19 responses from students. Each response is 5.3% of the total.
I am generally satisfied with the Library's hours.
I feel comfortable in the Learning Commons – 1st floor.
I feel comfortable in the Library – 2nd floor.
The environment (spaces, noise, lighting) on this floor is conducive to my learning: Learning Commons – 1st floor.
The environment (spaces, noise, lighting) on this floor is conducive to my learning: Library – 2nd floor.
I am generally satisfied with the study areas in the Learning Commons – 1st floor.
I am generally satisfied with the study areas in the Library – 2nd floor.
Utilizing the Library's Services & Resources
I primarily use the Library for:
Location |
Number and Percentage |
Borrowing books and other materials | – 10 (52.6%) |
Borrowing Course Reserves books | – 4 (21.1%) |
Computers/laptops/iPads | – 10 (52.6%) |
Photocopying/printing | – 9 (47.4%) |
Consulting a librarian for books and other research needs | – 9 (47.4%) |
Studying | – 15 (78.9%) |
Using Group Study Rooms | – 4 (21.1%) |
Not applicable | – 1 (5.3%) |
research for my class project | – 1 (5.3%) |
I usually find enough books to meet my course needs.
- Strongly Agree – 36.8%
- Agree – 42.1%
- Disagree – 5.3%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 15.8%
A Library computer, laptop, or iPad is available to me when I need one.
- Strongly Agree – 31.6%
- Agree – 42.1%
- Disagree – 5.3%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 21.1%
The computer resources in the Library contribute to my success at the College.
- Strongly Agree – 47.4%
- Agree – 47.4%
- Disagree – 0%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 5.3%
The Library website is useful.
- Strongly Agree – 47.4%
- Agree – 52.6%
- Disagree – 0%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 0%
I get enough articles from the Library's databases to meet my class needs.
- Strongly Agree – 26.3%
- Agree – 47.4%
- Disagree – 5.3%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 21.1%
The library's instruction sessions have increased my ability to do research and use library resources.
- Strongly Agree – 21.1%
- Agree – 42.1%
- Disagree – 5.3%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 31.6%
The Library staff guide me to the resources I can use.
- Strongly Agree – 47.4%
- Agree – 42.1%
- Disagree – 0%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 10.5%
I am generally satisfied with the services, resources, and support provided by the Library.
- Strongly Agree – 42.1%
- Agree – 52.6%
- Disagree – 0%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 5.3%
Leeward Faculty/Staff
26 responses from faculty and staff. Each response is 3.8% of the total.
Teaching Location:
Location |
Number and Percentage |
Pearl City campus | – 22 (84.6%) |
Waiʻanae Moku campus | – 4 (15.4%) |
Online | – 4 (15.4%) |
The Library's Physical Space
I am generally satisfied with the Library's hours.
- Strongly Agree – 61.5%
- Agree – 34.6%
- Disagree – 0%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 3.8%
I visit the Library:
- 4+ times a week – 3.8%
- 1-3 times a week – 23.1%
- 1-2 times a month – 61.5%
- Almost never – 11.5%
I feel comfortable in the Learning Commons – 1st floor.
I feel comfortable in the Library – 2nd floor.
The environment (spaces, noise, lighting) on this floor is conducive to my students' learning: Learning Commons – 1st floor.
The environment (spaces, noise, lighting) on this floor is conducive to my students' learning: Library – 2nd floor.
Utilizing the Library's Services & Resources
I primarily use the Library for:
Location |
Number and Percentage |
Borrowing books and other materials | – 15 (57.7%) |
Managing my textbooks, i.e., Course Reserves books | – 7 (26.9%) |
Computers/laptops/iPads | – 4 (15.4%) |
Photocopying/printing | – 1 (3.8%) |
Meeting and collaborating with librarians | – 13 (50.0%) |
Meeting students | – 8 (30.8%) |
Not applicable | – 1 (3.8%) |
Seed library, perusing/donating free books shelf, Kimo Bean | – 1 (3.8%) |
extra study time before exams | – 1 (3.8%) |
pickup mail | – 1 (3.8%) |
meetings and lesson preparation | – 1 (3.8%) |
I usually find enough books to meet my class needs.
- Strongly Agree – 34.6%
- Agree – 26.9%
- Disagree – 0%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 38.5%
The computer resources in the Library contribute to my students' success at the College.
- Strongly Agree – 53.8%
- Agree – 19.2%
- Disagree – 0%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 26.9%
The Library website is useful.
- Strongly Agree – 61.5%
- Agree – 30.8%
- Disagree – 0%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 7.7%
I get enough articles from the Library's research databases to meet my course (teaching) needs.
- Strongly Agree – 34.6%
- Agree – 26.9%
- Disagree – 11.5%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 26.9%
The library's instruction sessions have increased my students' ability to do research and use library resources.
- Strongly Agree – 50.0%
- Agree – 15.4%
- Disagree – 0%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 34.6%
The Library staff guide me to the resources I can use.
- Strongly Agree – 80.8%
- Agree – 7.7%
- Disagree – 0%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 11.5%
I am generally satisfied with the services, resources, and support provided by the Library.
- Strongly Agree – 80.8%
- Agree – 19.2%
- Disagree – 0%
- Strongly Disagree – 0%
- Not Applicable – 0%
Final Section
What programs, events, or workshops would you like to see at the Leeward CC Library?
25 responses
- I would like to see more of workshops on Healthcare and Nursing career opportunities.
- You guys already do a great job of coming up with fun, innovative, helpful ideas. Keep doing what you're doing!
- N/A
- Keep up the great work!
- More face to face time with librarians on the Moku Campus once our campus expands.
- N/a
- A high priority for the college, including the library, should be to promote Hawaiian language through bilingual signage throughout the building. It would not have to be expensive. It would be a visible endorsement of the language. It would say to the library users: "We think learning this language is important for us, and we think it's important for you, too." It is a crucial step toward normalizing the learning and use of the language in its own homeland.
- none
- any
- Science events
- Book signing, meeting authors
- continue expanding services at Waianae Moku
- research and source selection workshops for students
- Currently doing a great job offering so many programs, events, and workshops!
- Special guests reading their books.
- n/a
- I'm not sure. The library already does a lot for our students and provides a lot of services and events to keep students engaged.
- I can't think of anything.
- more workshops for APA formatting
- I request sessions specific to a course and resources for that course but would be nice to have a class visit and get a tour/orientation to the facilities and resources you have - especially in the Fall semester when there are new students
- more computer desk
- I enjoy writhing center.
- reading contest
- How to improve your writing.
- movie events.
What do you like best about the Leeward CC Library?
34 responses
- The librarians!
- The convenience and the urgency that the staff provides when help for research is needed.
- The comfortable spaces for studying, the resources, and the friendly help from the librarians.
- People
- The librarians rock!
- Being able to have a safe and quiet place to study
- The computer lab upstairs and the introduction to research databases for students.
- There is a lot of information on all different topics
- Quiet place to study and do my online class work.
- The friendly library people.
- Staff tends to be very helpful and positive
- The people! The website is very user friendly and all of the staff are kind and helpful
- The multitude of resources available to support student success!
- Friendly staff
- Love the sharing in your display cases to honor or acknowledge events or people. Great reminder to us as students (and public who visit us) to remember. I have seen the library grow to what it is now. In the past it wasn't conducive as a student since I had to rush to obtain the books or research material before it closed. Thank you for accommodating us students.
- Awesome librarians!
- Library tours for students.
- The librarians are very helpful and are dedicated to our students.
- The glass-enclosed meeting rooms on the first floor.
- The helpful and friendly staff.
- Willingness to come out to Waianae and help students
- spacious and hours open; people are friendly; centralized on campus; online communication with faculty/staff are frequent enough and informative for us to pass along to students
- the library staff!
- homework
- Welcoming environment and that's it's a vital resource students count on.
- It is a quiet place to study.
- Writhing Center
- Use of the Writing Center.
- It has a friendly staff and they are very helpful towards you.
- There's a cafe on the first floor.
- the spaces for studying and books
- books
- The staff's willingness to help students and faculty.
What can be improved at the Leeward CC Library?
25 responses
- Computers, need more computers and other electronic devices for the sake of researching and studying.
- I hope we'll be able to acquire more digital books and audio books. I'd also love to see an "Instructor's Corner" with titles we can check out for professional development. I'm a fan of all the titles in the Teachers College Press catalog. Maybe there could be a "Children's Corner" too for students/faculty and their children? A weekly story time for the keiki in the Children's Center? I bet you could find students and faculty to volunteer to read aloud. :) These are just some ideas. Thank you so much for everything you do. My students and I LOVE the Library!
- People
- Continue being fabulous!
- I'm fully satisfied!
- N/a
- It would be helpful if there were a way to stream a video: "Ingredients Hawaii." It shows students how people, especially islanders, are taking control of the food system here. It's eye-opening and empowering for them.
- none
- Renting the laptops with the adobe apps installed.
- Larger availability of resources/materials at the Waianae Campus. I would also like to see more events for children to attend; to get their minds and hearts open to attending college.
- The campus to provide a larger space for the library to expand.
- Nothing at this time
- Not much; doing a fantastic job! :)
- Not sure
- Not sure.
- Expand the collection, Offer more electronic books, Reallocate half of the positions to disciplines which need to hire additional teaching faculty.
- Fix the leaky roof!
- get access to more electronic Journals
- Is there a way we can reserve rooms for faculty to meet with students? I share an office with another Instructor and we sometimes need a space to meet with students. If there is, I'm not aware of it...can you communicate this benefit to the faculty and have a reservation website so we can book availability online?
- If they are not booked for a group, it would be nice to be able to have access to the small study rooms next to the LRC for a one to one meeting
- more computer
- noting
- more space for desks and chairs and more had copy books.
- It's difficult to use the printers. I always need to ask for help from a library or friend to use the printer. It's very difficult.
- to my side everything is perfect
41 responses
- Female – 65.9%
- Male – 31.7%
- Nonbinary – 2.4%
43 responses
- Under 18 – 0%
- 18-24 – 23.3%
- 25-34 – 4.7%
- 35-44 – 23.3%
- 45-54 – 11.6%
- 55-64 – 34.9%
- Over 64 – 2.3%
Answers marked with an asterisk (*) were entered as an "Other" answer by a survey respondent, for those questions that offered that option.
June 4, 2020