Lecture Notes on Verbal Communication (Part 1 of 2)
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1. Situations in Verbal Communication

There are various situations in verbal communication for scientists and engineers.

2. Guidelines and Tips for Verbal Communication

Many of guidelines and tips on technical writing are applicable to verbal communication for exchanging technical information as well.
For example:

In addition to those, there are guidelines and tips specific to verbal communication.
For example:

3. Job Interviews

The following are tips useful for those who seek jobs in English-speaking countries,
although some of the tips are also informative in case of job applications to foreign-affiliated firms in Japan.

4. Exercises

  1. Assume that you have a job interview with the Hi-Tech company that you chose for Assignment 2.
    Have practice of verbal communication in the situation.

  2. Listen the TedTalk "How a driverless sees the road - Chris Urmson" posted at YouTube
    and then come up with at least one question for each of the following types.
    1. Yes-No Question
    2. 5W1H Question
    3. Question Asking the Speaker's Opinion

  3. Assume that you are asked common job interview questions given in the section on Job Interviews above.
    Have practice of answering the common questions in the job interview with your group members.

  4. Look at slides for my talk on autonomous robots and vehicles.
    Then, answer the following questions.

    1. Which field is NOT directly related to robotics?
      (A) Computer Science     (B) Mechanical Engineering     (C) Cognitive Science     (D) Civil Engineering     (E) Electrical Enginnering
    2. Which is NOT a major component of a robot?
      (A) Sensor     (B) Heater     (C) Manipulator     (D) Controller     (E) Actuator
    3. Which is a popular service robot for housework?
      (A) Roomba     (B) Cha-Cha-Cha     (C) Samba     (D) Waltz     (E) Twist
    4. Which is the first biped humanoid developed by Honda?
      (A) Aibo     (B) Evolta     (C) Atlas     (D) Asimo     (E) Rabi
    5. Which feature does NOT the autonomy of a robot provide?
      (A) Self-Control     (B) Awareness of an External Environment     (C) High Energy Efficiency     (D) Collaboration     (E) Adaptive Behavior
    6. What is the name of a radiosurgery robot?
      (A) Radiosurgeon     (B) CRISPR     (C) Cyberknife     (D) Da Vinci     (E) IPF
    7. What is the name of a robotic surgical system that can be teleoperated?
      (A) EVIS EXERA     (B) CRISPR     (C) Cyberknife     (D) Da Vinci     (E) PCI
    8. Where did the term "drone" for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) come from?
      (A) Karel Čapek's Play "R.U.R."     (B) Czechoslovak Flim "The Millennial Bee"     (C) The Secret Life of Bees     (D) Queen Bee of the Royal Navy     (E) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle "Argus" of Germany during World War II
    9. What is NOT a major advantage of self-driving cars?
      (A) No Blind Spots around a Car     (B) Better Fuel Efficiency Than Human Drivers     (C) Not Distracted While Driving     (D) Faster Reaction Time Than Human Drivers     (E) Not Get Tired While Driving

  5. Assume that you want to make an appointment with a manager of Human Resources Department of the Hi-Tech company that you chose for Assignment 2.
    Have practice of a phone call for making the appointment with your group members.