Brucal, Arlan Z. and Michael J. Roberts. "Do Energy Efficiency Standards Hurt Consumers? Evidence from Household Appliance Sales." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (forthcomming -- published online ).
Roberts, Michael J., Noah O. Braun, Thomas R. Sinclair, David B. Lobell, and Wolfram Schlenker (2017). "Comparing and Combining Process-based Crop Models and Statistical Models with Some Implications for Climate Change." Environmental Research Letters 12(9):095010.
Seifer, Christopher, Michael J. Roberts, David B. Lobell (2017). "Continuous Corn and Soybean Yield Penalties across Hundreds of Thousands of Fields," Agronomy Journal 109(2): 1-8.
Kirwan, Barrett and Michael J. Roberts (2016). "Who Really Benefits from Agricultural Subsidies?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(4): 1095-1113.
Roberts, Michael J. and Karl Jandoc (2016). "Balancing Opportunities and Costs in Hawaii’s Increasingly Green Grid." In Proceedings from the International Conference on Perspectives on the Development of Energy and Mineral Resources, Hawai‘i, Mongolia and Germany.
Livingston, Michael, Michael J. Roberts, and Yue Zhang (2015). "Optimal Sequential Plantings of Corn and Soybeans Under Price Uncertainty." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97(3):855-878.
Urban, Daniel, Michael J. Roberts, Wolfram Schlenker, David Lobell (2015). "The Effects of Extremely Wet Planting Conditions on Maize and Soybean Yields." Climatic Change 130(2):247-260.
Hellerstein, Daniel, Nathaniel Higgins and Michael J. Roberts. "Options for Improving Conservation Programs: Insights from Auction Theory and Economic Experiments." Economic Research Report No 181, US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, January 2015, 53pp.
Berry, Steven T., Michael J. Roberts and Wolfram Schlenker. "Corn Production Shocks in 2012 and Beyond: Implications for Harvest Volatility." In NBER book The Economics of Food Price Volatility, Eds: Jean-Paul Chavas, David Hummels, and Brian Wright, University of Chicago Press, 2014.
Lobell, David B., Graeme L. Hammer, Greg McLean, Carlos Messina, Michael J. Roberts, and Wolfram Schlenker (2014). " Reply to 'Temperature and drought effects on maize yield'." Nature Climate Change. 4, 234.
Roberts, Michael J. "Agriculture." In Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Encyclopedia, Eds Timothy C. Haab and John C. Whitehead, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, 2014.
Lobell, David B., Michael J. Roberts, Wolfram Schlenker, Noah Braun, Bertis B. Little, Roderick M Rejesus, and Graeme L. Hammer (2014). "Greater sensitivity to drought accompanies maize yield increase in the US Midwest." Science 344 (6183): 516-519.
Roberts, Michael J. and Wolfram Schlenker (2013). "Identifying Supply and Demand Elasticities of Agricultural Commodities: Implications for the US Ethanol Mandate." American Economic Review 103(6): 2265-95.
Schlenker, Wolfram, Michael J. Roberts and David B. Lobell (2013). "US Maize Adaptability." Nature Climate Change 3(8): 690-691.
Roberts, Michael J. "Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change: Implications for Agriculture." Report prepared for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, June 2013.
Lobell, David B., Graeme L. Hammer, Greg McLean, Carlos Messina, Michael J. Roberts, and Wolfram Schlenker (2013). " The critical role of extreme heat for maize production in the United States." Nature Climate Change 3(5): 497-501.
Roberts, Michael J., Wolfram Schlenker and Jonathan Eyer (2013). "Agronomic Weather Measures in Econometric Models of Crop Yield with Implications for Climate Change.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(2): 236-243.
Fisher, Anthony, Michael Hanemann, Michael J. Roberts andWolfram Schlenker (2012). "The Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence from Agricultural Output and Random Fluctuations in Weather: Comment." American Economic Review 102(7): 3749-3760.
Roberts, Michael J. and Wolfram Schlenker. "Is Agricultural Production Becoming More or Less Sensitive to Extreme Heat? Evidence from U.S. Corn and Soybean Yields." In NBER book The Design and Implementation of US Climate Policy, Editors: Don Fullerton and Catherine Wolfram, University of Chicago Press, 2012.
Urban, Daniel, Michael J. Roberts, Wolfram Schlenker and David B. Lobell (2012). "Projected temperature changes indicate significant increase in interannual variability of U.S. maize yields." Climatic Change 112(2), pp 525-546.
Roberts, Michael J. and Wolfram Schlenker. "The Evolution of Heat Tolerance of Corn: Implications for Climate Change." In NBER book The Economics of Climate Change: Adaptations Past and Present, Editors: Gary Libecap and Richard Steckel, University of Chicago Press, 2011.
Roberts, Michael J. and Wolfram Schlenker. "Why Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture Could be Economically Substantial." In Is Economic Growth Sustainable? Ed. Geoffrey Heal. International Economic Association conference volume no. 148, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Roberts, Michael J. and Wolfram Schlenker (2009). "World Supply and Demand of Food Commodity Calories." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91(5), pp. 1235-1242.
Schlenker, Wolfram and Michael J. Roberts (2009). "Reply to Meerburg et al.: Growing areas in Brazil and the United States with similar exposure to extreme heat have similar yields." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(43), E121.
Berck, Peter and Michael J. Roberts. "History of Energy Prices." In Concise Encyclopedia of History of Energy Academic Press, 2009, pp. 241-250.
Schlenker, Wolfram and Michael J. Roberts (2009). "Nonlinear temperature effects indicate severe damages to U.S. crop yields under climate change." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(37), pp.15594-15598.
Key, Nigel and Michael J. Roberts (2009). "Nonpecuniary Benefits to Farming: Implications for Supply Response to Decoupled Payments." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91(1), pp. 1-18. (Lead article)
O’Donoghue, Erik, Michael J. Roberts and Nigel Key (2009). "Did the Federal Crop Insurance Act Alter Farm Enterprise Diversification?" Journal of Agricultural Economics 60(1), pp. 80-104.
Roberts, Michael J., David Schimmelpfennig, Michael Livingston, and Elizabeth Ashley (2009). "Estimating the Value of an Early-Warning System." Review of Agricultural Economics 31(2), pp. 303-329.
Noel Gollehon, Marcel Aillery, Glenn Schiable, Michael J. Roberts and Bill Quinby. Irrigation Water Reductions from Federal Actions: Economic Losses and Mitigation Strategies. Report to Congress, produced under contract with USDA Risk Management Agency. Final report delivered to USDA RMA, January 2009. 68 pp.
Schlenker, Wolfram and Michael J. Roberts. "Non-linear Effects of Weather on U.S. Crop Yields, Implications for Climate Change, and Why these Effects Matter for Developing Countries." Berlin Workshop Series 2008 (World Bank and InWEnt).
Roberts, Michael J. and Nigel Key (2008). "Agricultural Payments and Land Concentration: A Semi-Parametric Spatial Regression Analysis." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90(3), pp. 627-643.
Lubowski, Ruben and Michael J. Roberts. "Land Retirement Programs May Induce Enduring Land-Use Changes." Finding in Amber Waves. February 2008, p. 7.
Key, Nigel and Michael J. Roberts. Commodity Payments, Farm Business Survival, and Farm Size Growth. Economic Research Report No. 51, US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, November 2007. 41 pp.
Key, Nigel and Michael J. Roberts. "Cropland Concentrating Faster Where Payments are Higher." Feature Article in Amber Waves, November 2007, pp 30-35.
Key, Nigel and Michael J. Roberts. "Measures of Farm Size Tell Differing Stories." Data Feature in Amber Waves, November 2007, pp 37-37.
Roberts, Michael J. and Ruben Lubowski (2007). "Enduring Impacts of the Conservation Reserve Program: An Econometric Analysis." Land Economics 83(4), pp. 529-550.
Key, Nigel and Michael J. Roberts (2007). "Do Government Payments Influence Farm Size and Survival?" Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 32(2), pp. 330-349.
Lubowski, Ruben N., Roger Claassen and Michael J. Roberts. "Agricultural Policy Affects Land Use and the Environment." Amber Waves. Feature Article, September 2006, pp 28-33.
Schlenker, Wolfram and Michael J. Roberts (2006). "Non-linear Effects of Weather on Corn Yields." Review of Agricultural Economics 28(3), pp. 391-398.
Roberts, Michael J., Nigel Key and Erik O’Donoghue (2006). "Estimating the Extent of Moral Hazard in Crop Insurance Using Administrative Data." Review of Agricultural Economics 28(3), pp. 381-390.
Lubowski, Ruben N., Shawn Bucholtz, Roger Claassen, Michael J. Roberts, Joseph Cooper, Anna Gueorguieva, and Robert Johansson. Environmental Effects of Agricultural Land-Use Change: The Role of Economics and Policy. Economic Research Report No. 25, 81 pp. US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, August 2006. 75 pp.
Lubowski, Ruben N., Marlow Vesterby, Shawn Bucholtz, Alba Baez, and Michael J. Roberts. Major Uses of Land in the United States, 2002. With Marlow Vesterby Ruben Lubowski, Shawn Bucholtz, and Alba Baez. Economic Information Bulletin No. 14, US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, May 2006. 47 pp.
Key, Nigel and Michael J. Roberts (2006). "Government Payments and Farm Business Survival." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88(2), pp. 382-392.
Roberts, Michael J. and Shawn Bucholtz (2006). "Slippage in the Conservation Reserve Program or Spurious Correlation? A Rejoinder." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(2), pp. 512-514.
Roberts, Michael J. and David E. Schimmelpfennig. "Public Information Creates Value." Feature (cover) article in Amber Waves, April 2006, pp. 10-15.
Roberts, Michael J., David E. Schimmelpfennig, Michael Livingston, and Elizabeth Ashley. The Value of Plant Disease Early-Warning Systems: A Case Study of USDA’s Soybean Rust Coordinated Framework. Economics Report No. 18, US Department of Agriculture, Economics Research Service, April 2006. 38 pp.
Key, Nigel, Erik O’Donoghue and Michael J. Roberts (2006). "Risk and farm operator labor supply." Applied Economics 38(5), pp. 573-586.
Key, Nigel and Michael J. Roberts. "Financial Market Imperfections and Structural Change in Agriculture." In Progress in Agricultural Economics. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2005.
Key, Nigel, Ruben Lubowski and Michael J. Roberts (2005). "Farm-Level Production Effects from Participation in Government Commodity Programs: Did the 1996 Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act Make a Difference?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(5), pp. 1211-19.
Kirwan, Barrett, Ruben Lubowski, and Michael J. Roberts (2005). "How Cost-Effective are Land Retirement Auctions? Estimating the Difference between Payments and Willingness to Accept in the Conservation Reserve Program." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(5), pp. 1239-47.
Roberts, Michael J. and Nigel Key (2005). "Losing Under Contract: Transaction-Cost Externalities and Spot Market Disintegration." Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, 3(2), article 2, 17 pp.
Roberts, Michael J. and Shawn Bucholtz (2005). "Slippage in the Conservation Reserve Program or Spurious Correlation? A Comment." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(1), pp. 244-250.
Gollehon, Noel, Michael J. Roberts and Marcel Aillery. "Comparative Assessment of Risk Mitigation Options for Irrigated Agriculture." In Water Rights and Related Supply Issues, Proceedings of the 2004 Water management Conference. U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage. Denver, 2004.
Ahearn, Mary Clare, Robert Collender, Mitchell Morehart and Michael Roberts. "How Do Decoupled Payments Affect Resource Allocations Within the Farm Sector?" Finding in Amber Waves, November 2004, pp. 8-9.
Roberts, Michael J. "Effects of Government Payments on Land Rents, Distribution of Payment Benefits, and Production." Chapter 6 in Decoupled Payments in a Changing Policy Setting. Edited by Mary E. Burfisher and Jeffrey Hopkins. Agricultural Economic Report No. 838, US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research, October 2004. pp 49-54.
Patrick Sullivan, Daniel Hellerstein, Leroy Hansen, Robert Johansson, Steven Koenig, Ruben Lubowski, William McBride, David McGranahan, Michael J. Roberts, Stephen Vogel, and Shawn Bucholtz. The Conservation Reserve Program: Economic Implications for Rural America. Agricultural Economic Report No. 834, US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research, October 2004. 106 pp.
Livingston, Michael, Rob Johansson, Stan Daberkow, Michael J. Roberts, Mark Ash, and Vince Breneman. Economic and Policy Implications of Wind-Borne Entry of Asian Soybean Rust into the United States. Electronic Outlook Report No. OCS-04D-02, US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, April 2004. 22 pp.
Roberts, Michael J., Craig Osteen and Meredith Soule. Risk, Government Programs, and the Environment. Technical Bulletin No. 1908, US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, March 2004. 51 pp.
Berck, Peter and Michael J. Roberts. "History of Energy Prices." In Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 5. Elsevier Inc. 2004.
Patrick Sullivan, Daniel Hellerstein, Leroy Hansen, Robert Johansson, Steven Koenig, Ruben Lubowski, William McBride, David McGranahan, Michael J. Roberts, Stephen Vogel, and Shawn Bucholtz. The Conservation Reserve Program: Economic and Social Impacts on Rural Counties. Report to Congress. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Delivered in January, 2004. 112 pp.
Roberts, Michael J., Barrett Kirwan, and Jeffrey Hopkins (2003). "The Incidence of Government ProgramPayments on Agricultural Land Rents: The Challenges of Identification." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(3), pp 762-769.
Roberts, Michael J. and Nigel Key (2003). "Who Benefits from Government Farm Payments? Relationships between Payments Received and Farm Household Well-Being." Choices Magazine 18(3), pp. 7-14.
Burfisher, Mary, Jeffrey Hopkins, Mary Ahearn, Roberts Collender, Joe Dewbre Xinshen Diao, John Dyck, Anne Effland, David Harrington, Robert Hoppe, Penelope Korb, Shiva Makki, Ashok Mishra, Mitchelle Morehart, Michael Roberts, Terry Roe, Agapi Somwaru, Monte Vandeveer, Paul Westcott, C. Edwin Young. Decoupled Payments: Household Income Transfers in Contemporary U.S. Agriculture. Agricultural Economic Report No. 822, U.S. Department of Agriculture, February 2003. 29 pp.
Roberts, Michael J. and Nigel Key. "Does Liquidity Matter to Agricultural Production?" In R.E. Just and R.D. Pope eds., A Comprehensive Assessment of the Role of Risk in U.S. Agriculture. Boson, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2002.
Berck, Peter and Michael Roberts (1996). "Natural Resource Prices: Will They Ever Turn Up?" Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 31(1), pp. 65-78.