A You will learn about how to configure hardware and display the hardware of your Linux system. You will also learn about kernel modules and how to display, insert and remove them. We will also learn about a couple special filesystems in Linux, such as sysfs (The sysfs Filesystem) and procfs .
You should be able to configure new hardware that has been added to the system. This is important as Linux is not like Windows or OS X. The Linux kernel uses Kernel Modules (think of device drivers in Windows). These must be enabled and you might have to make sure they are enabled within the Kernel.
Why the "8" in lspci(8) and in other commands?
MANUAL SECTIONS The standard sections of the manual include: 1 User Commands 2 System Calls 3 C Library Functions 4 Devices and Special Files 5 File Formats and Conventions 6 Games et. al. 7 Miscellanea 8 System Administration tools and Daemons Distributions customize the manual section to their specifics, which often include additional sections.
Original webpage by Petersen Gross, modified by William Albritton.