@inproceedings{sitchinava-ipdps10, author = "Lars Arge and Michael T. Goodrich and Nodari Sitchinava", title = "Parallel external memory graph algorithms", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Parallel \& Distributed Processing Symposium", series = "IPDPS '10", pages = "1-11", year = 2010, month = 5, doi = "10.1109/IPDPS.2010.5470440", abstract = "In this paper, we study parallel I/O efficient graph algorithms in the Parallel External Memory (PEM) model, one o f the private-cache chip multiprocessor (CMP) models. We study the fundamental problem of list ranking which leads to efficient solutions to problems on trees, such as computing lowest common ancestors, tree contraction and expression tree evaluation. We also study the problems of computing the connected and biconnected components of a graph, minimum spanning tree of a connected graph and ear decomposition of a biconnected graph. All our solutions on a $P$-processor PEM model provide an optimal speedup of $\Theta(P)$ in parallel I/O complexity and parallel computation time, compared to the single-processor external memory counterparts. " }