Recycling Computers in Hawai‘i

  1. Places to Donate Working Computers
    1. Here are more details about computer recycling choices in Hawai‘i: Computer Recycling
  2. Places to Donate Broken Computers
    1. Pacific Commercial
    2. Pacific Environmental Corporation
    3. Philip Services
    4. Enviro Services
    5. Haztech
  3. Ink Cartridge Recycling
    1. Cartridge World
    2. Intrade Corp.
    3. Servco Supply
  4. Cell Phone Recycling
    1. See cell phones
  5. Recycling on Planet Earth
    1. Wondering where your old computers, monitors, and cell phones end up? What about all the hazardous material in your computer? See the very informative 2008 National Geographic article on High-Tech Trash
  6. References
    1. Grabowsky, Gail L. (2007) 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save Hawai‘i, Bess Press, Inc., Honolulu, HI, pages 38-39.

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