To the OHPN
After a game played with my friends at a D&D gathering, we rightfully titled "The Last Word," we came up with the following. Those of you who play or played Dungeons and Dragons at some point in your life should understand.
"The Dragon's asleep!" I think it's just
"How much damage did I another illusion.
take?" "No, you go on without me."
"Without Mjohir, I'll bet you're "Who's the chick with the
a real wimp" spiders?"
"That's no mage!" "I'll snap the staff!"
"Hey, look--archers!" "What does green slime
"They won't kill us if taste like?"
we surrender." "Let's split up."
"I think it's dead." "What's that up ahead?"
"Did you ever see so many "Neat! A cave entrance
teeth?" that looks like a
"I'll turn the 57 vampires." mouth!"
"I'll try to talk to it." "He's probably only first
"Why is that man performing level."
sign language?" "C'mon guys, Let's
"How many are there?" show'im who's boss!"
"I'll walk up to the "Spikes in the bottom of
dragon invisibly." chest--how weird!"
"Those stairs sure look "It says 'healing' on the
slippery." label."
"I'll dive in with full plate "I'm opening the chest."
Why is it so dark in here?" "Don't be so paranoid."
From Liam O'Malley
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