Driven Oscillations Pre-lab Exercise
last updated Nov. 3, 2002

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Run the applet  

Instructions for the applet: 

The applet given is a simulation of a linear driven damped oscillator.  The heavy line connecting the motor and the blue ball is a bungee cord or a spring.  The blue ball is a mass on the spring.  The natural frequency of the system has been calculated for you (sqrt(k/m)).  The ball is moving in water whose resistive force we can alter using the appropriate text box below the graph.  (Perhaps we are adding gelatin to it or something.)  The water acts like a damping force on the spring system.  The motor shakes the spring at a frequency given by the appropriate text box below the graph. 

**Important note: although the spring system is "vertical", the force of gravity has NOT been added to the simulation.**

spring test applet

The applet plots the position versus time of the blue ball. The output is a sine wave. In the questions below you will be asked to find the amplitude of the sine wave for various driving frequencies.


Make two graphs: (note that they are not supposed to be symmetric)
Submit the plots of Amplitude versus frequency (Graph 1 and Graph2).