Module One - Session 04: Maintaining your OS

What will I be learning?

Linux distributions have taken two different paths, the Red Hat or Debian way. Both ways have their differences, and you should learn how to use both. The reason you should learn both is that depending on where you find employment they might be a Red Hat company or they could be a Debian company. We will be learning about both RPMs (RPM Packet Management, yes this is a recursive name) and Debian Packages, so you will be comfortable using both.

After this chapter I should be able to...

You should be comfortable with installing, deleting and searching for Linux software to install using both RPMs and Debian Packages. You should also have an understand of what Libraries are in reference to Linux.

What should I practice?

Some of these videos cover multiple commands, so make sure to watch all of it.

Package Naming conventions

RPMs (RPM Packet Management)

Original webpage by Petersen Gross, modified by William Albritton.