the tutti-frutti duty-free long-distance kauhale
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So, Lurana and Sean were sitting around on tax day discussing the boundaries and parameters of what you might call Performance/Art; and reminiscing about things they'd seen and participated in. And they decided to try to stretch the Space and Time boundaries of performance beyond what most people would call practical. And they thought they might do this by inviting many of their friends and relatives to participate in an open-ended space/time frame Art/PerformanceThing. And Lurana said the thing should deal with the idea of Home, or A Home--something we'd been thinking about a lot lately on this isolated little island paradise. So we came up with the Open Home Performance Network, which you are invited to participate in. If you want to. Your participation may be as simple or as elaborate as you wish. It may be tangibly or tangentially related to the
idea. We decided to start this project on May Day 1993. And we decided it may never end. . .
NONE! Well, almost. You can do anything you want.
A painting. A play. A sculpture. A painting-play-sculpture. A bus ride. A rodeo. A poem. A poetic rodeo. A party. A wedding. A pair of shoes. A novel. A happening. A happenin' novel. A song. A child. An event. An affair. A pageant. An engine. A haircut. A shave. A ritual. A salad. An installation. A deconstruction. A photograph. A rock garden. A dance. A card game. An anecdote. A joke. A journal. An excruciating 18-hour performance piece in which the audience can't go home. A vacation.
Anywhere you want. Anytime you want (there is no time limit or deadline--take as many weeks, months, years as you like).
You can have an audience or not. You can tell us about it in advance or not. A good idea might be to combine your OHPN project with something else you've been working on or want to start working on. You are free to collaborate with any other OPHN artists or with anyone else you might choose to work with. You're also free to pass this invitation on to someone else who might be interested.
We'd like to receive some kind of documentation of your thing after the fact. Maybe some photographs, or a written description, or an audio or video tape, or even actual artifacts would be great. As we receive this stuff, we will periodically display or post it at the OHPN Home Base (at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Department of Theatre and Dance).
Here's the fun part. We will send you a pseudo-semi-annual OHPN newsletter-type affair to let you know about the other things other people have been creating. Please make sure we have a current address!
Well, over a hundred people from everywhere in and out of our lives, some of whom are professional artists, most of whom are just cool people. The global mail campaign began on May 1st 1993, and will reach people from Singapore to San Antonio, from Moscow to New Jersey. Lots of Homes.
To contact us:
The Open Home Performance Network
c/o Lurana and Sean O'Malley
Department of Theatre and Dance
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
1770 East West Road
Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822
Sean and Lurana in Honolulu
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