
Drafts and Final Assignments

Most work (learning plan, Gantt chart, resume, field report) is first submitted as a draft. The instructor(s) will provide feedback on the draft to help the student submit a high quality final written assignment. Journals are not submitted first as drafts, but students should use instructor feedback on earlier journals to improve the quality of later work.

Submitting Assignments

All drafts and assignments are to be submitted through the Laulima drop box. Three folders should be created in the drop box:

            1. Forms (including selfie)

            2. Graded work

            3. Work to be graded

All drafts and assignments must be submitted as either Word or Excel files, as appropriate, with the exception of the final resume, which should be submitted as a pdf.

All file names should start with your last name, followed by the assignment type and number. For example:

            Name Journal 1

            Name Learning Plan Draft

All materials, including drafts, should remain in the drop box until the end of the semester. The drop box will constitute your final portfolio.

Students at this level are expected to submit professional quality work. Written material that is difficult to read and/or understand is not accepted for grading, and a score of zero is entered for that assignment. This may occur because of poor structure and/or grammar, incompatible file types, or other reasons. This policy helps to protect us from having to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to decipher one assignment, so that our time can be fairly divided among all the student assignments.

1. Class

Class time will provide a forum for 492 students to share experiences, to draw relationships between concepts/principles and field practice, to develop job skills, for troubleshooting, problem-solving, etc. Students are expected to demonstrate professionalism by attending, being on time and participating. Instructors should be notified by email if a situation arises that makes on time attendance not possible.

Participation Grading

2. Supervisor Evaluation and Attendance at Work Site

The Supervisor Evaluation is a major component of a student's grade. It is important to be where you are supposed to be and to be in constant communication with the supervisor. Students should plan regular conferences with the field site supervisor in order to evaluate progress and to enhance the quality of the field practice experience. For these conferences, the student will prepare the agenda. Informal consultation may supplement, but does not take the place of, the scheduled conferences.

Learning Plan - 1 page

Develop your own field practice learning plan for the semester, using the format shown on the attached file. Together with your field supervisor, define your goals and objectives, activities and set a schedule. Discuss the proposed learning plan with your supervisor and field practice coordinator and get approval to ensure that the learning plan is both feasible and realistic. The learning plan can reflect program, personal, and career development objectives, as well as technical and professional ones. Ask yourself what new skills, capabilities, habits, etc. you wish to develop during this semester.

Stating objectives enables you to translate your plan into action. They should be clearly stated and measurable. Your learning plan will function as a tool, permitting you to focus on what you want to accomplish and learn, to determine whether you have reached your objectives, and to assess your level of accomplishment.

Before uploading your Learning Plan, check in Print Preview to make sure that all columns fit within one landscape page, and the Plan looks professional.

Learning Plan Grading, Learning Plan Example

Gantt Chart - 1 page

The Gantt Chart translates your learning plan into a time line. This is a tool to assist you to stay on track to accomplish your planned activities. Look at it often.

Before uploading your Gantt Chart, check in Print Preview to make sure that all columns fit within one landscape page, and the Plan looks professional.

Gantt Chart Grading, Gantt Chart Example

Journals - 6 journals of 1 page each and one Journal Editing Chart

Students are to write a journal reviewing and analyzing their activities every two weeks (one week is equivalent to approximately 8 hours of internship, therefore at least 6 journals are required). All hours must be documented. Journals must be submitted in your Laulima drop box within two weeks of completing the specified hours. The file name must be your last name and the journal number (eg. Smith #8). Journals will be read, commented upon, and returned to the student’s drop box. These journals will facilitate preparation of the final report, and be useful in monitoring and evaluating progress throughout the semester.

Layout: Journals are to be one type-written page (11 point Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing, 1 inch margins). The heading (in top margin) of each summary must include your name, and specify the dates and hours covered. Journals are to be submitted as Word documents.

Journal Editing Chart: The student will be responsible for keeping a chart addressing wording highlighted by the instructor(s) and showing improved wording. The chart will have two columns: Original Wording and Improved Wording. The purpose of the chart is to help the student proofread and edit their own writing. 

Journal Grading, ANSC Journal Example, FSHN Journal Example, Editing Chart Example

6. Resume 1-2 pages

The resume advertises your skills and abilities to potential employers. The resume should be as short as possible (one or two pages) and focus on the highlights of the qualifications rather than providing a lot of detail. In order to preserve formatting, the resume should be submitted as a pdf file (check the file to make sure it looks professional). Guidance on resumes and interviewing skills is among the many services available from Career Services. Contact Melanie Takahashi at to register with Career Services.

Resume Grading, Functional Resume Example, Chronological Resume Example

Oral Presentation Describing Experience

The purpose of an oral report is to provide the student with an opportunity to practice oral skills, including the abilities to concisely and accurately summarize a project report and to effectively and clearly communicate to the audience.

Prepare and present a short report on your field practice, using your best communication skills and appropriate media. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions on your presentation. See the attached file for details. The draft oral report is the PowerPoint for the presentation.

Oral Presentation Grading

Field Report 10-16 pages

This is an in-depth analysis of the field experience, which describes not just what happened, but considers why, and which includes examples. The report should be long enough to clearly describe and analyze the field experience, but should avoid wordiness, repetition and fluff. Excellent past field reports have ranged from 12 to 36 pages. The report should be carefully prepared, well written and well organized and use correct English. The report must be typewritten, double-spaced and should describe the items listed in the guide.

Field Report Grading

9. Materials for Final Evaluation

At the end of the semester the drop box should contain all materials, including journals, completed learning plan, completed Gantt chart, resume, field report, supervisor evaluation, self-evaluation and any other materials produced as part of the field experience. Include both draft and final versions.

Last updated: June 24, 2019