Drawing of Suillus ectomycorrhizha, spores; soil nematode, fungus, bacteria, protists; plant grass rhizosphere network

DNA databases

UNITE database for fungal ITS
Greengenes database for bacteria & archaea 16S
SILVA database for 16S/18S
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (MaarjAM) database

Organismal life history (guild) and trait databases

FUNGuild database for fungal trophic functional traits
NEMAGuild database for nematode trophic functional traits
Hawaiʻi Plant Host & Pathogen database
Australian Quarantined plant pests & Diseases (Q-Bank)
DEEMY database for mycorrhizal fungal traits
FungalTraits a rich database for fungal traits
funfun database for fungal traits
TRY for plant traits
NodDB database for plants with root‐symbiotic nitrogen fixation
Global Biotraits database for lots of organisms


Checklist of Fungi and Slime Molds of Hawaiʻi v1.0
Checklist of Arthropods of O'ahu
Checklist of Legumes of Hawaiʻi
Checklist of Vascular Plants of Hawaii (Bishop Museum)

Systematics Databases

Index Fungorum
Plant of the World
Index to Organism names (ION)
GenBank Taxonomy

Abiotic & Environmental Databases

Global Climate Data (Worldclim)
World Soil Information (ISRIC)
FAO Soils Portal
Vector and raster map data