Kinetic and Potential Energy
last updated June 16, 2002

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The objective of this lab is to

N otes on Chapter 7 B
pp 69 - 72 of your lab book

Potential energy is not immediately useful. In order to get energy that is useful, we need to convert potential energy into kinetic energy. If you held a ball at a height h above the ground and then let go of it, you would see the ball drop. The ball, which had no velocity at the moment you let go, has velocity when it reaches the ground. So initially the ball has no kinetic energy. When it hits the ground it now has kinetic energy. Did the energy come from nowhere? Of course not! The kinetic energy came from the potential energy the ball had when it was at height h.

Conservation of energy: the total energy of a system before = the total energy of a system after
Total energy = potential energy + kinetic energy  

The conservation of energy tells you how much potential energy got converted into kinetic energy. This conservation law is true provided no work was done. Work can be an energy loss in your system due to friction, deformations as the object collides with something else, or it can be an energy gain to your system such as wind. (But remember the total energy of the entire universe is always conserved, so although your system is losing energy, something else has to be gaining energy!)
Notice that the conservation formula has no information in it about what path the object took or what time means "before" and "after". You could look at a ball which starts at height h, goes through 12 loop-the-loops, spins around in a corkscrew, and an hour later hits the ground, and you could say "before" was at height h, and "after" was an hour later when the ball hits the ground. The conservation law would still be true! So in our lab we will use a pendulum. We will start it at height h and see what kinetic energy it has at the ground. It doesn't matter that the pendulum is swinging in an arc.!
the pendulum
In the picture above, the pendulum is released from rest at a height h. We want to measure the energy when the pendulum is at the lowest point in its swing, which we will say is ground (height = 0 meters). Our conservation law is:
mgh i + 1/2 mvi2 = mghf + 1/2 mv f 2
mgh + 1/2 m(0 m/s)2= mg (0 meters) + 1/2 mv2
mgh = 1/2 mv2

How do we measure the velocity of the pendulum? In order to do this, we place a ball in the path of the pendulum. The ball is of the same mass as the pendulum bob, so the pendulum will give all its kinetic energy to the ball. We can measure the velocity of the ball because the ball is a freely falling body, and we know the equations of motion for that! If we know the distance it travels before it lands and the height at which it started, then we can determine the velocity at the beginning of the path, which is the same as the velocity of the pendulum at the lowest point!

Putting all these facts together, we can come up with an equation for D, the distance the ball travels, in terms of L, the height that the ball is at relative to the floor, and h, the height of the pendulum bob. (See figure 7.4) We will derive this in class.

D2 = 4Lh 
Of course, energy is lost to friction and to the collision.  You can calculate the theoretical D from your measurements of L and h, and that calculated D will always be greater than the D which you observe.


Safety notices:
The electromagnet operates at high current. Do not touch any metal connections on the power supply while the electromagnet is on.
The electromagnet becomes hot when in use. Do not leave the magnet on for long periods of time or the wires will melt.

1. Carefully align the pendulum bob and the ball. See the figure below (front view):
2. "Stick" the pendulum bob to the electromagnet. (Let the bob droop from the magnet, don't stick it to the side)
3. Align the pendulum by measuring the distance from the string to the board. You want the pendulum to swing straight out. See the figure below:
4. Place a ball on the tee. Use a plumb line to determine the position of the ball. Mark this position on the floor with masking tape.
5. Release the pendulum by switching off the electromagnet.
6. Observe the trajectory of the ball. If the initial velocity is not exactly horizontal, repeat the alignment steps above. The velocity of the ball should be horizontal at the start of the trajectory, as shown:
7. Bad alignment leads to bad results. Be sure to align properly or you will be frustrated later on.
8. Tape down some white paper where you saw the ball land in your practice run. On top of the white paper, place carbon paper.
9. Now launch the pendulum 5 times in a row.
10. Record the distance from your five marks on your paper to the masking tape from step 4. Cross out the marks after you are done to ensure that you will not confuse them with the next set of marks.
11. Repeat the experiment for the other two heights provided on the board.
12. Using your average distance and the height from your data, plot average distance squared versus the height.
13. Using your height and length from your data, calculate the distance with no energy losses, and plot this theoretical distance squared versus height on the same graph.

Energy losses:
1. Find the energy loss due to friction by measuring the difference between the starting angle and the angle after one period. Do all three heights.
2. Find the energy loss due to inelastic collisions by using the double pendulum. Record the starting angle of one pendulum, allow it to collide with the second pendulum, and record the final angle of the second pendulum
3. Use equation (7.17) on pg 71 to get the energy loss.

Height 1 = _____________+/- _______
Height 2 = _____________+/- _______
Height 3 = _____________+/- _______
Length from the top of the tee to the floor (L) = _____________+/- _______

Height 1:
Distance Measured
(    )
Height 2:
Distance Measured
(     )
Height 3:
Distance Measured
(    )





average +/-SDM

Measuring Energy Loss:

Comparison of the angle of successive oscillations
Height 1:    initial angle: _________+/-______
                   final angle: _________+/- ______
Height 2:     initial angle: _________+/-______
                   final angle: _________+/- ______
Height 3:   initial angle: _________+/-______
                   final angle: _________+/- ______

Comparison of the angle in the double pendulum
Height 1:    initial angle: _________+/-______
                   final angle: _________+/- ______
Height 2:     initial angle: _________+/-______
                   final angle: _________+/- ______
Height 3:   initial angle: _________+/-______
                   final angle: _________+/- ______

1.  What factor caused the greatest loss in energy? (Friction, collision, other?)

2. In each case, where did the lost energy go? case a) friction, case b) collision.
(i.e. Did the energy go to creating sound? heat? chemical changes? deformations? etc.)

3. Can you think of any other way we have energy loss in our experiment?