Subject:  E-Postcard from ALA

It was a fine time at Mulate's restaurant last night, the site of the
SLIS reunion dinner.  Generous helpings of Cajun cuisine, with music
and even a little dancing.  We saw a lot of old friends, and met a lot
of new ones.  A good time was had by all.

The weather here is incredible -- hot and humid, alternating with
driving, thundering rain storms.  It's discouraging to turn on the TV
in the morning, to see the Today Show weather map with the word
"Humid" over some parts of the country, "Very Humid" over other parts
of the country, and "Oppressive" over Louisiana.  But still, it's
survivable, and air conditioning makes it all bearable.

The conference is still great -- I highly recommend it to all!

Ralph Toyama                                           /      Having a
Automation Librarian                                  /__    good time,
University of Hawaii - Leeward Community College        /      wishing
rtoyama@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu  rtoyama@uhunix.bitnet  /    you were here.