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Leeward Community College Library User Survey - Spring 2020

I am a:

45 responses



19 responses from students. Each response is 5.3% of the total.

Enrollment Status:

Class Location:
Location Number and Percentage
Pearl City campus
– 13 (68.4%)
Waiʻanae Moku campus
– 2 (10.5%)
– 8 (42.1%)

The Library's Physical Space

I am generally satisfied with the Library's hours.


I visit the Library:


I feel comfortable in the Learning Commons – 1st floor.

I feel comfortable in the Library – 2nd floor.

The environment (spaces, noise, lighting) on this floor is conducive to my learning: Learning Commons – 1st floor.

The environment (spaces, noise, lighting) on this floor is conducive to my learning: Library – 2nd floor.

I am generally satisfied with the study areas in the Learning Commons – 1st floor.

I am generally satisfied with the study areas in the Library – 2nd floor.

Utilizing the Library's Services & Resources

I primarily use the Library for:
Location Number and Percentage
Borrowing books and other materials
– 10 (52.6%)
Borrowing Course Reserves books
– 4 (21.1%)
– 10 (52.6%)
– 9 (47.4%)
Consulting a librarian for books and other research needs
– 9 (47.4%)
– 15 (78.9%)
Using Group Study Rooms
– 4 (21.1%)
Not applicable
– 1 (5.3%)
research for my class project*Entered by a respondent
– 1 (5.3%)

I usually find enough books to meet my course needs.


A Library computer, laptop, or iPad is available to me when I need one.


The computer resources in the Library contribute to my success at the College.


The Library website is useful.


I get enough articles from the Library's databases to meet my class needs.


The library's instruction sessions have increased my ability to do research and use library resources.


The Library staff guide me to the resources I can use.


I am generally satisfied with the services, resources, and support provided by the Library.


Leeward Faculty/Staff

26 responses from faculty and staff. Each response is 3.8% of the total.

Teaching Location:
Location Number and Percentage
Pearl City campus
– 22 (84.6%)
Waiʻanae Moku campus
– 4 (15.4%)
– 4 (15.4%)

The Library's Physical Space

I am generally satisfied with the Library's hours.


I visit the Library:


I feel comfortable in the Learning Commons – 1st floor.

I feel comfortable in the Library – 2nd floor.

The environment (spaces, noise, lighting) on this floor is conducive to my students' learning: Learning Commons – 1st floor.

The environment (spaces, noise, lighting) on this floor is conducive to my students' learning: Library – 2nd floor.

Utilizing the Library's Services & Resources

I primarily use the Library for:
Location Number and Percentage
Borrowing books and other materials
– 15 (57.7%)
Managing my textbooks, i.e., Course Reserves books
– 7 (26.9%)
– 4 (15.4%)
– 1 (3.8%)
Meeting and collaborating with librarians
– 13 (50.0%)
Meeting students
– 8 (30.8%)
Not applicable
– 1 (3.8%)
Seed library, perusing/donating free books shelf, Kimo Bean*Entered by a respondent
– 1 (3.8%)
extra study time before exams*Entered by a respondent
– 1 (3.8%)
pickup mail*Entered by a respondent
– 1 (3.8%)
meetings and lesson preparation*Entered by a respondent
– 1 (3.8%)

I usually find enough books to meet my class needs.


The computer resources in the Library contribute to my students' success at the College.


The Library website is useful.


I get enough articles from the Library's research databases to meet my course (teaching) needs.


The library's instruction sessions have increased my students' ability to do research and use library resources.


The Library staff guide me to the resources I can use.


I am generally satisfied with the services, resources, and support provided by the Library.


Final Section

What programs, events, or workshops would you like to see at the Leeward CC Library?

25 responses

What do you like best about the Leeward CC Library?

34 responses

What can be improved at the Leeward CC Library?

25 responses


41 responses



43 responses


Answers marked with an asterisk (*) were entered as an "Other" answer by a survey respondent, for those questions that offered that option.

June 4, 2020