Major Web Page Updates

My personal web site in its current form was first created around 1996. Updates, minor changes, and additions were made from time to time over the years. In the summer of 2003, I significantly rewrote the web pages that describe my work and away-from-work activities.

The experience of writing my tenure application several years ago made me think very carefully about how I describe the nature of my work. After my duties changed dramatically in late 2002, I reread the web page that described my work, with an eye toward updating it. I realized that if I had to write it all over again, I'd do it very differently. The old page had a lot of details about specific day-to-day activities, but said little about the factors that shape the nature of my job and influence how I do it. The new version of the professional activities page describes my work in broader terms, and also explains some things that may not have been obvious to those not familiar with what I do. As part of the overhaul, I also created three new web pages under it, that describe what it's like being a member of the university faculty, what it's like being a system librarian, and what a library automation system does.

In reviewing the page that describes my activities away from the job, I realized that I listed a lot of things that would be understood by the people who do the same things I do, but didn't mean much to those who didn't. The new version of that page better describes the organizations I'm associated with, why I'm associated with them, and how they interact with each other. I also made some minor updates and changes to several of the pages linked to that page, like the ham radio related pages.

The page-visit counters on my web pages got reset, because UH InfoTech changed counter programs because of an unfixable security hole with the old one. I have no idea of how high the old counters got.

I finally updated my portrait on the home page, which I've wanted to do ever since I got contact lenses and a better digital camera. I also re-coded that page to make it work better with text-only web browsers or screen reader programs used by people with impaired vision.

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Jan. 26, 2004