Dr. Depeng Li has been working as Associate Professor in department of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS) at University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) since 2018. He joined ICS at UHM as Assistant Professor in 2013. He received his BS degree and his Master Degree in computer science from Shandong University, Jinan, China. He obtained his Ph.D. in computer science from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada at 2010. After then he was a Post-Doc working for joint Security Project of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and Masdar Institute, UAE. Dr. Li also has industry R&D experience: at 2019, he had been appointed a short term consultant position to the staff of the World Bank. From 2008-2010, he had been worked in Microsoft Corp. Redmond, USA, focusing on security analyses for Windows ecosystem including components such as IPsec, Firewall and IPv6 tunneling technology. He also participated in development and releasing of Windows 7 and Windows server 2008R2. Prior to joining Microsoft, he had been worked in Research In Motion (RIM, now Blackberry) developing blackberry smartphones on blackberry security platform.
Dr. Li's research interests are mainly in information, cyber and physical security, with an emphasis on applied cryptography. His research projects span across areas, mainly in security, privacy, and safety for Internet of Things as well as related applications such as healthcare/medical privacy, aviation safety, and energy saving solutions. Depeng Li's prior research focused on enhancing security, privacy, and performance of smart grids, self-organized mobile ad-hoc networks, and so on. He has served as the guest editor for some famous journals and he has also been invited to give a number of research talks in US, Canada and Asia.