Foreword to La‘ieikawai

S.N. Hale‘ole / 1863

The editor announces with great joy the printing of this book, the first child of an undertaking to enrich the Hawaiian people with a book of great interest. Previously we have acquired school books on many subjects; many, many books have been provided to instruct us in right and wrong; but this is the first book printed for the people of Hawai‘i in the delightfully educational form of the Ka‘ao, concerning ancient matters of this native nation, in order to prevent the loss of its fascinating traditions. Let us show in fine language the words and deeds of a certain beautiful and greatly loved daughter of Hawai‘i, so that the aloha of the people of Hawai‘i for their ancestors and their homeland may live on forever.

Take, then, this little book, and show by how you receive it, by reading and indeed treasuring and caring for it, show your strong desire for the knowledge of Hawai‘i and your everlasting readiness to uphold it, so that it may stand forever.

It was a huge undertaking by the editor to provide us with a book for our reading pleasure, when we aren’t working in our daily lives; as the editor was preparing to print this book for this nation, he relied on the generous help of all the friends of learning in these islands; and this thought alone strengthened him to persevere with confidence to work through all the difficulties that hindered him. Now, for the first time, a book for times of leisure, like the books the haole have, is given to the nation of Hawai‘i – a book to nourish our many thoughts with knowledge and wisdom. Let us all join in the care and advancement of this little book which is a foundation to bring forth new books of this nation in its own language – ka ‘olelo Hawai‘i.

And, so, to all friends of learning and citizens of Hawai‘i from the rising to the setting sun, behold Kawahineokali‘ula – the Woman-of-the-Twilight! She comes before you with aloha, and it is pono to welcome her warmly, with the precious love of the heart of Hawai‘i. Aloha no!