Should you require additional information regarding any of the publications, we invite you to submit an inquiry using the form.
1. Du, Z., Bhat, W., Kai, G., Yu, X., Zienkiewicz, A., Zienkiewicz, K. 2023. Metabolic engineering of valuable compounds in photosynthetic organisms. Frontiers Media SA. 2023.
2. Du, Z., Hoffmann-Benning, S., Zienkiewicz, A., Zienkiewicz, K., Wang, S., Yin, L. Lipid Metabolism in Development and Environmental Stress Tolerance for Engineering Agronomic Traits. Frontiers Media SA. 2021.
Book Chapters
3. Zhu, S., Bonito, G., Chen, Y., and Du, Z.* 2020. Oleaginous Fungi in Biorefineries. In “Reference Module in Life Sciences” (ISBN 9780128096338), DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819990-9.00004-4.
4. Du, Z., and Benning, C. 2016. Triacylglycerol accumulation in photosynthetic cells in plants and algae. In “Lipids in plant and algae development” (ISBN 9783319259796), edited by Nakamura, Y. and Li-Beisson Y. Springer. 179-205.
Book Reviews
1. Du, Z. Handbook of Algal Science, Technology and Medicine. Edited by Ozcan Konur. Academic Press. Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and New York: Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-818305-2. 2020.
Selected Journal Publications
2. Du, Z.*, Bhat, W., Poliner, E., Johnson, S., Bertucci, C., Farre, E., Hamberger., B. 2023. Engineering Nannochloropsis oceanica for the scalable production of diterpenoid compounds. Mlife, accepted.
3. Li, Y., Yang, Y., Li, P., Sheng, M., Li, L., Ma, X., Du, Z., Tang, K., Hao, X., Kai., G. 2023. AaABI5 transcription factor mediates light and abscisic acid signaling to promote anti-malarial drug artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 253: 127345.
4. Du, Z.*, Bhat, W., Kai, G., Yu, X., Zienkiewicz, A., Zienkiewicz, K. 2023. Metabolic engineering of valuable compounds in photosynthetic organisms. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1260454
5. Shitanaka, T., Higa, L., Bryson, A., Bertucci, C., Vande Pol, N., Lucker, B., Khanal, S. Bonito, G., Du, Z.* 2023. Flocculation of oleaginous green algae with Mortierella alpina fungi. Bioresource Technology, 129391.
6. Du, Z.*, Qu, Y., Liu, Z., Gaid, M. 2023. Advances in metabolism and chemodiversity-focus-plant enzymes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1227424.
7. Rennick, B., Benucci, G., Du, Z., Healy, R., Bonito, G. 2023. Tuber rugosum, a new species from northeastern North America: Slug mycophagy aides in electron microscopy of ascospores. Mycologia,
8. Zhu, S., Higa, L., Barela, A., Lee, C., Chen, Y., Du, Z.* 2023. Microalgal consortia for waste treatment and valuable bioproducts. Energies 16: 884.
9. Du, Z.*, Hoffmann-Benning, S., Zienkiewicz, A., Zienkiewicz, K., Wang, S., Yin, L. 2021. Editorial: Lipid Metabolism in Development and Environmental Stress Tolerance for Engineering Agronomic Traits. Frontiers in Plant Science, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.739786.
10. Shi, M., Du, Z., Hua, Q., and Kai, G. 2021. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis of bZIP2 in Salvia miltiorrhiza leads to promoted phenolic acid biosynthesis. Industrial Crops and Products 164: 113560.
11. Zhou, W., Li, S., Maoz, I., Wang, Q., Xu, M., Feng, Y., Hao, X., Du, Z.*, and Kai G. 2021. SmJRB1 positively regulates the accumulation of phenolic acid in Salvia miltiorrhiza. Industrial Crops and Products 164: 113417.
12. Guo, Z., Pogancev, G., Meng, W., Du, Z., Liao, P., Zhang, R., Chye, M. 2020. The overexpression of rice ACYL-COA-BINDING PROTEIN4 improves salinity tolerance in transgenic rice. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 104349.
13. Meng, W., Xu, L., Du, Z., Wang, F., Zhang, R., Song, X., Lam, S., Shui, G., Li, Y., and Chye, M. 2020. RICE ACYL-COA-BINDING PROTEIN6 affects acyl-CoA homeostasis and growth in rice. Rice, 13: 75.
14. Aznar-Moreno, J., Venegas-Calerón, M., Du, Z., Garcés, R., Tanner, J., and Chye, M., Martínez-Force, E., Salas, J. 2020. Characterization and function of a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Class II acyl-CoA-binding protein. Plant Science, 300: 110630.
15. Liber, J., Bryson, A., Bonito, G., and Du, Z.* 2020. Harvesting Microalgae for Food and Energy Products. Small Methods, 2000349.
16. Zienkiewicz, A., Zienkiewicz, K., Poliner, E., Pulman, J., Du, Z., et al. 2020. The microalga Nannochloropsis during transition from quiescence to autotrophy in response to nitrogen availability. Plant Physiology, 182:819-839.
17. Du, Z., Zienkiewicz, K., Vande Pol, N., Ostrom, N., Benning, C., and Bonito, C. Algal-fungal symbiosis leads to a photosynthetic mycelium. eLife, 2019;8:e47815.
18. O’Donnell, D., Du, Z., Litchman, E. 2019. Experimental evolution of phytoplankton fatty acid thermal reaction norms. Evolutionary Applications,
19. Du, Z., Alvaro, J., Hyden, B., Zienkiewicz, K., Benning, N., Zienkiewicz, A., Bonito, C., and Benning, C. 2018. Enhancing oil production and harvest by combining the marine alga Nannochloropsis oceanica and the oleaginous fungus Mortierella elongata. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 11: 174.
20. Poliner, E., Takeuchi, T., Du, Z., Benning, C., Farré, E. 2018. Non-transgenic marker-free gene disruption by an episomal CRISPR system in the oleaginous microalga, Nannochloropsis oceanica CCMP1779. ACS Synthetic Biology, 7: 962-968.
21. Du, Z., Lucker, B., Zienkiewicz, K., Millera, T., Zienkiewicz, A., Sears, B., Kramer, D., and Benning, C. 2018. Galactoglycerolipid Lipase PGD1 Is Involved in Thylakoid Membrane Remodeling in Response to Adverse Environmental Conditions in Chlamydomonas. The Plant Cell, 30: 447-465.
22. Zienkiewicz, K., Zienkiewicz, A., Poliner, E., Du, Z., Vollheyde, K., Herrfurth, C., Marmon, S., Farré, E., Feussner, I., and Benning, C. 2017. Nannochloropsis, a rich source of diacylglycerol acyltransferases for engineering of triacylglycerol content in different hosts. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 10: 8.
23. Uehling, J., Gryganskyi, A., Hameed, K., Tschaplinski, T., Misztal, P., Wu, S., Desirò, A., Vande Pol, N., Du, Z. et al. 2017. Comparative genomics of Mortierella elongata and its bacterial endosymbiont Mycoavidus cysteinexigens. Environmental Microbiology, 19: 2964-2983.
24. Zienkiewicz, K., Du, Z., Ma W., and Benning, C. 2016. Neutral lipid biosynthesis in microalgae – molecular, cellular and physiological insight. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1816: 1269-1281.
25. Du, Z., Arias, T., Meng, W., and Chye, M. 2016. Plant acyl-CoA-binding proteins: An emerging family involved in plant development and stress responses. Progress in Lipid Research, 63: 165-181.
26. Du, Z., Chen, M., Chen, Q., Gu, J., and Chye, M. 2015. Expression of Arabidopsis acyl-CoA-binding proteins AtACBP1 and AtACBP4 confers Pb(II) accumulation in Brassica juncea roots. Plant, Cell & Environment, 38: 101-117.
27. Du, Z., Chen, M., Chen, Q., Xiao, S., and Chye, M. 2013a. Arabidopsis Acyl-CoA-Binding Protein ACBP1 participates in the regulation of seed germination and seedling development. The Plant Journal, 74: 294-309.
28. Du, Z., Chen, M., Chen, Q., Xiao, S., and Chye, M. 2013b. Overexpression of Arabidopsis Acyl-CoA-Binding Protein ACBP2 enhances drought tolerance. Plant, Cell & Environment, 36: 300-314.
29. Du, Z., and Chye, M. 2013c. Interactions between Arabidopsis acyl-CoA-binding proteins and protein partners. Planta, 238: 239-245.
30. Du, Z., Xiao, S., Chen, Q., and Chye, M. 2010a. Arabidopsis acyl-CoA-binding proteins ACBP1 and ACBP2 show different roles in freezing stress. Plant Signaling & Behaviour, 5: 607-609.
31. Du, Z., Xiao, S., Chen, Q., and Chye, M. 2010b. Depletion of the membrane-associated acyl-CoA-binding protein ACBP1 confers freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 152: 1585-1597.
32. Du, Z., and Wang, Y. 2008. Significance of RT-PCR expression patterns of CYC-like genes in Oreocharis benthamii (Gesneriaceae). J. Syst. Evol. 46: 23-31.
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