2007 Heart Walk

For many years, I've volunteered with other amateur radio operators to provide radio communications at the American Heart Association's Heart Walk. This year, I was stationed at a water station located at one of the Diamond Head lookouts, near the lighthouse.

These images are from the 5 pm KGMB newscast for Sunday, August 4, 2007. In the top image, I am at the far right edge, wearing an orange safety vest. My vehicle is shown in the lower image, parked to the right. Because the lookout is located below the high side of the rim of the crater, opposite from the radio repeater station, I need either a directed radio signal (using a directional antenna, like I used during the Honolulu Marathon), or a higher-powered radio signal, in order to communicate with any reliability. On this day, I used a higher-powered radio temporarily set up in my vehicle to maintain reliable contact.

[TV image of me in safety vest at water station]

[TV image of my vehicle at water station]

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Rev. Sept. 7, 2007