All rights reserved by Marek Kirs
The Microbiological Water Quality of Oahu Beaches. PI: Kirs M. 2021-2024 Funded by HI Department of Health
Microbial Water Quality Indicators and Associated Health Risk in Hawaii’s Recreational Waters. PI: Kirs M. Funded by HI Department
of Health
Laying Groundwork for Water Security. PI on a subproject: Groundwater microbes as indicators of bioremediation efforts and
ecosystem recovery PI: Kirs M. Funded by Office of Naval Research.
The Biological and Sediment Study on Marine Communities Near the City's Ocean Sewer Outfalls (014848-00001). PI: Kirs, M. 2022-
2027 funded by City and County of Honolulu
Microbial water quality indicators and human pathogens in kitchen sink wastewater. Funded by City and County of Honolulu PI:
Kirs, M.
AS WRIP project: Animal reservoirs of pathogenic Leptospira in American Samoa. PI: Kirs. M. Funded by the United States Geological
HI WRIP project: Harnessing Bacteria-Microalgae Interactions for Enhanced Onsite Wastewater Treatment PI: Wang, Z., CO-PI: Kirs.
M. Funded by the United States Geological Survey
Recently completed projects
Fecal Indicators and Their Associated Health Risk in American Samoa’s Watersheds
PI: Kirs, M.
Funded by: WRIP/USGS
Understanding the impact of nutrient loading on the ecology of Staphylococcus aureus
in Hawaii beach sand.
PI: Kirs, M., Yan, T.
Funded by: WRIP/USGS
Fecal Indicators and Associated Health Risk in Hawaii’s Recreational Waters: A Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Study
PI: Kirs, M.
Funded by: HDOH
The Microbiological Water Quality of Oahu Beaches
PI: Kirs, M.
Funded by: HDOH
Biological and Sediment Monitoring Program on Specific Marine Communities Near the City's Ocean Sewer Outfalls
PI: Kirs, M.
Funded by: CCH
Evaluation of pepper mild mottle viruses as a sewage marker in Hawaii
PI: Kirs, M.
Funded by: WRIP/USGS
Microbiological Water Quality of Ko Olina Lagoons (Report)
PI: Kirs, M.
Funded by: HDOH
Rapid Response: Application of a qPCR based test for enterococci as a rapid beach management tool in Hawaii.
PI: Kirs, M., Co-PIs: Noble, R.T., Moravcik, P.S.
Funded by: Sea Grant/NOAA
Microbial communities and sources of bacteria in Honolulu’s drinking water supply.
PI: Kirs, M.; Co-PIs: Nelson, C.E. Moravcik, P.S.
Funded by: WRIP/USGS
Assessing recharge mechanisms of groundwater under the influence of surface water with isotopic and microbiological tracers,
Tutuila, American Samoa.
PI: Kirs, M. Co-PI: Glenn, C.R.
Funded by: WRIP/USGS
High-energy low-chemical wastewater treatment systems for production of energy and reuse water.
PI: Cooney, Michael J., Co-PIs: Babcock, R., Kirs, M.,
Funded by: WRIP/USGS
Biological and Sediment Monitoring Program on Specific Marine Communities Near the City's Ocean Sewer Outfalls
PI: Kirs, M., Moravcik, P.S.
Funded by: CCH
Evaluation of rapid QPCR method for enterococci with correlative assessment for molecular markers for sewage contamination in
selected environmental water samples from Hawaii.
PI: Kirs, M.
Funded by: WRIP/USGS
Application of Portable Multi-use Automated Concentration System (PMACS) for detection and quantification of indicator bacteria,
microbial source tracking markers and human pathogens in Hawaii.
PI: Kirs, M., Co-PIs: Moravcik, P. and Fujioka, R.
Funded by: WRIP/USGS; HI DOH
Rainwater harvesting in American Samoa: Current practices and health risks
PI: Kirs, M., Co-PIs: Moravcik, P.
Funded by: WRIP/USGS
Characterization of microbial communities from wastewater plants and selected beaches of Hawaii.
PI: Kirs & Kisand
Funded by: WRIP/USGS
Sustainable Landscape for Highways: Evaluation of recycled and waste materials as soil
PI: Ray, Co-PI: Kirs
Funded by DLNR
Development of an enhanced groundwater vulnerability tool in Hawaii
for pharmaceuticals
PI: Ray, Co:PI Kirs,
Funded by HI DOH
Kirs Lab