho kasehdi ah pitenpeipei. That woman stripped her pandanus leaves into fine strands. kahsekir vi. to walk backwards. kaselel 1. adj. precious, beautiful, fine₁, nice. 2. interj. an informal greeting or leave taking expression, as Hi! or Bye! kaselehlie interj. a polite greeting or leave taking expression meaning hello or goodbye. Kaselehlie maing ko! Greetings (to more than one person)! kaselehlieh interj. a formal greeting or leave taking expression meaning hello or goodbye. kaselehlie tehnpasen interj. a formal greeting said to the occupants of a dwelling. kaselehlie tehnwaren interj. a formal greeting said to the occupants of a canoe, boat, or motor vehicle. kasengeu adj. causing an erotic feeling. kasengeuwih, vt. kasengeuwih vt. to trigger an erotic feeling. kasengeu, adj. kasier n. cashier. [Eng.] kasik vt. to expect, to await, to anticipate. kasikala vt. to exceed. kasihker, also kesihker. archaic. vi. to stand up. kasikih vt. to shoot. kesik, vi. kahsilihn, also kahs₂. n. gasoline. [Eng.] kasingai n. large staple, as used in construction. [Jap. kasugai : clamp] kasihpwong 1. n. an event in which one remains awake at night and talks to others. 2. vi. at night, to remain awake and talk to others, as at a wake. kasoisoi adj. favored, preferred. kasoulikilik adj. distrustful, untrustworthy. kasoumwahu vi. to make one sick. kasoumwahwih, vt. kasoumwahwih vt. see kasoumwahu. kasoutik 1. meing. vi. to eat dinner (the evening meal), to eat supper. 2. n. dinner, supper. 1. Mwohnsapw pahn kasoutik kuloak isuh. Mwohnsapw will eat dinner at seven o'clock. 2. Miehier kasoutik kaonopada? Has supper been prepared? cf. mwengehn soutik. kasouwas 1. meing. n. lunch. 2. meing. vi. to eat lunch. 1. Koanoat kasouwas kaonopadahr. Lunch is already prepared. 2. Isohko pahn kasouwas mwadang pwe e pahn mwadang ketda. Isohko will eat an early lunch because he is departing early. cf. mwengehn souwas. kasokamai vi. to build a fish trap of coral or stone on a reef. kasokasok, also kasukasuk. 1. n. heap, pile, stack. 2. vi. to be heaped up, to be piled up, to be stacked. kasoke, vt. kasoke vi. to heap up, to pile up, to stack. kasokasok, kasukasuk, vt. kasokehla vt. to suffocate, to choke. kasohlap adj. wasteful, unappreciative. kasohlapa, vt. kasohlapa vt. to intensify the consumption of supplies; to waste. Pwihno pahn kasohlapa kanat mwenge ko. That group will intensify the consumption of our food supply. kasohlap, adj. kasohlapenwol n. a deserved honor. kasongosong 1. vi. to be enticed. 2. n. enticement. kasongosonge, vt. kasongosonge vt. to entice. kasongosong, vi. kasohr n. nullification. cf. [meing] kakerepwel. kasohrala vi. to be caused to disappear; to be nullified; to be dismissed, as a court case; to be repealed, as a law; to be abolished. kasohrehla, vt. cf. [meing] kakerepwella. kasohre vt. to cause to vanish, to cause to disappear, to nullify. Kowe me kak kasohre ah nsensuwedo. You are the one who can make his unhappiness disappear. cf. [meing] kerepwele, kerepwelih. kasohrehla vt. to cause to vanish, to cause to disappear; to nullify; to dismiss, as a court case; to repeal, as a law; to abolish. Kowe me kak kasorehla ah nsensuwedo. You are the one who can make his unhappiness disappear. kasosohng vt. to equate, to compare in terms of size; to imitate. kasodoke archaic. n3s. descendant, offspring. kasohtik adj. conservative, not wasteful, conserved; sparing. kasohtikih, vt. kasohtikih vt. to conserve. kasohtik, adj. kasohwe vt. to consider to be of no consequence; to demean, to degrade, to disregard; to hold in contempt, as in court. Ke dehr kasohwe ahi kisakis. Don't degrade my gift. kasohwou adj. disrespectful. kasuk₁ vt. to beat. kasuk₂ vt. to put a weight on something. kasukasuk, also kasokasok. 1. n. heap, pile, stack. 2. vi. to be heaped up, to be piled up, to be stacked. kasukuhl 1. n. instruction, training, teaching. 2. vi. to be taught. kasukuhlih, vt. kasukuhlih vt. to teach. kasukuhl, vi. kasuwed adj. slanderous. kasuwedih, vt. kasuwedih vt. to disgrace, to ruin, to slander. kasuwed, adj. kasuwedpe n3s. slander; disadvantage. kasuwo n. fish sp., skipjack tuna, Katsawonus pelamis. [Jap. katsuo] kasuwopwisi n. dried skipjack tuna. [Jap. katsuobushi] kahski vi. to boast, to brag. E kahski me re sohte anahne sawas. He boasted that they did not need any assistance. kahspawer n. a meter used for prepaid electricity, as well as the electricity itself. E nekla kahspawer. The prepaid electricity has been exhausted. [Eng. cash power] kassoku vi. to train₁ for an athletic event. [Jap. gasshuku : training camp] kassohro n. airstrip, runway. [Jap. kassōro] kasdenet n. castanet, rattle. [Eng.] kasdo n. movie, motion picture. I men kilang kasdohn palapal. I want to see a sword fighting movie. [Jap. katsudō : motion picture] Kahd n. title of the wife of a man holding a title beginning with Sau. kadaiala, also kadaila. vi., vt. to extend. kedeila, vi. kadaila vt. see kadaiala. kadaileng vi. to sing in a loud falsetto. kadauk meing. n. umbrella, cover. Sapwellim kadauk en empeseng pwe kehlen ketipin me idipek. Open your umbrella because the sun's heat is intense. cf. amper. kadauluhl vt. to cause to move further; to pass along; to go on; to kill or finish off, of something wounded. kadaur₁ vt. to trace or track down; to recall or transmit the past history of. kadoudou, kodoudou, vi. kadaur₂ vt. to throw with a hip toss. kadauruhr, also kodouruhrih. vt. to use kindling, small wood shavings or dry wood to start a fire. kodouruhr, vi. kadaurlik meing. vi. to have a farewell feast. Re kadaurlik. They are having a farewell feast. cf. kamadipw en komwurumwur. kadaudok n. descendant, offspring, lineage, of humans. Kitail kadaudok en Sapwikini oh Limwehtu. We are descendants of Sapwikini and Limwehtu. kadal₁, also kadalle. vt. to swallow. kedel, kedendel, vi. cf. [meing] kekihr₂, kekihrnamwoale, nemwe. kadal₂ n. tree sp. kadalle, also kadal₁. vt. to swallow. kedel, kedendel, vi. cf. [meing] kekihr₂, kekihrnamwoale, nemwe. kahdamwahu adj. reputable, bringing respect. kahdamwahuwih, vt. cf. [meing] koasoaramwahu. kahdamwahuwih vt. to give a positive impression or image of, to dignify, to speak favorably of, to support; to beautify. kahdamwahu, adj. cf. [meing] koasoaramwahuwih. kahdaneki vt. to name, to call. Dahme kitail pahn kahdaneki? What will we name it? kadang vt. to make taut, to stretch. kedeng, kedengdeng, vi. kadangada vt. to press, to iron. kadangaulih vt. to make a team complete, to round out a team; to conclude. kadangada vt. to press, to iron. kedengida, vi. kadangoul, also koadoangoul. num. ten. see ehd₁. kadapa vt. to retract the foreskin or prepuce. kadapahla vt. to remove the foreskin or prepuce of the penis. kadar vt. to send; to let go, to release; to present. pekeder, vi. kadahr vi. to roll a toy wheel, to roll any toy with wheels. kadahre, vt. kadahre vt. to push, slide, or roll any light object with wheels. kadahre wilpahro to push a wheelbarrow. kadahr, vi. kadahrlangih, also kadahrlenge. vt. to look out of the corner of one's eye at, to glance at, to look askance at. kadahrleng, vi. cf. ikintangih, ikintenge. kadahrleng meing. vi. to look out of the corner of one's eye, to glance, to look askance. E sohte konehng Mwohnsapwoko en kadahrleng. It is not appropriate for Mwohnsapwoko to look askance (at people). kadahrlenge, kadahrlangih, vt. cf. ikinteng. kadahrlenge, also kadahrlangih. meing. vt. to look out of the corner of one's eye at, to glance at, to look askance at. Pwoud kadahrlenge serepein kaselelo. Pwoud looked out of the corner of his eye at the pretty girl. kadahrleng, vi. cf. ikintangih, ikintenge. kadarpehpe 1. vt. to defy, to challenge. 2. n. challenge. kahdahd meing. adj. hurried, rushed; urgent. Sapwellim mwekid en rahno me kahdahd. His action on that day was urgent. cf. karuwaru. kadawahl n. food given to guests to take to their parents or chief as a token of respect. kadawado 1. vi. to sing a song to soothe a restless child. 2. n. song to soothe a restless child, often one which tells a story of a child of antiquity. kadeik vt. to inquire, to question; to judge, to interrogate. pakadeik, vi. cf. [meing] kauteke. kadeikpen loale n3s. conscience. kadek₁ 1. adj. kind, generous, considerate, merciful. 2. n. kindness, generosity. cf. [meing] reseulap, roasoulap. kadek₂ adj. good at something, clever. kadek₃ n. fish sp., white snapper, Lethrinus microdon. kadek lamalam adj. considerate. Ke me inenen kadek lamalam. You are very considerate. cf. [meing] kopwungloal. kadeke vt. to talk to an upset person to calm him or her. kadekedek, also se₂, seh₂. 1. vi. to shout in a prolonged, falsetto voice, when carrying kava, to challenge another to a fight, or to call out to another who is out of sight. 2. n. a prolonged shout in a falsetto voice. cf. [meing] kowet. kahdeng n. curtain. [Eng.] kadehde 1. n. testimony, evidence. 2. vi. to witness, to observe or to hear something with certainty, to testify, to certify. kadehdeh, vt. kadehdehda vt. to reveal. kadehdeh vt. to see with one's own eyes; to be an eye witness to something; to testify. Ke pein kadehdeh dahme wiawio. You personally saw what took place. kadehde, vi. Kadehde Kapw Biblical. n. New Testament. Kadehde Mering Biblical. n. Old Testament. kadehdehpe n3s. certification, identification. kadehdehda vt. to reveal. kadiarakada vt. to reveal, to find, to conclude via a formal investigation. kedierekda, vi. kadikauwih, also kedikauwe. vt. to upend, to turn something upside down; to drink all of something; to hit something hanging so that it turns upside down; to have rear entry sex with. kedikeu, kedikou, vi. kadil vt. to thread a needle; to light₁ an uhmw. kadilla vt. to reveal a secret. Pwutako kadilla en ohlo kerirki liho. The young man revealed the man's secret love affair with that woman. kadillap n. joke, act of teasing. Sapwellim kadillapen me kaperen. Your joke is hilarious. kadillepe meing. vt. to joke with, to tease. Mwohnsapwoko kadillepe Soulik. Mwohnsapwoko teased Soulik. cf. kamwane, kemwene. kadilpahnios n. somersault. kadimpak, also kedimpak. vt. to investigate, to inquire. kading₁ vt. to tickle. kediked, vi. kading₂ vt. to cut open, for the purpose of removing the contents. ked, vi. kadingading n. in a traditional Pohnpeian house, a pole above the ridgepole to which the ridge cap is attached. kadip 1. vi. to accuse. 2. n. accusation. kedipa, vt. kadipadip n. criminal or civil complaint; allegation. kadipw vt. to trace or track, as the spoor of an animal. kadipw nta 1. n. a kind of magic applied to blood from a wound, believed to cause death. 2. vi. to employ this kind of magic. Kadipwan n. title of the wife of a Nahn Pohnpei. kadire vt. to fill. kadireng, also kadiring₂. n. plant sp., Thai basil, also called holy basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, the leaves of which are used as a spice. kadiring₁ n. the fifth growth stage of a yam, when it begins to flower (though not all yam cultivars flower), September through November; flowering is regarded as a sign of a successful planting. kadiring₂, also kadireng. n. plant sp., Thai basil, also called holy basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, the leaves of which are used as a spice. kadiringaring adj. shrill, of the voice. kadirlap 1. meing. vi. based on observation, to be examined, to be diagnosed, to be figured out; to be made (of a choice), to be judged, to be guessed . 2. meing. n. based on observation, judgment, prediction, examination, forecast. 1. Sapwellim souneio kadirlapehr. His ailment has already been diagnosed. kadirlapih, kadirlepe, vt. cf. keseu₁. kadirlapih, also kadirlepe. meing. vt. based on observation, to examine to diagnose, to figure out; to make (of a choice), to judge, to guess . Isohko pahn kadirlapih arail sang nan arail doadoahk. Isohko will judge them by their work performance. kadirlap, vi. cf. kasawih. kadirlapihada vt. to determine. Isohko pahn kadirlapihada dahme pahn wiawi. Isohko will determine what will take place. kadirlepe, also kadirlapih. meing. vt. based on observation, to examine to diagnose, to figure out; to make (of a choice), to judge, to guess . Mwohnsapw kadirlepe en ohlo soumwahuwo. Mwohnsapw examined the man's disorder. kadirlap, vi. cf. kasawih. kadihdih vt. to nurse, to breastfeed. Liho kadihdih seri pwelelo. The woman is nursing the infant child. kedihdi, vi. kadoukeinek, also kodoukeinek. vi. to trace one's ancestry according to clan. kadoudou, also kedeudeu, kodoudou. vi. to trace one's ancestry, to recall past history. kadaur₁, vt. kadoke n3s. tip, of anything high. kadokehla vt. to complete by adding to. kadokodokala, vi. kadokenmei meing. n. top of the head. E kin lipilipil soangen aramas me kak sair kadokenmei. It is a select few who can touch the top of Mwohnsapwo's head. cf. kahpw. kadokepene vt. to connect together, to link together. kadokodokpene, vi. kadokodokala vi. to be complete, as a consequence of being added to. kadokehla, vt. kadokodokpene 1. vi. to be connected. 2. n. connection. kadokepene, vt. Kahdolik n. Catholic. [Eng.] kadongodong adj. causing a feeling of repugnance, abhorrence. kadorsingko n. mosquito coil. [Jap. katorisenkō] kaduh vt. to submerge, to dip. kahdsuwed adj. disgraceful. kahdsuwedih, vt. cf. [meing] koasoarsuwed. kahdsuwedih vt. to give a negative impression or image of, to defame, to speak negatively of. Atail mwekid suwed kan me kahdsuwedihkitailla. Our bad behavior is has already created a negative impression of us. kahdsuwed, adj. cf. [meing] koasoarsuwedih. kat, also ka₁, aka₁, akat. dem. mod. these, by me. kaht₁ n. ant. kaht₂ n. cat. [Eng.] kataiau adj. dilatory, said of a child who stalls before carrying out instructions. katairong vi. to be noisy; a command to Shut up! or Be quiet! kataironge, vt. kataironge vt. to disturb with noise. katairong, vi. Katau archaic. n. a general name for lands beyond the horizon, the sky world, sometimes more specifically associated with Kosrae. Katau Peidak archaic. n. 'upwind Katau', a general term for islands to the east of Pohnpei, sometimes specifically associated with Kosrae; the eastern spirit-world. Katau Peidi archaic. n. 'downwind Katau'; a general term for islands to west of Pohnpei, sometimes specifically associated with Yap. katauk meing. n. canoe house. Ma miehier tehnwar wahr, ah kitail anahne kawada katauk. If he already has a canoe, then we need to build a canoe house. cf. imwenwar, imwen wahr. kataul 1. n. (3sg. kataule) gizzard. 2. slang. n3s. penis. kataul en uht n. hand of bananas. kataur₁ n. shellfish sp., found in both fresh and salt water. kataur₂ vt. to weigh something down, to load something with a lot of weight. Re douda pohn wahro oh katauredi. They climbed on the canoe and weighed it down. katautauwih, also katoutouwih. vt. to burden, to trouble. katoutou, adj. kataman 1. vt. to remember or recollect; to carry a number, as in the process of addition. 2. n. remembrance, recollection. ketemen, vi. katamaniki vt. to remind. katamanpe n3s. remembrance, commemoration of. katanga vt. to send one on an errand; to operate a machine; to supervise an activity or business. katapan adj. useful, worthwhile, valuable, advantageous. katapwure vt. to roll, to move while rotating. ketepwur, vi. katar n. fern spp., Sphaeropteris lunulata or Sphaeropteris nigricans, a tree fern commonly used for house posts. kate vt. to stone, to throw rocks at. katehlap vi. to be widened, to be broadend. katehlapa, vt. katehlapa vi. to widen, to broaden. katehlap, vi. katele vi., vt. to indulge someone in his/her presumptuousness. Ke katele? Did you indulge him in his presumptuousness? Ke dehr katele ohlo. Do not indulge that man. tel, adj. katempa vt. to obey, to honor. katempahdi vt. to calm down a crowd, to conciliate. katenihala, also katenihla. vt. to make something pasty or sticky, such as a starchy liquid. katenihla vt. see katenihala. katenihrih, also katentenihrih. meing. vt. to cause to cry, to weep, to moan. tenihr, vi. katentenihrih, also katenihrih. meing. vt. to cause to cry, to weep, to moan. tenihr, vi. kateng 1. n. belt; protection, safety. 2. vi., vt. to wear a belt; to safeguard. 1. Mie ahn ohlo ah keteng That man has a belt. 2. Pohnpei kateng weliniak. Pohnpei wears a belt of mangrove forests. katenge, vt. katenge vt. to tighten. E katengehdi pirapiro. He tightened the knot. katengeteng, vi. katengeleng n. a stone placed on top of the katengepwel when making an uhmw. katengen lukope Biblical. n. sash. katengenei vi. to begin to fly₂, of a young bird. katengeniot meing. n. (3sg. katengeniot) gums, of the teeth. Katengeniot ekis mpwos. Your gums are slightly swollen. cf. utun ngih, oton ngih. katengenioar 1. vi. to provide protection to a coastal area. 2. n. something that provides protection to a coastal area, such as a seawall. 1. Naniak wia katengenioar. The mangrove swamp provides coastal protection. katengenihk n. mangrove sp. katengensapw, also aiau, oaioa, likatengensapw. n. tree spp., banyan tree, Ficus prolixa and Ficus virens; leaves, fruit, bark, and roots used in traditional medicines. katengepwel n. a pair of large stones set on the ground next to and outside of the pair of logs that provide the main support for the firewood structure of an uhmw. katengeteng vi. to be tightened. katenge, vt. katengpe n. fastening, security. katep₁ n. a pile of leaves or split banana stems placed on the ground to cushion the fall of breadfruit being harvested. katep₂ n. (3sg. katepe) worth, usefulness. katepe n. effect. Sohte katepe. It has no effect. katepeik 1. n. feast given to celebrate the first fishing trip with a new canoe. 2. vi. to have this feast. katepwe vt. to chafe. katepweke vt. to throw at. katehria archaic. n. a cup made from half of a coconut shell, used for serving kava. kati vt. to discuss. katih vt. to invoke the spirit of someone who is dead. E katihada ngenen lih mehlaho. She invoked the spirit of the dead woman. katiala adv. ever, by any chance. Ma i katiala kohla Awai, i pahn wahdo noumw ukelele. If I ever go to Hawaii, I will bring you a ukulele. katiamauwih vt. to tempt. ketiamau₂, vi. katiasang vt. to miss an event or opportunity; to fail at something; to lose one's footing. katieni, also ketieni. n. a sickness attributed to being possessed by a spirit, causing one to speak incoherently, use obscenities, and have bad dreams. katik₁ adj. bitter tasting, of anything. katik₂ n. fish sp. katik₃ vt. to underestimate, to belittle. katik₄ adj. evasive, tricky, dishonest. katikala, also katikitikala. vt. to take in, as clothing; to reduce, in size or influence; to discourage. ketikila, vi. katikitikala, also katikala. vt. to take in, as clothing; to reduce, in size or influence; to discourage. ketikitikila, vi. katikitikih vt. to make small, to reduce in size. kating, also keting. n. payment or reward; food provided in return for labor; food provided for a hunting or fishing trip. katingih vt. to give food, to pay, to give goods as payment. katipw vi. to break, as a piece of wood. katihtihala, also katihtihla. vi. to cause to become thin. katihtihla vi. see katihtihala. katoutou 1. n. grief, trouble. 2. adj. burdensome, troubling. katautauwih, katoutouwih, vt. katoutoupe n3s. burden. katoutouwih, also katautauwih. vt. to burden, to trouble. katoutou, adj. katokiedi vt. to stop; to shorten, to suspend. katokotokidi, vi. katokotokidi vi. to be stopped, to be shortened, to be suspended. katokiedi, vt. katol n. plant sp. katop n. sea cucumber spp., any of a number of spp. of Holothuroidea. katohre vt. to separate, to sort; to segregate, to isolate, to quarantine. katohrohr, vi. katohrepeseng vt. to separate or sort by type or category; to segregate. katohrek vt. cause to be moved or slid. katohrepeseng vt. to separate or sort by type or category; to segregate. katohrohrpeseng, vi. katohrehsang vt. to subtract. katohrohr 1. vi. to be separated, to be sorted; to be segregated, to be isolated, to be quarantined. 2. n. subtraction. katohre, vt. katohrohrpeseng vi. to be separated or sorted by type or category; to be segregated. katohtowehla vt. to make more of, to duplicate. katuh vt. to cause or bring about a meeting or encounter. E katuhpene ohlo oh liho. She caused that man and that woman to meet. katuk₁ vt. to stab. katukedi vt. to wound by stabbing. katuk₂ vt. to place in close proximity. katuke, also katukih. vt. to stop. cf. [meing] keilepeh. katukehdi vt. to stop something from continuing. katukedi vt. to wound by stabbing. katukih, also katuke. vt. to stop. katuhmenek archaic. vi. to drift, of a canoe or boat; to float in a canoe or boat without an anchor. katungoale humiliative. vt. to feed; to have a feast for someone returning from a long trip. katungoalehda vt. to poison food by the use of magic. katuhpene vt. to introduce. katwelwel, also ketwelwel. archaic. n. tail. kawa₁ n. long ago, ancient; possibly a shortened form of kawada 'construction'; cf. Mwein Kawa. Irail mehn kawa ko me kehlail. Those people of long ago were strong. kawa₂, also kawakusu. n. leather shoes. [Jap. kawa : leather] kawai vt. to snatch, to steal, to do something illegal. kawaii vt. to move something slowly and quietly. kawahki vt. to depend on. kawakusu, also kawa₂. n. leather shoes. [Jap. kawagutsu] kawalakala, also kawalakihala. vt. to widen. kawalakihala vt. see kawalakala. kawalu n. medicinal herb. kawaluh num. ninth. kawahn melimel 1. n. a feast that occurs during a typhoon. 2. vi. to have this feast. kawarak vt. to breed an animal. kawahsak vt. to widen an opening for liquids. kawahsek, vi. kawahsek vi. to be widened, said of an opening for liquids. kawahsak, vi. kawad adj. dependable, reliable. Ohlen me kawad. That man is reliable. kawadiki, vt. kawada vt. to construct, to make, to build; to establish, to enact; to create, as a kousapw; to erect; to drink directly from a container. kokouda, vi. cf. [meing] kourakih. kawadiki vt. to depend on, to rely on. Se kin kawadi pwihno We rely on that group. kawad, vi. kawawih vt. to honor, to pay respect to, to have a feast in honor of visiting Soupeidi. kowou, vi. kaweikek adj. poignant. kaweirek vi. to be afflicted by something, either emotionally or physically. kaweid 1. vi., vt. to lead₁ or guide; to set an example; to advise; to give directions. 2. n. directions, as on a label; advice. 1. I kak kaweidirail. I can advise them. 2. Wadek kaweid me mi ni koruko. Read the directions on the package. kaweidih, vt. cf. [meing] kepindewe, kepindewehlap₁, serierlap, serierlepe. kaweidih vt. see kaweid. kaweidsuwed adj. ill-advised. kaweidsuwedih, vt. kaweidsuwedih vt. to give bad advice. kaweidsuwed, adj. kawehla vt. to break, to destroy, to corrupt, to injure, to ruin. kahwen teki n. turkey tail. Mehn Pohnpei iouki kahwen teki. Pohnpeians consider turkey tail to be delicious. [Eng. teki : turkey] kawenehdi, also kaunehdi. vt. to lay someone or something down; to change something from a vertical to a horizontal position. kawehwe₁ vt. to explain, to translate, to interpret; to teach. kawehwe₂ 1. meing. vi. to burp, to belch. 2. meing. n. burp, belch. 1. Mwohnsapw kawehwe mwurin urakipil. Mwohnsapw burps after he takes a drink of water. cf. kirer. kawehwehpe n3s. explanation, translation. kawikala vt. to change, to alter. kewikila, vi. kawiliali vt. to exchange. kawinie vt. to treat medically. kawosehda vt. to produce, to yield, of a plant. kahwun vi. neut. to scale₁ or pluck. kahwuna, kahwune, vt. kahwuna, also kahwune. vt. to scale₁ or pluck. kahwun, vi. kahwune vt. see kahwuna. ke₁ subj. pron. you. cf. [meing] re, komw. ke₂ vt. to bite. keikei, vi. cf. [meing] irese. keh archaic. n. boat pole. keh- prefix subject to, susceptible to. ohla broken kehohla easily broken mwakar slighted kehmwakar easily slighted. kehamwise n. plant sp., Vitex trifolia, subsp. trifolia, the leaves of which are burned at night as a mosquito repellent. kei 1. n. coconut oil. 2. vi. to anoint with coconut oil. keie, vt. cf. [meing] marekeiso. kei- vi. to move. Ohlo keido limwahi. That man moved near me. kai-, vt. kehi n. large yam tied to a pole, requiring two men to carry it; the name of the pole the yam is tied to. keie vt. to anoint with coconut oil. kei, vi. keieu, also keiieu. 1. num. first. 2. adv. most. Keieun Makapi kan Biblical. n. First Maccabees, a book in the Deuterocanon of the Catholic Bible and in the Apocrypha of the Protestant Bible. keiehki vt. to annoint someone with coconut oil when a title is conveyed. kei, vi. keielek 1. meing. vi. to move, as in one's own body movement. 2. meing. n. motion, movement; action, event, activity, performance; behavior. 1. Re sohte keielek. He is not moving. cf. mwekid. keielekda vi. to be started of a process or a procedure, as at a court hearing; to be convened, of a meeting. Sapwellim karongorong en mwoalen kopwung pahn keielekda kuloak eisek lakapw. Your court hearing will start at ten o'clock tomorrow. keieng vt. to be affiliated with, to associate with, to be related to. Komw keieng ohlo? Are you affiliated with that man? kehieng vt. to be allergic to, to easily contract, as an illness. keii 1. vi. neut. to be anointed; to be applied coconut oil on the skin, as medicine. 2. n. coconut oil, lotion, ointment. keiie, vt. keiie vt. see keii. keiiehdi vt. to anoint with oil; to consecrate. Ihs me keiiehdi Likend? Who consecrated Likend? keiieu, also keieu. 1. num. first. 2. adv. most. keiiehdi vt. to anoint with oil; to consecrate. Ihs me keiiehdi Likend? Who consecrated Likend? keiidi 1. meing. vi. to be anointed. 2. meing. n. anointment, consecration. 1. Nahnalek kapw keiidi aio. The new Nahnalek was anointed yesterday. 2. Keiidien Nahnalek kapw wiawi aio. The anointment of the new Nahnalek took place yesterday. keik n. cake. [Eng.] keika dem. mod. see keikat. keikat, also keika. archaic. dem. mod. these, by me. sahpwekeikat these lands. keikei vi. to bite. ke₂, vt. keikeipene vi. to be bitten. Sohn keikeipene. John was bitten. keil n. tree sp., Commersonia bartramia. keilahn aio n. long ago, a vague temporal designation of the time when the first humans were present on the island. Wahr oapwoat seisang sekeren waii keilahn aio. A canoe traveled from a foreign shore long ago. keilahsang vt. to move further away from. keile n3s. edge. keileng n. a very large canoe. keilepeh meing. vt. to stop. Mwohnsapw pahn keilepeh doadaohk en rahnwet. Mwohnsapw will stop today's work. cf. katukih, katuke. keilikpe, also kailikpe. n. external boundary, surroundings. Kahn nih me wia keilikpen sapweio. A line of coconut trees forms the external boundary of my property. keimw n. (3sg. keimwi) corner, angle; sub-subclan, within a keinek. Keimw Sapwasapw n. the holder of the title of Wasai Sokehs who simultanously ruled as Lepen Nett from 1867 to 1874. Keimwin Katau n. the corner of Pahn Kedira built by non-Pohnpeian workers from Katau Peidak. Keimwin Likapwar, also Likapwar. n. the corner of Pahn Kedira built by workers from Madolenihmw. keimwin neh n3s. heel. cf. [meing] tienpwel₁, timwenpwel. keimwin peh n3s. elbow. cf. [meing] keimwinleng. keimwin sou n. lineage, descendants of sisters. Keimwin Derep n. a corner enclosure on Pahn Kedira where the feather of the Derepeiso was kept. keimwinleng meing. n. (3sg. keimwinlengi) elbow. cf. keimwin peh. keimwinwar n. (3sg. keimwinwere) either end of a canoe. keimwisak, also kaimwisak. vt. to finish, to complete, to conclude; to accomplish something. keimwisek, vi. keimwisek, also kaimwisek. vi. to be finished, to be completed, to be concluded; to be accomplished. keimwisak, vt. keimwisengkihla, also kaimwisengkihla. vt. to finish with, to conclude with, to end with. kehimwidi vi. to become very ill, incapacitated, or bed-ridden. keimwoale vi. to be oiled, to be shiny with oil. keimwpahieu 1. n. rectangle. 2. vi. to be rectangular. keimwsiluh 1. n. triangle. 2. vi. to be triangular. kein n. tree sp. keinahki vt. to blame. keinamwe, also keinemwe. 1. meing. vt. to inquire about, to ask about, to check on (used only for the Nahnmwarki). 2. n. inquiry, question. 1. Mwohnsapw keinamwe duwen ohlo. Mwohnsapw asked about that man. cf. idek, kalelapak. keinangih, also kainangih. vt. to motivate, to inspire; to arouse sexual desire. kaineng, adj. keinapwih vt. to prohibit. keinepwi, vi. keinek 1. n. a subclan. 2. Biblical. n. race, the grouping of humans according to physical characteristics. keinemwe, also keinamwe. 1. meing. vt. to inquire, to ask, to check, to question (used only by the Nahnmwarki). 2. meing. n. inquiry, question. cf. idek, kalelapak. keinepwi vi. to be prohibited. keinapwih, vt. keinimek adj. uninformed. keinihn meing. vi. to be intoxicated, to be drunk. Mwohnsapw keinihn ansou wet. Mwohnsapw is intoxicated now. cf. sakaula. keinuhnu meing. n3s. nose. cf. tumwe. keinkoloileng n. a male (sounwini) or female (kedinwini) practitioner of native Pohnpeian herbal medicine. keingihng 1. adj. tilted, listing. 2. vi. to tilt to one side. keipa archaic. adj. skillful, brave. keipwekidi meing. vi. to sit down. Isohko keipwekidi mpen Nahnkeniei. Isohko sat down next to Nahnkeniei. cf. mwohndi. keipwel n. cable, as for cable TV. [Eng.] keipweni meing. vi. to beseech the Great Spirit (Enihlap) to descend upon the body of the Nahnmwarki. Keipwini pohn erekisohn Isipahu. Let the Great Spirit descend upon the body of his highness Isipahu. kaipw₂, vt. keirek₁ adj. dense, tightly woven or packed; effective, in communcation. keirek₂ vi. to be arranged in a straight line, to be arranged in order. kairak, vt. keirekala vi. to be lined up in a sequence; to do x times in a row. kairakala, vt. keirekidi to be listed, to be ranked, to be ordered in succession, from first to last, or from top to bottom. kairakidi, vt. keirierwouap n. first-born. keirida 1. vi. to be nurtured, to be raised, of children; to be provided with guidance; to be developed or adopted, of habits or ideas. 2. n. development. kairada, vt. keiru vi. to stay temporarily, to take refuge. keisa n. geisha. [Jap. geisha] keisar n. (3sg. keisere) pancreas. keisartik n. spleen. keisek num. tenth. keiser, also kaiser. vi. to be heated up. kaisare, keisere, vt. keisere, also kaisare. vt. to heat up (something). kaiser, keiser, vi. keisoar n. coconut oil. keisuh num. seventh. keid, also weid₂. vi. to walk in a specific direction. kehid n. plant sp., useful for starting fires. keidad n. an edible bivalve, Gafrarium pectinatum. keidek 1. meing. vt. to inquire, to ask, to check, to question (used only for the Nahnken). 2. meing. n. inquiry, question. 1. Isohko ketin keidek rehi iren Wasahi. Isohko asked me about Wasahi's state of health. cf. idek. keidekidi meing. vi. to fall down. Mwohnsapw keidekidi ni kehndakeho. Mwohnsapw fell down the stairs. cf. pwupwidi. keidenpwong, also keidpwong. meing. vi. to stay overnight. keidialidi meing. vi. to stop and rest during an overland journey. Soukise keidialidi Paies. Soukise stopped and rested in Paies. keidimah adj. critical, insensitive, tactless. keidisol, also kaidisol, ireisol. 1. n. the sixth and last feast of the yam season, in which uncooked clusters of kehp toantoal are used as tribute. 2. vi. to end the yam season; to have this feast. keidihd vi. to drink kava at a second location; to pause while pounding kava so that it may be turned over for further pounding. keidoke, also kaidoke. meing. vt. to listen attentively to. Isipahu keidoke sakarada ko koaros. Isipahu listened attentively to all the speeches. keidu n. a generic name for a center post in a feasthouse. keidupwus adj. hairy, of the navel. keidloaloh 1. meing. vi. to miss a person or a place, to be homesick, to yearn for a loved one far away or deceased, to pine₁ for home. 2. meing. n. homesickness. 1. Mwohnsapw keidloaloh ansowet pwe Likend saikinte sapahldo. Mwohnsapw is homesick because Likend has not returned yet. 2. Keidloaloh wia sounei ieu nan kupwur. Homesickness is an emotional illness. cf. loaleid, loaloid. keidpwong, also keidenpwong. meing. vi. to stay overnight. Re pahn ketin keidpwong ia? Where will you stay overnight? keidpwongidi meing. vi. to stay overnight, to go to bed, to bed down, to go to sleep. Mwohnsapw keidpwongidi Lenger. Mwohnsapw bedded down overnight on Lenger. cf. pweidi. keitar vi. to be supplemented to bring to completion, to be fulfilled. keitara, vt. keitara, also kaitara. vt. to supplement to bring to completion, to fulfill. keitar, vi. keitiek, also kaitiek. vt. to cause another to hang his/her head in shame or embarrasment; to degrade someone, to put someone down. I keitiek lahpo. I put that guy down. keitik, also keitikitik. 1. n. movement. 2. vi. to move slightly. keitikitik n. see keitik. keitikpene vi. to huddle. keiwalu n. plant sp., wild vetch. keiwetik n. a dryland taro (sawa₁) cultivar. kehohla, also kehnohla. adj. easily broken . kehoaroahr n. plant sp., with a pink flower, Derris trifoliata, used as a fish bait. kehuh n. mast of a canoe or ship. keulap meing. n. (3sg. keulapahr) forearm; measurement of a forearm's length, used when constructing a canoe. cf. tipwengen peh. keuhleng, also kehleng. meing. vi. to be standing, to be erect. Mwohnsapw sohte kouhleng nindoken sapwellim poahngok. Mwohnsapw was not standing while he was speaking. keuhlenge, vt. cf. kesihnen. keuhlenge, also kehlenge. meing. vt. to make someone stand, to set someone upright. keuhleng, vi. keumarepada meing. vt. to raise a cover of some type to shelter from the rain. Mwohnsapw keumarepada ampero. Mwohnsapw raised the umbrella to shelter from the rain. cf. upada. keurahpene vt. to combine, to unify. kekeurahpene, vi. keurahs, also kourahs. 1. n. installation or inauguration feast for a new Nahnmwarki or Nahnken. 2. vi. to have this feast. keurese, kourese, vt. keurese, also kourese. vt. to install or inaugurate a new Nahnmwarki or Nahnken. Kitail pahn keurese Pwoud Lepen Nett kapw. We will give a feast to inaugurate the new Pwoud Lepen Nett . keurahs, kourahs, vi. keus archaic. interr. Who goes there? Keus n. the title of the man who guarded the entrance to Pahn Kedira in Nan Madol. keusahninsed 1. n. an call to alert the occupants of a canoe that another canoe is nearby, or for the purpose of identifying the occupants of a canoe. 2. vi. to call out "who goes there" to a canoe. 1. Keusahninsed kin wiawiheng wahr ansou me re pesereid ni pwongen rot. An alert call is usually made when canoes cross paths in the dark of night. keusahninsedih, vt. keusahninsedih vt. see keusahninsed. keusih vt. to call out "who goes there". keuwed 1. meing. vi. to whistle. 2. meing. n. (3sg. keuwed) whistle. 1. Mwohnsapw sohte mwahngih keuwed. Mwohnsapw does not know how to whistle. 2. Sohte me kak rong keuwed sang wasa doh. No one can hear his whistle from a distance. cf. kuwai. keuwi slang. vt. to chase someone, with the intent of fighting. kehk 1. adj. numb. 2. n. numbness. kehkla adj. to give out from exhaustion; to become numb. keke₁ vt. to reach, to attain. I sohte keke. I can't reach it. keke₂ n. reed sp. kehke n. (3sg. kehkeh) stem of a fruit. kehkei n. any frightening thing or person, used with children. kekeurahpene vi. to be combined, to be unified . keurahpene, vt. kekel 1. adj. hard, not soft. 2. vi. to have an erection. 3. n. erection. kehkehlik 1. n. vow, pledge; oral will₁, last testament; final statement or wish made by one who is dying. 2. vi. to make a final statement or wish by one who is dying. 3. Biblical. n. warning. kehkehlingki, vt. kehkehlingki vi. to enjoin, to order. kehkehlik, vi. kekeluwak adj. hard, not soft; tough, as of meat. kekeluwakala vi. to be hardened. kekehnihr 1. n. orgasm. 2. vi. to have an orgasm. kekiang vi. to limp₁. kekihleng n. a ripe coconut (mwangas) lodged in a tree. kekihlisopisop n. a ripe coconut (mwangas) on the shore. kekihpareleng, also perenleng. sprouting coconut (pahr₃) lodged in a tree. kekihparepeipei n. a sprouting coconut (pahr₃) floating in the ocean. kekihparepwel n. a sprouting coconut (pahr₃) on the ground. kekihparlisopisop n. a sprouting coconut (pahr₃) on the shore. kekihpeipei n. a ripe coconut (mwangas) floating in the ocean. kekihpwel n. a ripe coconut (mwangas) on the ground. kekihr₁ 1. vi. to be submerged; to be stripped off, of clothing; to be unsheathed, of a knife or hidden weapon; to tight line fish off the bottom. 2. n. a type of tight line fishing, done off the bottom. kakihr, vt. kekihr₂, also kekihrnamwoale. meing. vt. to swallow. Re kak ketin kekihr? Can you swallow it? kekihrnamwoal, vi. cf. kadalle. kekihrnamwoal meing. vi. neut. to swallow. Re kak kekihrnamwoal? Can you swallow? kekihrnamwoale, vt. cf. kedel, kedendel. kekihrnamwoale, also kekihr₂. meing. vt. to swallow. Re ketin kekihrnamwoale weren winien. Swallow the pill. kekihrnamwoal, vi. cf. kadal₁, kadalle. kekuhrek meing. vi. to blink. Isohko kekuhrek dod. Isohko blinks frequently. cf. marep. kekuhrekpene meing. vi. to close₁ one's eyes. Re kekuhrekpene mahs? Can you close your eyes? cf. meirpene. kehkla adj. to give out from exhaustion; to become numb. kel vi. to be enclosed, to be penned up, to be fenced in, to be walled off, to be encircled. kele, vt. kehl₁ n. strength, power, health, life. Sohte ahi kehl pohmwail. I have no power over you. kehl₂ n. enclosure, pen₁, fence, wall, as of a fort; an encircling fish net. kehldi vi. to entrap. kehl₃ 1. adj. very hot, of objects. 2. n. heat. kehl₄, also kehlpene. vt. to tie together, to fasten together. kehl en kehndake n. railing of a staircase. kehlail 1. adj. strong, powerful, healthy. 2. adv. forcefully, strongly. cf. [meing] dedeila, iasenei. kehlailda vi. to recover from an illness. Liho kehlailda mwurin ah ale winien Pohnpei. The lady recovered from her illness after taking local medicine. kehlap n. (3sg. kehlepe) right-hand. Pali kehlapeiet kehkla. My right hand became numb. kelapapiso, also kehlapapiso. n. the wooden railing that encloses the seating area of the Nahnmwarki in a traditional feasthouse, not found in contemporary ones. kehlapapiso n. see kelapapiso. kele vt. to enclose, to pen₁ up, to fence, to wall off, to encircle. Re kele neirail pwihngko. They penned up their pigs. kel, vi. keleu, also kolou. n. hibiscus sp., Hibiscus tiliaceus, the inner bark of which is used as a bast in the preparation of kava; also used to make canoe paddles, knife handles, and canoe outriggers. keleun and n. hibiscus sp., Kleinhovia hospita, used for making outriggers. keleun waii n. hibiscus sp., China rose, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. keleun wengsakau, also keleun wiesakau. n. the inner bark₁ of Hibiscus tiliaceus, used as a bast in the preparation of kava. cf. [meing] koht, kotelel. keleun wiesakau, also keleun wengsakau. n. the inner bark₁ of Hibiscus tiliaceus, used as a bast in the preparation of kava. cf. [meing] koht, kotelel. keleunieng 1. n. a chief's responsiveness to the needs of the people. 2. vi. to be responsive to the needs of the people. keleunleng n. hibiscus, sp. unknown. kelek n. a large basket made from a palm frond. kehlek n. hibiscus (keleu) used to tie a basket (kiam) together. kelekel n. orchid sp. Pseuderia micronesica, used medicinally. kelekel mwahn n. a male kelekel. kelekel pein n. a female kelekel. kehlekpene vt. to tie together. kelemmw adj. scary, triggering a fear of spirits or of the dead. kalammwih, vt. kelemwur vi. to be watered; to be cooled with water. kalamwur, vt. kelen mahn n. cage. kelen mahwin n. fort, fortress. kelen tehnpas Biblical. n. courtyard. keleng meing. n. canoe. I pahn kilangada keleng koahiek. I will look for a suitable canoe. cf. wahr. kehleng, also keuhleng. meing. vi. to be standing, to be erect. keuhlenge, kehlenge, vt. kehlenge, also keuhlenge. meing. vt. to make someone stand, to set someone upright. kehleng, vi. cf. kesihnene, kesihnenih. kelengk adj. causing acrophobia or vertigo. kelengksapw adj. shameful; depleted, of land. kehlepe n3s. strength, power, health, life. kelehpw vi. to be alone. E kelehpw. He was alone. cf. [meing] kalapwuk, kautohr. Kelepwel n. an islet in Nan Madol where Saudeleur entertained Isokelekel and his people when the came to Pohnpei; royal canoes were kept here, including the canoe called Luhsus en Iap. kelepwiki 1. vi. to genuflect. 2. n. genuflection. kelepwikihdi vi. to kneel down. Kehlewon n. an island off the coast of Sokehs. keliali 1. meing. vi. to vomit. 2. meing. n. vomit. 1. Re keliali pwohng mwurin koanoat sakau. He vomited last night after drinking kava. 2. Kamwakelehsang kelialien. Clean up the vomit by you. cf. mmwus. kelik adj. trustworthy, trusted, reliable, dependable; intensive, deep. I pahn ale kaweid sang ohl kelik kan. I will seek advice from those trustworthy men. Ohlo meir kelik. The man is deep in sleep. kehlik₁ vi. type of net fishing done by placing the net where the waves are breaking. kehlik₂ vi. of a fish, to be caught on the outer side of a net. kehlik₃ vi. to smooth the outer sides of the hull of a canoe. kelikahsih vt. to rock a baby in a hammock or swing; to sway one's arms while walking; to push something hanging from a rope. Liho kelikahsih serio. The woman rocked the baby. kelikawih, also kalikawih. vt. to dress someone. kelikemwe vt. to disbelieve. kelikilik n. prohibition. E konehng en mie kelikilik en laid en wehi. There should be a prohibition on turtle fishing. kelikilikidi vi. to be prohibited. kelimau num. fifth. kelimwed, also kalimwed. n. bird sp., island swiftlet, Aerodramus vanikorensis; small sp. of bat. kelingan, also kalingan. n. glory; beauty. kelingana, also kalingana. vt. to beautify, to embellish, to decorate; to glorify. kelingeringer adj. irritating, disturbing, agitating. kelipa₁ vt. to exile. Mehn Sehmen ko kelipahla mehn Sokehs Palau. The Germans exiled the people of Sokehs to Palau. kelipa₂ meing. vt. to joke with or about. Mwohnsapwoko kelipa pwutako. Mwohnsapwoko joked with the boy. kelipilip₂, vi. cf. kamwane, kemwene. kelipak n. bird sp., Carolines swiftlet, Callacalin inquieta. kelipilip₁ n. a place of exile. kelipilip₂ 1. meing. vi. to joke. 2. meing. n. joke. kelipa₂, vt. cf. kamwan. kelipilipala vi. to be exiled to. kelisahk vi. to be tossed with a sidearm motion, to be caused to swing. E kak kelisahk pwe e me marahra. It can be tossed sidearmed, because it's light. kelisahkih, vt. kelisahkih vt. to toss out with a sidearm motion, to swing someone on a swing. kelisahk, vi. keliseian en mei, also kanaitik. n. a method of making breadfruit trees bear₁ fruit sooner, done by making four cuts about the length of a hand lengthwise on the stem, approximately 1.5 feet above the ground. kehlok adj. easily hurt, quick to give up. kehloal vi. to smooth the inner sides of the hull of a canoe. kelupwulupw vi. to be scraped. keluhwanda vt. to make incomplete. kehllukpene vi., vt. to tie or to be tied together. kelmahu, also limwediliniak. n. fern sp., Davallia pectinata. kehlpene, also kehl₄. vt. to tie together, to fasten together. kehldi vi. to entrap. kehmah n. tree sp., Terminalia carolinensis. keme vt. to spank or beat. kamakam, vi. kemei n. shellfish sp., Garfrarium tumidum, eaten when available. kehmei, also pwatemei, pwutemei. 1. n. the first feast of the main breadfruit season (rahk₁); eleven baked maikol are arranged in a basket and presented to the Nahnmwarki or Soumas en Kousapw; this feast marks the opening of the breadfruit season. Kehmei is used in Kitti, Nett, and Sokehs; pwatemei is used in Madolenihmw and U. 2. vi. to have this feast. kemeik n. fish sp., humphead parrotfish, a variety of Bolbometopon muricatus, normally found within the lagoon and near reefs. kemeimeiso, also kameimeiso. 1. meing. vi. neut. to pluck gray hair or whiskers. 2. meing. n. the activity of plucking gray hair or whiskers. 1. Mwohnsapw pahn kemeimeiso. Mwohnsapw will pluck whiskers. 2. Kemeimeiso pahn wiawi lakapw. Whisker plucking will take place tomorrow. kemeimeisoe, vt. cf. uspwetepwet. kemeimeisoe vt. see kemeimeiso. kemeiso meing. n. an implement for plucking hair from a beard. cf. mehn uspwetepwet. kemeu n. Cynometra bijuga, wood use for adze handles. kemeuwi n. a round basket made of coconut leaves. kemehla vt. to kill, to execute; to turn off, as a light or engine. kamala, vi. kehmelimel, also likaritikitik. n. plant sp., Dendrobium umbellatum. kemehnkouruhr adj. funny, amusing, boisterous. kemehnpou adj. cold, causing to be cold. cf. [meing] pwoaikentehine. kemenseng₁ 1. meing. vi. to eat breakfast, to consume kava early in the morning; to engage in early morning agricultural activities. 2. meing. n. breakfast. 1. Mwohnsapw saikinte kemenseng. Mwohnsapw has not yet eaten breakfast. 2. Saikinte kemenseng kaonopada. Breakfast has not yet been prepared. cf. mwengehn menseng, deied. kemenseng₂ n. kava or yam plot. kemenda, also kamanda. vt. to tame. kemeng vi. to leave a canoe and its parts to dry before painting and lashing it together. kamangala, vt. kemerek vi. to be spread out. kamarak, vt. kemed n. sea cucumber sp. kemedipwe, also kamadipwe. vt. to have a feast in honor of someone of high esteem. kamadipw, vi. cf. [meing] kasaune. kemisik n. freshwater eel. kemistri n. chemistry. [Eng.] kemoahreleng n. to be ignited, of a fire for an uhmw. Umwun koanoato kemoahreleng. The uhmw for the feast has been ignited. kemoahrlenge, vt. kemoahrlenge vt. to ignite a fire for an uhmw. kemoahreleng, vi. kehmmarepe n. a wild yam variety, a variety of kehpineir. kehmmarepehn kempuwetik n. a wild yam variety, a variety of kehpineir. kemmad, also kiemmad. n. dry clothing one puts on, extra clothing taken on a trip. Kitail anahne wahda atail kemmad. We need to take extra clothing along. cf. [meing] ngalangal. kemmada, also kammada. vt. to dry. kemmadada, also kiemmadada. vi. to put on dry clothing. kemmade, vt. cf. [meing] kangalangalada. kemmade vt. to provide dry clothing to someone who is wet. Kitail kemmede irail pwe re wisekesekala. Let us provide them with dry clothes because they got wet. kemmadada, kiemmadada, vi. cf. [meing] kangalangale, kengelengele. kemmwar 1. vi. to be given a title. 2. n. the act of conveying a title. kemmware, vt. kemmware vt. to give a title. kemmwar, vi. kehmmwas, also kehmpuwetik. n. a wild yam variety, with fibrous roots, a variety of kehpineir. kehmmwot n. a wild yam variety, bearing seeds. kehmmwot en pohnpei n. a wild yam variety. kehmmwuterek en enipein n. a yam cultivar from Enipein. kempa₁ n. Pohnpeian holy week, a week of worship in the traditional Pohnpeian religion. kempa₂ n. department. I doadoahk ong kempahn kamarain ansou ieu mahs. I worked for the department of education once in the past. [Jap. gemba] kempak adj. shallow as a consequence of being flat-bottomed, as a canoe. kehmpalahi, also palahi, ohdek₂. n. sp. of wild yam, Dioscorea bulbifera, sometimes called bitter yam, common yam, or air potato; referred to as uhn palahi when in the ground. kehmpekehi n. a yam cultivar. kempenial n. bush sp., Psychotria hombroniana. kempoake, also kompoake. 1. adj. emotionally moving, pitiful, saddening. 2. Biblical. adj. beloved. kehmpuwalap n. a yam variety of kehpineir, with short and bulky tubers. kehmpuwetik n. a wild yam variety with fibrous roots, a variety of kehpineir, now cultivated by some. kehmwakar adj. easily slighted. kemweit n. entertainment; serenade. cf. [meing] kamahlahl₁. kemwekid 1. vi. neut. to be made to move or shake. 2. n. a motion, as in a legislative proceeding, action. kamwakid, vt. kemwene, also kamwane. vt. to joke with or about. kamwan, vi. cf. [meing] kelipa₂. kemwere, also kamwere. vi. to gesture menacingly, to feint a blow. kemwetimwet vi. to make a polite but empty gesture. kehmwomw 1. n. a type of net fishing, done by first setting a net and then chasing fish into the net with a canoe. 2. vi. to net fish in this manner. kemwurumwur 1. n. last wish before death. 2. vi. to make a last wish. cf. [meing] kedeurlik. kehmwut n. plant sp., Gironniera celtidifolia. kehmpwedawel n. a yam cultivar. -ken, also -kenen. aff. suffix used to form singular emphatic pointing and demonstrative pronouns. iet here, by me ieteken here, by me! kehn₁ adv. easily. E kehn lingeringer. He is easily angered. kehn₂ vt. to feel, to experience. kehnda vt. to come to realize. kehn arahr n. the edge of a trodden path mark by aligned stones. kehn nek, also kehnek. adj. prone to premature ejaculation. Kena Biblical. n. Cana, a town in Galilee. kehnaudek, also kahnaudek. n. oppression. Dene nan mwein Saudeleur, aramas mihla pahn kehnaudek. It is said that during the reign of the Saudeleurs, people were subjected to oppression. -kenakan, also -kenenkan. aff. suffix used to form plural emphatic pointing and demonstrative pronouns. Kenan Biblical. n. Canaan, the Promised Land of the Israelites. [Eng.] kehnaramas adj. of a place, attracting many people. kene poss. cl. a possessive classifier for food and kava. E sohte kang kene dohnaso. He didn't eat his doughnut. cf. [meing] koanoat, sahk₁. kenei sakau 1. vi. to eat after drinking kava. 2. n. meal after kava. cf. [meing] pailoal. kenei soumwahu vi. to palliate an ill person, to help alleviate the symptoms of an illness. keneinei adj. cherished, well cared for. kanai, vt. keneipwong n. food for a pregnant woman, eaten at night. keneitik vi. to assist a woman at childbirth. kanaitik, vt. kehnek, also kehn nek. adj. prone to premature ejaculation. kehnekuh n. kava stone in a feasthouse, located behind the uhpeileng. Kenen n. the Protestant mission established in Mesenieng in 1865. [Eng. Canaan] -kenen, also -ken. aff. suffix used to form singular emphatic pointing and demonstrative pronouns. iet here, by me, ietkenen here by me!. -kenenkan, also -kenakan. aff. suffix used to form plural emphatic pointing and demonstrative pronouns. ietakan here, by me ietkenenkan here, by me! kenenlo vi. to try to win someone over when many ignore him. kenehnlo adj. ungrateful, insensitive, insincere. Ohl kenenloh mwo pwe, ma e anahne mehkot, ah e tehkuhk; a ma soh, ah e kin sirangkau. The man is ungrateful because, if he needs something, he is nice; if not, then he is snobbish. kenenseh n. fern sp., Bolbitis heteroclita. kener adj. sensitive to pain; ticklish. keniken adj. favorite, favored. cf. [meing] rekeseidak. kenikenla vi. to become acceptable; to become a favorite. kehnohla, also kehohla. adj. easily broken . kehnkot n. bridge. kehnlangiso, also kalangiso. meing. n. the tie beam at the entrance to a feasthouse that forms the bottom of the gable; i.e., the horizontal beam over the entrance from which food baskets can be hung. Pekinleng kin seliepida ni kehnlangiso. The pekinleng is usually tied to the kehnlangiso. cf. lohlo. kehnmand, also kehnmant. n. tree spp., Aidia racemosa, Geniostoma repestre, and Cyclophyllum barbatum. kehnmant n. see kehnmand. kehnmoal n. tree sp., used medicinally. kehnpal adj. illegible. kehnpap n. tree sp., Syzygium carolinense, branches used for poles in house building. kehnparap n. two pieces of wood that are tied to the outrigger supports (kehnti) to support the outrigger platform (parap) of an outrigger canoe. kenpihpi n. cunnilingus. kehnpwe n. first day of mourning. kehnpwil, also nikenpiri. n. tree sp., Garcinia ponapensis; medicine made from this tree is used for stopping menstrual bleeding or dysentery; also good firewood. kehnpwud archaic. n. a cup made from half of a coconut shell, used for serving kava. kens 1. n. yaws, a tropical disease that first affects the skin and later the bones. 2. vi. to be infected with yaws; to ulcerate. cf. [meing] nihke. kensa vi. to examine, to have a physical examination. [Jap. kensa] kehnsar 1. vi. to perform the final dance in a traditional dance performance. 2. n. the name of this dance. kehnseng meing. vi. to be waiting. Komw kehnseng! Wait! Mwohnsapwoko ketin kehnseng pwe miehte me pahn patohdo. Mwohnsapwoko is waiting because there is still more to come. kehnsenge, vt. cf. owiou. kehnsenge meing. vt. to wait for. Komw pahn kak kehnsenge tohnsahiet? Will you be able to wait for the members of this voyage? cf. awih. kensipakudang n. atomic bomb, nuclear weapon. [Jap. genshibakudan] kensoare vt. to entice. kehnda vt. to come to realize. kehnda wasa vi. to come to, to regain consciousness. kehndake n. ladder, steps, stairs. kehndawih vt. to place a pole or a line to serve as a kehndou. kehndou, vi. kendenkemwe vt. to distrust, to disbelieve. Kenderek n. an islet in Nan Madol where the dead where taken and where the darak dance was performed to cheer the survivors. kendiong vi. to lie down and nurse (a child). kendip₁ vi. to spit. cf. [meing] lik₃. kendip₂ n. fish sp. kendo 1. vi. to estimate. 2. n. estimate, estimation. [Jap. kendō] kehndou 1. n. a line or pole placed between a yam planting and the branches of a tree in order to direct the growth of the yam vine upward; the second growth stage of yam, when it begins to climb the kehndou, March through May. 2. vi. to employ a line or pole as a kehndou. 2. Ke pahn kehndou. (Idiom) You are going to have a long life. kehndawih, vt. kehndou pwehl vi. to be in opposition with a family member. kent n. (3sg. kenti) urine. cf. [meing] mwasod, mwosod. kehnti n. the two central outrigger supports of a canoe that go from the hull to the outrigger. kehntik adj. easily awakened. kehnwasa adj. easily awakened; conscious. sohte kehnwasa adj. unconscious, unresponsive. keng adj. sharp, of an edge or point. kehng, also mweimwei₂. n. fish spp., goldman's sweetlips, Plectorhynchus goldmani; harlequin sweetlips, Plectorhynchus chaetodontoides; giant sweetlips, Plectorhinchus obscurus; oriental sweetlips, Plectorhinchus orentalis; spotted sweetlips, Plectorhinchus picus. kengelengele, also kangalangale. meing. vt. to provide dry clothing to someone who is wet. Ke nek kengelengele Mwohnsapw. You have been designated to provide dry clothing to Mwohnsapw. kangalangalada, vi. cf. kemmade. kengir n. belt. kehngid n. kehngid en meinuwe n. a mango cultivar. kehngid en pohnpei, also inen mwoakoate. n. a mango cultivar, said to be indigenous to Pohnpei. kehngid en sallong n. a mango cultivar. kehngid pweinaper n. a mango cultivar, tasting and smelling like pineapple. kengidais vi. to pound ais₁ ( Atuna racemosa) as part of the process of making paint. kehngitik vi. to go out for fresh air, to find a location where one can enjoy the breeze. cf. [meing] pohnieng, pohres. kengk n. coconut, containing no nut. kengkanahda vt. to rekindle a fire. kengkanda, vi. kengkanda vi. to cause to be rekindled, of a fire. Karisihno me kengkanda tuihko. It is the kerosene that caused the firewood to be rekindled. kengkanahda, vt. kengkang n. porch; covered stoop of a Japanese style house. [Jap. genkan : entryway] kengkeng 1. adj. having a peak, pointed. 2. n. peak, summit, pinnacle; peninsula. 3. Biblical. n. tower. 1. Dohlo kengkengda. The mountain has a peak. kengkiresek n. fellatio. kengrawih vt. to get the blame for bad behavior or a mishap. Lahpo kengrawih pwe e mwersuwed. That guy got the blame for it because he is dishonest. kengreu, adj. kengreu adj. always blamed for mishaps or bad behavior. kengrawih, vt. kengrou adj. always blamed for mishaps. kangrawih, vt. kengsakau vi. to consume kava. cf. [meing] kaker. kep₁ 1. vi. to drink kava after it has been served to others, to eat leftovers. 2. vi. to consume something, especially medicine before kava. kapih₂ cf. [meing] kepindewehlap₂. kep₂ n. cup. [Eng.] kehp n. a generic term for yams, Dioscorea alalta, Dioscorea esculanta, Dioscorea nummularia, Dioscorea bulbifera, Dioscorea hispida, Dioscorea pentaphylla, and possibly Dioscorea flabellifolia. kehp akitik n. a yam cultivar. kehp arar n. a yam cultivar. kehp kos n. a yam cultivar. kehp lapwed n. a yam cultivar. kehp meir kelik mwotomwot n. a yam cultivar, slow in maturing. kehp meir kelik pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar, slow in maturing, having white flesh. kehp meir kelik weitahta n. a yam cultivar, slow in maturing, having red flesh. kehp mwotelel n. a yam cultivar. kehp mwoten namwanamw n. a yam cultivar. kehp mwoten pahsed n. a yam cultivar. kehp mwuterek n. a yam cultivar. kehp pahini n. a yam cultivar. kehp palai en meitipw n. a yam cultivar. kehp pwengkin, also masaloal. n. a yam cultivar. kehp pwediwel pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar. kehp pwediwel weitahta n. a yam cultivar. kehp pwet n. a yam cultivar. kehp pwetepwet n. white yam, one of the two major categories of yams recognized by Pohnpeians. see kehp toantoal. kehp pwetepwet en takaieu n. a yam cultivar. kehp pwohmwahu pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar. kehp pwohmwahu weitahta n. a yam cultivar. kehp sahle n. a yam cultivar. kehp send n. a yam cultivar. kehp silik n. a yam cultivar, having red flesh. kehp depwen n. a yam with a single tuber. kehp tang nan weli n. a son who behaves like his father; a chip off the old block. kehp tipaker n. a yam cultivar, cigar-shaped. kehp toantoal n. black yam, one of the two major categories of yams recognized by Pohnpeians. see kehp pwetepwet. kehp tuhke, also menioak, dapiohka. n. cassava, manioc, tapioca; Manihot esculanta, primarily used as food and to make starch. Kehpara n. an island off the coast of Kitti through whose reef channel Isokelekel first entered Pohnpeian waters; also called Black Coral Island. kepe- vt. to carry in a bundle. Liho kepehla arail tuwi. That woman carried their bundle of firewood. kepeh polite. n3s. thigh. kehpei n. tree sp.; very light driftwood; cork. kepeia vt. to consider fortunate. kepeiahda vt. to make one rich. Mwangas me kepeiahda ohlo. Copra is what made that man rich. kepeik vi. to carry on one's shoulder. kapaik, vt. kepeira 1. vi. to put out runners in all directions, of a yam vine. 2. n. the third growth stage of a yam. kepehiso meing. n3s. thigh, lap₁. Pwutako mwohd pohn kepehiso. The boy sat on his lap. cf. dahng. kepeu, also kopou. adj. cold, cool, chilly. kepeukuhk meing. n. sennit. cf. kisin pwehl. kepel vi. to be kneaded, as of dough. kapal, vt. kepelipel adj. taboo. kepelmar vi. to kneed mahr₁. kepelsalehd 1. humiliative. n. sickness, disease, illness; death, funeral. 2. humiliative. adj. sick, diseased, ill, dying. kepelsalehdala vi. to die. kepeldoal vi. to mix things in while kneading something. kehpenei en sapahn n. a yam cultivar, believed to have come from Saipan. kehpenei inarongemahl n. a yam cultivar. kehpenei inousohdi n. a yam cultivar. kehpenei inosipehd n. a yam cultivar. kehpenei kesu n. a yam cultivar. kehpenei kopou n. a yam cultivar. kepennok n. broom or duster made from the inner ribs of palm fronds, for use in residental quarters. cf. [meing] souwel ihmw. keper adj. dangerous, harmful; unexpected. keperiki, vt. keperen likend , also peipei aramas. n. fern sp., Histiopteris incisa. keperepere n3s. descendant, offspring, typically of animals. kehperet n. a yam cultivar. keperiki vt. to warn, to caution. keper, adj. kepihe n3s. anus. cf. [meing] kepindau. kepikipik n. creation; environment, nature, resource. kepikirot vi. to be in the dark without a source of light. Kepihleng n. an ancient name for a once independent area of central Kitti that had its capital at Sapwtakai. kepihleng n. southern sky, southern horizon. kepiloal₁ 1. vi. to take medicine or magic for protection or to instill certain qualities in the one taking it. 2. n. the medicine or magic employed for this purpose. kepiloal₂ adj. deep, of the hull of a canoe. Kepin n. a section (kousapw) in Sokehs. kepin, also kapin₁. n. captain of a ship. [Eng. captain] kehpin and n. a yam cultivar. kehpin awai sohkatepe n. a yam cultivar, from Hawai'i, Dioscorea hispida. Kepin Awak n. a section (kousapw) in U. kepin en sohp archaic. n. captain of a ship. I men tuhweng kepin en sohpet. I wish to see the captain of this ship. [Eng.] kehpin iap pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar, having white flesh and fine meat, from Yap. kehpin iap weitahta n. a yam cultivar, from Yap. kehpin ou n. a yam cultivar. kepin kasang meing. n. (3sg. kepin keseng) throat. Re kepin kasang medek. He has sore throat. cf. kepinwer, kepinwor. kehpin kipar n. a yam cultivar, from Kipar, fruit-bearing. kehpin kipar en rapwaul n. a yam cultivar, said to have come from Rabaul. kehpin kipar weitahta n. a yam cultivar, having red flesh. kepin koanoat meing. n. anything from the Nahnmwarki. kepin lahng, also kepinleng. n. west. kehpin lohd n. a yam cultivar, from Lohd. kehpin loangtakai n. a yam cultivar. kehpin lupwu n. a yam cultivar. kehpin mehlel n. a yam cultivar. kehpin mweli n. a yam cultivar, sweet-smelling. kehpin mweli pwohmwahu weitahta n. a yam cultivar. kehpin namwu eremia n. a yam cultivar. kehpin namwu kepeu n. a yam cultivar. kehpin namwu kepsu n. a yam cultivar. kehpin namwu pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar, having sweet-smelling, white flesh. kehpin namwu weitahta n. a yam cultivar, having sweet-smelling, red flesh. kehpin nan peilam n. a yam cultivar, from Peilam. kehpin nihpwung n. a yam cultivar. kehpin palau pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar, from Palau, having white flesh. kehpin palau weitahta n. a yam cultivar, from Belau, having red flesh. kehpin pahsed n. a yam cultivar. kehpin pehleng n. a yam cultivar, from Pehleng. kehpin penieu pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar, from Penieu. kehpin penieu weitahta n. a yam cultivar, from Penieu. kehpin pihsi n. a yam cultivar from Fiji. kehpin pwair n. a yam cultivar, having a sweet flavor. kepin pwalek n. the ground area between an uhmw and the main post at the entrance of a feasthouse. kehpin pwanuadu, also kiped. n. a yam cultivar, believed to have come from Vanuatu. kehpin pweisaper n. a yam cultivar. kehpin rohda n. a yam cultivar, from Rota. kehpin sapahn n. a yam cultivar, from Japan. kehpin sapwehrek n. a yam cultivar. kehpin seini n. a yam cultivar, from China. kehpin seipahn n. a yam cultivar, from Saipan. kehpin sounet, also sounet₁. n. a yam cultivar. kehpin souwiso n. a yam cultivar, from Souwihso. kehpin dehpehk n. a yam cultivar. kehpin dolen pohnpei n. a white yam cultivar. kehpin dolen waii n. a class of yam cultivars. see kehpindol. kehpin dolen waii ohreirei, also kehpin dolen waii weitahta. n. a yam cultivar, having red flesh. kehpin dolen waii pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar, having white flesh. kehpin dolen waii weitahta, also kehpin dolen waii ohreirei. n. a yam cultivar, having red flesh. kepin tihn peh n3s. shoulder joint. kehpin tomwara n. a yam cultivar, from Tomwara. kehpin tomwara pwohmwahu n. a yam cultivar from Tomwara, with a sweet smell. kehpin wou n. a yam cultivar. kepina n. governor, district administrator. [Eng.] kepinan 1. vi. full of pus, pussy. 2. n. a pus filled infection. kehpineir n. a number of yams that grow semiwild, without cultivation, and without restrictions on when they can be harvested and eaten; now sometimes cultivated; Dioscorea nummularia. kehpineir ahmarepe n. a yam variety. kehpineir ahmarepen kehmpuwetik n. a yam variety. kehpineir ahmarepen kehmpwuwalap n. a yam variety. kehpineir en wai n. a yam variety. kehpineir kehmmwas n. a yam variety. kehpineir kehpuwalap, also kehpineir kumwuten kidi. n. a yam variety. kehpineir kumwuten kidi, also kehpineir kehpuwalap. n. a yam variety. kehpineir mpo n. a yam variety. Kepinkep n. a section (kousapw) in Sokehs. kepinkoanoat n. gift of food, a title, or land from the Nahnmwarki, conveying acknowledgement, and often symbolizing respect, goodwill, and obligation. kepinleng, also kepin lahng. n. west. kepinnamw loal meing. adj. discreet, unpredictable, said of the Sohpeidi. Sohpeidi men uhdahn pahn kepinnamw loal. A member of the royalty is supposed to be discreet. cf. lamrir. Kepinne n. a section (kousapw) in Madolenihmw and Kitti. kepinpaiki n3s. lower part of the back of the head. kepinpil n. estuary, mouth of a river. kepinsak meing. n. anything from the Nahnken. kepinsalehd humiliative. vi. to be intoxicated from drinking kava. kepinsinoangi n. original branch of kava used for planting. kepindau meing. n. (3sg. kepindewe) anus. cf. kepihe. kepindau pilen meing. adj. attractive, attracting plentiful resources, such as food and other contributions to a feast, attracting admiration or honor. Sohpeidi me kepindau pilen. Royalty attracts plentiful resources. kepindewe meing. vt. to lead₁ or guide; to set an example for; to advise; to give directions. Mwohnsapw kepindeweikit. Mwohnsapw advised us. kepindewehlap₁, vi. cf. kaweid, kaweidih. kepindewehlap₁ 1. meing. vi. to lead₁ or guide; to set an example for; to advise; to give directions. 2. meing. n. directions, as on a label; advice. 1. Kitail udahn pahn idawehn kepindewehlap. We must follow his advice. cf. kaweid. kepindewehlap₂ meing. vi. to drink kava immediately after a Nahnmwarki, out of the same cup; to drink kava after it has been served to others, to eat leftovers. I kepindewehlap. I drank immediately after him. kepindewehlape, vt. cf. kep₁. kepindewehlape meing. vt. see kepindewehlap₁. kehpindol n. a generic name for various kehpindol (yam) cultivars; e.g. kehpin dolen pohnpei, etc. kepindowe meing. vt. to welcome, to receive. cf. kasamwoh. kepinwar 1. n. provisions taken on a trip; gift taken on a trip; fish acquired from another canoe in an exchange of fish; advice taken to heart. 2. Biblical. n. good deeds. 3. vi. to be given provisions to take on a trip; to be given advice to take to heart. kepinwere, vt. kepinwariki vt. to take on a trip. Se kepinwariki uhpwte. We took only coconuts with us. kepinwer, also kepinwor. n. (3sg. kepinwere) throat. cf. [meing] kepin kasang. kepinwer medek 1. n. sore throat, laryngitis. 2. vi. to have a sore throat, to have laryngitis. kepinwere vt. to give provisions to the occupant(s) of another canoe; to give a gift to a departing party. kepinwar, vi. kepinwereu vi. to look with begging eyes at someone who is eating. kepinwereuh adj. constantly munching on food. kepinwini n. the final portion or dose of liquid extracted from a medicinal plant. kepinwor, also kepinwer. n. (3sg. kepinwore) throat. cf. [meing] kepin kasang. kepinga vt. to praise. kepingahla vt. to be amazed at, to be surprised at. I kepingahla amwail sarongorong. I am amazed at your stubborness. kepingiping 1. adj. confusing, messy, chaotic; distressful, troublesome. 2. n. confusion; something that is troublesome or distressing. kepir 1. vi. to be turned, twisted or spun; to dance the paddle dance. 2. n. male standing dance, employing carved ornamental paddles. kapir, vt. kepir pohn wahr 1. n. a paddle dance performed on a canoe. 2. vi. to perform this dance. Kepira n. a section (kousapw) in Sokehs. kepirek vi. to turn one's head in contempt. Kepirohi 1. n. a section (kousapw) in Madolenihmw. 2. n. the name of a famous waterfall in Kepirohi. kepirmeliek 1. vi. to run the hurdles. 2. n. the hurdles. kepised vi. to be infected by salt water. kepidau n. large pass in the outer reef and the area inside the reef adjacent to the pass; harbor. Kepidau Iso, also Pahn Nahkapw. n. a harbor in Madolenihmw where Olosihpa and Olosohpa began the construction of Nan Madol. kepidak vt. see kepidek. kepidek vi. to be gotten around or avoided, as of a problem or bad situation; to be passed on indirectly; traditionally, at a feast, to pass a gift to the Nahnmwarki, who in turn will pass it on to another, who is then responsible for giving a greater gift to the original giver. kepidak, vt. kepidek keseulikilik n. embezzlement. Ohlo selikihdi kepidek keseulikilik. That man was jailed because of embezzlement. kepidekiong vi. to be tranferred to. kepit₁ vi. neut. to pry out; to relax a wire or stick under tension. kapit₂, vt. kepit₂ 1. adj. said of one who likes to tease others. 2. n. an act of teasing someone. 3. vi. to tease. kapitih, vt. kepitkihda vt. to joke about. kepit₃, also kapit₁. meing. n. (3sg. kepitie) voice. Wereila ahi sohte rong kepitien ohlo. It has been a while since I heard his voice. cf. ngihl. kehpit meing. n. knife, machete. cf. naip. kepitipit vi. to be sped up, to be made to go faster, to be hastened. kapitipit, vt. kepitkihda vt. to joke about. cf. [meing] kumwuskihda. kepitwini 1. n. poison or black magic applied to a wound. 2. vi. to apply poison or black magic to a wound. kepitwinie, vt. kepitwinie vt. see kepitwini. kehpuwetik n. a yam cultivar, having no particular season. kehpuwetik en kehmpuwalap n. a yam cultivar. kepsakau 1. vi. to eat a small meal before consuming kava. 2. n. a small meal before the consumption of kava. kehpsel n. a yam cultivar, having fibrous flesh. keptakai adj. very stubborn, obstinate. kakeptakaila, vt. kakeptakaila vt. to harden (someone's) heart. kehpwalia n. plant sp. kehpwallal n. a wild yam variety. kepwe n. thing, possession; internal organs or guts of larger mammals; genitals. kepweikang vt. to criticize, to speak sharply to, to insult. Itarehr amwail kepweikangih ohlo. That's enough of your criticizing that man. kepweikeng, adj. kepweikeng 1. adj. skillful in attacking others, critical. 2. n. criticism. kepweikang, vt. kepweipweida 1. vi. to be implemented. 2. n. implementation. kehpwel n. growth stage of a yam, possibly the same as osada. kepwehn doadoahk n. tool. kepwenek 1. n. a four day feast prior to a war. 2. vi. to have this feast. 1. Kepwenek iei kamadipw me kin wiawi lao sapwala rahn pahieu, ah pei ahpw wiawi. Kepwenek is a feast that is conducted until it is concluded on the fourth day, and then the fighting starts. kepwehpwe adj. rich, wealthy, having many possessions. kepwil n. (3sg. kepwili) corner of the eye. kepwukoa, also koapwukoa. n. (3sg. kepwukoah) an assigned responsibility, obligation, or duty. kepwukoahki, also koapwukoahki. vt. to assign someone to be responsible for something. ker₁ vi. to run, as of water; to shed₁; to flow, trickle, or drip. ker₂ n. (3sg. kari, keri) a derogatory term for face. kehr vi. to call, as in to call someone a bad name; to badmouth. kerapis vi. to carve the apis for a canoe. kehrari n. plant sp., Boehmeria celebica or Pipturus argenteus. kerada, also karada₁. vi. to board, to step up onto, to climb aboard; of fish, to spawn on the reef. keradak, also karadak. archaic. n. ladder, steps, stairs. keradak en oloiso, also karadak en oloiso. n. an entrance in the front of a feasthouse to the side platform used by women. keradak en serihso, also karadak en serihso. n. an entrance in the front of a feasthouse to the side platform used by men. keradakeiso, also karadakeiso. n. the steps leading up to the main platform of a feasthouse, commonly made of stone. kereilik meing. n. the two doors in the rear of a feasthouse, used by the Nahnmwarki and Nahnken. Mwohnsapw ketlong nan kereilik. Mwohnsapw entered through the rear door. cf. wenihmw en lempahntamw. kereiso meing. n. bathing place in a stream. Isohko loakipil nan kereiso. Isohko bathed in the bathing place in the stream. cf. lehnpilen duhdu. kereu₁ n. shellfish sp. kereu₂ slang. vi. to run; to flee; to swim, of fish. kereuk, also korouk. vi. to be cut down, to be felled, of a tree; to be laid down, of a person. karauke, vt. kereut n. grass sp. kereker 1. n. gutter; bamboo or pipe used to channel a flow of water. 2. vi. to flow, of water; to move in great numbers, of people. kerekerepeileng engin moamoar uh idiom By the grace of the Soupeidi, the commoners will take part in the process of kava and food consumption and distribution. kerekeresou vi. to warm oneself at a fire. kerehlap n. main platform of a feasthouse. keremwel 1. meing. adj. happy, joyful. 2. n. happiness, joy. 1. Mwohnsapwoko keremwel rahnwet. Mwohnsapwoko is happy today. cf. peren₁. keremweliso 1. meing. adj. happy, joyful. 2. meing. n. happiness, joy. 1. Sapwellim keremweliso sansal ni sihleng. His joy is reflected on his face. cf. peren₁. kerempw n. obstacle, obstruction, interference. kerempwa vt. to interfere with, to meddle with, to obstruct, to delay. keren adj. near, close₂. karanih, vt. kerenieng adv. almost, nearly. kereniol 1. meing. adj. warm, hot, feverish. 2. meing. n. high fever. 1. Re ketin kereniol. He is feverish. cf. karakar₁. Kerenis n. the Pohnpeian name for Kapingamarangi, a Polynesian-outlier atoll located within Pohnpei State. [Eng. Greenwich] kerenleng meing. n. notice, announcement. Se alehdi sapwellim kerenleng rahnwet. We received his announcement today. cf. pakair. kereng 1. vi. to be dried by heat, as of copra or tobacco. 2. n. tobacco. karang, vt. kerengireng adj. peppery, spicy, hot. kerengk vi. to carve using a sile mehl. kerengkpei meing. vi. to spread the hot stones of an uhmw. cf. eruhmw. kerep vi. to creep; to crawl on all fours. karapih, vt. kerepwel₁ meing. adj. perishable, not long lasting. Koanoat leu kan koaros me kerepwel. All the cooked food (for Mwohnsapw) is perishable. kerepwele, kerepwelih, vt. cf. sohr. kerepwella vi. to vanish, to disappear. Sapwellim souneio kerepwella mwurin wihk ehu. His ailment vanished in a week. kerepwel₂ meing. vi. to kneel down. Mwohnsapw kerepwel nan tehnpas sarawio. Mwohnsapw knelt in the church. cf. kelepwikihdi. kerepwele vt. see kerepwelih. kerepwelih, also kerepwele. meing. vt. to cause to vanish, to cause to disappear; to nullify. Mwohnsapw kerepwelih mwaren ohlo. Mwohnsapw nullified the man's title. kerepwel₁, vi. cf. kasohre. kerepwella meing. vi. to vanish, to disappear. Sapwellim souneio kerepwella mwurin wihk ehu. His ailment vanished in a week. cf. sohrala. keredi vi. to alight or step down; to flow or drop, as of a liquid. keriah 1. vi. to invoke a curse. 2. adj. damned. 3. Biblical. n. curse. keriahla, vt. keriaun kepina n. lieutenant governor. [kepina <Eng.] Keriaun Makapi kan Biblical. n. Second Maccabees, a book in the Deuterocanon of the Catholic Bible and in the Apocrypha of the Protestant Bible. keriahla vt. to curse, to invoke a curse. keriah, adj. keriahleng 1. n. a curse upon someone who fails to convey the first offering of breadfruit to the Soupeidi. 2. vi. to be cursed for this reason. keriahpe, also kahriepe. n. calamity, ruin, destruction, curse, due to supernatural causes. keriahpwel 1. n. a curse upon breaking first offering of root crops to Soupeidi. 2. vi. to be cursed for this reason. keriemene vt. to second₁ a motion. Ohlo keriemene kemwekido. That man seconded the motion. see keriemenih. keriemenih vt. see keriemene. kerier n. first-born. keriker₁ n. fish sp., highfin rudder fish, Kyphosus cinerascens; a generic term for kertakai (large keriker) and kerilel (small keriker); normally found in the lagoon and on patch reefs and the barrier reef. keriker₂ vi. to comb one's hair. kar₁, vt. kerikun slang. adj. blind. kerilel n. a small keriker₁, a fish sp. kerir 1. n. secret sweetheart. 2. vi. to have an affair. kerihri vi. to be snapped off. karihs, vt. kerihripeseng vi. to be broken, as a bone. kerirlengla meing. vi. to hide₁. Mwohnsapw pahn kerirleng ma re patohdo. Mwohnsapw will hide if they come. cf. rukla, rokla. kerirrir 1. n. cloth, clothing. 2. vi. to wear clothing. kerismei n. during keidisol, the last feast of the yam season, a breadfruit branch bearing a tiny immature fruit is placed upon the uhmw in which the yams are being baked, symbolizing the cycle of seasons; not commonly done in present times. keriwas adj. having an obnoxious face. kehrourou n. a feasthouse having three center posts with pits for kava stones on the main platform. kerup Biblical. n. cherub, cherubim. [Eng.] kerupwud 1. n. the act of scratching one's body. 2. vi. to be scratching. karupwude, vt. cf. [meing] kaliat. keruwa vt. to hurry, to rush, to feel anxious. karuwaru, adj. keruwemen n. scarecrow. kerkala slang. adj. pretentious, proud, boastful. kerlikamw adj. to be a character, someone not to be taken seriously. kerpwetepwet adj. cowardly. kerpwunan 1. adj. pretentious. 2. slang. n. conjunctivitis. kerrahk vi. to carve the rahk₂ for a canoe. kersuwed adj. ugly. kerskaud n. girl scout. [Eng.] kehrdipaur adj. engaging in the pot calling the kettle black kind of name-calling, given to criticizing others for a fault of one's own. kertakai n. a large keriker₁, a fish sp. kertoal adj. having a black eye. kertuhkehn wahr vi. to cut and gather wood to be used for making the small parts of a canoe. kerwa, also karwa. vt. to hasten, to rush something. kehs₂ n. case. [Eng.] kehsapahl n. plant sp., Caesalpinia bonduc, commonly known as gray nicker, nicker bean, or knicker nut. kese, also kesepweke. vt. to drop (typically something heavy); to defeat in a competition. cf. [meing] likinpwele, likinpwelih. kesehla, also kesepwekehla. vt. to throw away, to get rid of, to discard; to divorce; to abandon; to disregard. kehse vt. to hook. keseingmwahu, also kasaingmwahu. n. a happy coincidence. keseirahk, also keseirek. vi. to laugh in a boisterous manner. keseirek vi. see keseirahk. keseu₁ 1. vi. to be examined, to be diagnosed, to be figured out; to be made (of a choice), to be judged, to be guessed . 2. n. judgment, prediction, examination, forecast. kasawih, vt. cf. [meing] kadirlap, kedeuleng. keseu₂, also kosou. vi. to be moved, to be transferred, to be relocated; to be postponed. kasau, vt. keseuda, also kosouda. vi. to be moved up, in a hierarchy. keseudi, also kosoudi. vi. to be moved down, in a hierarchy. keseulikilik adj. untrustworthy. keseupe n3s. judgment, prediction, examination, forecast. keseuda, also kosouda. vi. to be moved up, in a hierarchy. keseudi, also kosoudi. vi. to be moved down, in a hierarchy. kesehk vi. to move unexpectedly. kehsek vi. to mate, said of animals. kehsekih, vt. kehsekih vt. to mate with, said of animals. kehsek, vi. kehsehki vt. to notify, to inform, to hint at, to let someone know. kesehkida vi. to spring up; to stand up quickly; to be shaken up; to be shocked, as by bad news. kesehla, also kesepwekehla. vt. to throw away, to get rid of, to discard; to divorce; to abandon; to disregard. cf. [meing] likinpwelihala. kesempwal 1. adj. important, valuable, prestigious. 2. n. (3sg. kesempwele) importance, value, prestige. 1. Sahpw kesempwalsang mwohni. Land is more important than money. kesenda vt. to criticize; to murmur. keseng 1. vi. to play music. 2. n. anything capable of producing music, a musical instrument, radio, tape recorder, etc. keseng kekihr n. harmonica. keseng pepeuk n. harmonica; any musical instrument one blows into or onto, such as a trumpet or flute. keseng tiati n. organ, the musical instrument. kesengenial, also kasangenial. n. fork or intersection of a road. kesengenpil n. tributary of a stream. kesengiseng adj. mournful, sorrowful. kesepweke, also kese. slang. vt. to drop (typically something heavy); to defeat in a competion. cf. [meing] likinpwele, likinpwelih. kesepwekehla, also kesehla. vt. to throw away, to get rid of, to discard; to divorce; to abandon; to disregard. kesepwil 1. vi. to be changed, of one's status, to be transfered; to graduate. 2. n. promotion; demotion; graduation; transfer. kasapwil, vt. kesepwilida vi. to ascend, to be promoted. Ohlo kesepwilida. That man was promoted. kesepwilidi vi. to descend, to be demoted. kesepwilla vi. to be delegated, to be transferred. kesepwilen manaman n. transfer of authority. kesepwilida vi. to ascend, to be promoted. Ohlo kesepwilida. That man was promoted. kasapwilada, vt. kesepwilidi vi. to descend, to be demoted. kasapwiledi, vt. kesepwilla vi. to be delegated, to be transferred. kasapwilla, vt. kesepwillahn manaman n. delegation of authority. keserenial n. an accidental sexual encounter. keserenialki vt. to take advantage of a girl sexually. Pwutako keserenialki serepeino. The boy took advantage of the girl. keses archaic. adj. boastful, given to bragging; cruel, belligerent. kesik 1. vi. to shoot. 2. n. gun, as a rifle or speargun. kasikih, vt. kesik lapalap n. cannon. kesik misihn n. machine gun, automatic weapon. [misihn <Eng. machine] kesik mwotomwot n. handgun. kesik pirerrer n. machine gun, automatic weapon, gatling gun. kesik pos n. any weapon employing gun powder. kesihker, also kasihker. archaic. vi. to stand up. Dahme re kesihkerkihda? Why did they stand up? kesikpe n. expectation. Sohte kesikpe. There is no expectation. kesikped n. speargun. kesikdol 1. n. a magic spell, in the form of a fireball, that causes the instant death of one's enemy. 2. vi. to perform this magic. kesikdole, vt. kesikdole vt. to cast a deadly magic spell using a fireball. Dene kawaho, mie me kak kesikdolehte aramas oh kemehla. It is said that in the past, one could cast a deadly magic spell on someone with a fireball and kill him. kesikdol, vi. kesilangih vt. to disdain, to treat others with contempt, to look down on. kesileng, adj. kesileng 1. adj. disdainful, snobbish, said of one who always finds other people disgusting or unattractive. 2. n. disdain, scorn, contempt. kesilangih, vt. kesiluh num. third. kesihnen vi. to be standing, to be erect. kesihnene, kesihnenih, vt. cf. [meing] keuhleng, kehleng. kesihnenda vi. to stand up. kesihnene, also kesihnenih. vt. to make someone stand, to set someone upright. kesihnen, vi. cf. [meing] keuhlenge, kehlenge. kesihnenih vt. see kesihnene. kesihnenda vi. to stand up. cf. [meing] ninlengda. kesingketieu n. bow₃, of a bow and arrow. kesingkomi n. slingshot. [komi <Jap. gomu < Ger. Gummi] kesihpwong vi. to hold a wake before burial, remaining awake all night; to join family members or clansmen in conducting a vigil at the home of one who has experienced a misfortune; any feast held at night. kesou vi. to move, to be relocated. Se kesou. We moved. kasau, vt. kesoulikilik adj. untrustworthy. kessap n. ketchup. [Eng.] kesso 1. vi. to run or swim the final lap₂ in a race. 2. n. the final lap in a race. [Jap. kesshō] ked vi. to be cut open, for the purpose of removing the contents. kading₂, vt. kehd vi. to have smoke in one's eyes. kedei n. palm spp., Ponapea ledermanniana or Ponapea hosinoi. kedeila vi. to be extended. kadaiala, kadaila kedeu n. yam plant, for which a single tuber is trained to grow to six and one-half to thirteen feet in length. kedeul, also pohn kedeul. vi. to be naked. kedeulangih, also kedeulenge. meing. vt. based on observation, to examine to diagnose, to figure out; to make (of a choice), to judge, to guess . Mwohnsapw pahn kedeulangih mehnia koasoandi me pahn doadoahk. Mwohnsapw will make a choice as to which procedure will be used. kedeuleng, vi. cf. kasawih. kedeulangihada vt. to determine. kedeuleng 1. meing. vi. based on observation, to be examined, to be diagnosed, to be figured out; to be made (of a choice), to be judged, to be guessed . 2. meing. n. based on observation, judgment, prediction, examination, forecast. 1. Koasoandien doadoahk kan pahn kedeuleng mwohn doadoahk ieu ah pahn tepida. The work procedures will be examined before the work will start. 1. Mwohnsapwoko pahn kedeuleng rehn toahkte rahnwet. Mwohnsapwoko will be diagnosed by a doctor today. kedeulangih, kedeulenge, vt. cf. keseu₁. kedeulenge, also kedeulangih. meing. vt. based on observation, to examine to diagnose, to figure out; to make (of a choice), to judge, to guess . Mwohnsapw kedeulenge irail sangete nan arail mwekid. Mwohnsapw judged them based only on their performance . kedeuleng, vi. cf. kasawih. Kedeumanien, also Lempwei Sapal, Lempwei Sok. n. the master stone-cutter of Sokehs who, after being banished from Nan Madol, built the stone city of Sapwtakai in Kepihleng; said to have arrived at Nan Madol riding a block of basalt. kedeumen 1. vi. to exchange insults and innuendoes, between two adult males. 2. n. insult, innuendo, insinuation. kedeurlik 1. meing. n. last wish before death. 2. meing. vi. to make a last wish. 1. Mwohnsapw ketkidahr sapwellimahr kedeurlik. Mwohnsapw has already made his last wish. cf. kemwurumwur. kedeudeu, also kadoudou, kodoudou. vi. to trace one's ancestry, to recall past history. kedekede sent. adv. time passed... Kedekede oh rahn ehu... Time passed and one day.... kedekederpahpa vi. to remove one's shirt when in an argument, in preparation for fighting. kedel, also kedendel. vi. neut. to swallow. kadal₁, kadalle, vt. kedendel, also kedel. vi. neut. to swallow. kadalle, vt. cf. [meing] kekihrnamwoal. kedeng vi. to be made taut, to be stretched. kadang, vt. kedengida vi. to be pressed, to be ironed. kedengdeng vi. neut. to make taut, to stretch. kadang, vt. kedepek adj. extremely long and large. kedepwidepw 1. vi. to sing a song written in memory of a deceased person or a person who has permanently left Pohnpei to celebrate the person's legacy; song of sorrow, sweet memories, homesickness, or longing for a high-ranking person who will not be returning (from the dead or from abroad); also composed for groups that were exiled from Pohnpei in the past (because they thought they would never return) and today, for individuals who die or leave Pohnpei for a long time. 2. n. a song of this nature. 3. adj. mournful, saddening. keder₁ 1. meing. n. dispatch or message; errand, task, commission. 2. meing. vi. to be dispatched, to be messaged; to be sent on an errand, to be tasked or commissioned. 1. Sapwellimahr keder lelehng ohlo. Your message reached that man. 2. Ohlo keder pwe ih me iang pato pahn kupwur. The man was sent on an errand because he was among those who were having an audience with Mwohnsapw (or the Nahnken). cf. ilek₁. keder₂ n. the area near the center post on the front edge of the main platform of a feasthouse; the area where the menindeiuh typically stands. kederih meing. vt. to send on an errand, to send to deliver a message. cf. ilakih. kederiah 1. n. a magical spell used to protect a high chief's food from harmful magic. 2. vi. to perform this kind of magic. kedermour vi. to die suddenly, without warning. kederpahpa vi. to behave aggressively, to display aggression. Ohlo sakaulahr oh kedekederpahpaseli. The man is so intoxicated that he is behaving aggressively. kederpohnpeh n. interview. I pahn wia ehu kederpohnpeh. I will conduct an interview. kederpohnpehih vt. to interview; to examine someone's ability. I pahn kederpohnpehih ohlo. I will interview the man. kederwahwa meing. n. triton shell, Charonia tritonis; triton shell trumpet, used for communication in ancient times. cf. sewi, sowi. kederwun vi. neut. to scale₁ or pluck. kederwuna, vt. kederwuna vt. see kederwun. kedewe, also ketewe. vt. to fool, to tease, to kid, to joke with, to trick. Ke dehr kedewe aramas. Don't trick people. cf. [meing] liepe. kedierekda 1. vi. to be revealed, to be found, to be concluded via a formal investigation . 2. n. finding, conviction. kadiarakada, vt. kehdied meing. vi. to wait, to check on something and then return to another activity. Re ketin kehdied pwe laid ieu pahn pasodo! Wait because a fishing party is due to arrive! kehdiede, vt. cf. uhran. kehdiede meing. vt. to wait for, to check on something and then return to another activity. Re kehdiede Isohko pwe Isohko me laid. Wait for Isohko because Isohko is the one who went fishing. kehdied, vi. cf. uhran. kedikauwe, also kadikauwih. vt. to upend, to turn something upside down; to drink all of something; to hit something hanging so that it turns upside down; to have rear entry sex with. kedikeu, kedikou, vi. kedikeu vi. neut. see kedikou. kediked vi. neut. to tickle. kading₁, vt. kedikou, also kedikeu. 1. vi. neut. to upend, to turn something upside down; to drink all of something; to hit something hanging so that it turns upside down; to have rear entry sex. 2. n. rear entry sex. kedilahs n. sword, cutlass, bayonet. [Eng. cutlass] kedimpak, also kadimpak. vt. to investigate, to inquire. Kedin Deleur n. title of a wife of a Saudeleur. kedineliel archaic. n. masseuse, one who practices the art of massage for its healing powers. Kedinikapw n. title of the wife of a Kuloap. Kedinleng n. the wife of Luhk. kedindalewe n. a person that is passing by; a response given by a passer-by. Kedindel n. title of the wife of a Saudel. kedinwini, also kedwini. n. a female practitioner of native Pohnpeian herbal medicine. kedipa vt. to accuse, to tell on someone, to snitch. kadip, vi. Kedipwan n. title of the wife of a Soupwan. kedirepw 1. adj. busy; bothersome, meddlesome. 2. n. busybody. 1. Kohlahsang met pwe ke me kedirepw. Go away from here because you are bothersome. kedirepwe, vt. kedirepwe vt. to bother, to interfere with, to meddle with, to obstruct, to delay. kedirepw, adj. kedirepwki vt. to be bothered by someone or something. kedirlap 1. meing. vi. to be examined, to be diagnosed, to be judged, to be guessed, to be figured out. 2. meing. n. judgment, prediction, examination. 1. Re pahn ketin kedirlap rehn toahkte rahnwet. You will be examined by a doctor today. 2. Re pahn ketkihda sapwellim kedirlap rahnwet? Will you provide your judgment today? cf. keseu₁. kedihdi vi. to be nursing a baby, to be breastfeeding. kadihdih keduwara slang. vt. to glare at, to look at. Kedsemeni, also Ketsemeni. Biblical. n. Gethsemane, the garden in Jerusalem in which Christ was betrayed. [Eng.] kedda n. Japanese clogs. [Jap. geta] kedwerer vi. to fish for werer, a sp. of sea cucumber. kedwini, also kedinwini. n. a female practitioner of native Pohnpeian herbal medicine. ket meing. vi. to exist, to be present (an existential verb). Mwohnsapw ket ni doadoahko? Was Mwohnsapw present at the function? ketiket to live in, to reside in. cf. mi. ketin adv. an honorific form employed before verbs for which no honorific form exists or is known. ketin laid to fish (honorific) ketin laidih to fish for (honorific). ket- vi. a high language verbal root of motion. Komw pahn ketla ia? Where are you going? Mwohnsapw pahn ketida rahnwet. Mwohnsapw is going to leave today. Mwohnsapwoko ketidi nan Mwoalehlap. Mwohnsapwoko sat in the prescribed seating area of the nahs. ketiki, vt. ketida vi. to leave, to depart. ketidi vi. to sit down. Isohko ketidi nan mwengintiko. Isohko sat on a side platform of the nahs. ketido vi. to come. Mwohnsapw pahn ketido lakapw. Mwohnsapw will come tomorrow. keteu, also koatou. 1. vi. to rain. 2. n. rain. keteu ais takai 1. Biblical. n. hail, hailstorm. 2. Biblical. vi. to hail. [ais <Eng. ice] ketel n. kettle. [Eng.] ketemen 1. n. anniversary, anniversary function; memory. 2. vi. to hold an anniversary celebration or function. 1. Rahnwet ketemen en melahn Soulik. Today is the anniversary of the death of Soulik. kataman, vt. cf. [meing] edinleng. ketemenpe n3s. memorial, recollection, souvenir. ketempa meing. vt. to calm someone; to long for someone to return. Isohko ketempa Mwohnsapw. Isohko calmed Mwohnsapw. Mwohnsapw ketin ketempa sapahdohn Likend. Mwohnsapw longs for the return of Likend. cf. kamalailai. ketepwur vi. to be rolled, to be moved while rotating. katapwure, vt. ketewe, also kedewe. vt. to fool, to tease, to kid, to joke with, to trick. Ke sohte pahn oh keteweiehdi? Would you not fool me ultimately? cf. [meing] liepe. keti interj. How about that!; Wow!; may be used either approvingly or disapprovingly. ketia₁ vt. to reveal verbally. ketihti₁, vi. ketia₂ 1. n. boat pole. 2. vi. to pole a boat or canoe. ketia₃ meing. n. a handheld stone used for pounding kava. cf. moahl₁. ketiamau₁ adj. evasive, always unwilling to do something, disagreeable. ketiamau₂ 1. Biblical. n. temptation, an evil suggestion. 2. vi. to tempt. katiamauwih, vt. ketieu, also ketieunleng. n. tree sp., Ixora casei; spear, harpoon. ketieunleng n. see ketieu. ketieni, also katieni. n. a sickness attributed to being possessed by a spirit, causing one to speak incoherently, use obscenities, and have bad dreams. ketiuk n. upright sticks that are inserted into an outrigger to secure it. kehtik n. net fishing, done by a single individual. ketiket₁ adj. numb; asleep, as when one's leg falls asleep. ketiket₂ adj. insistent, persistent. ketiket en sakau, also arehn audsapahl. n. the second cup of kava in the nohpwein sakau, served to the Nahnken. ketiki meing. vt. to transport by hand; to consume food or drink. Mwohnsapw ketiki sapwellim pwuhk. Mwohnsapw brought along his book. Isohko ketiki sahk lihlio. Isohko ate his lihli. ketikihda to carry, to take ketkihdi to put down. ket-, vi. ketikila, also ketikitikila. vi. to be taken in, as clothing; to be reduced, in size or influence; to be discouraged. katikala, vt. ketikitikila, also ketikila. vi. to be taken in, as clothing; to be reduced, in size or influence; to be discouraged. katikitikala, vt. ketikitiklahn pweipwei n. salary reduction. ketimpak n. allegation. ketin meing. adv. an honorific form employed before verbs for which no honorific form exists or is known. ketin laid to fish (honorific) ketin laidih to fish for (honorific). ketihna vt. to revitalize, to nourish; to augment, as a point in an argument. ketihnain, vi. ketihnain 1. vi. to revitalize, to nourish; to augment, as a point in an argument. 2. n. food, nourishment. ketihna, vt. ketihnepe n3s. food, nourishment. keting, also kating. n. payment or reward; food or kava provided in return for labor; food provided for a hunting or fishing trip. keting en angak, also ketinginengek. n. a minor breadfruit seasons (approximately March-April), associated with the gathering of two species of sawi₁. keting en inou wahr 1. n. second feast for a new canoe, when it is lashed together. 2. vi. to have this feast. keting en taht 1. n. third feast of a new feasthouse. 2. vi. to have this feast. keting en wahr 1. n. first feast for a new canoe. 2. vi. to have this feast. ketingen doadoahk 1. n. feast to thank people who contribute their labor to an activity. 2. vi. to have this feast. 1. Ketingen doadoahk kin wiawiheng aramas me sewese wiahda doadoahk ieu. A feast is made for people who contributed their labor to a major work activity. 2. Re ketingen doadoahk ansou me doadoahko wiewiawio. They had the feast while the work was going on. ketinginengek, also keting en angak. n. a minor breadfruit seasons (approximately March-April), associated with the gathering of two species of sawi₁. ketipar n. lawn. ketipin n. sun. ketipinipin adj. tingly, as when the circulation is shut off in one's leg. ketipwehl 1. adj. bratty. 2. n. brat. ketida meing. vi. to leave, to depart. cf. mwesel. ketidi meing. vi. to sit down. Isohko ketidi nan mwengintiko. Isohko sat on a side platform of the nahs. cf. mwohndi. ketido meing. vi. to come. Mwohnsapw pahn ketido lakapw. Mwohnsapw will come tomorrow. cf. koh-. ketihti₁ n. statement, declaration. Ketihti wet mie nan Pwuhk Sarawi. This statement is in the Bible. ketitik n. sp. of small ant. ketihtihki vt. to declare, either verbally or in writing; to state, to say. Pwuhk Sarawi me ketihtihki. The Bible declares it. ketitoal n. sp. of small black ant. ketiweita n. sp. of small red ant. ketihwo adj. mischievious, naughty, difficult, frustrating, troubled. kehtoal n. tree sp. ketkeikamedek n. sp. of small red ant, known for its painful bite. Ketpareleng n. title of the seventh Saudeleur who married a girl from Dolonier who craved fish livers, which ultimately led them both a tragic end. ketselewi 1. meing. adj. eccentric, erratic. 2. meing. vi. to be wandering around aimlessly. 1. Mwohnsapw me ketin ketselewi. Mwohnsapw is eccentric. 2. Mwohnsapw ketselewi rahnwet. Mwohnsapw is wandering around today. cf. saruwaru. Ketsemeni, also Kedsemeni. Biblical. n. Gethsemane, the garden in Jerusalem in which Christ was betrayed. [Eng.] kettap, also kessap. n. ketchup. [Eng.] ketwelwel, also katwelwel. archaic. n. tail. kewal vi. to be identified, of a tree that can be used to build a canoe. kewalih, vt. kewalih vt. to identify a tree that can be used to build a canoe. kewal, vi. keweikohdo adj. wishy-washy, irresolute. kewelik, also kowelik. n. bird sp., Pacific reef heron, Egretta sacra. keweneu num. sixth. keweriwer n. an ultimatum issued by a Nahnmwarki. kewikila vi. to be changed, to be altered. kawikala, vt. -ki verb. suff. instrumental suffix; with active verbs it permits the expression of an instrument; with adjectives of emotion it means 'about', with other adjectives it means 'to consider'; also used in 'why' questions, see dahme. inou lash, inouki lash with (something); nsensuwed sad, nsensuwediki sad about; dehde clear, dehdehki to consider clear. Kih archaic. n. the eighth of the ten months in the traditional Pohnpeian calendar. kih₁ n. name of the letter k, the eighth letter of the Pohnpeian alphabet, used to represent the phoneme /k/, a voiceless velar stop. kih₂, also ihki. n. fish sp., milkfish, Chanos chanos. kih₃ n. tree sp., known for its hard wood, commonly found on the low islands. kih₄ n. key. [Eng.] kih₅ archaic. n. shell adze, made from the shell of the giant clam. kih- vt. to give or hand something to someone. Ohlo kiheng nah mwohni. That man gave him his money. Kihdo mahs ehu masis. Please hand me a box of matches. kiheng hand/give to kihdo hand/give me/us. cf. [meing] limeh-. kihkiheng vt. to assume, to surmise, to believe. Re kihkiheng me re pwung. They assumed that they were correct. kihpeseng vt. to spread something. kihdi vt. to put (something) down. kiai n. a strut supporting the outrigger of a canoe. kiai pahpwoat n. used to indicate the size of a canoe, a large canoe with four kiai. kiai rioapwoat n. used to indicate the size of a canoe, a canoe with two kiai. kiai en luhk n. a support that is tied between the two central outrigger supports (kehnti), from the hull to the outrigger on a canoe. kiai pahpwoat n. used to indicate the size of a canoe, a large canoe with four kiai. kiai rioapwoat n. used to indicate the size of a canoe, a canoe with two kiai. kiauk n. deformation, disfigurement, disability, as in a disability from stroke. kiaukala vi. to be deformed or disfigured; to be disabled as a result of stroke. kiam n. a food basket made from a palm frond. cf. [meing] nahnuku, pwahd. kiam pwek 1. n. the process of seeking a new chiefly protector when fleeing an oppressive ruler. 2. vi. to seek a new chiefly protector. kiamoroh n. basket, suspended from a pole and carried by two or more people. kiampwuke vt. to restrain, to contain, to set conditions. Soulik kiampwuke lipahned. Soulik restrained the man from gossiping. kiapwurehda n. carburetor. [Jap. kyaburetā < Eng.] kiarameru n. caramel candy. [Jap. kyarameru < Eng.] kiarawa meing. adj. sour. Koanoat lihlio kiarawa. His pounded breadfruit is sour. cf. karer. kiassi 1. n. catcher, in baseball. 2. vi. to be a catcher. [Jap. kyacchā < Eng. catcher] kiahweliwel adj. appearing physically out of shape or unfit; flexible, springy, disjointed, limping, used to describe a manner of walking. kie₁ poss. cl. a possessive classifier for things to sleep on. cf. [meing] moatoare. kie₂ n. gear. [Eng.] kieil n. sp. of large brown lizard; any large lizard, alligator, or crocodile. kieilen moar n. an adult male who does not know how to fish. kiel vt. to bend the curved part of a long, slender object so as to straighten it. Aramas kin karang pilek oh kiel wasa me puwasahk pwehn inenla. People normally place a fresh pole for picking breadfruit in a fire and bend the curved part so as to straighten it. kielek, also kiedek. vi. to burst forth, of something built up, as emotions or flood waters; to collapse, of a pile of objects. kielekidi vi. to be depressed; to have a nervous breakdown. I kielekidi mwurimw. I was depressed after you left. kielediong Biblical. vt. to anoint with oil. kiemmad, also kemmad. n. dry clothing one puts on, extra clothing taken on a trip. cf. [meing] ngalangal. kiemmadada, also kemmadada. vi. to put on dry clothing. kemmade, vt. cf. [meing] kangalangalada. kien dakapwel n. a type of axe made from a clam shell. kienkoaleileng n. female healer. kienwahulap n. a side post located at the back edge of the main platform of a feasthouse, on the left, opposite the kienwounken. kienwounken n. a side post located at the back edge of the main platform of a feasthouse, on the right, opposite the kienwahulap. kiepw n. lily spp., Crinum asiaticum, Hymenocallis littoralis, or Zephyranthes rosea. kiepw lihli n. lily cultivar. kiepw tehlap n. lily sp., Crinum pedunculatum. kied vt. to scramble, to put out of order. kiedala vt. to eject. kiedpeseng vt. to spread out objects. kiedek, also kielek. vi. to burst forth, of something built up, as emotions or flood waters; to collapse, of a pile of objects. kiedpeseng vt. to spread out objects. kiewek n. mutation, a hybrid plant, a variety or cultivar of a plant species. kiewek en kehngid en pohnpei n. a mango cultivar. kiewek en kehpin kipar n. a yam cultivar. kiewek en kehpin namwu pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar. kiewek en kehpin namwu weitahta n. a yam cultivar. kiewek en koakonehp n. a yam cultivar. kiewek en mahnd n. a yam cultivar. kiewek en pasahn pwehk n. a yam cultivar. kiewek en sallong n. a mango cultivar. kiewek en dehpehk n. a yam cultivar, having white flesh and a pinkish inner skin. kiewek en tamworohi, also kunukunda. n. a yam cultivar. kihou 1. n. old work clothes; rag. 2. vi. to wear old work clothes. 1. Ohlo lopwor ah kihou. That man washed his work clothes. 2. Ohlo kihou. That man wears old work clothes. rausis kihou n. old work pants. vi. to wear old work pants. Ah rausis kihowo pwelipwel. His old work pants are dirty. E rausis kihouda pwe e pahn mwet. He put on his old work pants because he is going to clear some land. kiol en pohnwol n. fish sp., narrow curve-banded grouper, Epinephelus morrhua. kioak n. fish sp., rabbitfish, normally found in mangrove swamps. kioakomwot n. fish sp. kioaroahr vi. to collapse with a crashing noise; to rumble, as of one's stomach. kiuhri n. cucumber. [Jap. kyūri] kik₁ n. (3sg. kiki) newly sprouted root₂; hanging root, as of a banyan tree. kik₂ vi. to kick. [Eng.] kikim, vt. kihk n. (3sg. kiki) nail, as a finger or toenail; hoof, of a four legged animal. kik suwed adj. said of a plant that leaches all the nutrients from the soil. kikansu n. machine gun. [Jap. kikanjū] kihkiheng vt. to assume, to surmise, to believe. Re kihkiheng me re pwung. They assumed that they were correct. kihkioaroahr n. echo. kikim vt. to kick. [Eng. kick him] kik₂, vi. kikin neh n3s. toenail; hoof on the hind leg of any four legged animal. cf. [meing] pweipwel, pweipweipwel. kikin peh n3s. fingernail; hoof on the foreleg of any four legged animal. cf. [meing] pweileng, pweipweileng. kikmosul n. mature snail, one with a hard shell. kil 1. n. yam disease, causing a dark, charcoal-like rot directly under the tuber's skin that increases with storage. 2. vi. to have this disease. kihl₁ n. (3sg. kili) skin, bark₁, hide₂, any outer covering; any skin disease or rash, including chicken pox; dandruff. cf. [meing] ihrekiso. kihl₂ n. keel. [Eng.] kilang vt. to see, discern, look at, observe, examine. kileng-, vi. cf. [meing] mahlenge, mahsanih, sahkih, saneke₂. kilangada vt. to observe, to look for, to look up, as in a book. kilangada wasa vi. to regain one's vision. kilangwasa adj. having good eyesight. Ohlo me kilangwasa. The man has good eyesight. kilahpwahda 1. archaic. n. incest committed by a commoner. 2. archaic. adj. incestuous. 1. Ma kilahpwahda wiawi, ah koaros kin kak koasoakoasoai. When a commoner commits incest, everyone talks about it casually. 1. kilahpwahda en kisin aramas the revelation of incest by commoners. cf. [meing] kilahsoupwa, kilahsohpwa. kilahs n. glass, drinking glass, glasses, goggles, mirror. [Eng.] kilahs en du n. diving or fishing goggles. kilahs en wadawad n. reading glasses. I anahne kilahs en wadawad. I need reading glasses. kilahs toantoal n. sunglasses, dark glasses. kilahsen irongin n. mirror. kilahsoupwa, also kilahsohpwa. 1. meing. n. incest committed by a Nahnmwarki (archaic). 2. meing. adj. incestuous (archaic). cf. kilahpwahda. kilahsohpwa meing. see kilahsoupwa. kilekilengsuwed 1. adj. incestuous. 2. n. incest. cf. [meing] mahlon, nanlengile, manlang, manlangile. kilel 1. vi. neut. to photograph. 2. n. sign, mark, picture, image, warning; camera, movie, motion picture. kilele, vt. kilikilel vi. neut. to register, as to vote. kilel en lohpwu n. the sign of the cross. wia kilel en lohpwu to make the sign of the cross. kilel en peidek n. question mark. kilel en wad n. mark in the form of an X on a ballot. kilel mwekid n. movie, motion picture. kilele vt. to photograph. kilel, vi. kilelehdi vt. to mark; to recognize, to take note of; to register, to record, to write down. kileledi vi. to be marked; to be recognized, to be taken note of; to be registered, to be recorded, to be written down . kilelehdi, vt. kilelehdi vt. to mark; to recognize, to take note of; to register, to record, to write down. kileledi, vi. kihlenuwo 1. vi. to perform some action or to say something that is interpreted as an omen of death. 2. n. omen of death. kileng- vi. to look. kilang, vt. cf. [meing] mahleng. kilengda vi. to look upward. kilengsemwen 1. n. (3sg. kilengsemwene) glance, glimpse. 2. vi. to glance, to glimpse, to take a quick look. kilengsemwene, vt. cf. [meing] elielpailong. kilengsemwene vt. to make an askance glance at, to take a quick look at, to get a glimpse of. cf. [meing] elielpailonge. kilengda vi. to look upward. cf. [meing] mahlengda. kiles vi. to disdain. kilikil₁ 1. adj. rough, of the skin. 2. n. rough skin. kilikil₂ n. fish sp., a kind of parrotfish. kilikilel vi. neut. to register, as to vote. kilimenip en ariarsin n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en inarongemahl n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en inousohdi n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en ounsouna n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehp meir kelik n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehp mwuterek, also sandolihna. n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehp petiwel pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehp weitahta n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehpenei kopou n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehpin kipar pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehpin kipar weitahta n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehpin lupwu n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehpin marau n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehpin mweli n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehpin namwu pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehpin namwu weitahta n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehpin nan peilam n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehpin nihpwung n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehpin pwanuadu n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kehpin dehpehk n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kiewek en mahnd n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en kiewek en pasahn pwehk n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en koakonehp pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en koakonehp weitahta n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en lukenaisais n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en pasahn pwehk n. a yam cultivar. kilimenip en pohnpei n. a yam cultivar. kilin kihs n. a disease of taro, causing discoloration of the plant. kilin kidi n. impetigo, a skin disease with blister or boil-like eruptions. kilin kou n. leather. [kou <Eng. cow] kilin kutuwa n. ringworm; a type of fungal skin disease that results in round, rough, and very itchy rashes. kilin mehn kadahr Biblical. n. rim of a wooden wheel. kilin moange n3s. scalp. kilin pwuhk n. book cover. [pwuhk <Eng.] kilin tehtehn pei Biblical. n. armor. kilin waii 1. n. a skin disease, Ginia impricata, causing continuous peeling. 2. vi. to have this disease. kilinau n. (3sg. kilinewe) lip. kilinau pah n. (3sg. kilinewe pah) lower lip. cf. [meing] pahres. kilinau powe n. (3sg. kilinewe powe) upper lip. cf. [meing] pohres₁. kilinaulap n. labia majora, the outer folds of skin of the external female genitalia. cf. [meing] alaullap. kilinaulikamw n. liar. kilinauserek n. thick lips. kilinautik, also pwehd. n. labia minora. cf. [meing] irpweitik, alaultik. kilinmas n. (3sg. kilinmese) eyelid. kilinmoang n. (3sg. kilin moange) scalp. kilinwile, also kilinwule. n3s. foreskin. kilinwule n3s. see kilinwile. Kilipet n. Kiribati, the Gilbert Islands. [Eng.] kilipwet n. a skin condition of children, characterized by thick white spots that can spread, believed to be caused by spells cast by a person who is jealous of the child. kilisou vi. to be naked, to be nude. kilit 1. meing. n. an itchy rash. 2. meing. adj. itchy. 3. meing. vi. to itch. 1. Pelikiso kilit. His back has an itchy rash. 2. Pelikiso me kilit. His back is itchy. cf. pwudong. kilitepw, also kilitopw. 1. n. smallpox, chicken pox. 2. vi. to have smallpox or chicken pox. kilitopw n. see kilitepw. kiluh n. glue. [Eng.] kilmosul adj. of yams, having a thick skin; of people, thick-skinned in the figurative sense. kilsarawi, also inen kilsarawi. 1. n. shingles, Herpes zoster, a disease of the skin, characterized by small blisters, causing great pain; usually occurs on the trunk of the body; it is believed that if the blisters totally encircle the body, the person will die. 2. vi. to have this disease. kimsih, also kimtih. n. kimchee. [Jap. kimuchi < Kor.] kimtih n. see kimsih. kin₁ aspect marker used to signal habitual aspect or customary action. E me kin sangkenei. He is an habitual early riser. I kin pirada kuloak isuh. I (habitually) get up at seven o'clock. kin₂ num. cl. used in counting 'pinches' of a substance. kinikinen soahl riakin two pinches of salt. kinaka, also inaka. n. native, used derogatorily. [Eng.< Haw. kanaka] Kinakapw n. a section (kousapw) in Madolenihmw. kinehieng vt. to fabricate a false or negative story₁ about another. kinehsang vt. to fabricate a story₁ that blames another. kinehda vt. to fabricate a lie₁, to start a rumor. kinih vt. to pinch. kinikin, vi. kinikin 1. vi. neut. to pinch. 2. n. a pinch of something, such as a pinch of salt. kinih, vt. kiniwed n. bird sp., crimson crowned fruit dove, Ptilinopus porphyraceus. kinuwer n. pandanus sp., wild pandanus. kinda adj. false, made-up, fabricated; simulated. Koasoai kinda ehu men. That is a made-up story. Kindaken Mwoluhsei n. a spell used to set in place the seawall of Nan Mwoluhsei so that it would not collapse. kinte vi. to provide bedding for someone. kihng₁ n. rooster, said to have been so-called after King George of England. [Eng.] kihng₂ n. king, in cards. [Eng.] kingko n. safe, cash box. [Jap. kinko] kipar, also deipw. n. pandanus sp., Pandanus tectorius; used for thatch, mats, hats, etc. Kipar n. a section (kousapw) in Kitti and Sokehs. kiparamat 1. meing. vi. to laugh. 2. meing. n. laugh, laughter. 1. Mwohnsapwoko ketin kiparamat. Mwohnsapwko laughed. 2. Elingen kiparamat ieu mwo. That is the sound of his laughter. kiparamatki, vt. cf. kouruhr. kiparamatki meing. vt. to laugh at, to consider something to be laughable. Re ketin kiparamatki arail sakaradahn kaulim. He laughed at their complaining. kiparamat, vi. cf. kouruhrki. kiparenwel n. pandanus sp., Pandanus tolotomensis. kipada meing. vi. to get up, to get out of bed. Re kipada oh ketieilahsang nan tehnpas. He got up and walked out of the house. cf. pwourda. kipe vt. to spread everywhere, to surround, to enclose. Lehk kipe sahpw koaros. Famine spread over the land. kipekip vi. to be lying down. kiperek meing. vi. to turn oneself, to change position while lying down. Re saikente kiperek. He has not changed his position (while lying down). cf. wekidek. kihpeseng vt. to spread something. kiped, also kehpin pwanuadu. n. a yam cultivar. kipedi meing. vi. to lie₂ down. Re ketlongala pwe ren kipedi. He went inside to lie down. cf. wendi. kipehdi vt. to cover. kihpword n. keyboard. [Eng.] kihr₁ adj. nonbuoyant. kihr₂, also kihren eiwel. n. fish sp., red snapper, Lutjanus bohar. kihr₃ vi. to slide, to move something smoothly. kiraukilang adj. said of one who always havests his best crops, especially yams and kava, for personal consumption. kirahka n. candy, cookie, cracker. [Jap. kurakkā < Eng. cracker] kirakahu adj. worn low on one's hips, as of trousers. kiram n. nothing. kirawih vt. to economize on; to use wisely. Kitail anahne kirawih atail wahn sahpw akan. We need to economize the resources of our land. kire vt. to move the foreskin of a penis. kirehsang vt. to peel, to strip off, as when removing the peel from a banana. kireisi eid 1. vi. to play crazy eight. 2. n. the card game, crazy eight. [Eng.] kireu adj. frugal. Ohl kireu men mwo. He is a frugal man. kirek n. smegma. kirekinwel n. tree spp., Syzyguim stelechanthum and Discocalyx ponapensis. kihren eiwel, also kihr₂. n. fish sp., red snapper, Lutjanus bohar. kirer 1. vi. to burp, to belch. 2. n. burp, belch. cf. [meing] kawehwe₂. kirerki vt. to despise, to deride. kirehsang vt. to peel, to strip off, as when removing the peel from a banana. kiresek n. penis of an adult, with the foreskin retracted. cf. [meing] kuruptoaleileng, kuruptoaleina. kirehdi vi. to peel off; to pull down an eyelid, a lip, or the foreskin of the penis. kiried adj. murky, as of muddy water or a cloudy sky. Kiriedleng n. a stream in Sokehs near the boundary with Kitti. kirikei n. a stake made from the noni (weipwul) tree, used for splitting a clump of kava roots, typically ten to twelve inches in diameter and six to seven feet long, sharpened flat on one end. kirikir n. (3sg. kirikiri) stem; handle. kirihm, also kudud, uht rais. n. a banana cultivar, eaten both raw and cooked. kirimwot₁ n. a breadfruit cultivar (meiniwe type). kirimwot₂ n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). kiripw vi. to be single, to be unmarried. kirihs n. grease, fat, lard. [Eng.] Kirisimas n. Christmas. [Eng.] kirou n. the organizer of traditional events and activities related to the kousapw, the counterpart to the Nahnken at the kousapw level. kirou rohi, also utin kerenis. n. a banana cultivar, eaten both raw and cooked, from Kapingamarangi. kiroukilang adj. wasteful in the use of resources. Kiroulikihak n. a title. Kiroun n. a title. Kiroun Aip₁ n. a title, derived from Kiroun Aip₂, now a title given to someone who sings and entertains at a kamadipw. Kiroun Aip₂ archaic. n. a title, keeper of the drum, drummer. Kiroun en Lehdau n. the ruler of Lehdau, an area of land in central Madolenihmw who, along with Lapen Wapar and Kulap, was responsible for for guarding the Nahnmwarki wherever he traveled; now a high title in Madolenihmw. Kiroun en Dolehtik n. a title. Kiroun Pohn Dake n. a title. Kirounen Lehdau n. the chief of Lehdau, formerly an independent chiefdom in what is now Madolenihmw. kirlskaud n. girl scout. [Eng.] kihrsal n. fish sp., scribbled snapper, a variety of Lutjanus rivulatus. kihrsou, also soutik. archaic. n. sunset, evening. kis₁ num. cl. used in counting small pieces or fragments of things and for sections of roofing thatch (dinak). kisin kehp riakis two small pieces of yam. kis₂ 1. vi. to kiss. 2. n. a kiss. 1. Ira kis. They kissed. [Eng.] kisieng, vt. kihs₁ n. octopus, Octopus acellatus. kihs₂ n3s. a share of food in the food distribution process at a kamadipw. Kihs depe kumwail kaonopada? How many shares of food for distribution have you prepared? kisa n. train₂. [Jap. kisha] kisakis 1. vi. to share food; to give a gift, present, prize or offering. 2. n. shared food; gift, present, prize, offering. kise, vt. cf. [meing] iloakiloak. kisakol, also kisekol. adj. said of one who is selective about what food to offer others; greedy with food. kise vt. to share food with; to give a gift, present, prize or offering to. kisakis, vi. cf. [meing] iloake. kisepeseng₂ vi. to divide food into portions. Re kisepeseng mwenge kau. They divided the food into portions. kiseh poss. cl. a possessive classifier used for relatives, parts of, additions to. kisekol, also kisakol. adj. said of one who is selective about what food to offer others; greedy with food. kisehn n. consequence, result. Kisen Likou en Seremaia, also Kisinlikou en Seremaia. Biblical. n. Letter of Jeremiah, a book in the Apocrypha of the Protestant Bible. kisepeseng₁ n. hairbrush. kisepeseng₂ vi. to divide food into portions. Re kisepeseng mwenge kau. They divided the food into portions. kispeseng, vi. kisepil adj. said of one who unfairly favors his relatives or friends when distributing food. kisetik archaic. n. rat, mouse. see kitik₁. kisetikih vt. to pulverize. kisetikmei, also pisetikmei. n. bush sp., Melastoma malabathricum, var. mariannum. kisieng vt. to kiss. Pwutako kisieng serepeino. The boy kissed the girl. [kis <Eng.] kis₂, vi. kisikis n. fraction. kisim vi. to sic an animal. kisin ering, also ering₂. meing. n. tooth. Toahkte usasang kisin ering en Soukisehnleng. The dentist extracted Soukisehnleng's tooth. cf. ngih₂. kisin ihr n. any grater, other than a coconut grater. kisin ida n. a strip peeled off the stem of an ivory nut palm, used to sew on thatch. kisin uht slang. n. prostitute. Kisin uht kin kohla pohn sohp pwehn wiesent. A prostitute goes to the ship to make money. kisin kilel n. a small mark, diacritic. kisin leh n. oil, perfume; pond; deep pocket of water in the reef. kisin likou n. letter, correspondence, mail; a piece of cloth. kisin likou en pekipek n. petition. kisin likoun kamweid n. divorce document, divorce decree. kisin likoun kasapwasapw n. deed, title, for land. kisin likoun mweidada ropirop n. search warrant. kisin mete n. a small nail. [mete <Eng. metal] kisin metehn popouk n. police whistle. [mete <Eng. metal] kisin mwenge n. a portion of food. kisin ngkoal n. a piece of sennit. kisin pwehl n. sennit. cf. [meing] kepeukuhk. kisin sapwung n. imperfection. kisin tuhke n. a stick used for handing a head garland (lengileng) to a Nahnmwarki or Nahnken. cf. [meing] lengihngihso. kisin wini en esingek n. inhaler. kisiniap n. a device used to weave a fish net. kisiniei n. (3sg. kisinieih) fire. Lapalahn kisiniei ieu mwo. That was a big fire. kisinieng n. air, atmosphere, breeze, wind₁. kisinioang, also oangitik. n. turmeric sp., Curcuma longa, the roots of which are used for medicine and to make a red dye used in tatooing; also used as an ingredient in Japanese curry. kisinipil 1. meing. vi. to bathe. 2. meing. n. bath, water for bathing. 1. Isohko pahn kisinipil. Isohko will take a bath. 2. Onopada kisinipil. Get the water for bathing ready. cf. duhdu. Kisinlikou en Seremaia, also Kisen Likou en Seremaia. Biblical. n. Letter of Jeremiah a book in the Deuterocanon of the Catholic Bible. kisinlimw n. small sponge. kisinmaiih vt. to offer a sacrifice to, to offer a contribution to. kisinmei, vi. kisinmei 1. n. sacrifice, offering, contribution. 2. vi. to sacrifice, to offer breadfruit as a contribution. kisinmaiih, vt. kisinnin n. child affianced by a parental arrangement. kisinpwil n. chewing gum. kisinsel n. string. kisingai adj. crazy, mad, mentally retarded. [Jap. kichigai] kispeseng vi. to be divided into portions. Mwenge koaros kispesengehr. All the food has been divided into portions. kisepeseng₂, vt. kid num. one thousand. kid- vi. to litter, to make untidy. E kidala likin ihmwo. He littered outside that house. kide₁, vt. kidseli vi. to litter. kihd n. garbage, waste, junk, trash, debris. kida n. guitar. [Eng.] kidalap adj. many. Aramas kidalap ese ohlo. Many people know that man. kidahrek vi. to shiver, to feel chilly. kidahwe vt. to scold, to reprimand. kide₁ vt. to litter, to make untidy. kid-, vi. kide₂ n. fern sp., Microsorum scolopendria. kideidei adj. slimy, greasy; filthy. Kideon n. Gideon, appointed by God to lead the Israelites a victory. kideu n. fern sp., Microsorum scolopendria often used for garlands. Kideumanien n. a man from Sokehs who arrived at Nan Madol riding a basalt block that was used as a foundation stone for the first wall. kiderensara adj. disrespectful. kidi n. dog, Canis familiaris. kihdi vt. to put (something) down. kidie, also kidipe. n. cover, wrapper. kidienleng n. a large sp. of caterpillar. kidienmall n. fern spp., Selaginella kanehirae or Lycopodiella cernua. kidienwel Biblical. n. wolf, fox, jackal. kidienwet adj. incorrigible. kidikid 1. vi. neut. to wrap. 2. n. wrapper, cover. kidim, vt. kidikidpene vi. to be wrapped up. Kene mwengeho kidikidpeneier. His food is already wrapped up. kidilipes Biblical. n. wolf. kidim vt. to wrap. kidikid, vi. kidimpene vt. to wrap something up. kidipe, also kidie. n3s. cover, wrapper. kiduwehdi vi. to kill a high chief. E kiduwehdi ohlo. He killed that man (a high chief). kidseli vi. to litter. -kit obj. pron. us, exclusive. kiht ind. pron. we, exclusive. kita subj. pr., ind. pr. we, dual. -kita obj. pron. us, dual. kitail subj. pr., ind. pr. we, plural. -kitail obj. pron. us, plural. Kitamw n. a section (kousapw) in Madolenihmw. kite n. plant sp., Neisosperma oppositifolia. kitei 1. adj. moldy; stale. 2. n. mold. kitel n. fish sp., small, found in fresh water. Kitel n. an area of land that straddles the boundary between Sokehs and Kitti. kitentel adj. smooth or slippery, as of silk. Kiti, also Kitti. n. name of a municipality in Pohnpei, officially spelled Kitti. kiti n. tree sp., Cerbera manghas, all parts of which are said to be poisonous. kitik₁ n. rat, mouse. see kisetik. kitik₂ n. fish sp., bignose unicornfish, Naso vlamingii. Kitti, also Kiti. n. name of a municipality in Pohnpei; officially spelled Kitti in accord with an archaic spelling system in which the letter t was used to represent the phoneme now spelled d and the letters tt were used to represent the phoneme now spelled t. ko, also oko. dem. mod. those, away from you and me. koh, also kowe. ind. pron. you. koh- vi. to come or go. Irail kohla Kitti aio. They went to Kitti yesterday. E pahn kohdo lakapw. He will come tomorrow. cf. [meing] ket. koiais vi. to grate ais₁ ( Atuna racemosa) as part of the process of making paint. koiasi n. fertilizer, compost. [Jap. koyashi] koionleng wah pwetepwet, also ngkahu, moaresed. n. plant sp., Bidens alba. koikoi₁ vi. to be shaved, of the head. koikoi₂ vi. neut. to grate on a coconut grater. kohke, vt. koikoi₃ n. bird sp., Pohnpei flycatcher, Myiagra pluto. koimad n. a shaved head. koimwangas vi. to grate ripe coconut. koip n. tree sp. koid n. sea cucumber sp. kou n. cow, Bos taurus. [Eng.] kou- vi. to create, to erect, to deliberate, to enact, as in enacting a law. Re pahn koupaip en wia kehl. They are erecting pipes to build a fence. E iang pwihnen koukosonned. He is a member of the legislature. Kouk n. Coke, Coca-Cola. [Eng.] koukupwur meing. vi. to deliberate. Re saikinte pahn koukupwurieng ireho. They are not ready to deliberate on the subject yet. cf. koulamalam. koul 1. vi. to sing. 2. n. song, hymn. cf. [meing] kounied, melikahka. koul kehlail, also koul laud. 1. n. a song, sung loudly. 2. vi. to sing a song loudly. Koul Kedepwidepw kan Biblical. n. Lamentations, a book in the Kadehde Mering (Old Testament). koul laud, also koul kehlail. 1. n. a song, sung loudly. 2. vi. to sing a song loudly. koul sarawi 1. n. Christian hymn. 2. vi. to sing a Christian hymn. koul tikitik 1. n. a song, sung softly. 2. vi. to sing a song softly. koulamalam vi. to deliberate. cf. [meing] koukupwur. koulang meing. vi. to be awake. Re ketin koulang. He is awake. cf. pepehd. koulangpeseng vi. to open one's eyes. Re ketin koulangpeseng. Open your eyes please. Koulen Mwahnakapw Silimeno archaic. n. Song of the Three Young Men, a book in the Deuterocanon of the Catholic Bible and in the Apocrypha of the Protestant Bible. koulin aip, also ngisin pikipik. n. a song with crisp rhythmic pulses, simulating the sounds of an aip drum; a song sung to the accompaniment of an aip drum, traditionally sung at a kava ceremony during an informal visit by a Nahnmwarki to a family home. koulin aluhmwur n. a song sung on the occasion of aluhmwur. koulin aramas kedepwidepw n. a song about individuals, typically telling stories about the lives of high-ranking people, or about clan progenitors, mythical or real. koulin undohkai n. a song used to cheer on althletes during an athletic competition or meet. [undohkai <Jap. undōkai] koulin kahlek n. a dance song. koulin kapailok n. a song of ridicule, generally sung by individuals or groups, by winners to losers. koulin kaping n. a song of praise, in the church. koulin kawa n. a song of ancient times. koulin kemweit seri n. lullaby, a song to comfort a child. koulin kepir, also ngisin kepir. 1. n. a song to accompany a kepir dance. 2. vi. to sing this song. koulin kerir n. a love song; formerly referred to emotion-laden secret songs sung between two partners. koulin komwurumwur n. a song of farewell. koulin koasoamw n. a song of welcome. koulin lehp n. a song to accompany a lehp dance. [lehp <Eng. left] koulin limpoak n. a love song. koulin loaloid n. a song of longing. koulin mahs n. a song of long ago, sung without instruments. koulin mahwin n. a battle song. koulin mengiloal, also koulin mwengiloal. n. a love song, sung only to oneself, never to others. koulin mwengiloal n. see koulin mengiloal. koulin pikipik, also koulin aip, ngisin aip. 1. archaic. n. a song with a pulsing rhythmic delivery. 2. vi. to sing a song of this nature. koulin poadoapoad n. a song about history. koulin sakau n. a song sung when drinking kava or alcohol. koulin sampah₁ n. a worldly song; a general name for songs about contemporary events and social problems. koulin sampah₂ 1. n. a love song. 2. vi. to sing a love song. koulin sansar, also ngisin sansar. n. a chant performed using the rhythm of the paddling of a canoe. koulin santi sukuhl n. a Sunday school song; a children's song sung in Protestant churches. [santi sukuhl <Eng. Sunday school] koulin sarawi 1. n. hymn, gospel music. 2. vi. to sing a hymn or gospel music. koulin seiloak n. a song about royal journeys. koulin sensuh n. a game song, sung during group competitive sports events; introduced during the Japanese period. [sensuh <Jap. senshu] koulin seri n. a children's song, comparable to American camp and school songs. koulin darak n. a funeral song, sung on the fourth day of a funeral, after burial. koulin wehn n. a song to accompany a wehn dance. koumesenpwuki 1. vi. to sit with one knee pointing upward. 2. n. a sitting position in which one knee is pointing upward. koumoal meing. vi. to be staring. Re mwomwen koumoal. He seems to be staring. koumoale, vt. koumoale meing. vt. to stare at. Re mwomwen koumoale liho. He seems to be staring at the woman. koumoal, vi. cf. kakil. koumoalehdi vt. to stare at incessantly. koumwei, also wadwonuhmw. n. the series of feasts given when a Nahnken or Nahnmwarki visits various kousapws. koumwoaropehdi vt. to cover someone up completely with a sheet or a blanket. kounied 1. meing. vi. to sing. 2. n. song, hymn. 1. Re pahn ketin kounied? Are you going to sing? 2. Re kupwurki kouniedo. Do you like that song? cf. koul. kounsop, also kounsup. vi. to be frowning, unsmiling. kounsup adj. see kounsop. koupahleng n. a large feasthouse; a feasthouse having five center posts. koupahpwel archaic. n. a type of feasthouse. koupe vi. to vote by a show of hands. koupin vi. to carve out the interior of a canoe hull. koupuhp, also likoupuhp. 1. vi. to be covered up. 2. Biblical. n. cloak, robe. koupweliki vt. to respect, to honor, to support. koupwin meing. n. restriction, prohibition, ban. Sohte koupwin ong kamadipw. There are no restrictions on having a feast. cf. inepw. koupwindi vt. to forbid, to prohibit, to impose a ban upon something taboo or illegal. Mwohnsapwoko koupwindi weikep ansou wet. Mwohnsapwoko prohibited the harvesting of yams at this time. koupwul n. calf, of a cow. [kou <Eng. cow] koupwung 1. meing. n. a taboo relationship between clan members prohibiting any sexual interaction. 2. meing. vi. to be in compliance with the taboo that prohibits sexual interation among clan members. 1. Mwohnsapw udahn mwahngih dahkot koupwung. Mwohnsapw certainly knows what a sexual interaction taboo is. 2. Mwohnsapw koupwong. Mwohnsapw is in compliance with the sexual interaction taboo. cf. pelin sou. kourakih, also koureke. meing. vt. to construct, to make, to build; to establish, to enact; to create, as a kousapw; to erect; to drink directly from a container. Nin tapio, Koht ketin kourakih lahng oh sampah. In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. kourekda, vi. cf. kawada, wiahda. kourangarang 1. vi. to sit with open legs and bent knees. 2. n. a sitting position with open legs and bent knees. kourahpw 1. vi. neut. to cook fish with coconut milk and turmeric. 2. n. coconut meat with turmeric, a traditional body ornament. kourahpwih, vt. kourapwarapw n. a competition between two villages or individuals involving agricultural products. kourahpwih vt. to cook fish with coconut milk and tumeric. kourahpw, vi. kourahs, also keurahs. 1. n. installation or inauguration feast for a new Nahnmwarki or Nahnken. 2. vi. to have this feast. 1. Kourahs en Nahnmwarki kapw pahn wiawi lakapw. The installation feast for the new Nahnmwarki will take place tomorrow. 2. Wein U pahn kourahs rahnwet. The chiefdom of U will conduct an installation feast today. kourese, keurese, vt. kourek meing. vi. more commonly kourekda; see below. cf. kokou₁. kourekda vi. to be constructed, to be made, to be built; to be created, to be established; to be erected; to have been drunk directly from a container. Koupahleng ieu pahn kourekda ansou mwadang. A koupahleng (large feasthouse) will be constructed soon. Dene nanleng oh sampah kourekda. It is said that the heavens and the earth were created. kourek sapahl meing. vi. to restore. kourek sapahlih, vt. kourek sapahlih meing. vt. to restore (something). kourek sapahl, vi. koureke, also kourakih. meing. vt. to construct, to make, to build, to create, as a kousapw, to drink directly from a container. Mwohnsapw pahn koureke tehnpas koupahleng nan wihk kohkohdoh. Mwohnsapw will start building his large feasthouse next week. Isohko kaureke pwoatoalo. Isohko drank directly from the bottle. kourek, vi. cf. kau₁, wiahda. kourekda meing. vi. to be constructed, to be made, to be built; to be created, to be established; to be erected; to have been drunk directly from a container. Koupahleng ieu pahn kourekda ansou mwadang. A koupahleng (large feasthouse) will be constructed soon. Dene nanleng oh sampah kourekda. It is said that the heavens and the earth were created. kourakih, vt. cf. kokouda. kourese, also keurese. meing. vt. to install or inaugurate a new Nahnmwarki or Nahnken. Wein Nett pahn kourese Pwoud Lepen Nett kapw. The chiefdom of Nett will install the new Pwoud Lepen Nett. kourahs, keurahs, vi. kouruhr 1. vi. to laugh. 2. n. laugh, laughter. kouruhrki, vt. cf. [meing] kiparamat, tahleng, rarenei, seirek. kouruhrki vt. to laugh at, to consider something to be laughable. kouruhr, vi. cf. [meing] kiparamatki, rareneiki, seirengki, tahlengki. kourdienwol 1. n. a feast to appease two rival adult males or villages. 2. vi. to have this feast. kourdienwole, vt. kourdienwole, also kourdienwolih. vt. to appease two rival adult males or villages with a feast. kourdienwolih vt. see kourdienwole. kousaleng vi. to carve the saleng en wahr of a canoe. kousapw n. a section or local chiefdom consisting of a number of private homesteads, smaller than a wehi₂. Kousapw U, also Kousapw Tamworohi. n. a section (kousapw) in U. Kousapw Tamworohi, also Kousapw U. n. a section (kousapw) in U. kouseni 1. vi. to exorcise. 2. n. exorcism. kousoan 1. vi. to reside. 2. n. residence. kousoan mehlel n. legal resident. kousoarensapw 1. n. feast given in reciprocation for a feast given by others, often competitive in nature. 2. vi. to have this feast. koudiahl 1. vi. to be spectacular. 2. Biblical. n. revelation. kout, also kuht. n. goat, Capra hircus. [Eng.] koutuht n. a meeting of two Nahnmwarkis. kouwa, also kouwahileng, kohwahleng. meing. n. a cup made from half of a coconut shell, used for serving kava. cf. ngarangar, delen sakau. kouwahileng meing. n. see kouwa. kouwahlap 1. adj. extensive, large. 2. Biblical. adv. greatly. 2. Pwutako pwuriamweikihla kouwahlap. The boy was greatly surprised. kouwarak vt. to copulate with. kouwerek, vi. kouwel, also kowel. n. bud of the coconut flower. kouwerek 1. vi. to be copulating. 2. n. copulation. kouwarak, vt. kouwol Biblical. n. bull, ox. [kou <Eng.] kouworowor n. a compulsory order. kohkang vi. to exchange. [Jap. kōkan] kohke vt. to grate on a coconut grater. koikoi₂, vi. kokein n. cocaine. [Eng.] kohko₁ n. fish sp., dolphin fish, mahimahi, Coryphaena hippurus. kohko₂ n. sliced green mango or papaya marinated in vinegar, salt, lime juice, and red Kool Aid. kokou₁ vi. more commonly kokouda; see below. kau₁, vt. cf. [meing] kourek. kokouda vi. to be constructed, to be made, to be built; to be created, to be established; to be erected; to have been drunk directly from a container. kokou₂ vi. to drink directly from a container. kokoup vi. neut. to peel, as a banana. kaup, vt. kokouda vi. to be constructed, to be made, to be built; to be created, to be established; to be erected; to have been drunk directly from a container. kawada, vt. cf. [meing] kourekda. kohkohlahte adv. forever. kokohp n. prophesy; a secret date. kohkore n. a cultivar of rahmwanger (kava). kohkohdoh vi. coming, with reference to time or an event. I pahn mwesel nan sounpwong kohkohdoh. I will leave next month. kokun vi. to be extinguished. kakun, vt. kokus vi. to be sprayed; to be drained. kakus, vt. kol vt. to hold, to detain; to retain, to maintain, to sustain. kolokoldi, vi. koledi vt. to learn, to learn about; to catch up with; to grab, to hold. kohl n. gold. [Eng.] kohl sisel n. cold chisel. [Eng.] kohlaliki n. last squeezing of kava. kolera n. cholera. [Eng.] kolesteroahl n. cholesterol. [Eng.] koledi vt. to learn, to learn about; to catch up with; to grab, to hold. kolou, also keleu. n. hibiscus sp., Hibiscus tiliaceus, the inner bark of which is used as a bast in the preparation of kava; also used to make canoe paddles, knife handles, and canoe outriggers. kolokoldi vi. to be held, to be detained; to be retained, to be maintained, to be sustained. kol, vt. kolohn n. cologne. [Eng.] Kolonia n. the major town on Pohnpei, site of the capital of Pohnpei State. Kolorahdo n. Colorado. [Eng.] Kolose Biblical. n. Colossians, a book in the Kadehde Kapw (New Testament). koluhkihla vt. to be repentant for; to be regretful about. koluhla, vi. kolukol vi. to hold a cup during the preparation of kava. koluhla 1. vi. to repent, to experience regret for doing something that turns out to be wrong. 2. n. repentance. 1. Mwein ohlo koluhla. Maybe the man repented. 2. Koluhla kin tepsang loale, ah kaidehn ni koasoaite. Repentance originates from within, not just from talk. koluhkihla, vt. koluhs, also kaluhs. adj. wasteful. [luhs <Eng. lose] kaluhsih, vt. koluwar vi. to remain aboard a boat or canoe while others are diving for fish. Kolkoda, also Tihn Moang, Wasahn Tihn Moang. Biblical. n. Golgotha, also called Calvary, the site of the crucifixion of Jesus. [Eng.] koll, also kull. n. cockroach. kolpe 1. n. the holding of hands. 2. vi. to be holding hands. kom vt. to pull a net. I pahn komada uhko. I'll pull up the net. komi, also kumi. n. rubber, plastic, rubber band. [Jap. gomu < Ger. Gummi] komis n. sea snail, Turbo argyrostomus. komou n. tree sp. komour Biblical. n. salvation. komol n. a type of lashing. Komora Biblical. n. Gomorrah, a town in ancient Palestine that was destroyed by God because of the wickedness of its inhabitants. [Eng.] kommwad adj. brave, courageous, fierce. cf. [meing] idamah. kompani n. company, friend; fish sp., rabbitfish, Siganus vulpinus, so-called because it always travels in pairs. [Eng.] kompiuder, also kampiuder. n. computer. [Eng.] kompoakapah, also kompoakepah. n3s. dear friend, close buddy. kompoake, also kempoake. 1. adj. emotionally moving, pitiful, saddening. 2. Biblical. adj. beloved. kompoakepah, also kompoakapah. n3s. dear friend, close buddy. kompoakepahnki vt. to value as a close friend. komw meing. subj. pron. you. Komw pahn ketla ia? Where are you going? cf. ke₁. kohmw n. comb, for the hair. [Eng.] cf. [meing] dokomwel. komwi meing. ind. pron. you. Mie me pahn iang komwi? Is there anyone going with you? cf. kowe. komwokomw archaic. n. closed mouth smile. Komwonlaid₁, also Kumwunlaid₁. n. name of the small peninsula in Kolonia (Mesenieng) where the Sokehs rebels were executed by the Germans. Komwonlaid₂ n. the first feasthouse built by Isokelekel at the beginning of the Nahnmwarki era. see Kumwunlaid₂. kohmwowe vt. to be first in line or in order; to start an activity. I pahn kohmwowe atail doadoahk. I'll start our work. komwunis n. communist, communism. [Eng.] komwkomw meing. n3s. whiskers. cf. alis. kompwal vt. to cover an uhmw with leaves; of a hen, to sit on eggs just prior to their hatching. kompwel, vi. cf. [meing] peipwelih. kompwel vi. neut. to cover an uhmw with leaves; of a hen, to sit on eggs just prior to their hatching. kompwal, vt. cf. [meing] peipwel. kohn n. corn₂, Zea mays. [Eng.] kona n. powder of any kind, tooth powder, toothpaste. [Jap. kona] Kohna, also Kauna. n. said to be one of the four types of non- or subhuman beings that inhabited Pohnpei in the past. konehng adj. appropriate, proper. Konediket n. Connecticut. [Eng.] konok n. vine sp., Piper ponapense, used for a variety of medicinal purposes. konopwel formal. n. the third day of a funeral (after sohpai₁, the day when the death occurred), believed to be when the spirit of the deceased leaves the body and makes its presence known to the mourners by rattling the thatch or walls of the house. cf. rahnen loi temwen ihmw. Konopwel n. the name of one of the male crew members on the second of the seven settlement voyages to the island of Pohnpei. konuhr vi. to wrinkle up one's nose. konpene vi. to fit, to go together well. konsonan n. consonant. [Eng.] konteinertrak n. container truck. [Eng.] kontirak 1. n. contract. 2. vi. to make a contract. [Eng.] kohntutuk vi. to squat. kongkiri vi. to pour concrete. [Jap. konkurīto < Eng.] kongkirih, vt. kongkirih vt. see kongkiri. kongkirineil n. concrete nail. [kongkiri <Jap. konkurīto : neil< Eng. nail] kohp vt. to prophesy, to speak under God's influence. kopatau, also kapatau. n. phlegm. kohpek 1. meing. vi. to cough. 2. meing. n. a cough. 1. I rong elingen sawpwellim kohpek. I heard the sound of Mwohnsapw's cough. cf. kopokop. kopil n. clam spp., Pitar spp.; term applies to all smooth, burrowing clams. Kohpid 1. n. Covid-19, coronavirus. 2. vi. to have this disease. see Koronapairus, Korona. kopou, also kepeu. adj. cold, cool, chilly. kopokop 1. vi. to cough. 2. n. cough. cf. [meing] sirarahi, kohpek. kopokop en rahn epwiki 1. n. whooping cough, pertussis. 2. vi. to have this disease. kohpw, also kopwen tih. n. (3sg. kopwe) cartilage, gristle. kohpwa₁ n. box, chest, coffin, casket; inning, in baseball. kohpwa₂ n. fish sp., cube trunkfish, Ostracion cubicus. Kohpwahlelel, also Mallen Kohpwahlele. archaic. n. a name given by the Saudeleur to what is now called Madolenihmw. Kohpwahleng, also Mallen Kohpwahleng. archaic. n. a name given by the Saudeleur to what is now called Kitti. Kohpwahn Inou Biblical. n. Ark of the Covenant. kopwen tih, also kohpw. n3s. cartilage, gristle. kopwenadi n3s. breast, as of a chicken. kopwou n. basket, purse, handbag. cf. [meing] ohdou, palang₂. kopwoun mwenge n. a basket, as for food. cf. [meing] dohdo. kopwopwoud 1. n. wedding, marriage. 2. vi. to wed, to marry, to have a wedding. 1. Kopwopwoud ehu wiawi Wone rahnwet. A wedding is taking place in Wone today. 2. Ira kopwopwoud nan ihmw sarawi. They were married in a church. 3. Kitail pahn wia ara kopwopwoud ni soutiket. We will have their wedding feast this evening. kopwopwoudih, vt. kopwopwoudih vt. to marry. Padre pahn kopwopwoudihira. The priest will marry them. kopwopwoud, vt. kopwukopw₁ adj. weak, soft, easily broken, fragile. kopwukopw₂ n. gristle, cartilage. kopwukopwunadi n3s. solar plexus. kopwung 1. vi. to go to trial. 2. n. trial. kopwung en pwuhng legal. n. civil case. kopwung en sahpw legal. n. hearing on a land case. kopwung en dihp legal. n. criminal case. kopwung sapahl legal. n. appellate hearing. kopwungloal humiliative. adj. considerate, kind, appreciative. Wahnpoarono me kopwungloal. The preacher is considerate. cf. kadek lamalam. kopwur, also kapwur. 1. vi. neut. to repound kava. 2. n. the repounding of kava. kapwure, vt. kopwuringen n. a treatment given to a baby that is said to have lost its soul after a traumatic experience, characterized by incessant crying and a refusal to suckle. kopwud, also kupwud. n. (3sg. kopwude) new leaf. koramahd, also koaramahd. n. plant sp., coleus, Solenostemon scutellarioides and Sida rhombifolia, var. longipedicellata. kohre n. a cultivar of rahmedel (a kava cultivar). korehd vt. to scrape, as the meat out of a coconut. koroiroi, vi. kohri n. shave ice, snow cone. [Jap. kōri : ice] koriander Biblical. n. coriander, Coriandrum sativum. [Eng.] korila n. gorilla. [Eng.] Korint Biblical. n. Corinthians, two books in the Kadehde Kapw (New Testament), 1 Korint and 2 Korint. [Eng.] korinta 1. n. blood blister; reddening of the white of the eye. 2. vi. to have a blood blister; to have reddening of the white of the eye. koro n. grounder, in baseball. [Jap. goro] koroikot vi. a command from the director of a kamadipw to bring hibiscus bast for the kava. koroipali 1. n. a dish made of unripe bananas that are peeled, after which some of the banana is scraped off, mixed with coconut cream, put back in the peel, and then boiled or baked. 2. vi. to prepare such dish. koroiroi vi. neut. to be scraped, as the meat out of a coconut. korehd, vt. korouk, also kereuk. vi. to be cut down, to be felled, of a tree; to be laid down, of a person. Tuhke mengo pahn korouk rahnwet. The dead tree will be cut down today. karauke, vt. Korona see koronapairus. Koronapairus, also Korona, Kohpid. 1. n. coronavirus, Covid-19. 2. vi. to have this disease. [Eng.] koronihda n. cornet, trumpet, bugle. [Spa. corneta] koropwung n. a small waterfall. koruk n. parcel, package, bag. korukihada vt. to put in a bag; to pack. kormorant Biblical. n. cormorant, a large, black water bird. [Eng.] korpworeisin n. corporation. [Eng.] kos₁ vi. to throw. kospene vi. to be folded up. kohs n. navigational course. [Eng.] kose vi. to assume; to claim. Ieremen kitail pein kose dah atail pwukoah; kitail idekda. Let us not just assume what our responsibility is; let us ask. kohselewi vi. to roam. E kohselewi. He roams. Kosen Biblical. n. Goshen, a region of ancient Egypt. [Eng.] kosetipw vi. to foretell the future; to locate lost objects through the use of magic. kosetipwih, vt. kosetipwih vt. to foretell the future about. kosetipw, vi. kosou vi. to be moved, to be transferred, to be relocated; to be postponed. kasau, vt. kosouda, also keseuda. vi. to be moved up, in a hierarchy; to be moved to a new location. kosoudi, also keseudi. vi. to be moved down, in a hierarchy. kosonned n. law. Kosonned Eiseko n. the Ten Commandments. kosonned en kihda mwohni n. budget act. kosonned en mwadong n. rule, regulation. Kosonnedo Biblical. n. the first five books of the Old Testament, the Torah, also called the Pentateuch; also the entire Old Testament. kosuk archaic. vt. to throw a stone at. kosloal 1. n. a game, dodgeball. 2. vi. to play this game. kospene vi. to be folded up. Kosrae, also Kusai. n. an island state in the Federated States of Micronesia. kosdang vi. to put in reverse, of a vehicle. [Jap. gosutan : go astern] kosdangih, vt. kosdangih vt. see kosdang. kostakai vi. to engage in the act of stoning someone or something. Lahp oko kostakaipene. Those two guys threw stones at each other. koswai 1. vi. to pitch₁ a slow ball, in baseball. 2. n. slow ball. kod adj. too dark, of a color; too thick, of kava and coconut milk; dishonest, crooked, malicious, wicked. kohd₁ n. (3sg. kode) animal's horn. kohd₂ n. a stake used for husking coconuts; a stake for splitting a clump of kava roots, typically ten to twelve inches in diameter and six to seven feet long, sharpened flat on one end. cf. [meing] kohdeneileng. kohda vi. to move upward; to be displayed. kodeleng meing. n. (3sg. kodelenge) breast. cf. dihdi. kodehlik vi. to expend resources beyon one's own family. kohdeneileng meing. n. a stake used for husking coconuts; a stake for splitting a clump of kava roots, typically ten to twelve inches in diameter and six to seven feet long, sharpened flat on one end. cf. kohd₂. kodering 1. vi. to husk coconuts with a stick. 2. n. the name of the husking process. kohdi vi. to move downward; to be taken down; said by a menindeiuh to signal that the pounding of kava come to an end. kodie n3s. the final cup of kava, marking the end of the kava ritual, either as a consequence of the Nahnmwarki's departure or because the kava is stale, in which case fresh kava is brought and the ritual begins anew; end, last one. cf. [meing] luh₂. kodoukeinek, also kadoukeinek. vi. to trace one's ancestry according to clan. kodouluhl adv. extremely; very much. E pwangada kodouluhl. He got extremely tired. Kalahngan douluhl! Thank you very much! kodoumen vt. to employ words or actions to incite anger or suspicion. kodouripw n. a tree killing fungus. Kodouripw me kamangada mahi. It was a fungus that killed the breadfruit. kodouruhr 1. n. kindling, small wood shavings for starting a fire, dry wood for the uhmw. 2. vi. to be used, of kindling, small wood shavings, or dry wood to start a fire. kadauruhr, vt. kodouruhrih, also kadauruhr. vt. to use kindling, small wood shavings or dry wood to start a fire. kodoudou, also kadoudou, kedeudeu. vi. to trace one's ancestry, to recall past history. kadaur₁, vt. kodokenmei, also kadokenmei. meing. n. top of the head. cf. moahng₁. kodokod vi. neut. to husk with a stick; to gore; to engage in sexual intercourse in a female superior position. kodom, vt. kodom vt. to husk a coconut; to gore, to engage in sexual intercourse in a female superior position. kodokod, vi. koduhpwal vt. to cover someone up. koduhpwel, vi. cf. [meing] koamoarope. koduhpwel 1. vi. to be covered up. 2. n. veil. koduhpwal, vt. cf. [meing] koamoaropidi. koduhsou 1. meing. vi. to eat dinner (the evening meal), to eat supper. 2. meing. n. dinner, supper. 1. Isohko saikinte koduhsou, ahpw e pahn ketdahr. Isohko has not yet had dinner, but he is leaving. cf. mwengehn soutik. kodmwangas 1. vi. to do coconut husking. 2. n. coconut husking. kodpinipin adj. spiral, of a horn. kot₁ adj. in good condition, young looking; slow in maturing; stuck. kot₂ vi. to be cut. kote₂, vt. kot₃ vi. to relieve oneself; to go briefly. -kot archaic. num. cl. used to count things. Ma sohte ah mehkot, ah iaduwen eh pahn mie ah meh pahkot? If he doesn't have anything, how can he have four things? Koht n. God. Koht, Wasa Lapalahpie God, the Supreme Power. [Eng.] koht meing. n. the inner bark₁ of Hibiscus tiliaceus, used as a bast in the preparation of kava; a bast used for any purpose. Wiekoanoatet mwutehr, ah saik koht kaonopada. The kava has been pounded, but the bast has not yet been prepared. cf. keleun wengsakau, keleun wiesakau. Koht Sahm Biblical. n. God the Father, Father God. kotala vi. to go to relieve oneself. cf. [meing] pidekila. kote₁ vt. to cross to the other side; to cut down; to cut a girl's hair straight across at the bottom. kote₂ vt. to cut. Kote rahn sakauen. Cut the stem of the kava. kot₂ kotekehp 1. n. first feast of the yam season, in which the whole cooked tubers of kehp pwetepwet along with the freshly cut vines are presented; begins the season when people are allowed to eat whole yam tubers. 2. vi. to have this feast. 1. Kotekehp wia nohpwei ieu. Kotekehp is a feast. 2. Atail kousapwet pahn kotekehp ni tepin Septempe. Our section will have its yam feast at the beginning of September. kotelain 1. n. trespass. 2. vi. to trespass. kotelel meing. n. the inner bark₁ of Hibiscus tiliaceus, used as a bast in the preparation of kava. cf. keleun wengsakau, keleun wiesakau, rehr. kotelihda meing. n. the inner bark₁ of Hibiscus tiliaceus), used in the preparation of kava that is consumed in the morning. koten wini 1. n. a party or gift given to a sounwini the fourth day of taking medicine. 2. vi. to prepare this party or give this gift. kotepeh 1. meing. n. the fibrous cloth-like material from the coconut palm, used as a bast for extracting milk from grated coconut and for extracting liquid from medicinal plants. 2. archaic. n. this material, used as a bast in the preparation of kava. cf. inipal, impal. kotesek 1. n. cirumcision. 2. vt. to circumcise. kotedi vi. to be ready. kotokot 1. meing. vi. to be given a haircut. 2. meing. n. haircut. 1. Re pahn ketin kotokot rahnwet. He will be given a haircut today. 2. Sapwellim kotokoten me nei. Your haircut is neat. cf. seisei₂. kotokotasahu, also likotokotasau. n. laural dodder, Cassytha filiformis. kotop₁, also koatop. n. Pohnpei mountain palm, Clinostigma ponapense. kotop₂ n. sea cucumber sp., small and black. kotoamoang 1. n. haircut. 2. vi. to be cut, of one's hair. kotuhwahu adj. belligerent, easily angered, pugnacious, resentful, bitter. kohwa₁ n. trusteeship; lease. kohwa₂ vi. to have a chronic illness. Ohlo kohwa. That man has a chronic illness. kohwahleng, also kouwa, kouwahileng. meing. n. a cup made from half of a coconut shell, used for serving kava. Soulik patohwando kohwahleng. Soulik brought the kohwahleng. cf. ngarangar, delen sakau. kowarak, also kowaraki. vt. to copulate with, to have sexual intercourse with. kowerek, vi. kowaraki vt. see kowarak. kowe, also koh. ind. pron. you. cf. [meing] ihr₁, komwi. koweikohdo adj. erratic; hypocritical, two-faced. cf. [meing] lisalselewi. kowel, also kouwel. n. bud of the coconut flower. kowelik, also kewelik. n. bird sp., Pacific reef heron, Egretta sacra. kowerek vi. to copulate, to have sexual intercourse. kowarak, kowaraki, vt. kowet 1. meing. vi. to shout in a prolonged, falsetto voice, when carrying kava, to challenge another to a fight, or to call out to another who is out of sight. 2. meing. n. a prolonged, falsetto shout. 1. Mwohnsapw ketin kowet nansapw. Mwohnsapw shouted in falsetto voice when he was on his farm. 2. Kowet wia likuwer ieu. A falsetto shout is a way of calling. cf. se₂, seh₂, kadekedek. kowih slang. vt. to chase. kowou 1. vi. to honor, to respect, to have a feast in honor of a visiting Soupeidi. 2. n. a feast in honor of a visiting Soupeidi. kawawih, vt. koahi n. plant sp., Claoxylon carolinianum. koahiek 1. adj. competent, capable, well-versed, suitable; experienced; self-reliant, able to take care of one's self; large or spacious, of inanimate objects. 2. n. competence, skill, capability. koahiekla vi. to become competent, to become capable, to become well-versed. koaik vi. neut. to bear away, to turn away from the wind when sailing, to turn the canoe in the direction opposite the outrigger. koail n. fish sp., a mature sweetlips porgy, Plectorhynchus celebicus. koait adj. crowded, lacking space. koaiton vt. to occupy available space; to block someone's way. Ehdo koaitonla wasahn mwomwohd. That bag is occupying the sitting space. koautoke, also kautoke. meing. vt. to drink. Mwohnsapw sohte koautoke kilahs en waino. Mwohnsapw did not drink the glass of wine. cf. nim. koakon₁, also kakon. n. small box; joint, fitting; knuckle; a small plot of land, a house lot; inning, in baseball. koakon₂ vi. to attach the long strips of wood to both sides of the canoe (kaidaid) that serve as splash guards. koakon en neh n3s. ankle. koakon medek, also kakon medek. n. arthritic joint pain, commonly associated with lower than normal temperatures. koakone vt. to join; to fit. koakonokon, vi. koakonehp n. a yam cultivar. koakonehp en Iap n. a yam cultivar. koakonehp en denian n. a yam cultivar. koakonehp pwetepwet n. a yam cultivar. koakonehp weitahta n. a yam cultivar. koakonepwel formal. n. the second day of a funeral (after sohpai₁, the day when the death occurred), the family day. cf. rahnen peneinei. koakonokon vi. neut. to join; to fit. koakone, vt. koakondakong 1. n. addition, appendix, supplement. 2. vi. to supplement. 1. Ainpwoat pahn wia koakondakong ohng atail uhmwo. The cooked food will be an addition to our assigned uhmw. koakondakonge, vt. koakondakonge vt. to create an addition or appendix, to supplement with. I pahn koakondakonge imweio. I will build an addition to my home. koakondakong, vi. koakorot vi. to crow, of a rooster. koakos adj. stern, of parents or spouses; self-centered, causing others difficulty because of the desire to have everything one's way. koakose, vt. koakose vt. to be stern with. koakos, adj. koahkoa vt. to sweep; to shave. koakoahk, vi. koakoahk vi. see koahkoa. koal vi. to wear a grass skirt. koale₂, vt. koahl₁ n. grass skirt, commonly made of coconut or pandanus fibers, now commonly worn by men at feasts. koahl₂ 1. vi., vt. to call, to make a telephone call. 2. n. telephone call. [Eng.] koale₁, also ngkoale. vt. to make sennit. I pahn koale ei kisin pwehl. I'm going to make my sennit. ngkoal, vi. koale₂ vt. to wear a grass skirt. Serepeino koale koalen Iap. That girl wore a Yapese grass skirt. koal, vi. koalepwel vi. to make sennit (rope made of coconut fiber). cf. [meing] dakihd. koalet n. college. [Eng. college] koalihd vi. to make sennit (rope made of coconut fiber). cf. [meing] dakihd. koaloal vi. to be deepened, as a hole. koaloale, vt. koahloal 1. n. underwear, undergarments; liner for a dress. 2. vi. to wear underwear or undergarments. koaloalamwahu 1. vi. to comfort, to console; to cast a spell to bring comfort to someone suffering from a broken heart. 2. n. native medicine used to comfort someone, as when a child is weaned, for a jealous spouse, etc. koaloalamwahwih, vt. koaloalamwahwih vt. to comfort, to console; to cast a spell to bring comfort to someone suffering from a broken heart. koaloalamwahu, vi. koaloaladak n. name of the first of the four giant taro (sepwikin) leaves used to cover the ground surrounding the kava stone (soumoahl) from which the Nahnmwarki is served. koaloale vt. to deepen, as a hole. koaloal, vi. koaloalepwel n. name of the second of the four giant taro (sepwikin) leaves used to cover the ground surrounding the kava stone (soumoahl) from which the Nahnmwarki is served. koaloalleng n. name of the third of the four giant taro (sepwikin) leaves used to cover the ground surrounding the kava stone (soumoahl) from which the Nahnmwarki is served. koalupwulupw vi. neut. to scrape the surface of something. kalupwur, vt. koamidi n. committee. [Eng.] koamone vt. to scrape the meat out of a coconut when making copra. koamoahle vt. to cause to appear briefly. koamoaloamoal n. bushy plant sp. koamoarop meing. n. umbrella, cover. Mie sapwellim koamoarop? Does he have an umbrella? cf. amper. koamoarope meing. vt. to cover someone up. Likend pahn koamoarope kahlap. Likend will cover him up. koamoaropidi, vi. cf. koduhpwal. koamoaropidi meing. vi. to be covered up. Re ketin koamoaropidi. He is covered up. koamoarope, vt. cf. koduhpwel. koamoadoaloan, also kamoadolan. vt. to await an event. koamoatoar vi. to be oiled or lubricated. koamoatoare, vt. koamoatoare, also kamoatoare. vt. to oil or lubricate. koamoatoar, vi. koammoal vi. to rest. koammoale, vt. cf. [meing] rahnmwoal. koammoaldi vi. to be rested after the day's activities. koammoaldihsang vi. to cease the day's activity; to retire. koammoale, also kakoammoale. vt. to make one rest. koammoal, vi. cf. [meing] rahnmwoale. koammoalehdi vt. to make someone rest for the remainder of the day. koammoalehdihsang vt. to cease the day's activity; to retire. koammoaldi vi. to be rested after the day's activities. koammoalehdi, vt. cf. [meing] rahnmwoaldi. koammoaldihsang vi. to cease the day's activity; to retire. koammoalehdihsang, vt. cf. [meing] rahnmwoaldihsang. koamwosod 1. meing. vi. to urinate. 2. meing. n. urine. 1. Mwohnsapw ketlahn koamwosod nan mwoalen loakipilo. Mwohnsapw went to urinate in the toilet area. 2. Mie anahnepen keseun koamwosod. There is a need for a test of your urine. cf. pipihs, kainen pihl. koahmwowe, also kahmwowe. vt. to take the lead₁. koamwoamw vi. to be destructive, to be wasteful. kamwoamwasang vi. to exhaust a supply of something. koamwoare vt. to discuss a matter for the purpose of convincing another that your are right. koamwoaroang n. an act of provocation; commotion; controversy. koampwul n. a source of light₁, such as a lamp, etc. koahnek vi. to stir or sigh in one's sleep. cf. [meing] rerinmwoalu. koanoa vt. to catch up with; to be on time for an event. cf. [meing] dapwin. koanoat 1. meing. poss. cl. a possessive classifier for food and drink, used with title holders of koanoat rank. 2. meing. vi. to eat, to drink. 3. meing. n. (3sg. koanoat) food and drink for the Nahnmwarki and koanoat title holders. 1. Luhk kisakiskihla koanoat sakawo. Luhk gave away his kava (root). 2. Mwohnsapw saikinte koanoat . Mwohnsapw has not eaten. 3. Patohwanla koanoat pohn tehpelo. Take his food to the table. koanoate, vt. cf. kene, nime, mwenge, nim. koanoat en menseng 1. meing. n. breakfast (used with title holders of koanoat rank). 2. meing. vi. to eat breakfast. cf. mwengehn menseng. koanoat en soutik 1. meing. n. dinner, supper (the evening meal, used with title holders of koanoat rank). 2. meing. vi. to eat dinner, to eat supper. cf. mwengehn soutik. koanoat en souwas 1. meing. n. lunch (used with title holders of koanoat rank). 2. meing. vi. to eat lunch. cf. mwengehn souwas. koanoate meing. vt. to eat, to drink. Sahu koanoate werer. Sahu ate the inner content of the sea cucumber. koanoat, vi. cf. kang, nim. koansop n. an ornamentally wrapped ball of sennit. koandieng vi. to breastfeed while lying down. koangoange, also koangngoange. vt. to encourage, to motivate. koangoangehki, also koangngoangehki. vt. to talk someone into doing something; to persuade. koangngoange vt. see koangoange. koangngoangehki vt. see koangoangehki. koahpi n. coffee. [Eng.] koapoarok 1. n. a trellis made by bending the top branches of a tree to support a yam vine. 2. vi. to be turned over; to be made, of the trellis for a yam vine. koapoaroke, vt. koapoaroke vt. to turn over; to bend the top branches of a tree to make a trellis for a yam vine. koapoarok, vi. koapwoaremen meing. vi. to be quiet. Kitail koaros kopwoaremen. Let us all be quiet. cf. nennenla. koapwoaroapwoar n. trust, confidence, courage; faith, hope. cf. [meing] kamahdied. koapwoaroapwoarki vt. to have trust, confidence, faith, hope in, to have courage for, to depend on. koapwoarment n. government. [Eng.] koapwoawar vi. to fetch a log for a canoe, the act of which is accompanied by a feast. Mehn Palikir ko pahn koapwoawar Nieiselet. The people from Palikir will fetch a log for a canoe this Wednesday. koapwukoa, also kepwukoa. n. (3sg. koapwukoah) an assigned responsibility, obligation, or duty. koapwukoahki vt. to assign someone to be responsible for something. Soumaso koapwukoahkinkit sen kihda sakau. The section chief assigned us to be responsible for providing sakau. koapwuriamwei, also kapwuriamwei. adj. amazing, astonishing. koapwuroaloat archaic. vi. to have something stuck between the hull and the outrigger of a canoe. koapwurupwur, also kapwurupwur. vi. to be returned, to be rejected. kapwure, vt. koapwurupwursang, also kapwurupwursang. vi. to be recalled (the political process). koahr n. a barbed piece of wood, used as a tool for tying thatch to beams in making a roof; crochet needle. koaramahd, also koramahd. n. plant sp., coleus, Solenostemon scutellarioides and Sida rhombifolia, var. longipedicellata. koahre₁ n. tree sp., Manilkara hoshinoi, known for its strong wood. koahre₂ vt. to scrape together with the hands; to wipe a kava cup; to wipe the anus. koarompw, also karompw. n. obstacle, hindrance. koarong meing. n. (3sg. koaronge) ear. Mwohnsapwoko pahn keseun karong. Mwohnsapwoko will undergo an ear examination. cf. saleng. koaronge, also karonge. 1. meing. vt. to hear, to listen. 2. meing. n. ear. 1. Isohko sohte koaronge mwahu dahme Soulik sakarkihda. Isohko did not hear well what Soulik was saying. cf. rong, saleng. koarongorong 1. vi. to conduct a public hearing; to exchange public insults or innuendoes. 2. n. a public hearing. koarongodoh meing. adj. deaf. Isohko me karongodoh. Isohko is deaf. cf. salengopon. koaros num. all. Pillap koaros lapakehda. All the rivers flooded. koaroson, also karoson. vt. to invigorate. Koaroahmw n. a title. koaroapoad 1. n. the person who holds the end of a net and is the first to set it. 2. vi. to serve in this capacity. koaruk n. gear, a bundle of things wrapped in a cloth. koaruhsie num. every, all. Ohl koaruhsie pokonpene Kolonia. All the men gathered in Kolonia. koarrompw, also karrompw. n. obstacle. koasepe n. a weight placed on top of something. koasepen uhmw n. the weight on the uhmw cover or the large stones that are placed around the edge of the uhmw to prevent hot steam from escaping. cf. [meing] koasepwel. koasepwel meing. n. the weight on the uhmw cover or the large stones that are placed around the edge of the uhmw to prevent hot steam from escaping. Koasepwel kin kohsang mwohn rihp eh pahn kemwekid. The weight on the uhmw cover is normally removed before the uhmw cover (the rihp) is removed. cf. koasepen uhmw. koasiemen n. a yam cultivar. koasok vi. to pile up. koasoke, vt. koasoke vt. to lay in a pile, to pile up. E koasokehda nah pwuhk ko. He laid his books in a pile. koasok, vi. koasokoasok n. pile of objects, stone wall. I pahn doadoahngki koasokoasok en takaio. I will use that pile of rocks. koasoai 1. vi. to converse, to discuss. 2. n. talk, conversation, discussion, rumor, story₁. koasoaia, vt. cf. [meing] mahsen, poahngok. koasoaia vt. to say, to mention, to state, to converse with, to discuss with. koasoai, vi. cf. [meing] idawarih, mahsanih, poahngokih. koasoaiepe n3s. an account₂ of. koasoakoahiek adj. inappropriate, awkward because of unfamiliarity, difficult to learn. koasoamw 1. vi. to welcome; to lead₁ one's aim when shooting birds. 2. n. a welcoming event or activity. kasamwoh, vt. koasoamwoasoamw vi. to make a sincere request for assistance; to pay one’s respects to high-titled people in the opening remarks of a speech. koasoane vt. to organize, to structure, to establish; to settle, to decide, to agree on. koasoandi, vi. koasoanehdi sohso vi. to probate an estate. koasoansapahl vi. to be reorganized, to be restructured, to be re-established, to be reconsidered. koasoansapahlih koasoansapahl en pweipwei n. restructured salary schedule agreement. koasoansapahlih vt. to reorganize, to restructure, to re-establish, to reconsider. koasoansapahl, vi. koasoandi 1. vi. to be organized, to be structured, to be established; to be settled, to be decided, to be agreed upon. 2. n. organization, structure, rule, plan, plot, procedure, agreement; judgment, pronouncement, decision, solution. koasoane, vt. koasoandi en kamakamala Biblical. n. death sentence. koasoandi en nting n. orthography, spelling system. koasoaramwahu meing. adj. reputable, bringing respect. Atail pwerisek me koasoaramwahu ong kitail. Our industriousness brings respect to us. koasoaramwahuwih, vt. cf. kahdamwahu. koasoaramwahuwih meing. vt. to give a positive impression or image of, to dignify, to speak favorably of, to support; to beautify. Kamadipwo koasoaramwahuwih atail Soumaso. The feast gave a positive impression of our village chief. koasoaramwahu, adj. cf. kahdamwahuwih. koasoarsuwed meing. adj. disgraceful. Atail pohnkahke me koasoarsuwed. Our laziness is disgraceful. koasoarsuwedih, vt. cf. kahdsuwed. koasoarsuwedih meing. vt. to give a negative impression or image of, to defame, to speak negatively of. Atail mwekid suwed kan koasoarsuwedihkitailla. Our bad behavior is has already created a negative impression of us. koasoarsuwed, adj. cf. kahdsuwedih. koasuk 1. vt. to weigh down, to anchor something in place by placing an object on top of it; to kill. 2. archaic. vt. to stone to death. koasukuloal adj. having an injurious impact, physically and/or mentally. koade vt. to assist someone by carrying part of his load. koadelik n. goods and resources supplied by non-relatives. koadelikihada vt. to support by supplying goods and resources. Kitail koadelikihada Nahnpei, pwe sohte ah peneinei. Let us support Nahnpei with goods and resources, for he has no relatives. koadi n. a shot of hard liquor. En ihs kisin koadi me mi nan kepet? Whose shot is in this cup? koadia vt. to fill with a liquid; to pour in. Koadiahda mahs pwoatol en pihl kan. Please fill the water bottles. koadiadi, vi. koadiadi vi. to be filled with a liquid. koadia, vt. koadoi- vt. to help out, to rescue. Kitail pahn koadoiirailda. We will help them out. koadoke n3s. top, peak, summit, ridge. koadokehla vt. to bring to completion. koadokodokala, vi. koadokodokala vi. to be brought to completion. koadokehla, vt. koadoahke vt. to work on. koadoahkehdi vt. to cultivate, to plant mixed crops. koadoangoul, also kadangoul. num. ten. see ehd₁. koadoangoulih vt. to make a team complete, to round out a team; to conclude. koadoaroapwe 1. meing. vi. to read, to count. 2. Biblical. vi. to cast lots. koadoaroapwehih, vt. cf. wadawad₁. koadoaroapwehih meing. vt. to read; to count. Mwohnsapw ketin koadoaroapwe kosonned kapwo. Mwohnsapw read the copy of the new law. koadoaroapwe, vi. cf. wadek₁. koadoadoahk vi. to be forced to work, to be hired. koadoadoahke, koadoadoahkih, vt. koadoadoahk en idihd n. involuntary servitude, involuntary labor. koadoadoahke, also koadoadoahkih. vt. to force to work; to hire. koadoadoahk, vi. koadoadoahkih vt. see koadoadoahke. koato adj. durable, having the ability to survive either time or circumstance. koatou, also keteu. 1. vi. to rain. 2. n. rain. koatop, also kotop₁. n. Pohnpei mountain palm, Clinostigma ponapense. koatoa n. mangrove sp. Sonneratia alba. koatoan n. patience, tolerance. Nantiheng ahniki koatoan. Try to have patience. koatoane vt. to suppress, as a cry of pain, a cough, laughter, or a bowel movement; to tolerate, to endure. koatoahnien vi. to visibly show one's displeasure at a request. koatun n. cotton, Gossypium barbadense; kapok tree, Ceiba pentandra. [Eng.] ku pa tok 1. n. a hand game in which one player forms one of three hand shapes and simultaneously says ku (stone), pa (hand), or, tok (scissors); the player's opponent must say the same word at the same time or loses. 2. vi. to play this game. kuair n. choir. [Eng.] Kuam n. Guam. [Eng.] kuhiolung n. plant sp., Cleome viscosa. kuk vi. to cook. [Eng.] kukih, vt. Kuk Ailan n. The Cook Islands. [Eng.] kuhkel 1. n. Google. 2. vi. to Google. [Eng.] kuhkelih, vt. kuhkelih vt. to Google something. [kuhkel <Eng.] kuhkel, vi. kukih vt. to cook something. [kuk <Eng. cook] kuk, vi. kukusuh n. air gun, air rifle. [Jap. kūkijū] kul vi. neut. to grab, to seize. kulih, vt. kuhl vi. to suck on, as a cigarette or sugar cane. Kulap n. the holder of this title, along with Kiroun en Lehdau and Lapen Wapar, was responsible for for guarding the Nahnmwarki wherever he traveled. kuhleid n. Kool-Aid, any similar drink. [Eng.] kulih vt. to grab, to seize, to plunder. E men iang kulih nei kehp. He wants to seize my yams. kul, vi. kuloak n. time, clock, watch, hour. [Eng.] Kuloap n. a title. kuloapis, also klopis. n. club, a suit in playing cards. [Eng.] kulu n. bird spp., any of a number of species of migratory shore birds, including the Pacific golden plover, Pluvialis fulva, the greater yellow legs, Tringa melanolevca, and possibly the sanderling, Crocethia alba. kuluh n. glue. [Eng.] kuluhkous n. glucose. [Eng.] kulup n. the accumulation of dried leaves from a previous uhmw. cf. [meing] soupirleng. kull, also koll. n. cockroach. kumi, also komi. n. rubber, plastic, rubber band. [Ger. Gummi] kumiai 1. n. a group of people who take turns working on one another's land. 2. vi. to participate in such a group. [Jap. kumiai] kumin Biblical. n. cumin. [Eng.] kumolomol 1. vi. to pant, as after running. 2. n. the act of panting. kumw vi. neut. to disturb or alert by making a pounding or thudding noise. kumwur, vt. kumwa subj. pr., ind. pr. you, dual. -kumwa obj. pron. you, dual. kumwail subj. pr., ind. pr. you, plural. -kumwail obj. pron. you, plural. kumwisekala vi. to fall. kumwo 1. n. the lacking of protein, especially fish. 2. vi. to lack protein. kumwo keren 1. n. the lacking of protein, especially fish, when someone nearby has it. 2. vi. to lack protein when someone nearby has it. kumwukumw₁ n. a thudding noise. kumwukumw₂ n. peak, crest, small hill. kumwukumw en nahna n. mountain peak or crest. Kumwunlaid₁, also Komwonlaid₁. n. name of the small peninsula in Kolonia (Mesenieng) where the Sokehs rebels were executed by the Germans. Kumwunlaid₂, also Komwonlaid₂. n. the first feasthouse built by Isokelekel at the beginning of the Nahnmwarki era. kumwur vt. to disturb or alert by making a pounding or thudding noise. kumw, vi. kumwus 1. meing. adj. said of one who likes to tease others. 2. meing. n. an act of teasing someone. 3. meing. vi. to tease. kumwusih, vt. kumwuskihda vt. to joke about. Isohko kumwuskihda en pwutako meingo. Isohko joked about the boy's use of honorific speech. kumwusek vi. to be detonated or exploded. kumwusih meing. vt. to tease someone. Mwohnsapw kumwusih pwutako. Mwohnsapw teased the boy. kumwus, vi. cf. kapitih. kumwuskihda meing. vt. to joke about. Isohko kumwuskihda en pwutako meingo. Isohko joked about the boy's use of honorific speech. cf. kepitkihda. kumwut n. (3sg. kumwuti) joint, where bones meet, especially with reference to the hand. kumwut en kidi n. a variety of the wild yam kehpineir, shaped like a dog's paw. kumwut en peh n3s. wrist. cf. [meing] pwekeleng. kumwutik vi. to sneer. kun vi. to be extinguished; to be turned off, of lights and motors. kunon 1. n. swelling of the lymph nodes. 2. vi. to have swelling of the lymph nodes. kunukunda, also kiewek en tamworohi. n. a yam cultivar. kunut n. a fleshy growth on the upper part of the beak of a female pigeon; abnormal fleshy growth or tumor on the surface of the skin; the sighting bead on a rifle. kundihna, also kaimana. n. a banana cultivar, mostly eaten raw. kuhpene vi. to close₁ one's mouth. cf. [meing] kuhreiso. kupi vi. to be fired, to be thrown out of work. kupor n. (3sg. kupore) lean part of meat. kupwel vt. to bend, of something rigid. kupwelek, adj. kupwelek adj. bent, of something rigid. kupwel, vt. kupwi n3s. heart of palm. I wahdo kupwin nih. I brought heart of coconut palm. kupwinking n. young rooster. [king <Eng.] kupwinli n. young woman. kupwinlitok n. young hen. kupwinwol n. young man. kupwu, also kopwou. n. basket, purse, handbag. cf. [meing] likohmes. kupwuneik, also elies, soulik en mesihsou. n. a yam cultivar. kupwur₁, also kupwuriso. meing. n. (3sg. kupwure) will₁, feelings, wish, intention, motive; decision, desire, heart; abdomen, belly, stomach. Iei kupwuren Mwohnsapw me sansalehr. It is Mwohnsapw's intention that has been made clear. cf. kapehd, nsen. kupwur₂ n. bird spp., any of a number of species of boobies, including the masked booby, Sula dactylatra personata, the red footed booby, Sulasula rubripres, and the brown booby, Sula levcogasten platus. kupwur keremwel 1. adj. happy, joyful. 2. n. happiness, joy. cf. peren₁. kupwuramwahu 1. meing. adj. optimistic. 2. meing. n. optimism. 3. Biblical. n. grace, blessing. kupwuramwahuwih meing. vt. to wish happiness, success, peace, and good fortune; to bless. Mwohnsapw kupwuramwahuwihkit. Mwohnsapw wishes us happiness. cf. kapaiia. kupwurapwuriong vt. to strive for. Mwohnsapw kupwurapwuriong mwein popohl. Mwohnsapw is striving for a reign of tranquility. kupwure 1. meing. vt. to think, to believe, to suppose, to suspect. 2. meing. vt. to have mercy on, to forgive. 2. Komw kupwureie. Forgive me. kupwurehieng vt. to think, to feel, to assume, to suspect. Isohko kupwurehieng me ih me koaros pwungki. Isohko thinks that is what everyone approves of. kupwurehla vt. to forgive; to bless. Komw kupwurehla ohlo, pwe e sapwungala. Forgive the man, for he made a mistake. kupwurehda vt. to decide, to determine. Mwohnsapwoko kupwurehda me ieremenehr kamadipw wiawi. Mwohnsapwoko decided that the feast will no longer take place. kupwurekeng meing. adj. intelligent, smart, clever, shrewd, sharp. Isohko me kupwurekeng. Isohko is smart. cf. loalekeng. kupwurehla meing. vt. to forgive; to bless. Komw kupwurehla ohlo, pwe e sapwungala. Forgive the man, for he made a mistake. cf. mahkehng. kupwurehda meing. vt. to decide, to determine. Mwohnsapwoko kupwurehda me ieremenehr kamadipw wiawi. Mwohnsapwoko decided that the feast will no longer take place. cf. lemehda. kupwuriso, also kupwur₁. meing. n3s. will₁, feelings, wish, intention, decision, desire, heart; abdomen, belly, stomach. cf. kapehd, nsen. Kupwuriso n. third highest mountain on Pohnpei, located in U. kupwurohki meing. vt. to be concerned about; to care for, to be interested in. Isohko me pahn kupwurohki soahng pwukan. Isohko will be concerned about those kind of things. cf. nsenohki. Kupwurokong en Solomon Biblical. n. Wisdom of Solomon, a book in the Deuterocanon of the Catholic Bible. kupwuropwon meing. adj. stupid, silly, idiotic, simple, ignorant, dumb. Mie sohpeidi me kupwuropwong. There are some noblemen who are stupid. cf. pweipwei₁. kupwurki meing. vt. to agree with, to like, to prefer. Isohko kupwurki dahme Soumas en Kousapw koasoanehdier. Isohko agrees with what the section chief has already decided upon. cf. mwahuki. kupwurmahk 1. meing. vi. to forgive. 2. meing. adj. forgiving. 1. Komw kupwurmahk. Please forgive me. 2. Ohlo me kupwurmahk. That man is forgiving. cf. mahk₁. kupwurpereniki Biblical. vt. to be pleased, to be happy. kupwursapan 1. meing. adj. generous. 2. meing. n. generosity. cf. sapan. kupwud, also kopwud. n. (3sg. kupwude) new leaf. kur vi. to move one's hips in the manner characteristic of sexual intercourse. kurih, vt. kurando n. baseball field. [Jap. gurando < Eng. ground] kureiong n. crayon. [Jap. kureyon < Eng.] kuhreiso meing. vi. to close₁ one's mouth. Re ketin kuhreiso. Close you mouth (your highness). Kuhreiso pwe loahng dehr sok nan dawasahr. Close your mouth or a fly might land in it. cf. kuhpene. kurih vt. to move one's hips against another's in the manner characteristic of sexual intercourse. kur, vi. Kuro n. a common name for a black dog. [Jap. kuro : black] kurop n. baseball glove. [Jap. gurōbu < Eng.] kurodong n. croton, Codiaeum variegatum. [Eng.] kuroamw 1. n. chum, bait thrown around a canoe to attract fish. 2. vi. to chum, to throw bait around a canoe to attract fish. kuru kiniti, also meikole. n. a breadfruit cultivar (meinsahrek type). kuruma n. cart, wagon. [Jap. kuruma] kurumahn mahwen, also werennansapw en mahwen. Biblical. n. chariot. kurumw₁ n. bum, tramp, loafer. kurumw₂, also kurupw. n. immature coconut before reaching the growth stage called uhpw. kuruptoaleileng, also kuruptoaleina. meing. n. (3sg. kuruptoaleileng) penis, of an adult. Sohte me kak koasoaia kuruptoaleileng. No one can talk about his penis. cf. lahk, kiresek. kuruptoaleina meing. n3s. see kuruptoaleileng. kurupw, also kurumw₂. n. immature coconut before reaching the growth stage called uhpw. kus vi. to gush; to climax or ejaculate. kuhs n. goose. [Eng.] Kusai, also Kosrae. n. an island state in the Federated States of Micronesia. kuhsuh 1. n. air-raid siren. 2. vi. to drink hastily straight from a container. 1. Re kuhsuhla kanarail pwoatolo. They drank their bottle of liquor hastily. [Jap. kūshū : bombing] kusupek 1. n. steam, smoke, vapor, spout, splash (of a liquid). 2. vi. to steam, to smoke, to produce vapor, to spout out, to splash up. kuskar n. a red hot stone from the uhmw used to sterilize a pounding stone to be employed in the preparation of lihli for the Nahnmwarki. kudud, also kudud en palau, uht rais, kirihm. n. a banana cultivar, eaten both raw and cooked. kudud en palau, also kudud, uht rais, kirihm. n. a banana cultivar, from Palau. kuht, also kout. n. goat, Capra hircus. [Eng.] kuhtenwel Biblical. n. wild goat, mountain goat. [Eng. kuht] kutian n. accordion. [Eng.] kutohr 1. n. egg; a small yam that can be carried by hand. 2. vi. to lay an egg. kutohr en kehp n. a yam that is not tied to a pole (kehi). kutohr en limwedi adj. young and beautiful, as of a girl in her prime; lovely. kutohr en mese n3s. eyeball. kutoar n. eave, of a house or building. kutoahr n. bird sp., Micronesian kingfisher, Halcyon cinnamomina. kutoareileng dapwaiso, also kutoarenleng. n. eaves of heaven, horizon; the place beyond the horizon. kutoarenleng n. see kutoareileng dapwaiso. kutoarenpil₁ n. beetle. kutoarenpil₂ n. approximately 7:00 p.m., the time interval between kihrsou and tenter₂. kuwa n. hoe. [Jap. kuwa] kuwai 1. vi. to whistle. 2. n. whistle. kuwaih, kuwaie, vt. cf. [meing] keuwed, nimpar, suwaimwot. kuwaih vt. see kuwaie. kuwaie, also kuwaih. vt. to whistle at someone. I kuwaie serepeino. I whistle at the girl. cf. [meing] nimpere. kuwahpa n. strawberry guava, Psidium cattleianum and Psidium guajava, the leaves of which are boiled to make a tea which is effective in the treatment of diarrhea. [Eng.] kuwet n. a dryland taro (sawa₁) cultivar. kuwi n. the name of the hole that is drilled into the side of a roughed-out canoe hull, into which a stake is driven to which a rope can be tied to drag the hull to a different location. kuwihn n. queen. Kuwihn Elizabeth en England mwehi reirei. Queen Elizabeth of England has had a long reign. [Eng.] kuwpin lih n. young woman. klinik n. clinic. [Eng.] klopis, also kuloapis. n. club, a suit in playing cards. [Eng.] klordalahria wah tikitik , also kandalahria. n. plant sp., smooth rattlepod, Crotalaria pallida. Krais n. Christ, used by Protestants. [Eng.] kreip n. grape. [Eng.] kreidid n. credit. [Eng.] kreidid iuhnion n. credit union. [Eng.] kreidid kard n. credit card. [Eng.] Krihk Biblical. adj. Greek. [Eng.] krihm n. cream. [Eng.] kriminal n. criminal. [Eng.] Krihs Biblical. n. Greece. [Eng.] krisdal Biblical. n. crystal. [Eng.] Krisdus n. Christ, used by Catholics. [Lat.] Krihd Biblical. n. Crete. [Eng.] krou Biblical. n. crow. [Eng.] kromosohm n. chromosome. [Eng.] Kronikel Biblical. n. Chronicles, two books in the Kadehde Mering (Old Testament), 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles. [Eng.] kwansed n. Quonset hut. [Eng.] kwarts Biblical. n. quartz. [Eng.] kwadrakesima n. Lent, used by Catholics, originally the first Sunday in Lent. [Lat. quadragesima : fortieth] |