Lecture Notes on Web Publishing
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1. Media for Web Publishing

There are a variety of media for online publication on the Web.

Example 1.1:
As an example of Web publishing, refer to Rapidly Deployable Connectivity (RDC).

2. How to Use Multimedia in Web Publishing

How to Embed Local/External Images and Videos on a Web page

More References:
  1. Harvard Web Publishing
  2. YouTube Playlist Sharing
  3. YouTube 101: Creating Playlists
  4. The Complete Guide To YouTube Playlists | SocialTimes

Embed Other Multimedia Contents into Web Pages

Example 2.1:
As an example of Web pages containing multimedia contents, refer to Autonomous Robots and Vehicles that are slides of a one-hour talk for an introductory course ICS 101 offered to non-CS major students at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

3. Copyright and Fair Use

This section addresses copyright and fair use in U.S.A. because copyright laws vary country by country.
Although copyright laws in U.S.A. and EU are similar, there are major differences with copyright laws in Japan, especially, regarding interpretations of fair use.

When you link your Web pages to information in a website of a third party, you must be careful regarding copyright infringement.

  1. No Copyright Infringement:

  2. Copyright Infringement:

  3. Some Contraversies on Copyright Infringement:

4. Exercises

  1. Create a Web page that a few YouTube videos are embedded by using URL parameters (e.g., autoplay and start) provided by YouTube.

  2. Create a Web page that announces a new model of a rice cooker.
    Then, figure it out how to increase the number of accesses to the Web page.

  3. Create a Web page including your academic portfolio.

    In recent years, academic portfolios have become a popular means for students to publicize their academic achievements,
    especially, for job hunting and applications to admissions or scholarships.

  4. Assuming that Apache is your HTTP server, find a way to set a password protection up on a particular Web pages.

  5. Look at CSS style tags in HTML files of my slides for Lecture L1 on Principles of Technical Communication.
    Customize the style properties in the CSS style tags for creating a Web page of your academic portfolio.