@inproceedings{sitchinava-vts04, author = "Nodari Sitchinava and Samitha Samaranayake and Rohit Kapur and Emil Gizdarski and Frederic Neuveux and Thomas W. Williams", title = "Changing scan enable during shift", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE VLSI Test Symposium", series = "VTS '04", pages = "73-78", year = 2004, doi = "10.1109/VTEST.2004.1299228", abstract = "This paper extends the reconfigurable shared scan-in architecture (RSSA) to provide additional ability to change values on the scan configuration signals (scan enable signals) during the scan operation on a per-shift basis. We show that the extra flexibility of reconfiguring the scan chains every shift cycle reduces the number of different configurations required by RSSA while keeping test coverage the same. In addition a simpler analysis can be used to construct the scan chains. This is the first paper of its kind that treats the scan enable signal as a test data signal during the scan operation of a test pattern. Results are presented on some ISCAS as well as industrial circuits. " }