ICS 311 Spring 2025
This is an index of web pages for ICS 311 Algorithms, taught in Spring 2025 by Kyle Berney. Generally the course is run within Laulima. Notes and other material are posted on this site and on YouTube.
There are three total sections of the class, the other two sections are taught by Nodari Sitchinava. The class is held in POST 318A.
For a detailed schedule, including reading assignments see the Schedule page.
Topic numbers are not in sequence due to changes to the curriculum since 2014.
Week 2
01/21 - #2 - Proving Correctness, Analyzing Algorithms
01/23 - #7 - Divide & Conquer, Analysis of Recurrences
Week 4
02/04 - #8 - Binary Search Trees
02/05 - Drop date (without W)
02/06 - #11 - Balanced Trees (2-3-4 and Red-Black)
Week 7
02/25 - #10B - Theoretical Limits, and O(n) Sorts
02/27 - #12A Backtracking (Recursive algorithms review)
Week 10
03/25 - #14A - Graph Representations, BFS, DFS
03/27 - #14B - Topological Sort, Strongly Connected Components
03/28 - Drop date (with W)
Week 11
04/01 - #16 & #17 - Disjoint Sets, Union-Find, Minimum Spanning Trees
04/03 - #18 - Single-Source Shortest Paths
Problem Sets
The problems sets will be released here at least a week before they are due. They are due in POST 317 on the corresponding day. No late submissions will be accepted.
Problem Set #1 (Topics 1, 3, & 4) due Friday January 17th at 4pm
Problem Set #2 (Topic 2) due Friday January 24th at 4pm
Problem Set #3 (Topics 7 & 9) due Friday January 31st at 4pm
Problem Set #4 (Topics 8 & 11) due Friday February 7th at 4pm
Problem Set #5 (Topics 5A & 5B) due Friday February 14th at 4pm
Problem Set #6 (Topic 6) due Friday February 21st at 4pm
Problem Set #7 (Topics 10A & 10B) due Friday February 28th at 4pm
Problem Set #8 (Topic 12A) due Friday March 7th at 4pm
Problem Set #9 (Topics 12B & 13) due Friday March 14th at 4pm
Problem Set #10 (Topic 14A) due Friday March 28th at 4pm
Problem Set #11 (Topics 14B, 16 & 17) due Friday April 4th at 4pm
Problem Set #12 (Topics 18 & 19) due Friday April 11th at 4pm
Problem Set #13 (Topic 20) due Friday April 25th at 4pm
Problem Set #14 (Topics 24 & 25) due Friday May 2nd at 4pm
Exam Dates
03/04: Midterm 1 - Topics 1-11 in class
04/17: Midterm 2 - Topics 12-14, 16-19 in class
Final Exam: Cumulative on all topics (1-14, 16-20, 22, 24, & 25)