Field Report Grading

A (90-100) B (80-89) C-F (0-79)
Breadth Covers the seven elements listed in the field report guide, with clear and comprehensive descriptions and illustrative examples. Covers the seven elements listed in the field report guide. Covers most of the seven elements listed in the field report guide.
Depth Ideas and evaluations are well-developed and fairly sophisticated. Ideas and evaluations are reasonably developed. Ideas and evaluations are partially developed.
Clarity Ideas and descriptions are clear and comprehensible, requiring no interpretation on the part of the reader. Ideas and descriptions are developed and generally clear and comprehensible, requiring minimal interpretation on the part of the reader. Ideas and descriptions are comprehensible but partially developed and somewhat confused, requiring interpretation on the part of the reader.
Style Style is formal and appropriate for a technical report, content is well organized, and grammar and spelling are correct. Style is generally appropriate for a technical report, content is well organized, and grammar and spelling are generally correct. Style is organized as a technical report, but contains some informal writing and some common grammatical and spelling errors.