Oral Presentation Grading


A (90-100)

B (80-89)

C-F (0-79)

Content and Organization 40%

Includes the five required content elements in a balanced manner with a focus on a selected project/ objective.

Includes all 5 elements but lacks balance and/or focus.

Missing one of the required elements.

Visuals 10%

Are easily viewed; free of spelling or grammatical errors; not distracting; reinforce the main points

Some elements of visuals are hard to read or distracting.

Visuals do not reinforce the main points.

Delivery 40%

Maintains eye contact; speaks to the entire audience; uses meaningful gestures; uses notes sparingly; does not read from notes or from slides; uses standard grammar; speaks clearly

Maintains some eye contact; speaks to part of the audience; uses reasonable gestures; uses notes often; occasionally reads from notes or from slides; uses standard grammar; speaks clearly but hesitantly

Fails to maintain contact with the audience; reads from notes or slides; has distracting gestures; is difficult to understand

Time 10%

+ 30 seconds

+ 1 minute

+ over 1 minute