@inproceedings{sitchinava-vts03, author = "Samitha Samaranayake and Emil Gizdarski and Nodari Sitchinava and Frederic Neuveux and Rohit Kapur and Thomas W. Williams", title = "A reconfigurable shared scan-in architecture", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 21st IEEE VLSI Test Symposium", series = "VTS '03", pages = "9-14", year = 2003, doi = "10.1109/VTEST.2003.1197627", abstract = "In this paper, an efficient technique for test data volume reduction based on the shared scan-in (Illinois Scan) architecture and the scan chain reconfiguration (Dynamic Scan) architecture is defined. The composite architecture is created with analysis that relies on the compatibility relation of scan chains. Topological analysis and compatibility analysis are used to maximize gains in test data volume and test application time. The goal of the proposed synthesis procedure is to test all detectable faults in broadcast test mode using minimum scan-chain configurations. As a result, more aggressive sharing of scan inputs can be applied for test data volume and test application time reduction. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed architecture for real-industrial circuits." }