The Dream and a House


For years and years there was a house in my dreams ... it was big,

spooky Victorian, double-story and there was a nasty room upstairs in which I was afraid to go. I would pull back every time that door loomed and then I'd wake. On confessing this to a friend who was very into dreams, Jung, 2c psychoanalysis etc etc., I learned the house was me and the room in which I was afraid to go was some secret corner of my personality which I was afraid to explore! Oh yeah, and I know about the mad woman in the attic theory



As to now, I live in a fully-mortgaged, tree-tops house open to the

north-eastern light (southern hemisphere), myriad native birds and a valley

view ... and the dream has gone. Fulfillment maybe?


There's no place like it.



(Kate Wilson, 11 March 1998)






While in America I was looking around a small town that might have been

in suburban Montana. Just like on TV, everywhere there were farm

animals, pets, and wide open spaces with bright green lawns. I was

intently watching the people at work in their yards. I followed them to

the store and looked inside their homes. At first they asked me to

leave and would not listen to my explaination in Indonesian. I made

some gross attemt at expalining myself in English which made them laugh.

After that they still gave me strange looks, but I was accepted for who

I was and given food and a place to sleep with the animals.


All about in my new American home I saw picture postcard scenery with

giant mountains and vast river gorges. When I stopped to look at the

pets they did tricks for me. Dogs danced in the streets and birds stood

on each other's backs to form pyramids. I thought, "How clever they all

are here."


Robert Peterson, 10 March 1998




I had a dream that I would buy the house that my Father grew up in and build it into a house that my son would grow up in. So far, I've completed half of that dream and I'm working on the other.


More to come.....


OHPN Member - JV

(Jeff Vance, 10 March 1998)




Dream? well.. one time i had a dream that my friend

and i were driving around in houses. it wasn't the future or anything, we

would just go into the kitchen and set a course if we wanted to go

somewhere, and then we'd go back to our room and do whatever while we

waited. it was pretty convenient, actually. scientists should work on

something like that. hey sean, you're a scientist, aren't you? hmm..

yeah so i was at a friends house and we went to pick up some dates to go

somewhere.. and we were in a house.. i can't remember it all that well.

so i don't know, maybe that's enough information to fit in somewhere.. if

not, then i hope you just enjoyed hearing about it. talk to you soon,


liam (Liam O'Malley)




get out of my brain! Argh!


in fact, my most common reoccuring dreams involve me walking through houses without anyone else in them... just abandoned house after abandoned house. Its not creepy at all, and I don't feel any sense of anxiety. Usually the houses are big, multi-storied New England-style mansions. I know that I had a great-grandmother who's big New-England Style mansion I once visited when I was two or three, so I assume that this house is somehow the basis of my dreams. I have no idea why I'd be alone in the house, or why I'd be the only one in the house and welcome analysis.


I also have a reoccuring dream about the house I lived in in Monroe, CT.

This was a basic two story raised ranch with a basement. In this dream, at

the bottom of the stairs to the basement (it was a short flight of

stairs... maybe six steps) are two doors, one on either side. If I walk

through the door and around the staircase in one direction I move forward

in time. If I walk through the other door and around the stairs in the

other direction, I go backwards in time. Sometimes instead of time travel,

I discover multiple sub-basements beneath this house. I haven't been there

in over twenty years, but I can still see every room.


Finally, my third most re-occuring dream involves a house which is an

amalgam of all the places I've lived in my life. Typically, I only see my

room, but it has details of my college dorms (especially a house I lived in

during my sophmore year that was built by a former submarine captain who hated to see any space go to waste and, thus, the house had hundreds of

little closets and cabinets in the most unexpected places), my various

apartments in Hawaii, the great Doyle homestead in Newtown, CT, and other places I've lived. Usually this dream includes two or three people from these different periods of my life who could not possible know each other sharing the apartment/house with me.


As I said before, i welcome interpretation and analysis. It might save me

money in therapy some day.


Love, R

(R. Kevin Doyle, 16 March 1998)


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