Experimental Design and Data Analysis Workshop
Scot Nelson
Jim Silva
Halina Zaleski
Materials Developed By:
Jim Silva
James Brewbaker
Halina Zaleski
Scot Nelson
a. Scientific Method, Steps in Conducting a Research Experiment
a. Distributions
b. Descriptive statistics
c. T-test and confidence limits
a. Basic Experimental Designs
2. Completely randomized design
4. Randomized complete block design
5. Blocking
6. Latin square
7. Exercise
b. Hypothesis Testing
1. Defining the question
2. Defining the objective(s)
3. Choosing a treatment design, Factorials
1. Number of samples
a. Data collection, entry and management
b. Avoiding bias, double-blind studies
c. Checking for normality, scatter plots, outliers
a. F test, F Table, F Calculator
d. Replication
e. Correlation
g. Linear regression example: Part 1, Part 2
a. Mean + standard error
b. Mean comparisons
c. Charts and graphs
Learning Outcomes
Able to list the steps in conducting an experiment
Able to sketch a normal distribution
Able to calculate descriptive statistics
Able to perform t-tests and calculate confidence limits
Able to correctly use basic statistical terminology
Able to correctly select/identify an experimental unit
Able to design and install a CRD
Able to design and install an RCBD
Aware of other designs (LS, SP)
Able to formulate an hypothesis
Able to design treatments to test:
- discrete variables (eg varieties)
- dose response
- factorials and interactions
Able to calculate the number of replicates needed
Able to select and follow a sampling design
Able to determine number of samples needed
Installing experiments
Able to install an experiment in the field
Able to install an experiment in animal pens
Aware of bias and ways to limit it
Able to test data for normality and outliers
Able to prepare a data collection form (including environmental measurements)
Know how F test relates to t-test
Able to write out sources of variation and formula for degrees of freedom for CRD, RCBD and LS
Able to divide treatment SS into single degree of freedom comparisons
Able to use a multiple range test
Aware of assumptions in ANOVA and regression
Know difference between correlation and regression
Able to check for normality of data
Able to assign superscripts to means
Able to present data means, SEs and tests of significance in tables and graphs