Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1992 10:23:20 HST
Subject: Checking in from San Francisco 

I'm at the DRA booth again.  The conference is going well, lots of
things to see.  The exhibits alone would fill 3 Blaisdells.  In
between programs yesterday, I had a chance to see a bit of the Gay
Pride parade, which ran just up the block from one of the conference
sites.  Some of the people on the sidewalk looked at least as
interesting as the people in the parade.  Brings new meaning to the
phrase, "Don we now our gay apparel..."

Some of us here are actively seeking employment at the placement
service.  I'm here basically for fun.  I'll show you the pictures when
I get back.

The SLIS reunion dinner was great.

From the city by the bay,

Ralph Toyama
University of Hawaii SLIS Traveling Road Show
ALA at San Francisco