Technical Communication
Table of Contents:
  1. Syllabus (Tentative)

Grading Scheme (Tentative):
  • No exam
  • A student is evaluated solely based on her/his achievement on in-class exercises and assignments.

Overall Score
S = 60% ( P ) + 40% ( A ) + α ⋅ X     where

P :
Participation into In-Class Exercises

A :

X :
Extra Credits for Good Questions and the Quality of In-Class Exercises

α = 0.3
(a tentative weight)

Overall Score (100-point scale)
A+(秀) 95 ≤ S
A(優) 90 ≤ S < 95
B(良) 75 ≤ S < 90
C(可) 60 ≤ S < 75
D(不可) S < 60
unofficial drop

© 2014 - 2016 Kazuo Sugihara