za ze zi zo -top-
Zanclidae fish spp., Zanclidae, Moorish idols, normally found in the lagoon and on reefs. senserek
za ze zi zo -top-
Zea mays corn₂, Zea mays. kohn
Zealot Zealot, a member of a first century movement among Judean Jews who sought to overthrow the Roman government. Selod
Zebedee Zebedee, the father of James and John, two of the disciples of Jesus. Sepedi
Zechariah Zechariah, a book in the Kadehde Mering (Old Testament). Sekeraia
Zephaniah Zephaniah, a book in the Kadehde Mering (Old Testament). Sepanaia
Zephyranthes rosea lily spp., Crinum asiaticum, Hymenocallis littoralis, or Zephyranthes rosea. kiepw
zero egg; zero, as a score. damango
to estimate or approximate a time or a weight as closely as possible, to zero in. paunehiengete
zero. sero
Zeus Zeus, in ancient Greek religion, the chief diety of the pantheon, identical with the Roman god Jupiter. Seus
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Zingiber officinale lily sp., butterfly lily, also commonly called ginger, Hedychium coronarium, commonly used to make mwaramwar; also Hedychium flavescens, used as an ornamental, and Zingiber officinale, ginger, introduced by the Japanese for medicinal purposes. sinter
ginger, Zingiber officinale. sohnga
Zingiber zerumbet wild ginger, Zingiber zerumbet, used for flavoring food. oangen pahnle
wild ginger, Zingiber zerumbet, used for flavoring food. oangen pele
Zion Zion. Saion
zip to zip. seperih
zipper zipper. seper
zither zither. sidar₁
za ze zi zo -top-
zone geographical zone. lopitik₂
zoo zoo. suh
zoo. wasahn mahn
zories zories, thongs, flip-flops. sohri
Zosterops cinereus bird spp., name for three species of birds; Caroline Islands white-eye, Zosterops semperi; gray white-eye, Zosterops cinereus; long-billed white-eye, Rukia longirostra. tiht
Zosterops semperi bird spp., name for three species of birds; Caroline Islands white-eye, Zosterops semperi; gray white-eye, Zosterops cinereus; long-billed white-eye, Rukia longirostra. tiht