Sun-Ki Chai: Research Papers, Grants, and Related Work

Note: Work is sole-authored unless otherwise indicated; work in green are books.

Predicting Endogenous Cultural Change

"Endogenous Shifts Over Time in Patterns of Contributions in Public Goods Games" (Sun-Ki Chai, Dolgorsuren Dorj, and Ming Liu).

"Role-assignment Algorithm and Behavior in Computer-Mediated Experiments" (Sun-Ki Chai, Dolgorsuren Dorj, Kyle Hampton, and Ming Liu).

Endogenous Preference Change and Group Behavior In Experiments (Sun-Ki Chai, Dolgorsuren Dorj, and Ming Liu).

"The Coherence Model of Preference and Belief Change" in Huan Liu (ed.), Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction II (New York: Springer-Verlag, 2009), 67-75.

Choosing an Identity: A General Model of Preference and Belief Formation (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001). Praise for book and back cover summary and comments. Reviews in Contemporary Sociology and American Journal of Sociology. Front material and chapter 1 sample.

"Endogenous Ideology Formation and Economic Policy in Former Colonies", Economic Development and Cultural Change 46:2 (January 1998), 263-90.

General Cultural Frameworks and Prediction

"Grid/Group Cultural Theory and Behavior In Voluntary Contributions Public Goods and Bargaining Experiments" (Sun-Ki Chai Dolgorsuren Dorj, Kyle Hampton, and Ming Liu).

"Cultural Values and Behavior in Dictator, Ultimatum, and Trust Games (Sun-Ki Chai, Dolgosuren Dorj, Min Sun Kim, Ming Liu, and Katerina Sherstyuk).

"Cross-Culture Comparison: the Grid-Group Approach" (Sun-Ki Chai, Ming Liu, and Min Sun Kim), Beliefs and Values., 1:2 (September 2009), 193-208.

Culture and Social Theory, edited by Sun-Ki Chai and Brendon Swedlow, collected writings by Aaron Wildavsky. (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1998).

"Culture, Rationality and Violence" (Sun-Ki Chai and Aaron Wildavsky). In Dennis J. Coyle and Richard J. Ellis (eds.), Politics, Culture and Policy: Applications of Cultural Theory (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994). Reprinted in Chai and Swedlow (ed.), Culture and Social Theory, 281-98.

Social Order and Solidarity

"Explaining Social Order and Norms of Cooperation: Nested Hierarchies".

"A Theory of the State and Social Order" (Sun-Ki Chai and Michael Hechter), in Patrick Doreian and Thomas J. Fararo (ed.), The Problem of Solidarity: Theories and Models (New York: Gordon and Breach, 1998). Republished in the journal Homo Oeconomicus 15:1 (1998), 1-26.

Ethnic Identity and Ethnic Group Conflict

"Does Religion and Ethnic Identity influence Social Preferences? Evidence from Field Experiments in the Philippines" (Sun-Ki Chai, Debbie Gundaya and Katerina Sherstyuk).

"Seperatism and Regionalist Movements during the Post-Colonial Period", in David H. Kaplan and Guntram H. Herb (ed.), Nations and Nationalism in Global Perspective: An Encyclopedia of Origins, Development, and Contemporary Transitions Vol. 4 (Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, 2008), 1450-1462.

"Predicting Ethnic Boundaries", European Sociological Review 21:4 (September 2005), 375-391.

"A Theory of Ethnic Group Boundaries", Nations and Nationalism 2:2 (1996), 281-307.

"An Organizational Economics Theory of Anti-Government Violence", Comparative Politics 26:1 (October 1993), 99-110.

East Asian Culture, Institutions, and Efficiency

"Is The Structural-Hole Thesis Culturally Parochial? A Formal Approach" (Sun-Ki Chai and Mooweon Rhee).

"Culture, Rationality and Economic Institutions in East Asia: The Chinese Family Firm" (Sun-Ki Chai and Ming Liu).

"On the Analytics of Resistance Tactics to Korea-US FTA" (Shi Young Lee, Sun-Ki Chai, and Sung Hee Jun). Under review at Journal of East Asian Studies.

"Confucian Capitalism and the Paradox of Structural Holes in Asia" (Sun-Ki Chai and Mooweon Rhee), Management and Organization Review, 6:1 (March 2010), 5-29.

"Entrenching the Yoshida Defense Doctrine: Three Techniques for Institutionalization", International Organization 51:3 (Summer 1997), 389-412.

Individual Choice and Collective Action

"Theories of Culture and Action" in Ian Jarvie and Jesús Zamora-Bonilla (ed.), The Sage Handbook Of The Philosophy Of Social Science (London: Sage Publications, in press 2010).

"Rational Choice: Positive, Normative, and Interpretive".

"The Varieties of Rational Choice Theory and the Future of Sociology".

"Rational Choice Theory: A Forum for Exchange of Ideas between the Hard and Social Sciences in Predictive Behavioral Modeling" in Huan Liu, John J. Salerno, Michael J. Young (ed.), Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction (New York: Springer-Verlag, 2008), 1-9.

"Rational Choice and Culture: Clashing Perspectives or Complementary Modes of Analysis?" in Richard Ellis and Michael Thompson (eds.), Culture Matters (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997), 45-56.

The Social Sciences and Social Computing

Advances in Social Computing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), edited by Sun-Ki Chai and John Salerno. (New York: Springer, 2010). Read online.

"Artificial Intelligence and Social Theory: A One-Way Street?", Perspectives 27:4 (October/November 2004), 11-12.

"Social Computing: An Opportunity for Mathematical Sociologists". Mathematical Sociologist 12:2 (June 2009).

Tutorial, "The Social Science Approach to Web Mining" (Sun-Ki Chai, David Chin, Aaron Herres, and Kar-Hai Chu), IEEE Social Computing Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 29-31, 2009.

Discovering Online Virtual Communities

CLASSIC: Software Platform for Solving Real-World Problems by Understanding Virtual Communities. Presented to multiple audiences, June, 2010.

"Software Agent for Locating and Analyzing Virtual Communities on the World Wide Web", University of Hawai`i Office of Technology Transfer and Economic Development, Awarded United States Patent #7499965, March 3, 2009.

"Exploring the Network Structure of Virtual Communities: A Web Structure Analysis of a Korean-American Community" (Sun-Ki Chai and Mooweon Rhee). Invited for resubmission at Social Networks.

Surveying Social Change

Theories of Social Change and Development: An interdisciplinary Approach.Prospectus, extensive outline and notes (approx. 180 pages) for a new and very different kind of upper-division social change, development, and globalization textbook.

Hawai`i and the the University's Role


"Diversifying Hawai`i's Economy". Describes how the current disillusionment over prospects for economic diversification can be overcome by a shift in paradigm from short-term solutions to a long-term vision of Hawaii's dynamic comparative advantages, with a special focus on human capital, preemptive leveraging of social change, and awareness of forward and backward linkages in the economy. <

Keynote Address, "Hawaii Sociology: Past, Present, and Future", Hawai`i Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu HI, February 13, 2010.

Extramural Awards

Online Social Behaviors and Prediction of their Implications for the Physical World. Office of Naval Research dBroad Agency Announcement 09-001 (Human Social Culture Behavior Modeling Program). Contract N00014-09-1=0805. Principal Investigator, June 1, 2009-November 30, 2011. $1,024,784 awarded.

Developing Cultural Analysis and Sociological Network Theory for Understanding Virtual Communities. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Broad Agency Announcement 2008-3 (Discovery Challenge Thrusts). Contract FA9550-09-1-0261. Principal Investigator, April 1, 2009-December 31, 2013. $854,631 awarded.

Coherence-Based Modeling of Cultural Change and Political Violence. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Broad Agency Announcement 2005-1, Contract FA9550-07-1-0253. Principal Investigator, February 1, 2007-November 30, 2009. $1,611,416 awarded. [an overview presentation].

Behavioral Models for Base Protection Lab Tools. Office of Naval Research. Subcontract with SAIC, University Subcontract Principal Investigator, January 1, 2008- August 31, 2008, $50,000 awarded. Rejected grant because of excessive restrictions on dissemination of information.

Synthetic Training Environments. Office of Secretary of Defense, Small Business Technology Transfer Grant OSD07-T005, Asymmetric Synthetic Training Environments, Phase I, subcontract with Referentia Systems, Inc. University Subcontract Principal Investigator, September 1, 2007-January 25, 2008, $30,000 awarded.

Grid-Group Cm-alpha, Profiling Cultural Factors for Decision Aiding. Air Force Research Laboratory, SBIR Grant AF05-069, Contract FA8650-06-C-6633, Impact of Cultural Factors on Human Performance, Phase II, subcontract with 21st Century Systems, Inc. University Subcontract Principal Investigator, May 3, 2006-May 2, 2008, $137,684 awarded.

Multi-National Cultural Difference Modeling. Office of Naval Research, Small Business Innovation Research Grant N03-112, Contract N00014-05-C-0523, Modeling and Simulation of Cultural Differences in Human Decision-Making, Phase I and II, subcontract with 21st Century Systems, Inc. University Subcontract Principal Investigator, June 17, 2003-May 16, 2004 and April 28, 2006-July 28, 2007, $169,997 awarded.

Integrated Lab for the Computer-Mediated Study Of Culture. Office of Naval Research, FY2005 DoD Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP), Contract N00014-05-1-0347. Principal Investigator, May 1, 2005-August 7, 2006, $159,131 awarded.


"Software Agent for Locating and Analyzing Virtual Communities on the World Wide Web", University of Hawai`i Office of Technology Transfer and Economic Development, Awarded United States Patent #7499965, March 3, 2009.

Other Works

Writings that don't quite fit into the "academic research" category are on a separate page.