You will learn more about how Linux manages files. We will discuss how to control access to files and manage ownership of files.
Test your self with setting file permissions both ways. Try to answer these questions and then do it on a Linux system to see if your commands work.
Successfully be able to set file permissions and control access to files.
Practice these CLI (commandline interface) commands:
1) Write the command by using letters (symbolic) to set the following permissions: I. rwxrwxr-x : II. rwxr--r-- : III. r--r----- : IV. rwxr-xr-x : V. r-x--x--x : VI. -w-r----x : VII. -----xrwx : 2) Write the command by using octal numbers to set the following permissions: I. rwxrwxrwx : II. --x--x--x : III. r---w---x : IV. -w------- : V. rw-r----- : VI. rwx--x--x :
Answers can be found here.
1) Write the command line by using letters (symbolic) with chmod to set the following permissions: I. rwxrwxr-x : chmod ug=rwx,o=rx II. rwxr--r-- : chmod u=rwx,go=r III. r--r----- : chmod ug=r,o-rwx IV. rwxr-xr-x : chmod =rx,u+w V. r-x--x--x : chmod =x,u+r VI. -w-r----x : chmod u=w,g=r,o=x VII. -----xrwx : chmod u-rwx,g=x,o+rwx 2) Write the command line by using octal numbers with chmod to set the following permissions: I. rwxrwxrwx : chmod 777 II. --x--x--x : chmod 111 III. r---w---x : chmod 421 IV. -w------- : chmod 200 V. rw-r----- : chmod 640 VI. rwx--x--x : chmod 711
Original webpage by Petersen Gross, modified by William Albritton.