Air Track
last updated July 22, 2002

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The objective of this lab is to

N otes on Chapter 6 B
pp 54 - 55 of your lab book

ait track
A multiburst image of today's apparatus (exaggerated angle)
The above photo shows multiple images taken of a cart sliding down an air track. The images were taken 1/30 seconds apart and combined. You can clearly see that there is an acceleration because the distance travelled by the cart in the 1/30 second interval changes with time. If you wanted to find the acceleration of this cart, you would plot the distance travelled by the cart as a function of time. The resultant graph could be fitted to the quadratic equation s = v 0xt + 1/2 ax t2.

But since we don't all have digital cameras, we will use another method to keep track of the position of the cart versus time.  We will use an electronic timer which will give a spark every 0.1 seconds.  Whenever there is a spark, a circular burn will show on a white tape which we will attach to the air track.

To accelerate the cart, you will tilt the track. Theoretically, the acceleration is:
ax = g sin theta
(where theta is the angle to which you are raising the track). Since we will find the acceleration of the cart, ax, experimentally, we can find the value g, the gravitational acceleration from our data.

In the previous term, students were not able to find the gravitational acceleration g to within tolerance. Rather than complaining about the equipment, let's view this as the excellent learning opportunity it is! Let's discuss the uncertainties in our measurements:

1) Is there a systematic error in the equipment? (Is there anything you can think of that would consistently decrease or increase the acceleration of the cart?)

2) What is the limiting factor? (This is the value with the largest fractional uncertainty).  Can you make this smaller to decrease the uncertainty?

3) The timer used to generate the sparks may be inaccurate. The timing mechanism is an analog circuit rather than a more reliable quartz-based digital circuit. Can you think of a way to determine whether or not this timing mechanism is accurate or not?


Safety notice: The spark timer operates at high voltage. Do not touch any metal part of the apparatus when the red button is pressed.

  1. Turn on the air source attached to the air track.
  2. Balance the air track by adjusting the wing nuts under the stand.  To balance the track:
    1. Set the cart moving at a very slow speed.
    2. If the cart slows down and turns in the other direction, increase the height of the side which the cart is now going.
    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the cart stops turning around.
    4. Set the cart moving slowly in the opposite direction.
    5. If the cart turns around, decrease the height.
    6. Repeat steps 1-5 until the cart does not turn around. (It may slow to a stop, but that is okay as long as it doesn't reverse directions).
  3. Affix the spark tape on the air track. There is a groove for this purpose.
  4. Place a metal bar under one end of the track.
  5. Release the cart from that end of the track.
  6. When the person releasing the cart is clear of the track, press and hold the red button to start the sparks. At the same time, click the stopwatch to start the time.
  7. Release the red button before you get to the end of the track. At the same time, click on the stopwatch to stop measuring the time. You do not want to include any collisions or bouncing in your data.
  8. Record the position of the cart as a functon of time in your data. (Important: the position is measured from the first dot; it is not a measurement of the position between dots).
  9. Plot a graph of position versus time in GA. (Do not leave before you complete this step! You cannot do this kind of fitting on Excel or other spreadsheet program.) See the instructions below to do a curve fit.
  10. You should plug into the automatic curve fit dialog box: v*x + 0.5*a*x^2. (The y on your graph represents the distance s in the notes, the x on your graph represents time).

Instructions for GA (save this! You will do this many times):

Data: (you may not need all of these rows)
height you have raised the track (measure the metal bar with a caliper): _________________+/-__________
length of the track: _______________________+/- ___________
(          )

Position from first dot
(          )
+/- ______




































Show your calculation of theta .
Show your calculation of g.
Show your graph of position versus time. Include error bars, units, titles, and no connecting lines.
Justify your choice of error in the position, height, and length.
Calculate the error in g.
Compare g to the theoretical g.
Questions assigned:
1. Why might the experimental value of g be different from the theoretical one? What was the limiting factor in the accuracy of our experiment?

2. Do you think that the multiburst photo method described in the notes would provide a more accurate measurement of g? Why or why not?