University of Hawaii, Hilo:
Chair, Search Committee, Assistant Professor of
Communication-DL Specialist, Department of Communication. Fall 2005-Spring 2006.
Chair, Search Committee, Assistant Professor of
Communication-Electronic Media, Department of Communication, Fall 2004
Search Committee Member, Assistant
Professor of Communication-Intercultural Communication, Fall 2003-Spring 2004.
Diversity Committee, Spring 2003
UHH Self-Study Assessment Committee, Fall 2000-Spring 2002.
Educational Program Committee, Fall 2000-Spring, 2001. Met weekly to develop a plan for assessing General Education.
General Education Assessment Team, Fall 2000. Met weekly to develop a draft of the history of GE at UHH.
Survey Subcommittee, Assisted in developing and analyzing survey that
evaluated current assessment practices and needs, Fall 2000.
Service Learning Advisory Board Member, Spring 2001-present.
Women’s Studies Steering Committee, Fall 2000-present.
Faculty Senate Admissions Committee, Fall 2000-Spring 2001.
Chair, Graduation Speaker Selection Committee, Fall 2001.
Graduation Speaker Selection Committee, 1998-2000.
University of Hawaii Scholarship Committee, Fall 1999-Spring 2000.
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Advisor, Diversity Project. Diversity Week Planning Committee. Fall 2002-Spring 2003.
Coordinator, UHH Diversity Symposium. Summer 2002-Fall 2002.
Speaker, “Service Learning Partnerships.” Service Learning
Conference. University of Hawaii, Hilo. July 16, 2002.
Participant, “Wisdom Circles.” UHH Teaching Effectiveness Workshop. November 30, 2001.
Panelist, “What do Faculty Expect of You?” Workshop for
Students. Sponsored by University of Hawaii Office of Student Affairs.
September 12, 2001.
Participant, “Pacific Rim Conference on Higher Education Planning
and Assessment.” University of Hawaii, Hilo. June 3-7, 2000.
Participant, Program Review Workshop. University of Hawaii, Hilo. November 30, 2000.
Participant, Writing Intensive Course Assessment. Assessment of writing intensive courses. November, 2000.
Participant, Outcomes Assessment Workshop. University of Hawaii, Hilo. December 8, 2000.
Faculty Representative, “Explore your future at UHH.” Community open house. November 30, 2000
Representative, Career Fair. March 17, 2000. University of Hawaii, Hilo.
Attendee, Discrimination in Education Workshop. University of Hawaii, Hilo. March 15, 2000.
Master of Ceremony, Celebrating the Inauguration of Rose Y. Tseng.
Panelist, Orientation for new faculty members. September 17, 1999.
Presenter, “Women, technology and power.” Women’s Studies Colloquium. February 12, 1999.
Facilitator, November 15, 1998. Conflict Resolution Workshop. University of Hawaii, Hilo.
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Advisor, Lambda Pi Eta, National Communication Association Student Honor’s Society. Fall 2000-present.
Advisor, UHH summer advising sessions July 25 & 26, 2002.
Advisor, Average of thirty-four students per year.
Curriculum Design, Developed new courses in professional communication:
Organizational Communication, Leadership, Communication and Conflict,
Survey of Public Relations, Public Relations: Cases & Campaigns,
and Interviewing. Also Family Communication (cross listed with
Women’s Studies) and Non-Violent Communication.
Writing Intensive Courses: Leadership, Public Relations, Public
Relations: Cases and Campaigns, and Family Communication.
Guest Lecturer: Research Methods (Steve Miura: 2-sessions); Semantics
& Non Verbal Communication (Iva Goldman: 7-sessions). (1session=50
minutes of lecture).
Participant, “Communication Program Assessment.” National
Communication Association Annual Conference. Seattle. November, 2000.
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Referee, Competitive submissions to the Ethnography Division of the
National Communication Association for the annual conference in
Atlanta, Georgia. November, 2001.
Reviewer, Organizational Communication: Balancing Creativity and
Constraint, 3rd Edition. Eisenberg, E. & Goodall, H.L. Bedford/St.
Martins, 2001.
Reviewer, Communication in a Digital Age. Introductory communication text. Wadsworth. October, 2000.
Conference Co-Planner, Pacific and Asian Communication Association
Conference. Invited and introduced keynote speaker; helped to develop
conference theme. Fall 1999-Summer 2000.
Reviewer, for submissions for the Pacific and Asian Communication Association Conference. Fall 1999-Spring 2000.
Participant, Building Community: Service-Learning in the Communication
Discipline. National Communication Association pre-conference, Chicago.
November 3, 1999.
Reader, Senior Thesis, University without Walls Program, Skidmore University, Albany, New York. Fall 1998.
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Member, Healing Island Roundtable. Group comprised of health care,
hotel, and business executives working with community leaders and other
concerned citizens to improve the quality of life, healthcare, and
education on the island of Hawaii. Jan 2002-present.
Member, Healing Island Roundtable Subcommittee, Identity and Branding. January 2002-present.
Service Learning Advisor, Twenty service-learning projects initiated by
students in Survey of Public Relations (Com 494N). Fall 2002.
Speaker, Healing Island Expo. Kona, October 12, 2002.
Speaker, Big Island Healing Arts Expo. Waimea, May 19, 2002.
Speaker, Holomana O Hawaii. Networking Luncheon. January 30, 2002.
Service Learning Advisor, Public Relations Campaigns originated by
students for the UHH Athletic Department, Office of Student Affairs,
Lehua Jaycees, Tough Man Competition, Hawaii Network for Cultural
Preservation of Waipio Valley. Fall, 2001.
Facilitator, Town Meeting. Future of the big island planning meeting
attended by over two hundred community leaders, politicians, citizens,
and students. November 19, 2001.
University of Hawaii Speaker’s Bureau:
- International Long-shore Worker’s Union (ILWU). Conflict Management. October 25, 2002.
- Hawaii Island Senior’s Institute. September 20, 2001.
- Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Puna. April 1, 2001.
- International Long-shore Worker’s Union (ILWU). Hilo, February, 23, 2001.
- Hawaii Island Retired Teachers Association monthly meeting. Hilo. January 26, 2001.
Consultant, for Public Relations campaigns originated by
students in Public Relations for Hospice of Hilo and the Hilo Homeless
Shelter, Spring, 2000.
Guest, A Better World. Cable TV show aired in several parts of the U.S.
Its mission is to showcase speakers committed to human potential.
November, 1999.
Other Community Events:
- Aloha Festival, Fund Raiser for Puana Leo O Waimea. Waimea County Park. Waimea. September 23, 2000. 8 am - 5 pm.
- Waikii Music Festival, Fund Raiser for Puana Leo O Waimea. Waikii Ranch. June 19 & 20, 1999. 8 am - 5 pm.
- Aloha International’s Teacher and Healer Training
Seminar. Coconut Beach Resort, Kauai. July 10, 1999. 10 am - 11:30 am.
- Borders Bookstore. Hilo, August 5, 1999. 7 - 8:30 pm.
- World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education. Naniloa Hotel, Hilo. August 6, 1999. 11 am - 1pm.
- Aloha Festival, Fund Raiser for Puana Leo O Waimea. Waimea County Park. Waimea. September 18, 1999. 8 am - 5 pm.
- Chanting Competition and Ho’olalea. Aston West, Kona. September 26, 1999. 11 am - 4 pm.
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Department of Speech Communication, Radford University 1996-1998:
Graduate Admissions Committee, Corporate and Professional Communication Program.
Participant of the University Planning Retreat.
Recruitment of the Distance Education Program.
Member of the Honors Program Committee.
Advisor on four Graduate Thesis Committees.
Member of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review Course on Gender and Communication.
Consultant for the Oral Communication Program.
Speaker, April 22, 1996. "Women and Power." Marion, Virginia Rotary Club.
Book Reviewer, Multicultural Communication textbooks for Allyn & Bacon: Needham Heights, MA. 1995 - 1996.
Division of English, Classics and Philosophy, University of Texas at San Antonio 1993-1995:
Interdisciplinary Honors Papers Committee. Lower Division Curriculum Committee.
Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Communication in Research Methods.
Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Communication in Public Relations.
Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Mass Communication.
Library Liaison Committee.
Fundamental Communication Course Development Committee.
Chair, International Women's Week. Panel on women and communication.
Participant, Conference on Multiculturalism in the United States.
Speaker, November 17, 1993. University of Texas at Austin, Graduate
Department of Radio-TV-Film. "The communication among immigrant workers
in Japan."
Assistant Coordinator of Volunteers for the Speech Communication Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
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