Animated bullfrog             So What's the Problem
          With Frogs and Toads in Hawai'i?



Cane Toad

Caribbean Frog

Poison-Dart Frog

Wrinkled Frog

 We have come to love Kermit the Frog on  "Sesame Street" and Arnold Lobel's "Frog and Toad are Friends."The world's leading conserva- tionists have joined together to declare 2008 (a leap year) as "The Year of the Frog" to call attention to the fact that up to a third of the amphibian species could be extin- guished because of habitat loss, disease, and climate change. We should all lament the demise of the frog and toad. But the story in Hawai'i is different and complicated. Hawai'i has no native land amphibian so all frogs and
toads are in performing pest control services, too many in
the wrong place, can wreak worse havoc.

This website is devoted to telling the story of Hawai'i's frogs and toads-- where they came from, how they came to Hawai'i, what problems they encountered and caused, and the controversy they generated.  As many as 16 different species of frogs and toads have been found in Hawai'i. Many were released as pets, some introduced  purposefully for insect control. Most did not establish themselves in Hawai'i. We will discuss 5 of them that have become well entrenched in Hawai'i.
frog zapping a bug

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e-mail. Date created April 09, 2008.  Updated  May 07, 2008.