Module Two - Session 08: File System Types and Booting Linux

File System Types

What will I be learning?

You will learn about the different types of filesystems that are available for use on Linux. You will also learn how to enable quotas in Linux to keep users from overusing system storage.

After this section I should be able to...

Understand how the Linux file system hierarchy works.

What should I practice?

Booting Linux

What will I be learning?

We will learn how Linux starts up, how to change to different run levels and even shutdown the OS. We will also learn how we can view the startup messages and manipulate the way Linux boots.

After this section I should be able to...

Have a basic understanding of how grub works. You should also understand the different runlevels and why there are different ones.

What should I practice?

Original webpage by Petersen Gross, modified by William Albritton.