CEE 696-003: Deep Learning in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth ScienceFall Semester 2021
InstructorEmail: jonghyun dot harry dot lee at hawaii dot edu LecturesM W 9:00-10:15 AM with a Zoom meeting Lecture Slides/Notes/ScriptsYou can find all lecture slides, notes, and scripts in ‘‘Lectures’’ section on the left panel. PrerequisitePython Programming Announcements[12/13] Final student presentation 7:30 - 9:30 AM using the class zoom link [11/10] Midterm #2 due 11/17 9:00 AM [10/04] Midterm #1 due 10/6 9:00 AM [09/22] 2021 WRRC seminar talk slides [09/15] HW2 due 9/22 9:00 AM [08/30] HW1 due 9/8 9:00 AM [08/23] HW0 due 8/25 9:00 AM [08/20] Google Calendar/Slack Channel invitations with Zoom link sent to students. If you just registered for the course or haven't received it, please contact Instructor. |