Technical Communication
Table of Contents:
  1. Syllabus (Tentative)

Students in this course are subject to all the policies of Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University.
In addition to the policies (possibly overlapped with them), the following policies regarding this course are explicitly stated.
  • Cheating:
    Any form of cheating (such as plagiarism) results in the grade "不可"
    and will be reported to Faculty of Information Sciences for further academic actions.

    When a student write a paper for an assignment, the student may quote a few sentences written by another author with an explicit citation to its original source.
    Writing sentences or ideas of the other author without giving credits to the original author is plagiarism.
    Especially, copying content of online documents is regarded as plagiarism,
    irrespective of how much the original content is modified,
    if the student failed to write an accurate citation to the original source.
    Avoid the so-called patchwork plagiarism.
    Informative suggestions are given in Avoiding Plagiarism by Professors Marilyn Bauer and Jacie Moriyama of Leeward Community College, the University of Hawaii.

  • Abuse:
    Any form of abuse of computing resources of this Web site ( and Hiroshima City University will not be tolerated.
    It results in a severe penalty such as the suspension of your access to the computing resources.

    Please keep in your mind that access to and usage of the university's computing resources are your privilege, but not your right.

  • Makeup:
    If a student missed a class (and hence in-class exercises) due to illness or injury,
    makeup exercises will be given to the student (by the last class of this course) ONLY WHEN the student follows the following procedure.
    1. Visit a doctor and get a doctor's note dated on the day of the missed class.
    2. Contact me by email within 3 days after the missed class
      (or the date that the doctor's note suggests the student to recover enough to contact me).
      Attach an image file (e.g., a picture or scanned copy) of the doctor's note to the email.
    3. A makeup exercise and its deadline will be notified to the student by email.
    4. The student must submit her/his solution to the makeup exercise by email.
    However, an ordinary doctor's appointment (scheduled by a student in advance) is NOT an acceptable reason for makeup
    unless it is inevitable to conflict with a class beyond control of the student.

    For an exceptional case other than illness or injury,
    a student must submit me an official document
    which is a sufficiently convincing evidence of the fact that the cause for missing a class was beyond control of the student
    (e.g., in case of a traffic accident on a way to a class, a police record of the accident should be furnished).

    The above policy on makeup is also applied to assignments in a similar manner
    (see the policy on deadlines described below).

  • Deadlines:
    A deadline of every assignment is firm.
    No late submission will be accepted,
    except that a student could not meet the deadline due to a reason beyond the student's control.

    In case of illness or injury, a student is required to submit me a doctor's note describing a cause of missing the deadline
    and contact me by email within 3 days after the deadline or the date that the doctor's note suggests the student to recover enough to contact me by email.
    In any other exceptional circumstance,
    a student is required to submit me an official document
    which is a sufficiently convincing evidence of the fact that the cause for missing a deadline was beyond control of the student.

  • Data Backup:
    Each student is responsible for taking a periodical backup of her/his own computer.
    Especially, files for assignments should frequently be saved into an external storage device such as a USB flash drive.
    An unexpected failure of the computer is not an acceptable execuse for a late submission.

    CS major students should exercise automatic, periodical backup procedures in duplicate or further in triplicate.
    If you do not practice periodical cloning & backup, start to do it from now.
© 2014 - 2016 Kazuo Sugihara