Spring of Air
last updated June 30, 2002

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The objectives of this lab are to

N otes on Chapter 11
pp 115 - 120 of your lab book

It is important to understand the simple spring system discussed in your lecture and in the Natural Oscillations lab. Many physical systems can be modeled by using either the simple spring system or by combinations of simple springs. The spring model is used in everything from inelastic collisions to vibrations in solid crystals. In our lab, we are going to discuss the very complicated behavior of air in a jar by making a simple spring model; by assuming that the complex interactions between the molecules in the jar can be simplified to a single simple spring. (The air is the spring. We will drop a mass into the jar; that is the "mass on the spring") If we do this our analysis is simple.

You already know how to measure the period of a spring. You also know how to get the frequency of oscillations from the period (f = 1/T). We are assuming that the frequency of the oscillations still obeys the equation:
natural freq
The compressibility of a fluid (how much you can compress a fluid per unit of pressure) can be found by a quantity called the bulk modulus. Actually, compressibility = 1 / Bulk modulus. (When I say fluid, I mean the physics definition of fluid, which includes gasses such as air. This quantity is related to the value k in the equation above by the formula:
k = A 2B/V
where B = Bulk modulus, A = cross sectional area, V = volume of the fluid. We will discuss briefly how this was derived in class.

We will also find the ratio of heat capacities Cp/Cv , the heat capacity at constant pressure / the heat capacity at constant volume. I do not believe that this quantity is discussed in your lecture, in either the 151 or the 170 class. Refer to Appendix 11A if you wish to know about this quantity. Ordinarily this is left to a thermodynamics class (Physics 430!). With that in mind, I will not stress this at all, nor will I quiz you on this concept.

The ratio of heat capacities is given by the equation:

ratio of heat capacity = Bulk modulus / Pressure

  1. Record, from the labels on your jar, the mass of the ball, the volume of the jar, the radius of the tube, and the height of the tube.
  2. Measure the period by measuring the time for one oscillation. Do this by starting the timer when you drop the ball. Stop the timer when the ball returns and begins to drop again.
  3. Do five trials of this, and get the average period. (The period is less than one second, so you will need to try this a few times before recording any data.
  4. From this period, get the natural frequency (f = 1/T).
  5. Calculate the adiabatic bulk modulus from the frequency
  6. Calculate the heat capacity ratio from the bulk modulus and the pressure in the room. (Don't use the barometer. It is just too silly to operate, and I don't want to waste class time trying to explain how to use it. Also, I've heard that it is not as accurate as it claims it is. Please assume 1 atm or 101.3 kPa standard pressure.)
  7. Measure the height that the ball drops on the first oscillation.
  8. Repeat step 6 five times and get the average height.
  9. Again get the bulk modulus and the heat capacity ratio, this time using energy considerations.


Mass of the ball: _______
Volume of the jar: _______
radius of the tube: ________
height of the tube: ________
Pressure in the room: 101.3 kPa
Volume of the jar and tube: _________
Pressure of the room + pressure due to the weight of the ball (P = Force/Area): _________

Table I: Dynamic Method, Determining the natural frequency of an air spring

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Average period:

Bulk modulus = ___________+/- ________
heat capacity ratio = _________+/-_______

Table 2: Static Method, Determining the height the ball drops:

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Average height:

Bulk modulus = _____________+/-________
heat capacity ratio = ___________+/-_______

Assignments: Questions assigned:
1. What is the natural frequency of your "spring of air"?

2. Which method, static or dynamic, yields the more precise measurement of B? What was the limiting factor in each case? Explain.