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David Keanu Sai



Article "The Sweeping Effect of Hawaiian Sovereignty and the Necessity of Military Government to Curb the Chaos," Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics, vol. 6 (Fall 2024).

Article, “All States have a Responsibility to Protect its Population from War Crimes - Usurpation of Sovereignty During Military Occupation of the Hawaiian Islands,International Review of Contemporary Law, vol. 6(2) (June 2024).

Chapter, "Hawai‘i’s Sovereignty and Survival in the Age of Empire,” in David Motadel and Houchang-Esfandiar Chehabi (eds.), Unconquered States: Non-European Powers in the Imperial Age (2024).

Article "Synergy through Convergance: The Hawaiian State and Congregationalism," Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics, vol. 5 (Fall 2023).

Article "Backstory - Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (1999-2001)," Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics, vol. 4 (Spring 2022).

Article "Setting the Record Straight on Hawaiian Indigeneity," Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics, vol. 3 (Spring 2021).

Article "The Royal Commission of Inquiry," Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics, vol. 3 (Spring 2021).

Book (ed.) "Royal Commission of Inquiry: Investigating War Crimes and Human Rights Violations in the Hawaiian Kingdom," contributing authors: David Keanu Sai, Matthew Craven, William Schabas and Federico Lenzerini (2020).

Book Review for Paul D’Arcy’s “Transforming Hawai‘i: Balancing Coercion and Consent in Eighteenth-Century Kanaka Maoli Statecraft,” Journal of American History (December 2019).

Chapter with Thomas A. Woods and M. Puakea Nogelmeier "Charting a New Course for the Ship of State: Hawai'i Becomes a Constitutional Monarchy" in Thomas A. Woods (ed.), Kokua Aku, Kokua Mai: Chiefs, Missionaries, and Five Transformations of the Hawaiian Kingdom (2018).

Article "The Impact of the U.S. Occupation on the Hawaiian People" October 13, 2018 (National Education Association).

Article "The U.S. Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom" October 1, 2018 (National Education Association).

Article "The Illegal Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government" April 2, 2018 (National Education Association).

Article "The Ongoing Unjust War between the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America since 1893" May 19, 2017 (unpublished).

Brief "Illegal State of War between the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America since January 16, 1893" April 17, 2017 (unpublished).

Book Review for Tom Coffman's "Nation Within: The History of the American Occupation of Hawai‘i." Hawaiian Journal of History, Vol. 51 (2017).

Article "Hawaii and International Law: Obligations and Duties of States." October 24, 2015 (unpublished).

Article "Hawaiian Neutrality: From the Crimean Conflict Through the Spanish-American War" September 12, 2015 (unpublished). Paper presented at the University of Cambridge, UK, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, "Sovereignty and Imperialism: Non-European Powers in the Age of Empire" (September 10-12, 2015).

Brief " The Continuity of the Hawaiian State and the Legimitacy of the acting Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom" August 4, 2013 (unpublished).

Book "Ua Mau Ke Ea-Sovereignty Endures: An Overview of the Political and Legal History of the Hawaiian Islands." (Pu`a Foundation, Honolulu, 2011).

Article "1893 Cleveland-Lili`uokalani Executive Agreements." November 28, 2009 (unpublished).

  • "Lili`uokalani Assignment (administration of Hawaiian Kingdom law)," Presidential Message to Congress, December 18, 1893.
  • "Restoration Agreement (restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom government)," Appendix II, Foreign Relations: Affairs in Hawai`i, Presidential Message to Congress, January 13, 1894.

Article "Establishing an Acting Regency: A Countermeasure Necessitated to Preserve the Hawaiian State." November 28, 2009 (unpublished).

Article "The Myth of Ceded Lands and the State's Claim to Perfect Title." Ka Wai Ola o OHA Newspaper, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, April 2009.

Doctoral Dissertation "The American Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom: Beginning the Transition from Occupied to Restored State." University of Hawai`i at Manoa, Political Science, December 20, 2008 (to be published).

Article "A Slippery Path towards Hawaiian Indigeneity: An Analysis and Comparison between Hawaiian State Sovereignty and Hawaiian Indigeneity and its Use and Practice in Hawai`i Today," Journal of Law and Social Challenges (San Francisco School of Law), Vol. 10 (Fall 2008).

Book Review for Robert Stauffer's " Kahana: How the Land Was Lost.", The Contemporary Pacific: A Journal of Island Affairs, Vol. 15, No. 1 (2005).

Article "Experts Validate Legitimacy of International Law Case." Ka Wai Ola o OHA Newspaper, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, August 2004.

"American Occupation of the Hawaiian State: A Century Unchecked," Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics, vol. 1 (Summer 2004), Heinonline.

Article "Hawaiian Neutrality and the Iraqi Conflict," May 9, 2003 (unpublished).

Article "The Indian Commerce Clause sheds Light on Question of Federal Authority over Hawaiians," Ka Wai Ola o OHA Newspaper, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, September 2003.

Article "Before Annexation: Sleight of Hand-Illusion of the Century." Ka Wai Ola o OHA Newspaper, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, July 1998.

"Unpublished Short Essays" on line at http://hawaiiankingdom.org/info-nationals.shtml

  • "The Hawaiian Kingdom: A Constitutional Monarchy"
  • "The Relationship between the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States"
  • "Revisiting the Fake Revolution of January 17, 1893"
  • "What does TWA Flight 800 and the Hawaiian Kingdom have in Common"
  • "American Migration to the Hawaiian Kingdom and the Push for State into the American Union"
  • "Hawaiian Nationality: Who Comprises the Hawaiian Citizenry?"
  • "The Vision of the acting Council of Regency"